How to move to another city: 5 basic rules of moving, the most common reasons for the move. How to organize the movement of things when moving? Paperwork when moving, organizing a new place of residence

How to move to another city: 5 basic rules of moving, the most common reasons for the move. How to organize the movement of things when moving? Paperwork when moving, organizing a new place of residence

When moving, it is important to consider all the nuances. It is about them that we will tell in the article.

Various life circumstances form in us the desire to move to another city. The more you think about the reality of such an act, the more you want to realize this idea. Everyone hopes that changing their place of residence will help improve quality and lifestyle. In order to properly organize a move, you need to make a lot of effort. Careful preparation will help to avoid difficult situations.

How to move to another city: 5 basic rules for moving

The more stable the position of a person in society, at work and in the family, the more difficult it is to decide on radical changes. To avoid remorse and discard all doubts, it is necessary to set priorities and adhere to a certain plan. Follow a specific goal - career growth, improvement of the natural environment, a new family, etc. Start living with thoughts about a new beautiful future.

The rules are important
The rules are important

Before proceeding with the preparation of the organization of moving, you need to think about the most important things:

  1. The reason for your move. What prompted you to the thought of moving? Are there any reasons or just a crazy adventurous idea? Think about the meaning of your act.
  2. The purpose of the move.Why are you ready to go to radical changes? What will change in your new future life? What drives you - finances, work, family, quality of life, culture, etc.
  3. Place of residence. Do not run "where your eyes look." You should have a clear understanding where to go. Another city, country, moving from a village to a metropolis or vice versa. Specify a new place of residence.
  4. Time of move. It is necessary to clearly decide on the right time time. Doubts about the optimal period will postpone your intentions for an indefinite period.
  5. Moving plan.Formulate a specific move plan. This will give you a clear understanding of your capabilities and problems that require solution.

Thinking on the main points will give you a clear understanding that, with the correct organization, the move is quite real. You will cease to be afraid of difficulties and begin to complete the task with more confidence. Despite a large amount of trouble, the process of changing their place of residence should bring you pleasure, and not turn into a terrible move.

The most common reasons for moving

There are several common reasons for moving. Each of them requires detailed consideration and comprehension.

If in all areas of life you are haunted by failures, then you should think about the main source of your problems.

  • Low -paid work and unfriendly team. It is necessary to soberly evaluate your professional capabilities. Do you fulfill your duties in good faith? Do you like your job? Perhaps you should change your profession or improve your qualifications. The reason for the lack of normal relations with colleagues may be your ignorance. Work on your communicative abilities.
  • Disassembled relationships in the family.Does your spouse saw you every day? Children show disobedience? Think about how well you fulfill marital duties. Do you pay due attention to your children. The reason for your family troubles can be you yourself.
  • Adverse environmental conditions. Before blaming the ecology and climate in the deterioration of your health, analyze your own lifestyle. What really interferes with your health-external factors and your pernicious habits.
There are several reasons for moving
There are several reasons for moving

If you yourself are the source of your problems, then first adjust your lifestyle. Self -education, hard work and patience to change your life for the better, and the thought of moving will lose its relevance.

You must understand that your failures in professional activities can only increase in another city. You can’t be completely sure that new prospects are waiting for you there. Try to realize all your capabilities in your hometown. And only, provided that all interesting resources for your own growth are exhausted, you can try to realize yourself in another city. It is easier to start a new job after achieving certain heights. Having an interesting and useful experience, the probability of finding interesting work is much higher.

If you are invited to work under a contract, then you need to soberly evaluate your capabilities. You must meet the criteria of the employer. Otherwise, it is likely that you will not suit and will be left without work. The behavior of the new employee must comply with new conditions. Your task is to establish contact with the new team and make new useful acquaintances.

You have a great opportunity to start living again. Leave all failures, misconduct and gossip in the past. You can try to make a good impression. Get rid of addictions and reach new heights.

Certain difficulties await people of a creative profession. In another city, your talent may not be accepted by others. You need to be prepared for the fact that in a new environment you will have to change professional activities or change the circle of your interests. You need to be a strong self -sufficient personality in order to go to your goal against all circumstances. It is very important to go through your life, listening to your own desires and dreams. To be able to correctly manage your life is a whole science.

It is important to part with the comfort zone
It is important to part with the comfort zone

In order to decide on the move, it is necessary to part with your comfort zone. Leave the usual circle of friends, your favorite work, acquaintance, etc. Therefore, think about it again, perhaps you should attempt to action in the old place. To start a new life, having secured the support of relatives and friends, is much easier.

If you weighed all the pros and cons and still decided to move from one city to another, then you have to do a hard work. Let's try to lay out the algorithm of your actions on the shelves.

How to organize the movement of things when moving?

In order not to lose sight of anything, it is necessary to make a list of transported things and the plan of your actions. You should have a notebook at hand, in which everything will be displayed to the last little thing. Even if you make a list on a computer or gadget, it must be printed. In the upcoming turmoil, it will be easier for you to complement and adjust it.

In your notebook, it is necessary to reflect several main points:

  • It is necessary to separate things. You will transport some. Others instruct you to transport hired vehicles. For your convenience, pack everything in boxes. Each box needs to be signed and numbered. Marking will simplify the unpacking of things in a new place.
  • In a notebook, display the entire list of thingsAccording to the box number. So it will be easier for you to find the right thing.
  • Some of the things must be sold. From things that are difficult to transport or you will not need more, you need to get rid of. The most rational way is to sell. If you doubt that you need to sell, then get rid of things that have never been used over the past year. For the proceeds, you can purchase primary necessity.
  • Set up with seasonal things in a separate box. They may be needed in the process of moving.
  • Make a list of things and productswhich should be with you in transport.
Transportation of things
Transportation of things

Before starting the movement of things, it is necessary to calculate the amount of costs for tickets, transportation, movers, etc. The services of a transport company will cost a lot, so it is necessary to postpone a pre -calculated amount. Your phone should have all the necessary contacts and addresses. An excellent assistant for movements in an unfamiliar area will be a navigator.

Paperwork when moving

  • Immediately before leaving, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents for each family member.

Important: from the clinic it is necessary to pick up medical cards. School children need to take documents from school, including a medical sheet with vaccinations.

  • Such issues are resolved a few days before leaving, so you need to plan these events in advance. You need to exclude force majeure circumstances-the absence of a director or an incorrect doctor's schedule.
  • Some organizational issues in the new city are related to medical institutions - inspection during employment, registration of certificates for replacing rights, etc. In order to simplify your life, some of these issues can be resolved in advance in your hometown.

Organization of a new place of residence

The issue of housing in a new place can be solved in two ways - buying a new apartment or renting rental housing. Each of the options has its pros and cons.

  • Buying a new apartment binds you to a new place. A long process with documentary design adds new troubles. And there are more than enough of them in connection with the move.
  • If you need to sell housing at the old place of residence to buy an apartment, then you deprive yourself of a spare option - returning to your native lands.
  • Removing housing at the initial stage is a more appropriate option. But it must be taken into account that due to the lack of registration in the new city, concomitant problems may arise.
  • If you stop on the option of selling and buying an apartment, then you need to think over and organize this process in advance. Documentation will take a certain time and require considerable labor costs.
  • When choosing housing in a new city, it is necessary to take into account several important points.
  • A great advantage, especially at the initial stage, will be the location of the apartment near work, school, kindergarten. This will significantly save your time, money and nerves. When you study the new area, this issue can be reviewed.
New place
New place

The possibility of temporary registration is greatly simplified by your life. Do not miss a similar opportunity. When applying for a job or an educational institution, the issue of registration will necessarily become.

When renting housing, it is necessary to conclude an agreement in which the full composition of the family will be entered. Such an agreement makes it possible to get a certificate of family composition in a special authorized institution. The certificate simplifies the process of registering children to school or kindergarten.

If you still have a question - how to move to another city, then be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Visit the city you want to move to. Choose a prosperous area. Feel the location of the institutions necessary in everyday life.
  • Find good work in advance. This will give you confidence in the future.
  • Solve the issue with housing. Temporary housing is better than nothing.
  • Plan your budget for the first time. Provide a small supply and enlist the financial support of loved ones.
  • Love the process of moving. Bring only positive emotions to the new city and new housing.
  • Decide in which composition you will move. You can start moving on your own, to equip everything, and only then transport your family.

Having made a move, having issued all the necessary documents, having resolved the issue of work and educational institutions, you may defeat a new problem. Nostalgia behind the hometown, longing for friends and relatives. These emotions overcome each normal person, but, as a rule, are temporary. Adhere to the saying: “What is not done, everything is for the better!”

Video: How to move to another city?

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  1. She transported her parents to her Peter from Novosibirsk. I contacted the TC "Magistral Transfigures in Russia", as they guarantee safety. After loading, they put the seal on the car, which even reassured my parents (you understand how older people worry in such situations)

  2. The intercity move is a very crucial moment, which needs to be prepared in advance, you need to correctly pack all the things, sign the boxes so that in the future there are no problems with the search for things, you also need to correctly determine the machine, so as not to overpay for transportation, also a very important point, also a very important point. You need to decide on the choice of a transport company, you need to read reviews on the Internet, read the contract and get acquainted with it.

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