At what time is it better to take calcium and iron, before meals or after?

At what time is it better to take calcium and iron, before meals or after?

In order for vitamins, minerals and food supplements to be the most useful for the body, you need to take them during those hours that doctors and pharmacists have experimentally calculated.

A nutritionist can also tell you how, what, and when it is best to replenish the body with calcium and iron - these vital components for its normal functioning.

What time of day is it better to take iron?

  • The iron is strengthened and supported the immune system. After all, why does it happen that a person who feels weak, dizziness and constant fatigue, doctors take out his “verdict”: in the blood is low hemoglobin? Yes, because the body on time and in sufficient doses was not replenished with iron, which is the main component of hemoglobin.
  • On the question of when it is better to take iron in the morning or in the evening, we answer: drugs or vitamins with iron content must be taken in the morning, before breakfast. Tea or coffee are not the drinks that can drink a tablet with iron, since caffeine and tannin will impede its absorption.
  • And along with calcium, do not take iron either, because this mineral will also complicate the process of absorption.

Advice! Use apples regularly - this healthy fruit is rich in iron.

Useful temporary memo
Useful temporary memo
With what to take iron for better digestibility
With what to take iron for better digestibility

Video: What is impossible when taking iron?

What time is it better to take calcium?

  • The human body cannot exist without calcium, since the bones and teeth are built precisely on its basis. This mineral also participates in the functioning of muscles and helps nervous impulses.
  • In the question of when it is better to take calcium in the morning or evening, pharmacists recommend replenishing their body with calcium in the evening, and be sure to eat - then it will become well absorbed.

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