What time of the day, before eating or after eating, it is better to drink vitamins: a doctor's advice

What time of the day, before eating or after eating, it is better to drink vitamins: a doctor's advice

How to drink vitamins correctly: before or after eating?

Vitamins are the necessary substances that participate in the chemical reactions of the body. Thanks to their decent content, it is possible to restore the organs, to contribute to their normal work. In this article we will tell you when it is necessary to take vitamins.

How to drink vitamins before meals and after?

In general, now there are many vitamins on the shelves that differ in composition, as well as digestibility. Unfortunately, not all vitamins can be taken at the same time. That is why some companies resorted to cunning marketing and developed vitamins that should be taken more than once a day, but three times. Thus, manufacturers simply divided and offer to take various vitamins at different times of the day, that is, in the morning at lunch and evening.

You need to drink vitamins before meals and after:

  • As practice shows, this experience and approach are very correct, since indeed some of the vitamins are absorbed poorly in the evening, but at the same time well enough on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach.
  • In general, it is necessary to take into account the composition, and whether vitamins in the complex are located. Almost all multivitamin preparations are recommended with food. This is due to the fact that when passing food, mixing it with vitamins, it is absorbed in the small intestine for a long time.
  • Thus, vitamins arrive in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, which allows them to be completely absorbed. Therefore, try to take all multivitamin complexes while eating, and it is advisable to do this in the morning or for lunch. Do not put off the intake of vitamins for the evening. As for the monoperesia, that is, individual vitamins, there are certain principles for their reception.
Tablet drugs
Tablet drugs

Why do vitamins drink during food?

The fat -soluble can be attributed to A, K, E. All these products are better absorbed if they enter the stomach along with fats. It is best if they are of plant origin.

Why do vitamins drink during food:

  • Therefore, the ideal option will be the intake of vitamins with a salad, seasoned with olive oil or dairy products. That is, you can safely drink vitamins with kefir and fermented or fat milk.
  • There are a number of water -soluble vitamins, which, unlike the former, must be washed exclusively with water. It is recommended to take them not during food, but before or after.
  • Doctors recommend taking such vitamins 40 minutes after eating, or 2 hours before the meal. Thus, vitamins are not mixed with food, and will not enter the gastrointestinal tract mixed with food. This will allow them to be better absorbed and absorb.
Useful vitamins
Useful vitamins

How to take vitamins before or after eating?

There are also vitamins that should be taken separately from all other types. Among them, hyaluronic acid should be noted. It is best to take it 40 minutes before eating, and early in the morning, on an empty stomach. This acid is really better absorbed if the intestines are completely empty and clean. This usually happens early in the morning or after long breaks in meals.

You need to take vitamins before or after eating:

  • There are vitamins that are designed to improve digestion. Basically, they include bitter herbs. It is desirable to take them 40 minutes before meals.
  • It is worth noting that they stimulate the secretion of gastric intestinal juice, therefore it is for this purpose that it is necessary to take medicines 40 minutes before the meal.
  • However, there are a number of drugs that are best taken after eating. Typically, a break is taken about 2 hours. The minimum that you should adhere to if you accept, for example, fish oil or omega 3 acids, is about one hour.
  • It is best to take these vitamins 1 hour before or after eating. In addition, it is worth considering that omega-3 acids are well absorbed with food, which contains a decent amount of fat.
  • That is why such drugs can be taken along with fatty foods. The ideal option will be milk or kefir, but if they are not low -fat.

Please note that magnesium preparations can cause diarrhea, respectively, it is best to drink with the largest meal to reduce the side effect.

Fat -soluble drugs
Fat -soluble drugs

When to drink vitamins: before meals or after?

Calcium preparations are best taken in the evening. This is due to the fact that they provoke muscle smoothing, as well as a decrease in activity. That is why calcium preparations should not be taken in the first half of the day. As for antioxidants such as lipoic acid, it must be consumed early in the morning. You can also take between interruptions in food. However, it is best to do this on an empty stomach.

When to drink vitamins, before eating or after:

  • If you take vitamins that increase the brain, Designed for the mind and activation of metabolic processes, it is best to do this early in the morning, not necessarily on an empty stomach, adhering to the instructions. However, it is best to take them in the morning.
  • Vitamins that contain enzymes accelerate metabolism. It is best to take it for lunch, along with the largest meal. This is due to the fact that a large number of minerals and trace elements can in different ways affect the body, provoking nausea, diarrhea or drowsiness. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken in the first half, at lunchtime.
  • As for the vitamins of group B and C, then they dissolve in water, so it is best to drink them before you have breakfast. That is also in the morning, you can do this on an empty stomach. Together with them, in no case should you take fatty food, as it can slow down the absorption of drugs.
  • Try to take vitamins correctly, according to the instructions that are attached to the drug. In no case should you exceed the doses, especially complexes that contain a large amount of vitamin A, D, E and K.
  • These drugs are dissolved exclusively in fat, with a large amount in the body, they accumulate in the liver, as well as in adipose tissue. This can cause poisoning and occurrence of chronic ailments and diseases.
  • But this does not mean that vitamins of group B and C can be taken in unlimited quantities.The fact is that these drugs are although water -soluble, if the amount is exceeded, they not only do not improve their absorption, but worsens. They are excreted from the body in a constant state, and are practically not absorbed in the small intestine.
Useful means
Useful means

To make the drug effective, adhere to the instructions for the reception. Take a large number of water -soluble vitamins at least irrational, and throws your money away.

Video: How to take vitamins correctly?

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Comments K. article

  1. I think that all these chips with separate reception are marketing code. I usually buy cheap ribs or a hexite.

  2. I also want to buy vitamins for myself and my family, at the present time the immunity should be strong!

  3. Everything is correctly thinking, immunity must be strengthened! Eat vegetables and fruits every day, drink water, play sports! I also accept vitamins and buy the whole family. Now we have switched to loafers with Vitamins Naturino and are very happy with them. Their composition is beautiful, tasty and are very inexpensive.

  4. Natalia, that's right, immunity must be strengthened! Especially in the current realities! I bought pastiles with Vitamin Naturino for the whole family and we accept them every day. Great composition, affordable price- everything you need)) well, we don’t forget about sports and food, also an important component of our health)

  5. In my opinion, there is no correct answer to the question of how to take vitamins. It all depends on the means, assimilation and needs of a person in useful substances. I’m drinking an antioxidant formula from Evalar, there are already 22 vitamins+minerals and amino acids. By time and dosage, following the instructions that were inside the package.

  6. It seems to me more correctly for food a couple of times a day. So the assimilation will be good. So I accept the Lady's formula more than polyvitamins. She rarely became sick, in a way, everything came in order, hormones are normal. The composition is very good-handed herbs and even zinc for immunity. Such a complex still needs to be looked for))

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