When to take warfarin in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after eating? How to take warfarin under coronavirus?

When to take warfarin in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after eating? How to take warfarin under coronavirus?

Features of the intake of warfarin.

Warfarin is a drug that is used to thin the blood, and reduce its viscosity. In this article we will tell you at what time and how to take warfarin.

Warfarin in coronavirus, how to take?

This is a drug that is often used in people with a high risk of thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes. Therefore, it is most often prescribed for diseases of the blood provoked by its excessive viscosity. Recently, warfarin is also used to reduce blood viscosity in the treatment of coronavirus. Scientists have proven that coronavirus helps to increase blood viscosity, also stimulates blood clots. Most of the severe patients die due to thrombosis of the lungs, heart, kidneys and other vital organs. Warfarin must be taken in a strict dosage, which is prescribed by a doctor, after a blood test. It is impossible to change the dosage independently, since the drug can cause serious consequences, even death. Take in the evening, at the same time. 

Warfarin at coronavirus, how to accept:

  • Initially, practically nothing was known about coronavirus. However, later it turned out that increased blood coagulation increases the amount of blood clots in the lungs and reduces the efficiency of the Ivl. After all, most of the cells in thrombi, and patients died. Therefore, anticoagulation drugs that prevented the occurrence of blood clots were also included in the coronavirus treatment protocols.
  • One of these drugs is warfarin. This drug is prescribed only in a medical institution, patients with increased probability of blood clots. Before prescribing the drug, a diagnosis is carried out, during which the level of oxygen in the blood is measured, the lungs are audition, and the respiratory system is carried out. If a predisposition to the formation of blood clots on the background of coronavirus is found, warfarin is prescribed.
  • With coronavirus, the product is accepted at the same time, one -time. That is, every day, with a frequency of 24 hours. The dosage is primaryly 2.5-5 mg per day. Further, the concentration is determined using the coagulogram. In the acute period, warfarin is often combined with heparin to maximize the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Take warfarin in the morning or in the evening?

The drug is recommended to be taken in the evening. This is due to the fact that the medicine works best if you observe long breaks between meals. In the evening, the last meal is carried out, the rest of the time is a person in a dream, and the drug will work better. However, it is allowed to take on an empty stomach, early in the morning. 

Take warfarin in the morning or in the evening:

  • But therapists recommend the use of medicine in the evening. Moreover, it is advisable to separate the meal, and the use of the drug. Some of the types of food can weaken, or vice versa, enhance the effect of warfarin. Since this medicine blocks the absorption of vitamin K, and acts through it, it is not recommended to use a large amount of leaf salad, parsley, cabbage during the use of warfarin. 
  • It is such food that increases the concentration of vitamin K, and reduces the effect of the drug. But there are products that increase the effectiveness of treatment, one of them is cranberries. The use of these berries, or juice, along with warfarin, reduces blood viscosity, making it more fluid, thereby increasing the likelihood of bleeding. This is especially true among women during menstruation. 

Can you take alcohol when taking warfarin?

Some therapists recommend reducing the consumption of the drug during this period to avoid uterine bleeding.

When taking warfarin, you can take alcohol:

  • Warfarin should not be combined with alcohol. In most cases, alcohol weakens the effect of many drugs, but not warfarin. Ethanol stimulates blood circulation, thereby increasing blood fluidity. Therefore, the simultaneous intake of warfarin and alcohol increases blood fluidity, the effect of the drug intensifies. 
  • Experts prohibit the use of warfarin and alcohol at the same time. It is impossible to divide their reception in the time of day, since warfarin has a funded effect, and its concentration in the body does not decrease for several days or even weeks. In order for warfarin to end, it is necessary to wait a few days. 
  • Even a small amount of ethyl alcohol enhances the effect of the drug, significantly reducing blood viscosity. With severe alcohol intoxication, a violation of coordination of movements, increasing the risk of injury is possible. Even if a person falls and receives minor injuries, this can cause significant damage to health and even life, due to reduced blood coagulation. 
  • A small scratch, or skin damage, can cause serious bleeding. With the simultaneous consumption of warfarin and alcohol, the risk of ulcerative bleeding in the stomach, or 12-perimal intestine increases significantly. Therefore, people who suffer from these ailments need to completely eliminate the use of alcohol, and constantly undergo control of blood coagulation. 

How to take warfarin: before or after eating

There is no categorical ban on the joint intake of warfarin and food. But it is advisable to distinguish between Varfarin's intake with food. It is allowed to drink the drug on an empty stomach. It is advisable to withstand one hour after eating. The drug can be combined with other drugs, and take them at the same time. However, doctors recommend that control the amount of vitamin K, which enters the body in the treatment of warfarin.

How to take warfarin before or after eating:

  • Therefore, theoretically, the medicine can be taken after eating.
  • However, experts do not recommend this due to a possible increase in vitamin K.
  • Therefore, they try to share the intake of the drug and food, taking breaks 1-2 hours. 
A drug
A drug

Warfarin in coronavirus - how to take, reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who took warfarin under coronavirus.

Warfarin in coronavirus - how to take, reviews:

Hope. They appointed a reception for a while when she was treated in a hospital. I had a medium -sized state, so I lay in the hospital a little more than a week. I took the drug in the amount of 5 mg per day. They gave it to lunch, because in the evening I had procedures. They were not allowed to mix with food. I was not on the air conditioning, I only breathed with oxygen in a mask. The drug helped me, although after conducting the coagulogram there was no threat of my life, since blood viscosity was normal. As I understand it, this medicine is prescribed to everyone for prevention. Especially for those who are in the hospital.
Victor. I got to the hospital with 50% lesion of the lungs, like most, I was prescribed a number of drugs, in particular antibiotics, and drugs that thin the blood. At the same time, he took warfarin, and heparin. On the second day of reception, blood came from the nose. As I understand it, this is due to liquefaction of blood, a decrease in its viscosity. Heparin took only 4 days, and warfarin extended. The total number of days was 10. I feel normally, the cough remains, they have been discharged from the hospital for a long time, but I have not completely moved away from coronavirus. I think the drug is effective, although I don’t know if I need it or not. I do not belong to the risk group, I have no heart problems.
Oksana. The drug was prescribed during the treatment of coronavirus disease on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. I had 20% lung lesions, so I was not accepted into the hospital. The doctor at the place of residence prescribed a number of drugs, including warfarin. I took it for 2 weeks. I don’t know what it was connected with, but menstruation went for a very long time, more than two weeks. Perhaps this is somehow connected with warfarin, or with the action of coronavirus on the body.

A lot of interesting things can be found in articles:

As for other drugs, their intake is generally allowed. It is possible to reduce or increase the action of warfarin. It is proved that antibiotics significantly increase the effectiveness of warfarin. But there are drugs that reduce its effect. Before prescribing any medicine, put a family doctor or therapist informs that you are taking warfarin. This will help to choose adequate doses of warfarin, antibiotics, and anti -allergic drugs. It is proved that antihistamines reduce the effect of warfarin. Therefore, people who have allergies develop during the offseason should increase the dosage. You should not do this yourself, only as prescribed by a doctor, after taking a blood test and check it for coagulation. 

Video: When to take warfarin?

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