On what days of the cycle is it better to pass a blood test for hormones for girls and women: FSG, LG, estradiol, progesterone, estrogen. Hormones rent on an empty stomach or not?

On what days of the cycle is it better to pass a blood test for hormones for girls and women: FSG, LG, estradiol, progesterone, estrogen. Hormones rent on an empty stomach or not?

This article describes when to take hormones to women: prolactin, estrogen, FSG, LH and others.

It is no secret that many processes in the life of a woman occur according to the menstrual cycle. Even diagnostic studies are carried out based on certain days of the cycle. So a blood test for hormones must be taken on certain days to obtain more reliable information.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "12 main female hormones: name, functions in the body". You will find a description of female hormones in the male body, male hormones in the female body.

From this article you will learn what days of the cycle you need to take a blood test for female hormones. Read further.

Hormones on the 3-5th day of the cycle-FSG, LG, estradiol, prolactin: a blood test for hormones to take for girls, women and why?

Female sex hormones
Female sex hormones

According to medical data, on 3-5 days The cycle can check the level of pituitary hormones, as well as the level of antimuller hormone and estradiol, which produce ovaries. Based on the data obtained, one can evaluate the reproductive capabilities of a woman, her potential in terms of ovulation until the dominant follicle appeared and began to grow.

In the so -called block "Ovarial reserve Start" The following indicators are included:

  • Prolactin created by the pituitary gland
  • Estradiol
  • Follicle -stimulating pituitary hormone or FSH
  • Luteinizing hormone pituitary gland or LH
  • AMG or Antimuller hormone

The ovarian reserve in girls and women is understood as the functionality of the ovaries that can be determined by the ability to ripen a follicle with an egg. All women have their own reserve. All this varies from the presence of pathologies and natural causes. The reserve is able to identify the number of existing follicles available in the ovaries. Moreover, a lot depends on the age of the woman: the older the woman, the poorer her reserve opportunities.

According to data, the most important of the determining pathological factors is surgery, namely conducting surgical ovaries. All necessary examinations for the study and identification of the ovarian reserve can be carried out using data in blood and information based on ultrasound. If the data obtained are incomplete or any doubts arise, then genetic testing is prescribed, which reveals the hereditary causes of the rapid depletion of the ovaries.

  • With rare exceptions, at 3-5 days The monthly cycle should not be handed over to the ovarian androgens and progesterone.
  • Reasons: there is no yellow body yet, and the dominant follicle is better to evaluate a little later.

It is worth knowing: Regardless of what day of the cycle now, you can take an analysis for AMGanimyullers hormone.

As soon as the ovaries formed, follicles with immature eggs constantly ripen in them. Only some types of follicles can “wake up”, and subsequently fully develop. This process fully regulates the processes that occur inside the ovary. And resources or follicular reserves are called ovarian reserve or ovary reserve.

It is worth knowing:

  • As soon as the follicle reaches prendral stage, and this happens during the year, it becomes more sensitive to the gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland - FSG and LG.
  • A set of these follicles in the ovaries to 3-5 days. The menstrual cycle is quite impressive.
  • At the same time, on the seventh day of the cycle, the best follicle with the presence of qualitative characteristics is formed. It is he who is called dominant.
FSG and LH - female hormones
FSG and LH - female hormones

Therefore, these indicators in biological fluid on 3-5 days  the monthly cycle is extremely reliable. Analyzes must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, or it is necessary not to eat fatty dishes for 4 hours. In a productive form, you can find out all the information from the results and values. But in any case, only an obstetrician-gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist should interpret the results.

Important: If a woman accepts contraceptives, then blood tests are taken into account for AMG and Ultrasound - calculation of antrol follicles (AFC \u003d Antral Follicules Count).

What data can be obtained by passing the tests:

  • High -quality ovarian reserve assessment
  • Diagnosis of hyper- and hypogonadotropic conditions
  • The presence of hypothalamic ovarian dysfunction syndrome
  • The probability of obtaining a response to stimulation of ovulation, the possibility of applying the IVF method
  • The presence of polycystic ovary
  • Suspicion of tumor states
  • Pathological states of the adrenal cortex
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Assessment of therapy for the restoration of the ovarian functional reserve in case of suspicion of reducing it

Perhaps one of the most important indicators when evaluating the forecasts of the ovarian reserve are numbers estradiol. The indicators will be reliable if the study is performed during the early follicular phase together with the hormone FSG. In the absence of a decrease in the reserve, estradiol numbers will be underestimated, but the growth will begin in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and during ovulation the data will be high as high.

Another important information about hormones:

  • At the initial stage of reducing the reserve of ovary in the 1st phase of the monthly cycle, estradiol will be slightly overstated Due to the constantly growing FSG.
  • As the ovaries are further exhausted, the reaction to the pituitary stimuli also will decline.
  • Estradiol it will naturally decrease, despite the high rates LG and FSGas well as the lack of ovulation and the formation of dominant follicles.

It is worth knowing: Without a doubt, if a woman competently conducted hormonal diagnostics, then many problems with pregnancy can be identified, and subsequently, solved.

Historically, it was so that estro -agent secretion in the follicular phase is considered a single whole with a natural hormonal scheme, on which the onset of suitable conditions for pregnancy and implantation depends. Normally, the functioning of the endometrial secrets in the female body occurs after the endometrial layer is fully stimulated by estrogens.

Important: In any case, only the doctor decides on which day the cycle can be taken an analysis for certain hormones to a woman. Therefore, first you need a doctor’s consultation and only then you can go to donate blood to hormones, if necessary.

7-9 days of the cycle-which hormones can be taken: progesterone, estrogen, estradiol

Hormones analysis by cycle days
Hormones analysis by cycle days

Androgenic profile block must be taken on 7-10 days of menstruation. It is in the middle of the cycle that it is important to know how the dominant follicle works and develops, as well as determine the factors that block its work.

If the follicle operates in the right mode, then it is able to provide the following indicators:

  • Ovulation with all stable indicators.
  • The correct numbers of estradiol, which controls the maturation of the endometrial layer and the level of receptor content to progesterone.
  • Production of cervical secretion.
  • Preparation of LH receptors in granulia.

But the basis of the entire further study is digital values estradiol and testosterone in blood. It is on these two indicators that further diagnosis and adjustment of treatment depends. An ideal state is to consider the norm of estradiol corresponding to the days of the cycle and the average indicators of testosterone. Therefore, these two indicators are studied in comparison.

The main raw material, from which steroid hormones of the glands of internal secretion - ovary, placenta, adrenal cortex are subsequently formed - is cholesterol. It is from this substance that testosterone is formed in the ovaries. Subsequently, it is converted into estradiol. In other words, female sex hormones are formed inside the ovaries from cholesterol and male sex hormones.

Androgenic profile consists of such substances:

  • Estradiol
  • Cortisol
  • Testosterone is common
  • Dehydrepiapiantrosterone-sulfate or dea-sulfate
  • Androstendion
  • 17-Op or 17-On Progesterone
  • Androstensdiol - glucuronide
  • Globulin connecting sex steroids or shbg
  • Albumen

As well as some calculated indicators:

  • Bio -available testosterone from cells: testosterone and testosterone free, associated with albumin.
  • Free testosterone not related to proteins.
  • Free androgen index.

A comprehensive study conducted in the period from 7-9 days. monthly cycle, helps to identify the following data:

  • The problematic points that are caused by failures of the ovulation cycle.
  • The presence of a metabolic component.
  • The presence of polycystic, ovary hyperandrogenia.
  • Hyperandrogenia in the adrenal glands.
  • The presence of a non -classical type of adrenogenital syndrome or AGS.
  • The presence of estradiol products, which is involved in the maturation of the endometrium, the concentration in its epithelium of the receptors to progesterone and ripening of cervical mucus.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Men's sex hormones in the body in women

Men's sex hormones
Men's sex hormones

Conditionally, the male sex hormone has always been considered testosterone due to the fact that its concentration in the body of a man has always been greater. But in the female body he plays a huge role. Testosterone - raw materials for the formation of estradiol inside the ovary itself.

Important: If the doctor has prescribed an expanded study for hormonal disorders, then it is necessary to evaluate all numbers in the complex, including the testosterone indicator.

The main androgenic substance is considered precisely testosterone. In the female body, he appears in the adrenal cortex, in the ovaries and is the effectiveness of peripheral transformation.

  • Androstendion is a hormone that precedes the formation testosterone and estrone with weakened androgenic activity. It is produced in ovaries and adrenal glands.
  • Steroid, which is synthesized by adrenal glands, placenta and ovaries 17-Op-Progesterone.
  • Dehydrepiandrosterone-sulfate It is produced in the adrenal cortex, which means that he serves as the determinant of the source of hyperandrogenia.
  • Albumen and ShBG They are proteins that play the role of a link in the contact of sex hormones. They are used in case of accurate calculation of different indicators, bioavailable and free testosterone.
  • The steroid hormone of the adrenal cortex is cortisol: it is the most active of the line of glucocorticoid substances.

In the presence of enhanced hair growth in women - hirsutism, the cause can be sought not only in the increased concentration of free testosterone, but also in increased activity 5-alpha ledge In the dermal layer - a specific enzyme of hair follicles, which converts testosterone in digidotestosterone.

Activity 5-alpha caretase In the human body can be determined by analysis androstendiol-glucuronide - Substances that is able to turn androgens, the main source of which is dihydotestosterone dermis.

Surption for hormones in the second phase of the monthly cycle

Analyzes for progesterone are handed over in the second phase of the monthly cycle
Analyzes for progesterone are handed over in the second phase of the monthly cycle

After ovulation occurred and the yellow body appeared, you can observe the indicators of hormones such as progesterone and estradiol, In the 2nd phase of the monthly cycle. The fact that there is ovulation can confirm Uz-research and conduct folliculometry.

High-quality passage of the lutein phase can be determined if you analyze the indicators of biological fluid in the 2nd phase of the monthly cycle. It’s just to find out by those processes that occurred at the time of the first phase. In the presence of good ovulation, one can judge the formation of a high -quality yellow body. Moreover, it can produced in sufficient quantities progesterone.

It is worth noting: In the 2nd phase of the cycle, you can observe high-quality ovulation and identify the lack of lutein phase.


  • During this period of time, you should not do the analysis of indicators androgenovas well as on FSG and LG.

Progesterone and estradiol in the 2nd phase can be traced to test functionality, and not in the sense of identifying quantitative indicators. At the moment, it is necessary to observe the physiology of the endometrium, the activity of receptors to the estradiol, progesterone inside the endometrial layer.

  • The receptors to progesterone include substances that are formed in the 1st phase of the cycle under the influence of estradiol.
  • It is also capable of synthesizing androgens receptors and its receptors.
  • Treatment of progesterone can be ineffective due to the lack of receptor generation to this substance, or due to the reduced sensitivity of the endometrial layer to this hormone.
  • A similar situation appears in the case of hormonal dysfunction, competition of substances for receptors, inflammation in the layer inside the uterus.

With an insufficient number of receptors, the treatment of progesterone should not be carried out. Excess progestins leads to the failure of blastocysts to the reception due to excessive depression of the synthesis of progesterone receptors.

As a result of all of the above, it is better to start therapy in the 2nd phase with a detailed examination of hormones and adjust the processes occurring in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle.

Hormones rent on an empty stomach or not?

In the 2nd phase of the monthly cycle, testing on hormones surrender on an empty stomach in the morning, you can also pass if food is not more than four hours. At the same time, it is worth remembering that during the last meal, it is worth doing without eating fatty and high -calorie products.

It is worth knowing: The study of the results is carried out by gynecologists and endocrinologists.

Doctors have long developed a treatment for hormonal deviations, therefore, with the slightest problems with female health, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist for the necessary consultation. Good luck!

Video: How to take an analysis for hormones? How to take tests for sex hormones?

Video: Hormones tests - which hormones should be taken by the days of the cycle?

Video: hormones. What are the tests to take in the first place? How to start examination?

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  1. By the way, I had a small failure .... But in principle, everything is clear and quite obvious here .... It was before menopause. On the advice of a doctor, the Lady's formula began to take more than polyvitamins. This is the prevention of poor well -being and, moreover, a general strengthening effect for the whole organism. Even immunity comes in order, since in vitamins D and C.

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