What is needed for entering the cadet school for boys: conditions of receipt, benefits, age, documents, the best corps, cost, special recommendations for admission

What is needed for entering the cadet school for boys: conditions of receipt, benefits, age, documents, the best corps, cost, special recommendations for admission

If you decide to send the child to military service, you need to start with the cadet school. You can find out about all the subtleties of admission from the article.

Education at a cadet school - This is not just prestige and tribute. A military educational institution helps to develop a child's feeling of courage, patriotism and responsibility for decisions made. It forms a strong and hardy nature, teaches discipline and rules of behavior in society, and also prepares for the plan for the implementation of a military career in the future.

What is needed for admission to a cadet school?

Parents who want to send their child to study at the cadet corps. prepare a child for admission to a cadet school, take into account all the required conditions to the candidates, as well as collect a number of necessary documents for passing. In addition to basic requirements, each individual institution may have certain additional selection criteria, which also need to be prepared in advance.

Young cadet
Young cadet

Before deciding which military boarding school to enter, the following factors should be considered:

  1. The paramount role plays the location of the cadet school, Regarding the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent residence of the child. It is better if the educational institution is near the house.
  2. It is also worth noting, there are cadet boarding schools - The child is on a permanent residence in the institution. In addition to joint types of classes for children of both sexes, a school with a separate same -sex training is distinguished, where only boys study. By the effectiveness of education, both types of schools are equal.
  3. It is worth considering what the age group belongs to the child At the time of admission to the cadet corps. It is better for boys to start mastering military skills in a boarding school from adolescence.
  4. Determine the degree physical training and health status of the child.
  5. The level of general educational development of the candidate is also taken into account.
  6. The period of submission of the necessary documents for receipt.

Conditions for admission to the cadet school

The main condition for revenues to the cadet school The child’s voluntary desire is to participate in teaching military affairs.


In addition, the following criteria will be considered:

  1. General health. A child entering a military school needs undergo a comprehensive medical examination, in which experts determine the degree of health of the future student and establish a group of his state of health. For successful receipt, it is necessary to have the first or second group.
  2. To the first group There are children whose health has good immunity: there are no physical disabilities, low probability of colds and an excellent nervous system . To the second group They reckon children with health standards that do not exclude the risks of the development of chronic ailments. As well as children who are a tendency to cardiac and vascular disorders, acute respiratory diseases. The same group includes children whose weight is higher or lower than the norm. H abstions that may become an obstacle to enrolling the child in the corps The cadet boarding school is: diabetes mellitus, skin or blood diseases, tuberculosis, mental and nervous disorders, diseases associated with the body's immune system.
  3. Physical training. This is an not unimportant factor when studying at a cadet school. High sports standards require the body's endurance to loads. For those who decided to enter the cadet educational institution in high school, it will be necessary to take the following standards: run to a distance of 1 km, running 100 meters, pulling up on a horizontal bar. Rules and norms are established by the host examiner. Exam conditions may differ from generally accepted requirements - it all depends on the requests of the educational institution.
  4. The degree of education of the future student. It is worth noting that for first -graders it will be enough to undergo a medical examination and make sure that the child’s health status is normal. For other age groups, there are educational tests corresponding to the class in which the child intends to enter: written tasks in the Russian language, solving mathematical problems, English or other foreign language - selectively in some institutions. If the educational institution has a musical direction, you should prepare a solo performance and pass the solfeggio exam.
  5. To be enrolled in the ranks of students of a boarding school for cadets, you must have high ball of performance. Additionally, an interview with teachers, the leadership of the boarding school may be assigned: passing psychological tests or survey. Based on all this, the selection committee establishes the degree of preparedness of the applicant for further training in the cadet corps. In some cases, you need a characteristic from former studies. The presence of special merits will not be superfluous: diplomas, diplomas, awards for participating in educational Olympiads, encouragement for victories in sports and other insignia. It is worth noting that children who are orphans do not pass entrance exams. In addition, every month they are supposed to pay a double scholarship throughout the entire period of study in a cadet institution. In addition, children with benefits according to a special registry have an advantage.

Benefits when entering the cadet school

In accordance with the Order of NO242 from the Moscow Education Committee, benefits when entering the cadet school, the child may use:

  1. When an incoming applicant from a low -income or large family.
  2. If the parents of the child are military personnel who died in the performance of official duty.
  3. The future student has military personnel who are in the performance of duties in the zone of armed conflict.
  4. The child is an orphan or is deprived of the care of parents.
  5. The student lives with foster parents under their care.
  6. The boy is a child from an incomplete family where one of the parents is absent.
  7. Upon receipt of one of the military personnel, during the period of military service, the status of a disabled person of military operations.
  8. And also the one whose parents have special merits to the state and are awarded honorary titles or orders.

Age for admission to a cadet school

  • There are several options for an age criterion when entering a cadet school - a passing a gap from 7 to 13 years. It is important to understand that even the most talented child is not always able to overpower. Therefore, the period is considered optimal - from 10 to 12 years.
  • However, there are such schools that combine acting basic program of elementary school And military training - reception in them is carried out from 7 years. From the first to the ninth grade, children study standard school subjects and some basics of military discipline, and after graduation, go to the cadet corps.
Future military
Future military
  • It is also necessary navigate - Classes at the Cadet School are distributed into three courses of training. If you enter a military educational institution later than 13 years, the student will not be able to master the program on time with peers.
  • When parents intend transfer the child From an ordinary school to a cadet boarding school-this must be done before starting training in the 9th grade. It is impossible to translate during training in the 11th grade.

Documents for admission to the cadet school

The main documents when entering the cadet school:

  1. Copy, certified by a notary and the original birth certificate of a child. If there is a passport at the age of 14, to submit a copy certified by a notary and the original document.
  2. Application from parents Or guardians on enrolling a child in a cadet boarding school.
  3. In an arbitrary form, an autobiography written by the child. It should indicate the motives and goals of entering this educational institution.
  4. Written statement The leadership of an educational institution on behalf of the child.
  5. Extract about the passage of physical training from the school registry.
  6. The documents, confirming awards and incentives: letters, diplomas, incentive certificates, characteristics from a sports coach and teachers with signatures.
  7. Reference, confirming the undergoing medical examination: concluding a doctor about suitability for studying in a cadet school. A copy of the medical book and the insurance policy.
  8. Characteristic From a school psychologist.
  9. Referenceexcluding psychological disorders from a neuropsychiatric institution.
  10. A certificate of the availability of the necessary vaccinations. You can provide a copy certified in the clinic.
  11. Help from the place of work of the parents Or guardians.
  12. Photo A child of the corresponding format for documents - 4 pieces.
  13. For high school students - A certificate from a narcologist that the applicant is not registered with a narcological dispensary.
  14. Copies of the passport data of parents Or guardians: the main pages of the document.
  15. Extract From the house book about the registration of all family members.
  16. Provide data on the size of clothing, shoes and headdress of the child.

For a boy who has a preferential category, it is necessary to additionally provide copies and originals of documents confirming the right to benefits. To learn about the list of necessary documents should be in the selection committee of the school in which the student enters. The dates of receiving all the individual documents necessary for enrollment in each institution - mainly these days pass in the period from mid -April to half of July.

The cost of training on admission to the cadet school

  • Basically, cadet school institutions are considered state and do not require payment for children's education. The costs of accommodation, food, additional classes and military uniforms, upon admission to the cadet school, are imposed by the Ministry of Defense.
  • However, there are schools that provide for additional payment for sewing forms or some types of classes. Payment may be partial, if the school has sponsorship programs.
  • In each case, it is necessary to clarify about the collection of additional payment from the administration of the educational institution.

The best buildings for entering the cadet school boys

List of buildings for admission to a cadet school

For boys
For boys
For boys
For boys
For boys
For boys

Special recommendations for entering the cadet boarding school

  • To be sure that admission to the cadet school It will pass successfully - it is necessary to ask in advance lists of the required documents, the dates of their filing and the availability of additional costs. Not all schools consider the adoption of children with a preferential category.
  • We must pre -make sure that the selected establishment has free places for this preferential group. The same applies to applicants after elementary school.
  • The presence of a good medical history does not guarantee successful admission. For a successful enrollment in a cadet boarding school, it is better not to rely on the presence of benefits, but to show your abilities and talents in full.
  • In the case when selection committee Refuses to enroll the child in the ranks of the students, and all the required documents are in order and the child has a good passing ball - parents can appeal the decision of the commission at a certain time.
Girls and boys
Girls and boys

However, do not immediately count on a positive result. The procedure for a reviewing decision of the commission may take a long time. In order not to miss the opportunity to enroll the child in a boarding school for cadets, it is better to consult in several cadet schools in a timely manner and choose the best option for submitting documents. Thus, we can avoid disappointments and guaranteed to enter the cadet boarding school.

Video: Selection to the Cadet class

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  3. Hello my name is Tatyana, I would like to know Saskolka years old you take children what revival I am a mnachamous seed

  4. I am a large mother and would like to give my children to a cadet school how to do it

  5. How to transfer from school to you

  6. What documents are needed to transfer from school to you? In what time? And what teaching options are possible?

  7. The boy is 12 years old, will they take him to the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps ???

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  9. Can I enter a child in a cadet school of a boarding school after the second grade? We live in the Tula region we do not have such schools.

  10. Hello, we have a large family, I would like to give boys to you after the 1st and after the 4th grade.

  11. Hello, I wanted to know the terms of admission. We have a boy of 13 years old. The family is not complete, brought up by mom

  12. I am a large mother, my son is 12 years old, can he come to you?

  13. I am a mother of many children, my son is 12 years old, can he go to your school now

  14. Hello! I am a lonely mother, and my child is listed by losses, and he will be able to enter the Cadet Corps of St. Petersburg

  15. Hello! I would like to know, to us foreigners in the Rossgos program resettlement, is it supposed to enter my son in the cadet of the Russian Federation? Or for us, how do foreigners have paid training in cadetism? Son of 2009 Birth.

  16. Hello, my child is 12 years old, can he enter the cadet corps of the city of Tuapse?

  17. Hello a child 13 years old, you can transfer him to you from a regular school. I am a large mother. The child has good physical. preparation.

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