About the hormone vasopressin: effects, for which it is responsible, what occurs with an increase and decrease in indicators in the body?

About the hormone vasopressin: effects, for which it is responsible, what occurs with an increase and decrease in indicators in the body?

The human body is amazing. It simultaneously operates many systems, as well as hormones.

One of the hormones is vasopressin. More information about this hormone will be described in this article.

What is vasopressin?

  • According to most medical encyclopedias, vasopressin is a peptide hormone. It is in the body of a large number of mammals, and a person in particular. This hormone is located in the hypothalamus.
  • It sometimes occurs in its composition arginin. That is why the hormone is often called Argyptress. Its accumulation occurs in a neurohypophysis, after which it is secreted into the circulatory system.

What does the vasopressin hormone are responsible for?

The hormone has several functions, among which:

  • the safety of fluid inside the body;
  • reduction of blood vessels;
  • adjustment of the amount of fluid in the body;
  • increased urinary concentration, and a decrease in the amount of urine allocated;
  • increasing water permeability of renal collective pipes.

An increase in secretion occurs when the osmolarity of blood plasma increases. This also happens in case of decrease in the amount of fluid located outside the cells of the body.


The structure of vasopressin

  • The hormone vasopressin consists of 9 amino acids. A person has Arginine in 8 positions. In pigs, and their family mammals, a lease is in 8th place. Between the first and sixth amino acids, a disulfide bond is formed.
  • Vasopressin genetic material is on one chromosome along with oxytocin genes. Between them there is a distance no more 15,000 grounds.

Features of the synthesis and secretion of vasopressin

  • Most of the vasopressin, as mentioned above, is synthesized in the hypothalamus. The axons of neurons are directed to the back share of the pituitary gland. They also contact with blood vessels.
  • After the vasopressin is synthesized inside the neuron, it will be transferred to the axon endings. After it is accumulated in presynaptic vesicles. Introduction to the blood occurs after neural arousal.

Types of vasopressin receptors

Scientists argue that all vasopressin receptors are ordinary membranes that are associated with Mr.

The main receptors include:

  • V1r. This species is aimed at stimulating the phospholipa and calcium mechanism for the implementation of hormone signals. These are rather dense receptors that are on the cells of the epithelium of collective tubes of the kidneys.
  • V1a - These are receptors that are aimed at narrowing the vessels.
  • V1b (v 3) - Receptors whose expression is carried out in the front of the pituitary gland. They allow you to better adapt to stressful situations, and are also involved during depression.
  • V2 Receptors are necessary to stimulate the adenilatcyclane mechanism for transmitting hormone signals. They are in collective kidney tubes. The diuretic effect is achieved due to the activation of V2R.

It is the above receptors that are used to create drugs aimed at combating the increased blood sugar. They are also used to help a person cope with the disorders of the cognitive system.

Physiological effects of vasopressin

As you know, vasopressin is necessary for stimulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone. More information about the main physiological effects will be described later.


How does it act on the renal system?

  • Vasopressin is a hormone that helps the kidneys to remove water from the body. It helps to integrate Akvaporin water channels into apical cell membranes, which can significantly increase the epithelial permeability of pipes for collecting urine.
  • This leads to an increase in the reabsorption of the tube. If the vasopressin is absent, which is observed with non -adahard diabetes, diuresis in 24 hours is 20 liters. Moreover, the normal indicator is only 1.5 liters.

The effect of the hormone on the kidneys is as follows:

  1. Increase in fluid volume in the body.
  2. An increase in blood volumes, which circulates through the body.
  3. Blood plasma breeding, that is, a decrease in osmolarity.

Heart and vessels

  • As for the cardiovascular system, then vasopressin helps to increase the tone of organs, improve blood vessels tone, and improve peripheral resistance. The peculiarity of the hormone is that it increases the pressure in the arteries.
  • Vasopressin is able to stop bleeding, because it has a hemostatic effect. This is due to the fact that it creates spasms in small vessels, and also increases liver secretion to tissue plasmine indicators.
  • In addition, vasopressin enhances platelet aggregation. If the Andidiuretic hormone is in large quantities, arterioles will narrow, which will provoke an increase in blood pressure.

Action on the central nervous system

  • Vasopressin controls the aggressive behavior of a person. Scientists also note that the hormone is involved in the memory mechanism.
  • According to research, V1A receptors are aimed at acclimatization in social behavior. It is he who awakens fatherland and maternal instinctsIt also helps to find a partner.
An interesting action of the hormone
An interesting action of the hormone

Features of regulation of vasopressin

  • The stimulation of the secretion of vasopressin occurs with an increase in the osmolarness of blood plasma. This increase is determined osmoreceptors in hypothalamus nuclei, in the walls of the heart ventricle and liver.
  • An increase in secretion is observed with a decrease in circulating blood volumes.

In which case the secretion of vasopressin will intensify:

  • shock and injuries;
  • large blood losses;
  • pain syndromes;
  • psychosis;
  • taking medications.

Diseases that occur in case of violation of vasopressin functions

When a violation of vasopressin functions occurs, this can cause some diseases:

  1. Nonachary diabetes. This provokes water reabsorption in renal collective pipes. During pregnancy, non -alchard diabetes is weighted, because the activity of vasopressin increases, and the sensitivity of collective pipes falls. People who are diagnosed with non -alcharous diabetes are highlighted daily with a weak concentration. They drink a lot of water, because they constantly experience thirst. To diagnose non -naicted diabetes, desmopressin is used - it is an alternative to vasopressin. It is aimed at treatment only in central form.
  2. Parkhon's syndrome. This disease occurs when the suppression of the secretion of vasopressin is incomplete. In people with such a syndrome, the amount of urine secreted, and the hypo -osmotic state of the circulatory system is also observed. A person can experience nausea and vomiting. Often, Parkhon's syndrome is accompanied by anorexia, muscle cramps, twitching and a coma. The more a person drinks water, the more his condition will deteriorate. To achieve remission, the amount of water consumed should be reduced.

Now you know what vasopressin is. According to the information outlined, this hormone is necessary for the correct functioning of most internal body systems.

Vasopressin: reviews

  • Zarina, 35 years old: In the past few months, I began to notice that I have been constantly thirsty. During the day I can drink at least 3 liters of water, from which severe edema appeared. After contacting the doctor, it became clear that there are violations in the functions of vasopressin. Now I am undergoing a comprehensive examination.
  • Leonid, 53 years old: Quite often, I feel nausea, which is often accompanied by vomiting. I had to consult a doctor, and as a result they found Parkhon's syndrome. Now you have to take drugs, and regularly visit specialists.
  • Arina, 24 years old: After a strong stress, the level of vasopressin in the body increased. To normalize it, you have to take medications, and regularly take tests.

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