What is the hormone dopamine: 13 ways to increase the level of dopamine

What is the hormone dopamine: 13 ways to increase the level of dopamine

The human body should regularly receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. It is important to monitor the content of hormones, because they have a direct impact on human behavior.

What is dopamine in simple words? The dopamine hormone is produced in the human body when he experiences pleasant emotions. However, there are other ways to increase this hormone. Read more about this in this article.

Where is dopamine produced in the body?

Part of the hormone is produced in the brain. It is also produced in the adrenal glands, allowing to block stress hormones.

Dopamine synthesis is carried out from tyrosine - amino acid, which enters the body with food. The main purpose of dopamine is to transmit impulses between the nerve endings.

About the hormone of happiness
About the hormone of happiness

Dopamine functions:

  • provokes interest in life;
  • develops initiative and willpower;
  • increases concentration;
  • develops motivation;
  • causes women confidence in their beauty;
  • causes in men confidence in their abilities.

How to identify a lack of dopamine in the body?

  • The main sign that the body has a deficiency of dopamine - pessimism. A person experiences fatigue, even after minimal physical or mental stress. He does not have enough motivation to complete the necessary cases.
  • Also, a person becomes dependent on drinks and products that increase his performance (energy drinks, coffee and stimulants). If he does not use them, he will feel broken.

Other signs of dopamine deficiency:

  • increased irritability and depression;
  • aggression that is not motivated by anything;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • changes in metabolism, which leads to a sharp set of weight;
  • increased sugar in the blood;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • hallucinations;
  • reducing sexual attraction.

How to increase dopamine in the body?

  • There are a large number of ways in which you can increase the level of dopamine in the body. They are all simple and effective.
  • You can use special drugs, you can control your nutrition and lifestyle. You have the right to choose exactly the option that suits you.


If you feel bad due to a lack of dopamine, you can introduce the products that it are contained into your diet.

Among them:

  • fruits and vegetables that Not susceptible to heat treatment. Most dopamine is contained in bananas, beets, apples and strawberries;
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • boiled and fried eggs;
  • green tea;
  • seafood;
  • milk, kefir and cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • chicken and turkey meat.
Tropical product of happiness
Tropical product of happiness

Velvet beans

  • Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the existence of velvet beans. In other words, they are called "burning mukuna." Velvet beans contain a large number L-Dofa is molecules that synthesizes dopamine.
  • Recently, scientists conducted one rather interesting study. People with Parkinson's disease were given a quarter kilogram of velvet beans daily. This helped them in the production of dopamine, which led to a weakening of the symptoms of the disease.

If you are going to introduce velvet beans into your diet, previously consult a doctor. After all, a large amount of this product can harm health. Carefully study the instructions before use, and adhere to the prescribed dosages.

Control over the amount of saturated fats

  • Scientists regularly conduct research regarding the effects of saturated fats on the human body. Once, they decided to conduct experience on rats. One half of the animals gave such food, thanks to which they received 50% of calories from saturated fats. A week later, the tests showed that the rats of the hormone fell in rats.
  • There is also an opinion that nutrition with a large amount of saturated fats enhances inflammatory processes, which provokes violations in the hormonal system. The more you consume products with a high content of saturated fats, the worse your memory will be. They also affect a decrease in dopamine.
Control over their number
Control over their number

Increase dopamine in the body with folk remedies

Most people use traditional medicine recipes to improve their condition. An increase in the level of dopamine is no exception.

To normalize the hormone level, use such plants:

  • Ginseng. It is necessary to improve the memory and tone of the body;
  • Dandelion. It is necessary for the synthesis of dopamine;
  • Ginkgo. This plant contains dopamine in its pure form;
  • Nettle. It is better to use it fresh.

Fresh air

  • Take sun baths regularly. At the same time, do not forget to use sunscreen to reduce the negative effects of sunlight on the skin. The sun's rays not only increase the level of dopamine, but also contributes to the production of vitamin D.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to regularly take sunbathing on the street, you can visit the solarium. However, one should not abuse it. 1-2 trips a week is enough.


  • Scientists have found a connection between the brain and the intestines. They believe that there are many nerve cells in the intestines, which provoke the formation of neur transmitters, including dopamine. That is, the intestines of a person can produce this hormone, but for this it is necessary to create the right conditions. It is for this that probiotics were created.
  • They create a beneficial intestinal microflora. Thanks to this, not only dopamine is produced, but metabolism is also improved.
  • However, you need to choose the right drug based on the physical form and state of health. Therefore, you must first see a doctor.

Regular sport

  • Physical activity is useful not only to support the body in good shape, but also for the production of dopamine. When a person plays sports, his body is produced endorphins - hormones of happiness. Thanks to this, after training, a person feels better, and he has a mood. Only 10 minutes are enough. aerobic loads.
  • Running on the treadmill for 20 minutes. contributed production of dopamine in the brain. You can also do it yoga, fitness or stretching.

Often, aerobic loads are prescribed to people suffering from Parkinson's disease. After all, the lack of dopamine does not allow them to fully control their body.

Sleep control

  • As you know, sleep is an important component of human life. It not only improves well -being, but also positively affects the production of hormones. Dopamine is produced in the human body in the morning, and by the evening, when the time comes to go to bed, its amount is reduced. This is justified by the fact that the hormone gives a feeling of vigor.
  • The National Sleep Fund came to the conclusion that a person should sleep at least 7 hours. To make the level of dopamine normally, you should sleep 7-9 hours. It is better if you go to bed at 10, and wake up at 6-7 in the morning. Then you will feel much better.

To improve sleep quality, try to adhere to such recommendations:

  • lie down and wake up at the same time;
  • a few hours before bedtime, turn off all electronic devices (phone, TV);
  • ventilate the room half an hour before bedtime;
  • reduce the amount of caffeine in the evenings;
  • take the bed only before bedtime. You should not use it as a recreation area or work.

Music and dopamine

  • Studies of scientists have proven that listening to your favorite music activates those areas of the brain that are responsible for a good mood. It also positively affects the synthesis of dopamine. If you listen to the music every day that causes you “goosebumps”, then this will increase the production of the hormone in the body by 9%.
  • According to the conclusions that scientists made, it is music that the word, and not the words of the song, affect the psyche of a person. Tool melodies affect the mood best of all.
With an increase in the hormone you will get happiness
With an increase in the hormone you will get happiness

Dopamine and meditation

  • If a person will regularly meditate, this will positively affect his physical and mental health. Meditations help to achieve inner harmony, due to which the level of dopamine will increase.
  • Active production of the hormone of happiness is observed within the first hour after meditation. If we compare the effect of meditation on the human body, then it helps to increase the level of dopamine by 64%, in comparison with a relaxing rest when watching a film.

Vitamins that increase dopamine

  • In order for dopamine to be produced in the body, separate vitamins and mineral components are required. You must control the quantity iron, folates, niacin and vitamins of group V. With a deficiency of any substance, dopamine is reduced.
  • To find out what your body needs, take tests. After that, the doctor will prescribe the necessary additives to you.

To increase the level of dopamine in the body, taking such additives is required:

  • magnesium;
  • vitamin D;
  • curcumin;
  • oregano extract.

Other ways to increase dopamine

There are other simple, but effective methods for increasing dopamine. Among them:

  • Massage. After the first session, the level of dopamine increases by 30%. If you regularly go to massage, you will not experience a deficiency of this hormone in the body;
  • The proximity with a partner. Scientists say that sex has sex 3-4 times a week help to improve mood and increase the level of dopamine in the body. In addition, sexual satisfaction helps to slow down the aging process;
  • Caffeine. To increase the level of dopamine hormone in the body, give up excessive caffeine use. If you cannot completely refuse it, drink no more than 1-2 cups of coffee per day. It is better to do this in the morning so that the hormone level comes back to normal during the night.

So, now you know how to easily increase the level of dopamine hormone in the body. This article described the simplest and most effective methods. Remember, you should not self -medicate, and independently prescribe vitamins and biological additives. Consult a doctor and give all the necessary tests first. Be healthy.

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