Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels: the list of the most effective. Products that increase blood viscosity: List. Products that liquefy blood - how to eat at home to liquefied blood: diet, tips

Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels: the list of the most effective. Products that increase blood viscosity: List. Products that liquefy blood - how to eat at home to liquefied blood: diet, tips

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the modern world, so many use blood thinners. But drugs are often associated with side effects, but certain products give the same result.

Few people know that viscous or too thick blood needs to be diluted. After all, this is precisely the cause of poor blood flow, and therefore low oxygen enrichment. In addition, increased viscosity leads to the formation of blood clots. Therefore, we bring to your attention products that linen blood, as well as a list of those that give the opposite effect.

But it is worth noting that the term “blood liner” is a bit ambiguous, because blood is actually not diluted. Preparations and products only prevent blood coagulation. But since the term “dilute blood” is widely used in the folk language and, thus, is understandable to everyone, we use it in this article, even if it is technically incorrect.

The most effective natural products that liquefy blood: List

Blowering blood and home remedies promise relief no worse than medical medicines. These products are not only good for health, but also suppress inflammation. They also prevent the formation of clots in the blood vessels. They reduce the risk of thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases. To begin with, we will study the most effective.

  • Andmbir Known as a natural blood thinner. But there is a certain correction - for the therapeutic effect, the dose should be large. Just a slice in tea or spoon of spices in a dish will only give a preventive effect and improvement of blood circulation.
  • Onionuseful for the whole organism and for blood, including. Add more onions to your diet to prevent platelet aggregation. The onion contains adenosine, which acts as an anticoagulant. And they prevent blood coagulation. At the same time, the bow also has an anti -inflammatory effect on the body, strengthens the immune system and heart muscles, as well as its trunk vessels. Ideally eat a raw product!
  • FROM garlicyou prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases. It has the properties of antibiotics that reduce blood pressure. It also reduces cholesterol, dissolves blood clots and prevents thrombosis. But we dose it wisely-2-3 cloves per day are enough.
  • Goji berries. They are also considered a natural blood diluent. In combination with pharmaceuticals, you should be careful, because a mixture of two ingredients can contribute to blood coagulation, and not its inhibiting.
  • Cayenne pepper.The capsaicin ingredient, which is contained in Kayen pepper, promotes blood circulation, vascular expansion and blood liquefaction. Kayen pepper is best consumed in raw juices or salads.
  • Dark chocolate It contains a lot of cocoa, which is based on therapy - a powerful agent's powerful blood. Also, the active ingredients contained in cocoa - oligomeric proanthocyanidines and highly concentrated phytochemical flavonoids inhibit blood coagulation. But we are fond of the delicacy reasonably - a maximum of 70 g, and even better - absorb one square from the tile in the mouth if necessary.
  • Haoe mushroom. To promote blood liquefaction, try drinking tea fungus. Combuche is a slightly fermented drink from sweetened black or green tea obtained by fermentation of tea using a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast.
These are the main linent leaders!
These are the main linent leaders!

Drinks, like products that thin blood

Products that thinning blood are based on the right diet of drinking!

  • Pure water. No matter how trite it sounds, but most people are dehydrated, and do not even know about it. Dehydration thickens blood, increasing the risk of blood clots, and leads to oxygen starvation. Make sure you consume at least 8 glasses per day to prevent such results.
  • Green tea - This is just a huge composition of vitamins, including with the letter E, and antioxidants. Almost every of us heard about his benefits. And we will not get tired of repeating that this is the best substitute for coffee and even black tea. It prevents the oxidation of platelets and red blood cells, dilutes and cleanses blood. True, drinking is worth it without sugar.
  • Cocoa On water or with a small amount of milk. We spoke above for his product in the form of bitter chocolate. But the drink also requires attention. After all, he activates the functioning of the brain and the production of endorphins, which is responsible for our good mood, and also dilutes blood. That's just one minus - sugar reduces all this benefit. In addition, the product on the water is even more tasteless and even slightly bitter. But it’s extremely useful!
  • Pomegranate juice It is full of polyphenols, and this can also improve blood flow. By the way, this helps to reduce systolic blood pressure. Try to drink half a glass of pomegranate juice every day to notice the result.
  • It is also worth noting Tsikoriya and Karkade, as well as tea from prickly African plants (Roybush).Pamper yourself with them as the main one after water and compotes.
  • Now we will talk for oligomeric proanthocyanidines (ORC). A proper supply is contained in red wine and extract of grape seeds, as well as in lingonberries, viburnum and blueberries. The antioxidant protects blood vessels from the penetration of free radicals, relieves swelling and provides the best bloodstream. If you speak easier and accessible language, then You need to drink grape juice and red wine. Ideally, so that they are home -made, without the addition of chemicals.

Important: But we remind you that you should not get involved in alcohol. Wine can be drunk no more than 100 ml per day. And do not forget that systematic use even for medicinal purposes can cause addiction!

Not less important: Positive to reduce blood viscosity is influenced by all vegetable and fruit juices (separately or in any composition). But we are talking about freshly squeezed products or juices of home manufacturing! The purchased preservative does not affect blood fluidity.

Sometimes we pamper ourselves with red wine
Sometimes we pamper ourselves with red wine

5 cereals, as important products that liquefy blood

There are simply cereals on your table. These are the main assistants to our intestines, but these are also products that thin the blood!

  • Buckwheat - This is a storehouse of iron, a large supply of vitamins E and B, fiber and folic acid. It expands the vessels, reduces the sugar level, helps to fight “poor” cholesterol, and also dilutes blood. And a small bonus - it is grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, since the plant is not afraid of weeds. But when eating more often than 3 times a week, there can be the opposite effect.
  • Oatmeal Since childhood, they teach to eat for breakfast for the coordinated work of the intestines and weight loss. And all because it has the right carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids and beta-glucan. This all lifts blood, has a beneficial effect on the muscles and walls of the cardiovascular complex and also removes “harmful” cholesterol.
  • Millet - This is the most important assistant for our circulatory system. Among the cereals, this is a leader in folic acid content! In addition, cereal has a antiabetic and anti -sclerotic effect, makes blood less viscous and cleans it from excess fats and plaques. But everything cannot be ideal - millet millet for our intestinal tract, so we put on the table a maximum of 2 times a week.
  • Corn porridge Introduced into complementary foods even to small children. It is especially useful for constipation, since it contains a lot of fiber. But her merit is also in a decrease in cholesterol and sugar levels, as well as in the prevention of heart and blood vessels. True, it is not worth eating it more than 3 times a week, since in this case the opposite effect is possible - the thickening of the blood.
  • No matter how surprising it was, but rice, Especially brown or brown, it dilutes blood. It is extremely rich in vitamins that they clean blood, reduce the sugar level and cholesterol. But do not forget that a white product is a leader about the content of starch. Therefore, follow a portion so as not to get extra pounds on the sides.
Ideal breakfast for the circulatory system
Ideal breakfast for the circulatory system

Blood liquefying: vegetables, fruits and berries

  • Pineapple and kiwi Not only have a great taste and are useful in a diet, but also contain an important enzyme that provides good natural liquefaction of blood. The enzyme is called Bromelain. It prevents blood clots, reduces blood coagulation and protects the heart. Moreover, you will receive a considerable dose of healthy fiber.
  • Flavonoids irreplaceable for blood are mainly contained in vegetables, such as red, colored and leaf cabbage, broccoli and beets, as well as in fruits, such as apples.
  • Carrot - This is a home remedy to quickly dilute blood. By the way, the juice is no less relevant in this matter.
  • Very useful tomatoes. Moreover, they still prevent the formation of cancer cells and promote skin rejuvenation.
  • Cucumbers They have few calories, but a lot of folic acid, potassium and sodium. Therefore, it is perfectly liquefied by blood. In addition, they consist mainly of water and fiber.
  • Good too olives and olives, as products that thin blood. But again, they are quite heavy when overeating for the stomach.
  • Peas Helps in the digestibility of carbohydrates. After all, an excessive amount of glucose often binds blood. But they should not be unnecessary to get carried away.
  • But pumpkin And for blood, it is useful, and for the stomach, and for the figure!
  • It should not be noted and hot pepper. It perfectly dilutes blood and affects the vessels and their walls well. But this is a healthy organism. It is also contraindicated in any intestinal ailments.
  • Oranges They contain a high level of vitamin C, and bioflavonoids in oranges help blood flow through the body, strengthening the walls of the capillaries.
  • Blackberrycleans the blood and promotes the formation of its new cells. It has high nutrients. Including phenolic compounds with antioxidant ability is much higher than vitamins C or E. Add it to dry breakfasts or mix it in yogurt for a delicious snack.
  • Watermelons rich in lycopine, which can help healthy blood circulation.
  • We also offer an additional list for your blood:
    • blueberry
    • currant
    • celery
    • cranberry
    • papaya
    • soy
    • apricots and peaches
    • nectarine

In addition, dried fruits from pineapple, apple and dried apricots are very useful. No less useful and dried cherries, dates, raisins and prunes.

3 colors of vegetables and fruits for the benefit of blood fluidity
3 colors of vegetables and fruits for the benefit of blood fluidity

Blood liquefaction products: the most effective herbs, spices and herbs

These products that thin the blood are very effective and extremely accessible:

  • Horseradish In any form, but in a temperate dose is useful for the whole organism and for blood fluidity. And all because it stimulates the regeneration of blood cells and activity in the bloodstream.
  • Turmeric Spices have tons of positive properties and supports the heart, liver, teeth, and also helps to reduce blood sugar. Turmeric is especially suitable for liquefaction of blood, because the spice prevents clicking of platelets and, therefore, the formation of blood clots. In a study conducted in Korea in 2012, it was found that the active ingredient of Kurkumin has such a strong blood -thinning effect that with its regular consumption you can abandon daily drugs.
  • Cinnamonit is an anticoagulant in the form of extracts with a high dose. Therefore, the choice should be given to tinctures on alcohol/vodka or etheric oil. Water extract, such as tea with cinnamon, does not affect blood thinning.
  • Hawthorn Strengthens the heart and promotes blood circulation. He is the most famous and most effective natural agent. Its components help in the work of the heart, strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots. The acting flavonoids and pyocian are concentrated directly in the flowers or leaves of the plant.  
    • Recipe:in the amount of 2 tsp. Dried grass is poured with a cup of boiling water (200 ml). You need to drink a fresh drink in a warm form 3 times a day. When using hawthorn, you need patience - the effect begins in a few weeks.
  • Scientists have found that nettle It has a relaxing effect on the blood vessels. The grass prevents excessive blood coagulation and thereby helps to “dilute” it. However, here we are not talking about a green sheet, but about a water consistency, i.e. Nettle tea. Although soups based on it are not only tasty, but also extremely useful!
  • Bazilik, like nettles, it contains vitamin K. And this is a natural blood thinner. It can be consumed in salads, soups, as well as cook tea. Eat mozzarella with tomatoes and fresh basil 2 and Lee 3 times a week. Use basil in the kitchen as often as possible - it supports your blood liquefied.
  • Chervil- Another useful grass that is used in full swing in the kitchens of France. In addition to liquefaction, its components regulate heart rate (heart rate), normalize intestinal motility, help liver and kidneys, and also increase immunity. Add to salads and soups along with another herbs. But only choose the one that does not bloom. Otherwise, the leaves will be bitter.
  • Similar and also useful for our Parsley, as well as dill. In general, take a rule to yourself - eat more greenery.
  • It is also worth adding:
    • ginseng
    • horse chestnut
    • solodka
    • st. John's wort
    • wheat
    • willow bark
    • red clover

Blood liquefaction products: normalizing dried fruits, nuts, seeds and oils

  • Nuts They contain niacin, or vitamin B3, Arginine and Taurin, folic and salicylic acids, vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3, 6 and 9. In general, all good can not be counted. To the fact that they do not have those harmful fats that clog our body in the form of blood clots and cause atherosclerosis. True, they are very calorie-about 500-600 kcal in 100 g. But still, it is worth including 2-3 pieces of such nuclei in your menu:
    • walnuts
    • almond
    • hazelnut
    • peanut
    • coconut, both its inner part and milk
  • Pumpkin seeds They are a food source of vitamin E, which, as proven, provides free blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Sunflower seeds, Although calorie, they improve blood fluidity and normalize pressure (do not allow it to increase). True, you should not use them in a fried form.
  • It is also worth including others in your diet Seeds:
    • chia
    • sesame seeds
    • flax
  • Olive oil It is made of crushed and squeezed olives. Polyphenols present in olive oil are responsible for its anti -inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant properties. The first spin olive oil is unrefined oil, has the most delicate taste and high content of phyto-nibblers and antioxidants.
  • But the products that thin the blood include other oils, for example Flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower, as well as fish oil. They also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Of course, you don’t need to drink with glasses - just spray the salads a little. But it is worth noting that they are responsible for the production of “good” cholesterol.

We also recommend reading an article with a full list of healthy and harmful products for cholesterol "What products are raised and which reduce cholesterol?"

We include oils in the diet
We include oils in the diet

Blood liquefaction products: which normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

These products, liquefying blood, are extremely useful on the walls of blood vessels and the circulatory system as a whole:

  • Vitamin E It is fat -soluble vitamin, which is naturally contained in some products. Vitamin E prevents and delays the development of coronary heart disease, preventing blood clots. Food sources of vitamin E include:
    • liver
    • eggs
    • dark and leaf greens
    • hazelnut
    • almond
    • wheat germ
    • sunflower seeds
    • peanut
    • saflore oil
    • spinach
    • avocado
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy blood flow is the result of a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They can be taken in the form of food additives or in the form of high -quality oils, such as hemp and linseed oil. In addition, the following products will be given to you:
    • herring
    • mackerel
    • tuna
    • salmon
    • halibut
    • anchovies
    • lake trout

In addition to reducing the level of triglycerides and blood pressure, omega-3 fatty acids in fish have anticoagulant properties that slow down the development of blood clots, helping to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.

  • Honey- Regarding the effect of honey on blood viscosity, different opinions exist. But many studies confirm its positive effect on the general condition of the blood. Honey not only has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, but also helps to thin the blood. In addition, it and its concomitant product - propolis, improve the elasticity of the vascular walls and endurance of the heart muscles.
Important rules
Important rules

You need to know not only products that thin the blood, but also those products that make the blood more viscous

Products that increase blood viscosity should be consumed in smaller quantities or completely excluded from your diet. Although, perhaps, they will come in handy to someone. After all, blood should not be too liquid either.

Avoid these products:

  • refined sugar
  • sweets (honey does not apply)
  • trans-fats
  • fried food
  • coffee and energy
  • strong alcohol and in general any alcohol in large doses
  • freshly prepared pastries
  • carbonated drinks, especially sweet
  • wheat flour
  • bananas
  • potato
  • sausages
  • smoked lard and other smoked meats

Important:Many products that thin the blood have a converse effect when overeating. This applies in particular buckwheat, walnut, green vegetables, dried fruits and many berries, fruits. If you eat the same products for a week, then an increase in viscosity is possible. The same nuts if you eat more than 50-100 g per day and every day will give you blockage of vessels and extra pounds.

Therefore, so often confusion arises, what products to which group belong. Remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation! And this is especially true for food. Confirmation of this is the intake of alcohol. It dilutes blood, especially wine, but with systematic use or in large doses there is a opposite effect. Since the body is dehydrated and takes the missing moisture from the blood! Know the measure and you will be healthy!


Products that liquefy and thickening blood: diet, tips

The influence of a human health diet was indicated in many studies, and the structure of a healthy diet can reduce the frequency of the occurrence of certain chronic diseases. Even a list of natural blood diluents shows how well a healthy diet with an appropriate food supplement can protect against excessive blood coagulation, blood clots and slow blood flow. These are mainly flavonoids (some phytochemicals) that make these products a natural blood diluent.

Many nutritionists say, if you adhere to a diet, then you can prevent blood thief. Therefore, a diet that consists of plant foods is also a good prevention of health and prevention of diseases, when it comes to cardiovascular problems. Exactly The diet will fix the circulatory system if it includes the products that thin the blood.

  • Drink a lot - This is a motto, preferably water or herbal tea. You should drink a sufficient amount of warm purified water. It is advisable to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day. And add ginger, nettles and basil for preventive purposes to tea.
  • You must bet on vegetables and Eat at least 400 g of green and other vegetables per day raw. Onions and garlic are also more effective without heat treatment.
  • Oils are also good only in salads. If you fry food for them, then there is a reverse result - you only increase cholesterol and condensate blood. And in general, teach yourself to eat boiled, baked and sometimes stewed dishes.
  • The salicylate ingredient should be included in food. This substance is similar to aspirin and has all the abilities for liquefaction of blood. It is in a large dose in citrus fruits, some berries, for example in currants and strawberries. But do not forget about the measure - 200-250 g per day for fruit is enough!
  • Replace the meat with fish.The best option is tuna or salmon. The high share of omega-3 fatty acids contributes to a healthy lifestyle and extremely supports blood. Do not forget about seaweed and algae. But we know the measure - 3 times a week until 150 g.
  • But meat is an important protein for our body, so it is impossible to remove from the diet. But we give preference to low -fat chicken, rabbit, veal and turkey. And eat not with pasta, but carrots, zucchini, broccoli or cabbage.
  • Also eat Low -fat dairy products. Eggs are very important - but a maximum of 4 pieces per week.
  • Porridge Very useful for the blood and the gastric tract, but we repeat - alternate them among themselves. We eat one dish no more than 3 times a week.

Important: But the most important rule is to remove nicotine, alcohol, fried and harmful foods from your diet, like fast food and semi-finished products. Limit, but do not exclude at all from your menu, salt.

In addition, do not forget about the active lifestyle! Cycling or light charging in the morning, and even just a walk in the fresh air normalizes blood fluidity and your general condition.

Remember - your health is in your hands. When choosing the right products for use, you will take care not only about your health, but also teach your children how to always be healthy!

Video: Blood thinning products-TOP-20

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for well -chosen products, I have long been looking for a large list with examples. I must fight with increased density of blood, and how to do this is not always clear. For the past 3 months I have been drinking a plant tool of dihydrocercetin, it dilutes blood well + strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Who has a similar problem, I advise you to take note.

  2. Thank you! I liked the article very much!

  3. buckwheat can increase blood viscosity. But it does not dilute it.

  4. Vitamin K transfers blood and does not dilute, nettles reduce blood and removes bleeding.

  5. such performances only harm our organisms, because some write so, others opposite the same thing, let the experts write, why are they silent? Where is science, where are specialists, where are the links to the significantly proven certain sources, works, research?! !! otherwise tomatoes dilute the blood in some, while others are thickened ...

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