Urbech: What is it, how and with what it is eaten with colds, flu, weaknesses? The benefits and harm: what does living urbech mean?

Urbech: What is it, how and with what it is eaten with colds, flu, weaknesses? The benefits and harm: what does living urbech mean?

Such a treat as Urbech is increasingly starting to meet on shelves of stores dedicated to healthy diet. It is believed that this is a real source of health, strength, energy and longevity. But what exactly is urbech And how to use it correctly, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Walnut pasta: the best recipes for cooking at home". You will learn how to make walnut paste made of walnuts, cedar nuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, chocolate.

From this article you will learn what it is urbechHow to cook it and how it is with different diseases. Read further.

What is Urbech?


Urbech It is a traditional Dagestan delicacy. It is a dull nuts and various seeds. To get the necessary homogeneous mass from fruit seeds, stone millstones are used. As a result, an oily viscous pasta with an incredible aroma is obtained. It is called urbu.

This pasta most often has a sweet taste with tart notes. The aroma is thin and unobtrusive. It is extremely difficult to cook such a product at home. The difficulty is to achieve the necessary consistency.

As a product, Urbech appeared in the eighteenth century in Dagestan. He began to prepare the mountain population, which for a long time went on hiking. After all, such a product quickly restored vitality, gave energy and relieve fatigue.

What are the views of Urbech?

As mentioned above, urbech It is a paste made of duffed seeds. But it is also prepared from nuts and bones. A classic look is made of flax seeds. However, there are other diverse subspecies of this delicacy on the market:

  • Poppy. Helps get rid of parasites, eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome. Removes the accumulated toxins from the body.
  • Peanut. It gives a long feeling of saturation, positively affects the state of blood.
  • Hemp. Significantly strengthens the fragile walls of blood vessels. It has a powerful preventive effect in relation to infectious diseases.
  • From the sesame of white and black. Promotes complex cleansing of the body, strengthens bone tissue.
  • From the seeds of the sunflower. Positively affects the condition of the thyroid gland, joints and reproductive female system.
  • Almond. Helps the body to recover faster after physical exertion, accelerates cell regeneration.
  • From the bones of the apricot. Positively affects the state of the nervous system. Resists the development of cancer.
  • From pumpkin seeds. A beneficial effect has on male health. Strengthens the joints and fights parasites.
  • Cedar. Sets the body with the necessary protein.
  • From brown, black and white linen. Improves the pancreas, coughing attacks are removed.

In addition to popular types of nuts and seeds, urbech is also prepared from pistachios, caraway seeds, cashews and coconuts, chia and cocoa beans, walnut and hazelnut. Sometimes several components are mixed together. As a result, a useful pasta of nuts and seeds is obtained.

Urbech: The benefits and harm, what does living urbech mean?

Urbech It has incredible benefit. This is an energy product that instantly allows you to feel a surge of strength. The rest of its useful properties is the following:

  • Improves poor vision
  • Normalizes the digestion process
  • Strengthens weak immunity
  • Positively affects the state of dental enamel
  • Supports the work of the heart muscle
  • Contributes to the excretion of bile
  • Reduces the level of poor cholesterol
  • Cleans the liver cells of toxins
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Fighting with anemia
  • Filles in the body a deficiency of the most important vitamins and trace elements
  • Has a preventive effect in relation to the development of arthritis
  • Triggers the rejuvenation process
  • Eliminates extra pounds
  • Gives the hair a healthy shine and density
  • A favorable effect has on the nervous system
  • Effectively fights parasites

Urbech has a comprehensive effect on the body as a whole, helping to cope with many problems. A person cannot get any harm from its use. The only contraindication is individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to a certain nut, a bone or seed from which the paste itself is prepared. Caution with such a product should be those who have stomach problems. Otherwise, constipation or bloating may occur.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Walnut: useful, therapeutic properties, application, contraindications".

The prepared urbech is considered alive if it turns out by means of grinding raw materials using a mill with stone millstones. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a suitable consistency and thereby preserve the maximum amount of useful and nutrients in the paste.

Urbech: How to cook?


To cook yourself urbech, you should prepare the necessary ingredients in advance. As the main components, you can take any nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower nuclei, pumpkin seeds. Additionally, it is allowed to use cocoa, honey or core, bitter chocolate.

  • All nuts need to be cleaned of the skin.
  • To do this, they soak and dry.
  • If we are talking about the seeds of pumpkin or sunflower, then they should be slightly dried in the oven.
  • To make a paste of the desired consistency, it is better to use a coffee grinder. But as an alternative, a blender or a powerful mixer is also suitable.

It is important to catch the moment when the crushed seeds or nuts cease to be in the form of flour, but the oil will not separate from it yet. The final pasta should turn out to be dense, homogeneous and with a clear shine. It is better to store it in a glass container in the refrigerator or in a dark cool place.

What is the urbech eat with: just like that, in the bite, a combination with other dishes

To urbech I benefited, it is enough to eat it in the amount of two teaspoons per day. You can eat it just like that, drinking it with water, unsweetened tea from herbs, milk. It is best to use this pasta in the morning to saturate the body with additional energy.

  • If in its pure form there is no urban, you can spread it with a thin layer on crackers, bread, cookies, croutons.
  • It is good to add a spoonful of this pasta to oatmeal or millet porridge. You can eat.
  • Urbech goes well with other dishes and products, for example, with a cousin.
  • From it you can prepare healthy and delicious sauces for refueling vegetable salads.

This pasta is perfectly combined with pastries, especially with sand dough. It can also be spread on fruits or mixed with berries, use instead of jam, adding to cottage cheese. Such a paste will give its special highlight and incredible benefit to any dish.

How is there any urbech with colds and influenza?

Since Urbech strengthens the immune system, helps to fight colds and its use positively affects the state of the upper respiratory tract, it can be used as a therapeutic agent. To do this, one teaspoon of such a pasta should be consumed in the morning and evening before bedtime. How else is urbech with a cold and influenza?

  • It is very useful to eat such a paste in its pure form, drinking it with warm, slightly heated milk.
  • During a cold, it is good to mix this product with honey until a homogeneous state. Eat the resulting pasta on a teaspoon in the morning and evening. After 3-5 days of such treatment, the body will be restored, both during the illness and after it.

Important: Urbech with colds should be consumed as an additional tool. For the appointment of the main treatment, you should consult a doctor.

With this scheme of use, such a paste will contribute to the speedy restoration and recovery of the body. During the period of ailment, such a product should enter the daily diet on an ongoing basis. The main thing is to observe the measure and consume no more than two or three teaspoons per day.

With diseases and weakness, urbech will help


Useful nutritious pasta helps not only during the period of viruses, infections and colds. It can also be consumed with chronic fatigue and weakness of the body. Depending on the type of pasta, it can replace the medicine with many diseases.

  • For those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, it is good to eat flax seed paste.
  • But urbech made of apricot seeds will help with diseases of the heart and vascular systems.
  • To strengthen the joints and improve the mobility of the musculoskeletal system, a paste of any nuts will be able to.
  • It will turn out to reduce the aggressive effect of stresses and calm the excited nervous system with an urban made of chia seeds, hemp or milk thistle.
  • To speed up the process of losing weight, a paste of black caraway seeds will be able to cope with parasites - a product of pumpkin seeds will be able to.

Urbech, regardless of its type, is a nutritious and useful product. It is balanced in composition and should enter the diet of every person who wants to strengthen health and improve well -being. Such a paste can be prepared independently, but it is easier and better to buy ready -made, made in accordance with the established standards of the correct technological process. In this case, Urbech will bring maximum benefit.

Video: Made in Dagestan. Dagestan urbech.

Video: How is Urbech correctly

Video: Flax Urbech / Useful properties

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