Cedar nuts: beneficial and healing properties, use, contraindications. The use of tincture and decoction of shells, cedar peeling husks to treat myoma

Cedar nuts: beneficial and healing properties, use, contraindications. The use of tincture and decoction of shells, cedar peeling husks to treat myoma

Pleasant, slightly sweet and very tasty cedar nuts are a storehouse of elements useful for the human body. Perhaps there is not one other product of plant origin, which would have such a large protein composition. Vitamins, minerals and “friendly to the heart” polyunsaturated fatty acids make this product unique and obligatory to use everyone who cares about their health.

Beneficial and healing properties of cedar nuts for the health of men and women

This type of nuts is the seeds of Siberian cedar pine
This type of nuts is the seeds of Siberian cedar pine
  • It has nothing to do with real cedars. By the way, their seeds are not edible
  • The rich nutritional composition of these nuts owes the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cedar nuts are easily absorbed by the body
  • Unlike most plant products, Argenin is included in the protein composition of these nuts - an indispensable amino acid that is responsible for many processes. It removes excess nitrogen, toxins and toxins from the body and improves the functioning of the heart
  • But, the main merit of Argenin is that this compound acts as a catalyst for the growth of muscle mass. That is why cedar nuts need to be included in the diet athletes, children and pregnant women
  • Another extremely important compound for humans is linoleic acid. In cedar nuts, it is contained in the composition of polyunsaturated fats. This acid helps to remove excess fat from the body and is therefore used in diets aimed at normalizing weight. Also, this irreplaceable polyunsaturated acid is an excellent antioxidant

Vitamin and mineral composition very rich in cedar nuts. This unique product contains a lot:

  • Zinc (in 100 grams 36% of the daily norm). This element is extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, zinc activates regenerative processes in the body. Thanks to him, wounds heal faster and fabrics restore
  • Manganese (100 grams 440% of the daily norm). Thanks to this element, cartilage tissue is strengthened, the hormonal background of the body and reproductive function improves. Marganese is involved in fat metabolism and contributes to the better absorption of glucose
  • Copper (in 100 grams 132% of the daily norm). This element is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and origin of red blood cells. Copper is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and collagen synthesis. Substances that are responsible for skin elasticity
  • Phosphorus (in 100 grams 71% of the daily norm). Thanks to this element, the body supports the normal state of teeth and bones. But, the role of phosphorus is not limited to this. It is involved in almost all processes in the body. From cell growth, and to the work of the heart and kidneys
  • Magnesium (in 100 grams 63% of the daily norm). This element is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions of the body. It is necessary for the normal operation of the digestive and endocrine system. Magnesium is an important element in the synthesis of a protein involved in muscle growth
  • Gland (in 100 grams 31% of the daily norm). One of the most important elements for the human body. Iron is necessary to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin. With a lack of this element, the condition of the skin may worsen, the performance decreases and rapid fatigue will appear
  • Tokoferola (in 100 grams 62% of the daily norm). Vitamin E is a very important substance for the human body. Many organs of the human body will not be able to function without his participation. With the help of tocopherol, red blood cells activate blood enrichment with oxygen. Vitamin E enhances sexual desire and normalizes the work of the male and female reproductive system
  • Tiamine (in 100 grams 25% of the daily norm). Vitamin B1 is also very important to our body. This substance is involved in the operation of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine system
With the help of cedar nuts, you can normalize your sleep
With the help of cedar nuts, you can normalize your sleep
  • After all, they contain a large amount of tripophanes - a substance that protects against insomnia. Get rid of this ailment, tincture or decoction of the shell will help
  • Cedar nuts are able to help with a stomach ulcer, duodenal diseases, anemia and low immunity. Men should thank these nuts for their sexual power. As for women, regular use of cedar nuts will help improve the hormonal background and reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • With menopause, with the help of this plant product, you can relieve irritability, and during breastfeeding the active substances of cedar nuts will enhance lactation

Damage to cedar nuts: contraindications

Another advantage of including cedar nuts in their diet is their lack of contraindications. Of course, everything is useful in moderation. And the daily norm of cedar nuts, according to experts employed in the field of healthy diet, is 30 grams.

As in all nuts, in cedar there are allergens
As in all nuts, in cedar there are allergens

Therefore, people suffering from this problem need to use nuts with caution or completely abandon them.

People who follow their figure also need to limit the consumption of these nuts. They contain a lot of vegetable fats. Calorius of cedar nuts 673 kcal per 100 grams.

Important: unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy high -quality cedar nuts. Especially if you do it. This type of nuts is subject to infection of the fungus. In addition, with improper storage, they can lose most of their benefits.

If a little bitterness is clearly felt when using cedar nuts in the mouth, then this may indicate improper storage of such nuts or that some of them have already been removed. Namely, it contains most of the beneficial substances of this product.

Is cedar nuts to pregnant and lactating?

During pregnancy, the female body even more needs healthy and healthy food than on the rest of the days
During pregnancy, the female body even more needs healthy and healthy food than on the rest of the days
  • Typically, a change in the food diet during this period is to increase the number of vegetables, fruits and fish in it. But, such valuable nutrients as nuts and seeds are often simply ignored
  • But, even if the expectant mother periodically indulges herself with nuts, he often forgets about the most useful of them - cedar. Meanwhile, a woman just needs these nuts. It is simply impossible to replace them with other products during pregnancy
  • Healthy nutrition specialists recommend that almost everyone in their diet to include in their diet. They are especially of great benefit to expectant mothers and children. Their composition is not only rich in useful substances, but also unique

Important: 19 amino acids are included in cedar nuts. Three of them are not synthesized in our body. And this means that they should enter it with food. For the unborn child, such an amino acid as Arginine is especially important. It is an important element of the correct development of the fetus.

Vegetable protein made of cedar nuts in its composition is very close to human protein. Thanks to this, it is absorbed by almost 100%. This can boast of a single product of plant origin. Including other nuts.

During pregnancy, you can use not only the high nutritional value of cedar nuts
During pregnancy, you can use not only the high nutritional value of cedar nuts
  • Very often during this period, a woman may have hemorrhoids. The load on the internal organs increases, which can affect the work of the intestines. When the first signs of this disease appear, it is necessary to prepare an infusion from the shell of cedar nuts
  • To do this, 1 tablespoon of this product must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Take such an infusion for the prevention of hemorrhoids, it is necessary for 2 tablespoons 3-5 times a day
  • Of course, cedar nuts and contraindications have. But, in order to minimize the risk when using them, especially during pregnancy, it is necessary to take them in no more than 2 tablespoons
  • After pregnancy, these miracle nores should also not be forgotten. They are extremely important for mom during lactation. Wonderful substances from these nuts increase the flow of milk and getting into the body of an infants help to improve its mental development

Is cedar nuts possible for children?

The benefits of nuts for children have been proven for a very long time. But, since their body has not yet formed completely, it is better to include whole nuts in the child’s diet no earlier than three years. But, you can enrich the diet of a child under the age of this age due to milk made of cedar flour.

After such processing in the product, much less useful substances will remain. But, if the baby has an allergy to breast milk, then such a product made of cedar flour can become a good alternative.

Thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, cedar nuts will be an excellent product for the children's body
Thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, cedar nuts will be an excellent product for the children's body

The main merit of cedar nuts is that they are easily absorbed. Which is extremely important for nutrition of the child.

Such nuts are especially useful for children of primary school age. At this time, the child’s nervous and immune system is undergoing heavy loads. The active substances that make up such nuts will help to cope with which.

In addition, cedar nuts are useful for the child:

  • When the milk teeth fall out
  • Boys, during puberty
  • During respiratory diseases to maintain immunity

In any case, they will benefit from almost all organs and the body as a whole. But, the main thing is to observe the measure. Especially including them in the diet of the child.

Face and hair cedar

Cedar nut oil is a unique product
Cedar nut oil is a unique product

We can say that it is concentrates of all useful substances from this nut. This oil helps with skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis and diathesis. If you take it inside, you can cure:

  • Liver and choleretic diseases
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes and obesity
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Anemia and leukemia
  • Periodontal disease and other diseases of the teeth and gums
  • Tuberculosis

Cedar oil is a concentrate of vitamin P. In this product, it is three times more than in fish oil from a pharmacy. The composition of this compound is included in the compounds indispensable for our body.

  • In addition, taking 1 teaspoon of this oil 3 times a day, you can strengthen the immune system of the body and strengthen the vessels. This product can be consumed independently or added to salads as a refueling
  • Cedar oil in cosmetology plays a very large role. With it, you can clean and protect the skin and hair. This oil can dissolve various contaminants, and the compounds included in its composition quickly nourish the epidermis with useful substances
  • To reduce the number of age -related wrinkles, it is necessary to wash with warm water and apply oil to the face. It is very well absorbed and nourishes wilting skin. The remains of the oil can be wetted with a napkin
The composition of such oil includes antioxidants that can protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment
The composition of such oil includes antioxidants that can protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment

Also, cedar oil is useful for nails and cuticles.

  • This product for hair helps very well. Moreover, cedar oil is considered an excellent tool that stops baldness. You can also fight dandruff with it with it
  • To combat white flakes, you can use such a recipe. In a small bowl, you need to mix a tablespoon of vodka, tea and cedar oil. When the liquid becomes homogeneous, you need to apply it to the head and rub it into the skin and hair roots
  • For a greater effect, you can wash off such a mask no earlier than three hours later. In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use this tool 2 times a week. From cedar oil you can make an excellent hair mask

Cedar nut oil is most often produced in two ways:

  • Cold pressing: For nuts, with the help of a special press there is a large pressure. The resulting liquid mass is then filtered. Thanks to which it turns out a healthy and natural product - cedar oil.
  • Hot pressing: Nuts are subjected to heat treatment. This increases the yield of oil, but reduces its benefit.

There is a third method for the production of cedar oil - the extraction method. When using it, the nut nucleus is placed in a special composition. Using this composition, the oil is extended, after which excess compounds are evaporated. The oil obtained in this way has low quality and price.

  • When buying cedar nuts, it is necessary to give preference to a product produced using cold pressing
  • Such oil should have a pleasant nut aroma and amber color. Low -quality oil will not only not be able to provide the above benefits, but on the contrary, can harm the body
  • Cedar nut oil is sold in bottles or capsules for internal use

Cedar nut nucleus

You can eat such nuts yourself. But, if you fry them, then the taste of nuts will become brighter and more expressive. Today, more and more nuts are becoming ingredients of meat and fish dishes.

They are added to salads and used in baking. In Italy, Pinia seeds (relatives of Siberian cedars) are used to prepare the famous pesto sauce.

Cookies with nuts

  1. Beat the oil (100 g), brown sugar (50 g) and salt. Add the egg (1 pc.), Cedar nuts (100 g), flour (250 g), pre -mixed with baking powder (1/2 bag), and prepare the dough
  2. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, form cookies from the test and lay on a baking sheet. Move it to the preheated oven
  3. Bake 10-15 minutes until cooked

Risotto with carrots and cedar nuts

  1. Carrots (1 pc.) Rub on a coarse grater. We smear olive oil (2 tbsp. Spoons), fry the garlic in it (1 tooth.). When he acquires a golden hue, add carrots and cedar nuts (a handful). Fry for another 5 minutes constantly mixing
  2. Pour the pasta in the form of rice (Orzo) (200 g) in the pan and extinguish another 2 minutes. Pour the broth (you can ordinary water) (1.75 cups) and cook until the fluid evaporates, constantly stirring
  3. Before removing from the stove, add pepper and salt. Serve to the table with greens and green onions

Tuna tomatoes

Stuffed tomatoes with tuna and nuts have an unforgettable taste
Stuffed tomatoes with tuna and nuts have an unforgettable taste
  1. In a preheated pan, dry cedar nuts (1 handful). We knead the tuna (1 bank) with a fork. Finely chop the chnatt-moon (1 bunch). Soft goat cheese (150 g) cut into small cubes
  2. Mix the cheese, tuna, chnatt-gallon, capers (2 tbsp. Spoons) and try so that the products are evenly mixed up with each other
  3. From the half of the lime, squeeze the juice and pour the filling with it. Add cold squeezing olive oil (2 tbsp. Spoons) and mix all one more time
  4. We cut the top (“lid”) from tomatoes (5 pcs) and remove the pulp from the middle. Finely chop the cilantro (3 twigs)
  5. We fill the tomatoes with filling, sprinkle with cedar nuts, cilantro and cover with a lid

Cedar nut flour: Application

  • In the production of cedar nut oil, cold squeezing remains. It also has great benefit. But, in order to get it, it must be chopped into powder. The resulting product is called cedar nut flour or cedar milk
  • Cedar flour has a pleasant taste and coniferous aroma. It can be used as a drug, an independent food product or ingredient of various sauces and baking
  • Cedar nut flour is added to sour -milk products or used for the preparation of vegetable cream
Such flour can be used to clean the body of toxins and toxins
Such flour can be used to clean the body of toxins and toxins

To do this, it is enough to dissolve two teaspoons of cedar flour in a glass of kefir and drink before bedtime. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

In addition, cedar nut nucleus flour can help with lymph and anemia diseases. In order to use all the beneficial properties of this product, it is necessary to use cedar flour without heat treatment. But, if you want to feel its original taste, then prepare pancakes from it:

  1. We clean apples (250 g) from the peel. We remove the middle from them and cut into thin rings. In order for apples do not blacken them, you need to boil with lemon juice
  2. Mix wheat (120 g) and cedar flour (120 g) in an equal amount in a bowl. Add salt, brown sugar (25 g) and baking powder (35 g). Pour mineral water (400 ml) and lemon juice (1 tbsp. Spoon). Mix the mixer and pour vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon). Mix again and let it brew for 2-3 minutes
  3. Warm up the pan. Pour the dough and put an apple ringle into the center. After 1.5 - 2 minutes, turn the pancake and bake the second side.
  4. We put the finished pancakes with a stack and water it with honey

Cedar flour can be used not only for culinary purposes, but also as a homemade nutrient mask for the skin of the face. To prepare this product, you need to mix flour with kefir to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the face. Rinse such a mask with warm water after 45-60 minutes.

Cedar nuts recipes salads

Cedar nuts are not necessary to eat as an independent product. They complement the taste of some dishes very well. Especially salads.

Salad with pineapples

Salad with pineapples and cedar nuts will saturate the body with useful compounds
Salad with pineapples and cedar nuts will saturate the body with useful compounds
  1. Smoked chicken breast (200 g) and canned pineapple (1 bank) must be cut into cubes of the same size. We divide the olives (7 pcs) into two halves and remove the seeds from them, if any
  2. Fry the nuts (60 g) in a dry pan and connect them to pineapples and chicken. We add rye crackers (120 g) there. We season with mayonnaise (3 tbsp. Spoons), decorate and serve to the table

Vegetable Salad

  1. Fry cedar nuts (60 g) in a pan without oil. Finely chop the cabbage (210 g). Cut the fresh cucumbers with slices (1.5 pcs.). Grind the pepper (2 pcs.). In order for the salad to look more festive and juicy better to take peppers of different colors
  2. We connect all the ingredients
  3. Mix olive oil (2.5 tbsp. Tablespoons), lime juice (0.5 pcs.) And sugar (2 teaspoon) dissolved in water. The resulting sauce is filled with a salad. Salt and pepper
  4. Decorate with dill and serve to the table

With chicken meat

  1. Boil the breasts (225 g) in slightly salted water. Let it cool and divide into small pieces with hands
  2. We combine sunflower oil (2.5 tbsp. Tablespoons) with lemon juice (2 tbsp. Spoons), add salt and ground pepper. We pass the garlic through the press and add to the oil. The sauce should brew 15 minutes
  3. Grind the leaves of salad (1/2 bundle) with our hands. Cucumbers (150 g) are cut into circles. Mix the ingredients and pour into a plate decorated with whole salad leaves
  4. Sprinkle with nuts on top, pour with dressing and decorate with herbs

Tincture of shell, husks of cedar nuts on vodka

In Siberia, as well as far beyond its borders, tincture on cedar nuts is very popular
In Siberia, as well as far beyond its borders, tincture on cedar nuts is very popular
  • Practical Siberians make this “elixir from 100 diseases” using not only valuable cedar nuts, but also no less valuable shell. Thanks to alcohol or vodka, the beneficial substances from the husk of pine nuts are stretched and it becomes possible to use them
  • Such tincture can be used to treat colds. It helps with joint pain and treatment of skin diseases. Using the internal use of tincture from cedar nuts, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the general condition of the body
  • To prepare such tinctures, a cedar nut shell is suitable, which was not subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, if you use pumping in a pan to outline the extraction of this nut nucleus, then such a husk will not work
  • To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to fill the 1.5-liter bottle of peeling peel, leaving 2-3 cm to the neck. Then, in the bottle “under the tie” you need to pour vodka and insist for two weeks. Then you need to filter the contents of the bottle and use the tincture as intended
  • To generally strengthen the body and reduce the risk of various diseases, it is necessary to dilute 1 teaspoon of 50 ml of water and take such a “cocktail” three times a day 20 minutes before the meal

Cedar nuts on vodka with myoma

To prepare tinctures for the treatment of fibroids, you need to use unpeeled cedar nuts
To prepare tinctures for the treatment of fibroids, you need to use unpeeled cedar nuts
  • One glass of nuts needs to be poured with 500 ml of vodka. Also for this purpose, diluted alcohol can be used. Insist this tool for 2 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking
  • The uterus with the help of such tinctures is treated with a course. Its duration should be at least 6 months. Then you need to take a 2-month break and continue treatment again if necessary
  • During such a course, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of tincture of pine nuts during such a course 30 minutes before meals three times a day

Decoction of cedar nuts: Application

A decoction of cedar nuts is taken with alcohol intolerance
A decoction of cedar nuts is taken with alcohol intolerance
  • This tool can be used as an analgesic and anti -inflammatory agent. Such a decoction is indicated for bleeding and during menopause
  • To prepare a decoction, pour cedar nuts (1 tbsp. Spoon) with boiling water (1 cup), insist for 15-20 minutes, let cool and take a half of the glass between meals. It is allowed to drink 2.5 cups of this product per day
  • With the help of such a decoction, you can cure a cough, runny nose, bronchitis and other similar diseases

Hair removal by cedar nut

Every woman strives to have smooth beautiful skin
Every woman strives to have smooth beautiful skin
  • Various beauty salons and companies producing skin care products come to the aid of the beautiful half of humanity. Today there are many methods for removing unwanted hair. But why spend a lot of money if you can use a really effective tool
  • The high -tech benefits of civilization are of course good. But, we should not forget about the natural methods that our grandmothers also used. Namely, hair removal with cedar nuts
  • There are several options for this use of cedar nuts. Most often, to remove unwanted vegetation, the ash of their shells are used
  • For this purpose, you need to burn 300 grams of dry shell. The ash obtained in this way with the help of water is brought to a pasty state. Then, this tool must be lubricated with hair growth places that need to be removed. After 3-4 procedures, the hair will become very thin and disappear
  • Also for this purpose, you can use a decoction of cedar nuts. It can be prepared not only from nuts, but also for cones. For this, raw materials are covered in a saucepan, poured with water and brought to a boil. It is best to use the same parts of nuts and water. Then you get a dense tarry decoction that will quickly help to cope with unnecessary hair
  • As in the case of paste from ash, such a decoction needs to lubricate places with unnecessary vegetation
  • When allergies to cedar nuts, use the above hair removal

Tips and reviews

Katia. I love cedar nuts very much. At first I used them just like that, and now I add to salads. I heard about their benefits and try to use it. But, in order for such nuts to really help you need to choose the right one. Fresh nuts should have a pleasant brown color and be a little raw. If you have dry or dirty yellow nuts, then you should not buy them. Also pay attention to the smell. He should not be fragile.

Evgeniy. Since in the composition of cedar nuts a lot of oil they quickly spoil. In order to extend the term, you need to store such nuts in a sealed packaging (you can take a plastic container) and in the refrigerator.

Video: The benefits of cedar nuts for weight loss

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