Boligols grass spotted: therapeutic properties and contraindications, side effects, folk medical recipes for applying

Boligols grass spotted: therapeutic properties and contraindications, side effects, folk medical recipes for applying

In this article, you will find a lot of interesting and useful information about the grass of the backwater, as well as recipes for the preparation of tincture.

Boligolov is poisonous grass, but despite its such properties, it is actively used in folk medicine. A tincture is prepared from it, which helps to cope with different ailments, and also taken in the form of decoctions, lotions, and so on. You will find recipes for such a medicine in this article. You will also learn how this grass looks, where it grows and how it is called in simple language.

Boligolov is spotty - therapeutic properties, the main alkaloid and the poisonous beginning: what makes, how does it act on a tumor, streptococci and staphylococci?

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

Poisonous plant "Boligols spotted" It turned out to be very in demand in medicine. What does he heal and so helps with diseases? Here's the answer:

  • Toxic alkaloids contained in this plant can help in some diseases.
  • The most poisonous is the main alkaloid - koniin.
  • It is such a toxic principle that determines the pharmacological effect of drug -based drugs.

The spectrum of action and therapeutic properties of these drugs based on the back of the backboard:

  • Extract and plasters They have a calming, analgesic, anti -inflammatory and anticonvulsant effect.
  • Plant juice It can be used as a diuretic.

It is also worth noting the excellent antitumor effect of the back of the background:

  • With proper dosage, it does not damage healthy cells, but is detrimental to the tumor cells.
  • This is based on the use of its drugs in the treatment of cancer and benign neoplasms according to the Tishchenko method.
  • In addition, the analgesic effect of the backwater enhances the effectiveness of treatment for oncological diseases. Professor of Medicine Tishchenko and his followers recommend taking a car head for the prevention of cancer. Read more about this in the article on this link.

It should also be noted the immunostimulating and antiseptic effects of a carcass, which allows you to successfully use it in the treatment of streptococci and staphylococci.

Remember: All drugs are very poisonous, and their use should be very careful after consulting a doctor.

Boligolov from nail fungus: how to apply?

Boligolov from nail fungus
Boligolov from nail fungus

Boligolov - poisonous grass. At the same time, he is able to save a person from nail fungus. The use of a carcass from the nail fungus should occur after consulting a doctor. How to apply? You can use several treatment options. Consider the main:

  • Use of tincture on alcohol
  • Using water tincture
  • Oil infusion
  • Tea from Bologolov

Tincture for alcohol prepares like this:

  • Put it in a half-liter jar 2 glasses dry raw materials. You can use freshly pushed seeds.
  • Pour the contents of the jar with medical alcohol and leave for 30 days in a dark, cool place.
  • After the lapse of 1 month Strain the tincture.
  • Now you can make compresses, lotions, or take inward.

Water tincture:

  • To prepare such an infusion, you need to take grass grass 1 tbsp. spoon, Boiling water 250 ml.
  • Pour the grass into a thermos and pour boiling water.
  • Insist a day. Take into the inside, in doses recommended by the attending physician.

Oil tincture:

  • For this you need fresh grass.
  • 2 glasses Grind in a mortar or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Pour the resulting mass 0.5 liters Refined oil. You can use olive or sunflower.
  • Insist 21 day In a tightly closed bowl, in a dark place.
  • Use the resulting infusion in the form of a compress or lubricate the affected areas of nails.

Tea or water infusion:

  • Mix in equal proportions the root of Badan, fruits of bird cherry, birch and walnut sheet. Add thyme and boil.
  • 1 teaspoon Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water and leave to infuse.
  • Add before use 3-5 drops Tincture of the back of the backboard.
  • Drink the resulting tea during the day.

Important: Bologolov treatment should not exceed 21 day. If after this time the nail fungus remains, then take a week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Boligolov: Treatment COPL

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

Chronic obstructive lung disease is a complex disease that is in fourth place in the list of the most deadly pathologies. The treatment of such an ailment is long. You can help yourself with the help of the reception of a painter.

You can take both tincture and decoctions from this grass. Here are a few recipes for the treatment of COPD:

  • Pour 30 grams dry material (flowers, leaves, fruits) 0.5 l. vodkaClose tightly and insist a week at room temperature.
  • Water tincture ratio 300 ml. water and 10 g of leaves. Cook in a water bath or in a thermos ( 12 hours.), store in the cold.
  • Seed tincture. Pour the seeds with medical/alcohol in the jar to the top, for 15 days.

Such treatment can be additional for the main treatment that the doctor should prescribe to you.

Treatment of mastopathy with a backwater: recipe

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

The treatment of mastopathy is carried out in different ways, depending on the form of the disease. Here are recipes:

In a malignant form:

  • Take a tincture of the back of the tsarist, or sparing, methodology.
  • On the first day, take 1 drop of tincture, adding daily 1 drop, so up to 40 drops in a day.
  • Then reduce the dose daily 1 dropThen increase again. The course is completed. Take a break and if there are no contraindications, but there is a positive dynamics of the disease, repeat the course again.
  • Dose 1 to 13 drops Dilute in 100 ml water, from the 13th dropin 150 ml, from the 26th-200 ml.

With benign mastopathy:

  • Accept no more than 15 drops Tinctures daily.
  • Thus take the medicine during 4-6 monthsUntil an improvement occurs.

Advice: Be sure to perform such treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Boligols for pancreatitis: Recipe

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

Boligolov is an excellent anti -inflammatory agent. Therefore, with pancreatitis, it has a good effect, removing inflammation and pain symptoms. With this pathology, a tincture of a back of the backboard is usually prepared from unripe seeds or flowers.

To do this, do the following:

  • Rinse flowers or carcass seeds, chop in any way, pour high -quality vodka in the proportion 1:10.
  • Take out to infuse in a dark cool place for 2-3 weeks.
  • The prepared tincture must be filtered.

Take the medicine as follows:

  • First day 2 dropsthen increase the dose daily 1 dropuntil the total number of drops is 30.
  • Then in the opposite direction: reduce every day 1 drop.
  • Repeat the course in a week, and so 2-3 courses.

After a week of taking the drug, you will feel improvement. Positive dynamics for ultrasound and in analyzes will be visible in a month. The course and its repetition is necessary to consolidate the result.

Remember: Boligolov is poisonous and not for every type of pancreatitis can be consumed. Therefore, consult a doctor.

Boligolov from prostatitis: how to take?

Tincture of
Tincture of "Boligols"

Many men are familiar with such a disease as prostatitis. There are a great many methods of treating this disease. However, recently, more and more patients turn to folk methods of treatment. Most often, carriers are used to treat prostatitis. How to collect it, use and take it for medicinal purposes from prostatitis? Here's the answer:

  • For healing prostatitis, all parts of the plant are useful, except for the roots.
  • In medicine, a plant that grows for more than two years is most appreciated.
  • It is best to collect the plant in the middle of summer.
  • After collecting the Boligols should be dried.
  • Then a healing special infusion is prepared.
  • So that the medicine does not spoil it, you need to store it in bottles of dark glass.

Prepare the tincture in any way indicated in the text. It is better to make it on alcohol. So active substances will fall into the blood faster and begin to act. If there are contraindications, then make an infusion on the water. Take the medicine like this:

  • Clearly in a certain amount: on the first day, dilute one drop of infusion into 50 ml water.
  • The next day, the dosage must be increased, and so every next day.
  • After the volume of the medicine reaches ten drops, increase the amount of water up to 100 ml.
  • When the dose reaches fifteen drops, it is not necessary to increase the dosage more.
  • This method needs to be treated for six months.

Alcohol tincture can be stored for a year. In the new season, if you want to repeat the course of treatment, you need to make a fresh medicine from new plants for the treatment of prostatitis.

A compress of backwater with rheumatoid arthritis: Recipe

A compress from a backwater
A compress from a backwater

With rheumatoid arthritis, the grass of the backboard helps well. It not only is well anesthetized, but also capable of defeating arthritis completely. In order for the treatment to be more effective, it is recommended to simultaneously take a tincture from a background from the backwater, and apply compresses on sore joints.

To prepare tincture, you must do the following:

  • Take it 30 g dried backwater grass, pour 0.5 l Good, necessarily high -quality vodka.
  • Insist 2 weeks In a dark cool place. Constantly shake the container with the medicine so that the grass gives all the juices.

Tincture can be taken inside and used for applique to sore spots:

  • It is recommended to apply a compress every two days once for an hour to sore areas.
  • Take the tincture daily according to the royal methodology.
  • The essence of this technique was described above: on the first day, take 1 drop, in the second - 2 drops, so 40 days. Then everything happens in the reverse order: from 40 drops to 1 per day.

This course with rheumatoid arthritis is recommended to repeat 2-3 times nonstop. Do not forget to dilute tincture with water: 1-12 drop-in 100 ml of water, from the 13th drop-in 150 ml, from the 26th-in 200 ml.

Can I rub the pain in the spine with tincture of pain?

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

The tincture of the backwater has good anti -inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is used both inward and externally.

If pain in the spine is tormented, tincture of the backwater will help relieve pain. You can rub the sick areas with tincture. In this case, the effect intensifies, since the blood is heated, the active substances penetrate the body faster and pass through the blood to sore spots, relieving inflammation and pain.

Bologolov ointment: application

Bologolov ointment
Bologolov ointment

One of the important values \u200b\u200bof the ointment of the Bolopolov is silver ions. In combination with plant extract, they give medicine the properties that allow it to be used for:

  • Antiseptics
  • Pain relief
  • Counteracting the development of tumors
  • Resililation of adhesions in postoperative periods
  • Therapeutic effect

The tool is used externally on any part of the body. It is very effective in the treatment of adenoma, cysts, mastopathy, skin oncology, fiber education. Here's how to apply:

  • The ointment is applied to the affected area with a thin layer (you can not be heated, covered with fabric, and severely rubbed).
  • Hold for no more than two hours. You need to do so 2-3 times per day with a course of treatment in 1 month.
  • You can only repeat therapy after 30 days.

Pay attention to the contraindications and side effects of the backwater. Read about them below.

Contraindications in the treatment of painter


Despite the strong toxic properties, Boligols almost do not cause allergies. There are also almost no cases of intolerance in individual patients. But at the same time, according to statistics, in a third of patients during treatment, no progress is observed in terms of recovery. The main reason for this phenomenon is an insufficient immunological reaction of the body to alkaloids.

In this regard, general contraindications are determined to take preparations from a painter:

  • Individual intolerance, which is still rare, but is found.
  • Renal and liver diseases.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • The patient's age is up to 18 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Patients during recovery after exhaustion.

Before making a decision, use the drug - a mandatory consultation with a specialist is strongly recommended. It will reveal the presence of concomitant diseases, which will exclude or seriously limit the use of drugs created on the basis of a carcass. Smoking and alcohol are categorically prohibited.

Boligolov: Drops for obesity

Tincture of
Tincture of "Boligols"

Drops from the backwater can be used for obesity, but with caution. It should also be understood that with obesity, such a drug is effective only if, in addition to excess weight, a person has increased fluid accumulation, especially in the abdominal area.

It's important to know: Boligolov is a good diuretic, so it is remarkably coping with the problem when it is necessary to improve the urination.

You must also understand that excess fluid is excreted from the body when taking a carbon. A person loses weight, but only due to the outgoing liquid, and not because of loss of excess fat. This must be remembered by those people who want to lose weight by taking drugs.

Boligolov, tincture of the back of the backboard - than dangerous: side effects on the body

Tincture of
Tincture of "Boligols"

Alcohol tincture from a painter is recommended to be used only after consulting with the attending physician. You need to know how the tincture of the backwater and its side effect on the body are connected. The effect of this drug on the body can be not only unpleasant, but also very dangerous. That is why the course of treatment with this poisonous plant should take place with mandatory compliance with the dosage.

What is the dangerous tincture of a backwater? The adverse effects of this grass on the body cause alkaloids that are part of it:

  • Koniin
  • N-methylkonin
  • Konitsin
  • Congidrin

All parts of the plant are equally poisonous. Alkaloids of the carcass can cause allergies and intoxication in humans. Also, the toxic substances that make up the healing plant give a load on such internal organs:

  • Kids
  • Liver
  • The gall bladder
  • Pancreas

Therefore, it is not recommended to use alcohol tincture in the presence of contraindications from the digestive and urinary systems. Here are another side effects of a backwater on the body:

  • The counselor of Konin and its derivatives on the human body can cause death from respiratory or heart failure.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use this alcohol tuning for children up to 18 years old.
  • Also, pregnant and lactating women should not be treated with such a medicine.
  • People over 65 years old Such a drug is contraindicated due to a decrease in the functions in the operation of some systems or organs.

If you wish, you can do the tincture of the backwater yourself or it can be purchased in some pharmacies and online stores. In order to comply with safety, the medicine is recommended to be stored:

  • In dark, cool places.
  • In inaccessible places for children.
  • In inaccessible places for inadequate, violent, drinking, incompetent people, to prevent accidental poisoning with this tool.

Observe precautions when taking and storing the drug and then the medicine will only benefit.

Can I eat yogurt acting in the treatment of a booth?

Activian yogurt in the treatment
Activian yogurt in the treatment

People who are treated with the help of a painter often ask the question of what can be eaten and what is prohibited. The same question concerns Yogurt Aktivia.

  • The process of using a carcass in any form, negatively affects the entire organism and human organs.
  • The digestive tract, first of all, is exposed to the harmful effects of this grass.
  • Laboratory studies have not been precisely proved how exactly the digestive organs react to such poisonous grass.
  • But one thing is clear that activius is not only possible, but also needs to be consumed, thanks to its properties.
  • Yogurt with living bifidobacteria improves digestion, which means that a positive effect on the entire human body.

Accordingly, acting improves the metabolism and accelerates the withdrawal of all harmful substances that enter the human body at the time of taking a backwater. In addition, in order to reduce the risk of intoxication of the body, it is recommended to consume yogurt assets during the treatment with a carcass.

How does the treatment with a back of the head of the head affect: do it fall or not?

Boligolov can be used to remove unwanted hair on the face and body, this property is well proven. But do the hair falls on the head if in the treatment of any other disease, carriers are used? How does the treatment of this grass affect the hair onion? Here's the answer:

  • Bologolov preparations stimulate the immune system, after which it begins to work several times better.
  • The hematopoietic system is also stimulated, after which there is an enhanced cell renewal.

From all this, we can say that when taking drugs from a painter, hair on the head cannot fall out, rather, on the contrary, their growth may increase. Hair can fall out only in cancer patients who also use carriers in the treatment, but in this case, hair loss is caused by oncology or, more precisely, used in its treatment with chemotherapy.

Where can you buy tincture and ointment, candles, droplets of a painter?

Boligolov grass
Boligolov grass

To purchase drugs, whether it is tincture, ointment, suppositories or droplets of a carcass, is necessary only in the proven pharmacies of the city with an appropriate license, as well as trusting websites of online stores. For example:

Before buying the drug, you should also familiarize yourself with reviews on the site and consult a doctor.

Boligolov grass: when to harvest?

As you know, Boligolov is poisonous grass. At the same time, it is used for many diseases, even such serious as oncology. It is not recommended to use it independently. But if you are one of those who still decide to be treated, then know, the workpiece is carried out at a certain time.

Boil -back collection time:

  • It is necessary to collect this grass at the time of flowering, as it matures precisely by this time.
  • Brower flowering season, falls out at the end of June - mid -July.
  • It is the first two summer months that is optimal for the harvesting of a car.
  • By this time, Boligols are as saturated with all its healing properties as much as possible.

Harvest the grass correctly. Prepare medicines strictly according to prescriptions or buy ready -made preparations based on a backwater in pharmacies. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor and then there will be no undesirable consequences from such therapy.

"Curebolin" - candles with backbollah and burdock: use, reviews

"Cleanbolin" candles with a backwater and burdock

Candles cleanbolin Made on the basis of natural components - plants of a backwater, burdock and others. This drug is used for such tumor and inflammatory diagnoses:

  • Endometriosis
  • Body polyps and cervix
  • Mastopathy
  • Prostate adenoma
  • Polyps of the bladder
  • Stomach
  • Intestines
  • Nasopharynx
  • Larynx

It is worth noting that the use of the drug in the form of candles with a dosed release helps to avoid side effects from a carcass: nausea, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and so on. Read several reviews about this drug of those people who undergo their treatment or have already finished:

Svetlana, 58 years old

The Proctologist prescribed Porobolin when he diagnosed the colon cancer. It is better than taking a tincture of a carcass with its side effects. The improvement occurred after the first year, but the doctor said that it was necessary to repeat. In addition, such candles help well with constipation.

Anastasia, 38 years old

My gynecologist appointed cleanbolin to me. There was a delay in menstruation not related to pregnancy. At first I underwent examination, the doctor said that it was okay, but there is an inflammation in the uterus. For the treatment of this, the process was prescribed candles. He explained that the herbs that are included in the composition will cope with the pathology: Boligols - with inflammation, burdock - will perform a disinfecting effect.

Sofya, 40 years old

Recently, I was diagnosed - a benign tumor of the uterus - myoma. Resectoscopy was carried out and then the doctor prescribed a cleanbolin. Yesterday I was on an ultrasound. Improvements are noticeable in the endometrium, new nodes and polyps do not appear.

Video: Boligolov Therapeutic properties

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