Aloe and a tabletop are the same plant as the difference between them: comparison of succulents. What does Aloe and the hundred -year look like and how and where did you get into our country? What is the similarity and difference between the composition, care, therapeutic properties, methods of using aloe and centennial?

Aloe and a tabletop are the same plant as the difference between them: comparison of succulents. What does Aloe and the hundred -year look like and how and where did you get into our country? What is the similarity and difference between the composition, care, therapeutic properties, methods of using aloe and centennial?

In this article, we will analyze whether there are and what are the differences between Aloe and the centenary. And also consider their similar sides.

Aloe is a storehouse of many beneficial substances and acts in the form of a home mini-apple. Therefore, it can always be found on the windowsill of every mistress. But often, many people call this plant a word that can “cut the hearing” a little - a hundred -year -old. Let us analyze why the same plant is called differently and whether there are differences between them.

What do aloe and tabletop look like?

Both of these plants are considered succulents, that is, have the ability to accumulate water. It is also worth noting that the cactus is their bright representative. To understand the issue of the similarity of Aloe and the centenary, one should consider their appearance and biological description.

  • The fact is that experts today have more than 400 types of aloe. Most often, only 2 types are used - aloe vera and aloe tree. For decorative purposes, aloe and colorful can be used.
  • Aloe in its appearance more like a bush with wide leaves. At the ends, thorns or spikes are more often present. More precisely, the real Barbados aloe looks like this, which is considered the most valuable plant of all its species.
Real aloe has the shape of a bush and wide leaves
Real aloe has the shape of a bush and wide leaves
  • Decorative bushes, which are significantly inferior in the content of fleshy pulp and the strength of beneficial properties, have either smaller sizes, or they do not have thorns. There is even Aloe in the form of a real giant tree, for example, Aloe Pilanes or Baynes.
  • But our attention is required by another type of aloe, which is also popular in local latitudes - aloe tree. It has the shape of a tree, but small. That is, it has a trunk from which the leaves diverge. By the way, this species grows more often in our latitudes. It is he who will receive the popular name of the centenary.

Important: therefore, we can say with confidence that a tabletop and aloe is one and the same plant. Only you need to be extremely careful, because this applies only to the aloe of the tree. In other words, a tabletop and aloe are different species of one plant. Therefore, there are similarities between them and even certain differences.

A hundred or aloe tree has a tree -shaped tree
A hundred or aloe tree has a tree -shaped tree

How did Aloe and a tabletop from the tropical countries come to us?

Until today, hot discussions of scientists and specialists are flared around this issue. Accordingly, there is no single opinion. According to the hypotheses put forward, Aloe could have come to us from one of three further places: South Africa, Madagascar or the Arabian Peninsula.

  • At a time when these places died from the fiery heat, drought and the absence of the slightest drop of water, all plants dried up and died. And only Aloe could not only survive, but also spread to other continents.
  • The first mention of this plant and its unique healing properties was recorded in ancient Egyptian chronicles of a medical nature, which date about 1,500 liters. BC. This was done by a German scientist and writer named George Ebers, who at that time was engaged in the study of the characteristics of ancient Egypt.
  • Another curious historical fact. Alexander of Macedon himself strove to conquer the island of SKRO-TRO-TRAIN (which successfully achieved) for the sake of one main goal-to become the owner of a large number of aloe plantations in order to be able to use this miracle tool in numerical campaigns.

There is also a slight difference in this matter between these types

  • We will not touch on each species with its history of origin separately, but Aloe tree in the literal sense of the word takes its roots from South Africa. Or rather, from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
  • But Aloe is present from the Arabian Peninsula. It also grows widely in the Canary Islands and in Sudan.
Such succulents from tropical countries with a hot climate
Such succulents from tropical countries with a hot climate

How to properly care for aloe and centuries -old?

We already know that the hundred and aloe is one type and family, therefore their requirements are similar. In nature, in natural living conditions, Aloe of any kind prefers to develop in countries that are characterized by a tropical climate.

  • Aloe chooses semi -deserts and deserts, rocky soils, as well as territories with dry shrubs - all that poses a threat to most plants. But for succulents, this is an ideal place for development and reproduction.
  • Therefore, the place and soil for growth selects similar, and in indoor conditions it requires a similar environment. Although Aloe survives very well in any environment, do not forget to take into account the wishes of the plant. Then you notice not only rapid growth, but even its flowering.
  • By the way, the flowers of such plants are tubular and gather in small brushes, and the color scheme varies from yellow to red color.
  • It is very easy to care for Aloe (and a centenary, respectively), you only have to adhere to a few simple tips:
    • put the plant only where a lot of sunlight enters. Otherwise, aloe will die;
    • it is necessary to add charcoal to the ground, and do not forget to place a handful of drainage at the bottom of the pot;
    • it is necessary to change the sides so that the light evenly falls on the bush or tree -like bush;
    • when it is warm outside, it is best to change the stuffy room to a balcony with fresh air or even a street. Only in advance you need to take care of protection from the rain. And do not leave it too sharply in nature. Give a few days to adapt;
    • no need to often water aloe (even when it is very hot). The optimal amount of watering is 1 time per week. In the cold season, water should be watered less often - once every few weeks. Remember - frequent watering will lead to rotting of the plant;
    • you can periodically spray the bush. This will refresh the leaves and will not oversaturate the root system with moisture. Also do not forget to wipe the leaves themselves from dust;
    • there is no need to cut aloe. It can be transplanted to increase the number of leaves and the seedlings themselves. It is propagated by sprouts, which often and densely grow around the old bush.
Aloe loves fresh air and moderate watering
Aloe loves fresh air and moderate watering

Aloe and centenary

In this aspect, you can clearly see the kinship between these two plants. We will not go into a detailed report between the content of substances in each sheet, but the composition of the stage and aloe do not differ from each other.

  • Both of these plants are characterized by a unique structure that is saturated with many vitamins useful for the body:
    • they are not only stored in them, but without a break, a full range of vitamins is produced. And their properties perfectly complement each other, which in total gives amazing results. This complex consists of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12), C, A and E;
    • there was a place here for such mineral components as calcium, sodium, chrome, copper;
    • also, Aloe and centuries-old include many amino acids, antioxidants, mono-and-polysaccharides;
    • one cannot mention the share of bitterness and essential oils in their composition, as well as a large amount of mucus. And it not only contributes to the rapid healing of wounds on the surface of the skin and even mucous membranes, but also acts as an antiseptic.
Thanks to the large amount of aloe mucus, acts as a strong antiseptic
Thanks to the large amount of aloe mucus, acts as a strong antiseptic

Therapeutic properties and the main differences between aloe and centennet

In addition to appearance, these plants differ in their healing properties and areas of application. The whole secret is that Aloe has a wide and fleshy leaf. Moreover, many times more than that of a centenary. So that it has more juice and mucus. Therefore, these plants showed themselves a little differently in various fields of application.

Important: but there is similarity in this aspect. The lower leaves of plants are considered as useful as possible.

The scope of aloe

  • The main area is the use of aloe is our body from the inside and all the organs functioning in it:
    • strengthening immunity and prevention of colds;
    • and also this is a powerful substance with complications in the upper respiratory tract and lungs;
    • aloe juice is very widely used as drops for the nose. Moreover, this tool is suitable even for children;
    • aloe has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the biliary ducts;
    • reduces sugar levels in the body;
    • improves the work of heart and vascular systems;
    • acts as an anesthetic and anti -inflammatory agrite (especially in moments of exacerbation);
    • strengthens and partial restores the condition of the gums (subject to regular use);
    • it has a positive effect on the work of the stomach and esophagus, due to which the possibility of heartburn is reduced at times;
    • by the way, its juice is very useful for gastritis and stomach ulcer. It contributes to the healing of wounds inside;
    • his merit also lies in the regulation of the menstrual cycle in women. In addition, he still relieves soreness, and improves well -being during menopause.

Important: in all this, the main thing is that the work of aloe is aimed at just those internal parts of the body that are most of all negative effects of the surrounding among and modern lifestyle. Therefore, its regular use will increase the immune and protective functions of the body.

Aloe is widely used for oral administration
Aloe is widely used for oral administration

Some contraindications

  • When using aloe, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, like any folk remedy, aloe has some use restrictions:
    • it is better to refuse the use of this plant to those who have a reduced blood sugar (it can become even lower);
    • it is strictly forbidden to use aloe during pregnancy. It contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which can lead to uterine bleeding;
    • you can not use those who have reduced pressure;
    • due to the fact that aloe contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, it cannot be used by those who have problems with the circulatory system.
But aloe has some contraindications
But aloe has some contraindications

Beneficial properties of a centenary or aloe of wood

  • If we talk about the centenary, then the scope of its application is significantly different from the use of Aloe of the present. And the point is not only that the useful components are slightly smaller, but also juice for oral administration is not enough. As a rule, this plant is used for the outside of the body:
    • if there are scratches, wounds and cuts on the body, then the hundred -year juice will contribute to their rapid healing;
    • the hundred -year -old can safely replace expensive creams and ointments in the struggle against pustules and boils;
    • fights with varicose veins;
    • a tabletop can become the basis of various decoctions and shampoos. Rinking the hair with a decoction of this plant, you can not only strengthen the hair and accelerate its restoration and growth, but also get rid of dandruff;
    • this remedy perfectly soothes a place bitten by an insect;
    • great for burns of any degree and even a species, but also with frostbite can help;
    • Used to reduce the number of wrinkles and improve the skin.
  • You can use any part of the centennial - both juice, and fresh leaves (more precisely, their cut), and steamed leaves, and even as a decoction.

Important: the main function of the centenary is the acceleration of cell growth. Therefore, it cannot be categorically used in the presence of oncology. After all, it can cause the rapid appearance of new cancer cells. This is perhaps the only minus and contraindication to the use of a centenary.

The tabletop is suitable for external use
The tabletop is suitable for external use

Methods of using aloe and centennet

How to take aloe inside?

  • Reception of drug juice should be carried out 3 times a day for 1 tsp. But the course can last up to 2 weeks. This is only an average scheme. For example, with bronchitis, take aloe juice 5 days 3 times a day for 2 tsp. And to raise immunity, the number of techniques to 4 times increases. By the way, it is advisable to take it 30 minutes before meals.
  • But in cosmetology, Aloe is appreciated along with the centuries -old. It can also be safely used for external damage.

Recommendations for the use of a centenary

  • Recall that this type of aloe is suitable only for external use. Since you can’t squeeze out a lot of juice from the leaves, it is more rational and economical to use not only pulp and mucus, but also the peel itself.
  • You can use a fresh sheet to wipe the face. This will help eliminate inflammation and protect against acne. You need to store the remaining piece of sheet only in the refrigerator. But you can not close it tightly in a plastic bag. There must be access to air. Otherwise, useful properties will disappear.
  • But for wrinkles and improving the appearance of the face of the face, it is better to use a frozen tabletop. To do this, chop a whole sheet into small pieces and put it according to ice forms. Wipe your face with such cubes 2-3 times a day.
Both Aloe and the hundred -year -old are crazy in cosmetology
Both Aloe and the hundred -year -old are crazy in cosmetology

Important: in fact, there are no special differences between aloe and centuries -old. This is also logical, because both Aloe and the tabletop belong to one species. Therefore, they have only minor differences in the field of application. But the main thing is to use the lower leaves of the old bush for treatment, which has a minimum of 1-1.5 years.

Yes, Aloe and the tabletop have many healing functions that will help maintain good health and protect themselves from diseases. Sometimes self -medication gives completely different results that are expected from it. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a doctor in order to be confident in the opposite effect.

Video: Useful properties of aloe and centennet?

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