Cube and Tybraz: What is the difference between them, what are the species of plants, external differences in crops? What is the difference in the use of chamber and thyme in medicine, cooking, cosmetology?

Cube and Tybraz: What is the difference between them, what are the species of plants, external differences in crops? What is the difference in the use of chamber and thyme in medicine, cooking, cosmetology?

The article provides information about what differences have two cultures of Chamber and Tybraz. You will learn how they differ in appearance, and how plants are used.

Many people confuse the plants of Cube and thyme. Still, such similar names. And indeed these crops have many general characteristics, but there are striking differences. Even in antiquity, one and the other grass was used for culinary recipes. And then healers began to use them to treat various diseases.

It so happened that people know more about the useful and negative characteristics of the thyme, as he is also called Timyan, than about the chaber (the second name is Kondari). Next, we will consider this topic in detail. We will find out how the thyme differs from the chamber?

Cube and Tybraz: What is the difference between them?

Savory It is a grassy branching culture. This is an annual plant with pink or lilac small flowers. Cube is considered pepper grass, since it has a very rich, spicy and bitter taste, special aroma. Condari can grow in height from fifteen to fifty centimeters. The stem of this grass is erect. Lancestate foliage has a greenish-gray color. Budons are already appearing in the middle of summer, finally ripen in the fall, they look like brown nuts.

Garden Cube
Garden Cube

The thyme is a long -term culture, grows only with a artisanal way. Thyme - This is a curly plant. He has small sheets of oval shape. The flowers of this grass are pink, purple, lilac. It has a bitter taste, incomparable, subtle aroma. This plant has many tree trunks that reach thirty centimeters in length. In early September, plants appear in plants in the form of small boxes. In the middle of which there are two nuts in the form of balls.

Creeping thyme
Creeping thyme

The similarity of these plants is that they are ranked to clear herbs. The differences are as follows:

  • The thyme, unlike chamber, has a large size.
  • Thyme blooms beautiful, bright flowers. That is why it is planted in areas to decorate the flower beds of garden paths.
  • Thyme is a long -term culture, so it sometimes grows for about 5 years in the same place, but Cube has grown only one year.
  • The cube always grows in the form of small shrubs, and the thyme leads the entire surface of the earth.
  • Cube is not very remarkable for appearance, but he has a strong aroma. And its taste is similar to the taste of pepper.
  • Thyme is often eaten in the form of seasonings, but it is desirable to collect it before he blooms. This culture is used to treat different ailments, it has a delicate smell, unlike Kondari.
What does thyme look like?
What does thyme look like?

The plants are similar to the fact that they contain a lot of aromatic oils. But the thyme is better known to users, as it is unpretentious in care and grows everywhere.

Cube and Tybraz: What are the species?

The most popular varieties of chamber are two main types:

  1. Cube Mountain - One of the most famous varieties use it for medical purposes, for cooking different dishes. Some cultures of this species can grow to 60 centimeters in height. The leaves of such a chamber have a narrow shape, they are used for therapy for various diseases. The culture of this species does not tolerate severe frosts, does not like severe watering.
  2. Garden Cube It usually grows in European states. Culture can reach fifty centimeters in height. The flowers of such a chamber are small, but the flowering passes abundantly, and the leaflets of the culture are small, with a dark shade.
Cube - fragrant

The thyme has more than 150 types. The most popular of them are:

  1. An ordinary thyme -The stunted variety reaches only 15 cm in height. The leaflets of a small culture, inflorescences are purple or white.
  2. Tyme is lemon -Each leaf of the plant has a slightly yellowish tint along the edges, which passes smoothly into light green to the center. The aroma of the plant is similar to the smell of citrus fruits. That is why he received such a name.
  3. Tybraz Elfin - A small culture reaches only 5 cm in height. It looks like an oval cloud.
  4. Creeping thyme -The height is about 15 cm. Loves a fertile moderately muddy soil. The stems of the plant look like creeping branches. The leaves of the plant have a length: 0.9-1 cm, small whitish, pinkish flowers are located on the branches. It is this culture that is called thyme.
  5. Still known - Bogorodsky Semko. Thyme is also with creeping stems. The leaves of a green-gray shade have a bitter taste and pleasant smell. Thyme flowers have a pink, purple color.
  6. The thyme is rainbow - A plant with beautiful flowers with a purple and pinkish tint. The height of the stems is about 25 centimeters, the leaves, like other varieties, have a gray-green tint.

Cube and thyme - what is the difference: differences in the use of cultures

Chat natural panacea, the benefit of the plant directly depends on its unique composition. It is a natural supplier in the human body of vitamin A, mineral components, it also has many tannins, resins, etc.

Properties of Chamber
The properties of cultures are used for?

The general that thyme and chamber has is bactericidal effect on the body man. Both of these crops are able to affect harmful bacteria, which are sources of various infections.

Cube has the following positive characteristics:

  1. Thanks to the plant, rapid healing of wounds on skin tissues occurs.
  2. It is able to cleanse the patient's body of harmful microorganisms.
  3. The panacea helps to eliminate pain syndromes thanks to the tannical components.
  4. The plant lowers the temperature, fights well with fever.
  5. The leaves of the bush have powerful anti -inflammatory characteristics.
  6. Beneficial affects the nervous system, soothes.
  7. Used to stop bleeding.

The plant has a unique property of pulling the poison from the wound after a snake bite. Also caube is used to treat pathologies such as:

  • Stomatitis, neuralgia, cystitis.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland, disorders in the functioning of the heart, disorders of the cycle of menstruation.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal disorders, diabetes mellitus.

Also, decoctions with a chamber are recommended to use men with prostatitis, potency disorders. Tea with culture leaves is drunk for the treatment of colds, stopping vomiting, preventive measures in the fight against cancer pathologies.

Timyan - application
Timyan - application

Contraindications to the use of culture

The general of these crops is that it is undesirable to use them when allergenic reactions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children up to 1 goh yeah.

Caable has much more contraindications. You can classify them:

  • gastritis, ulcer pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
  • heart system diseases
  • high blood pressure

IMPORTANT: Side effect on the body can cause aromatic variety of crops.

Cube - how do they use, what contraindications?
Cube - how do they use, what contraindications?

Kondari Used for cooking. Often, salads are prepared from the grass, it is added to the first dishes, especially people suffering from appetite. For cooking, as a rule, they take buds, leaves, and boots of chamber. The main thing you need to know is that seasoning should be added only in moderate quantities. Otherwise, the taste will be interrupted by a bright aroma - not everyone can like it.

Useful characteristics of thyme

The composition of the culture includes aromatic aromas, flavonoids, fatty acids, ascorbic acid, saponin, carotene, thymol, tannin components, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zimol and other useful components.

Thyme is often used by housewives to prepare different dishes. The seasoning is familiar to many. Women like to add leaves to the second or first dishes. The seasoning is poured into baking or used for cooking conservation from vegetables, etc. Basically, they use cable, lemon thyroid. They give light notes of pleasant aromas to various dishes. But even if you are a connoisseur of various smells of herbs and seasonings, you should not add too much them to food, because the thyme is famous for a bitter taste. You risk spoiling the dish.

The benefits of thyme

The plant is known to many due to the ability to cope with various colds. It is successfully used for inhalations, rinses, drinking like tea to cope with pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other ailments that lies in wait for people in the cold season.

Another thyme is effective:

  • Able to save patients from seizures. Eliminate pain.
  • The panacea has a pronounced effect in the fight against inflammatory processes, which occurs in body systems.
  • Tybraz is prescribed herbalists for the treatment of coughing, both in children and in adults.
  • The grass gives a diuretic effect with various kidney problems, has a choleretic effect.
  • It affects about fifty types of parasites living in different parts of the body, has a astringent effect.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the healing of wounds on the body, and, even copes with complex lesions of the skin and fibers of soft tissues.
Inhalation over a decoction with thyme

The use of thyme and chamber in cosmetology

Thyme and cube can be used to treat acne, boils, acne and other problems of the skin, both on the face and on the body. To do this, make decoctions of sheets, stems, and then put lotions on problem areas on the body.

Thyme It is beneficial generally that it affects a person, it is used to make aromatic oils. In the future, they are used for masks on the hair and general improvement of the emotional state.

Savory It is used to combat hair loss and for preventive purposes. Thanks to masks with a boat, hair has the ability to recover, begin to grow faster. Also, Cube is effective for various diseases, which manifest on the epidermis. Using it as lotions, you can cope with suppuration, eczema, boils, fungus and scabies. Tea with a boat - rejuvenates the skin.

The benefits of natural plants for hair health
The benefits of natural plants for hair health

After the above information, you can easily distinguish a cube from thyme even in appearance. In addition, now it is clear that these are completely different herbs that have a taste, aroma that is not similar to each other. And these cultures have a slightly different properties. Although there are many coincidences, especially in use.

Video: Cube - the benefits of culture, what does it look like?

Video: Tybraz - benefits and contraindications of culture

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