Growing greenery in an apartment on the windowsill all year round: instructions. How to grow on a windowsill in an apartment onion, croak, leaf salad, parsley, dill, basil, rosemary, garlic, ginger, mint and lemon balm, sorrel and spinach, oregano, cilantro, thyme: recommendations

Growing greenery in an apartment on the windowsill all year round: instructions. How to grow on a windowsill in an apartment onion, croak, leaf salad, parsley, dill, basil, rosemary, garlic, ginger, mint and lemon balm, sorrel and spinach, oregano, cilantro, thyme: recommendations

In this article there will be wearing what kind of greens can and even need to be grown on your windowsill, and what rules should be observed.

In summer, a green beam can be bought without problems, but in winter many begin to think about the actual benefits of the product and its price category. Some do stocks in the summer, dried or freezing the product. But, you must admit that fresh greens are not only aroma, but also the benefit cannot be replaced. Therefore, on your own window, in your apartment you can create a small green garden. And how to do it correctly, we will tell you.

General recommendations for growing greens in your apartment

Seeds or seedlings - this is the question

  • I immediately want to give a little advice: rosemary, thyme, extragon and oregano to grow it from seedlings. They have a very low climb. All other green bushes are easily propagated and seeds. Onions, garlic and ginger are among the excluded plants, since they are propagated by bulbs and root crops.
  • If you decide to take up the landing with seeds, then they should first be soaked. This is an optional condition, but then the green crop will please you a little earlier. Soak the seeds For a day, water must be changed every 5-6 hours so that mucus does not have time to form. Before planting, the seeds are dried so that they do not bake and do not rot in the ground.

IMPORTANT: Seeds should be fertilized to accelerate growth. For this, the infusion of mullein or wood ash will become ideal and, most importantly, harmless. But such material is a little inaccessible. Therefore, take note of the drug Gumi or potassium permanganate (1%enough). Seeds are also soaked in this solution, but for 12 hours. This will help to disinfect, impregnate them with microelements and contribute to early ascent.

General recommendations for growing greens

Dishes for growing greens on the windowsill

  • In this matter, greens are not particularly picky. Ceramic or plastic flower pots, and even plastic cups are suitable. But the most convenient solution will be large plastic container. If desired, it can be decorated or put in decorated containers.
  • Wooden boxes are not suitable for growing greens on the windowsill. They often flow and can even rotate. They can only be used for convenient storage of seedlings, which you will transplant in the future.
  • Keep in mind that the roots do not differ in large sizes. Therefore, the dishes should be taken wide, but low. The optimal size of the container: up to 15 cm in height and at least 20 cm in width. The lengths for most types of greenery will be enough from 30 to 50 cm.
  • The bottom should be with holes, because greens do not like moisture stagnation. And don't forget to put drainage. For these purposes, large sand, shards, expanded clay or broken brick is suitable. And if you want to take a glass flask, then place multi -colored glass balls to the bottom.

Correct soil for growing greens on the windowsill

And there are positive aspects - the greens of any kind can grow in almost any ground. But to harvest a rich crop, buy in the store Universal mixture. The only recommendation is that the composition should include sand or perlite. We want to offer you a multi -component composition that simply organize at home:

  • the first layer after drainage sand;
  • put the thin tier of peat on top;
  • fill everything with sawdust;
  • and only then fall asleep with the earth.

Important: the soil should first be disinfected from parasites, diseases and weeds. Do not take aggressive chemicals. Use the help of potassium permanganate. Its color should be light pink. If it was not at hand, then pour the ground with boiling water.

Soil for growing greens on the windowsill

Watering and top dressing of greens on the windowsill.

  • The most optimal solution will be spraying greens from a spray gun. Depending on the air temperature, the frequency of such procedures will change. In a warmer period, all plants need moisture to a greater extent. The average spraying scheme of seedlings is every other day.
  • Do not neglect the top dressing! This will help strengthen plant immunity, contribute to a rich and fast harvest. The main thing is not to be carried away by nitrogen fertilizers. This mineral, although it activates the growth of green mass, the share of essential oils may decrease in greenery.
    • Among home recipes, it should be noted ashWhat is a natural potassium fertilizer. Unlike store preparations, it does not contain chlorine, which is so negatively absorbed by plants. The ash is insisted for a day in water, in a ratio of 1: 4 and watered or sprayed with greens once a month.
    • Yeast - This is another indispensable fertilizer of indoor plants. It is better to take a pressed product, but dry yeast will do. For 1 liter of water, it will take 1 tsp. dry or 1 tbsp. l. pressed yeast. Insist 2 hours and spend immediately.
    • You can also use eggshell. But only raw! It must be rinsed, because the protein can give an unpleasant odor. Grind a little, place in a jar and pour water. Insist 4-5 days. After strain and use for watering plants. In such a solution, there will be not only a lot of calcium, but also other trace elements for the good development of greenery.
    • If you like to enjoy bananasThen the skins from it will become an excellent liquid fertilizer. It should also be washed, chop and pour water at room temperature for 2-3 days. By the way, all these top dressing ideally alternate among themselves.
Watering greens on the windowsill

Lighting and place when growing greens on the windowsill

  • Pots should be placed on the south side and, preferably, in the kitchen. It is warm and wet enough there. The optimum temperature should be in the range of 18-21 ° C. In winter, it can drop to 15 ° C.
  • If the windows overlook the eastern or western part, then be prepared that the greens will develop a little longer. You need to illuminate greens at least 6-8 hours. Although the most optimal and favorable is the time from 10 to 12 hours of daylight hours. After all, the more light the plant gets, the faster it grows. In winter, think over additional artificial lighting.

Planting greens on the windowsill

  • Prepared seeds should be planted in well -moistened land. Shallowly, sprinkling a little with earth in a layer of not more than 1 cm. Do not compact the earth! On top, the seeds are closed with plastic film or glass. This will help the fastest climbing of seedlings.
  • Before the appearance of the first sprouts, the container is placed in a darkened place. After 7-10 days, the film is removed, and young sprouts are sent to the sunny window.

Requirements for growing for various types of greens in the apartment


  • You can grow onions in any container and in any substrate. If you want to get by with a glass of water, then lower the onion only by 1/3. Otherwise, the bulb will rot.
    • In order for greens to sprout faster, the top of the bulb needs to be cut into 1-1.5 cm.
    • Do not forget to change water every 24 hours, which is often forgotten to do. And then complaints about an unpleasant odor appear.
    • It is also recommended to rinse the bulbs under a stream of water every few days, and give them the opportunity to lie down without water.
  • In the ground, the roots germinate faster, greens appear earlier and the crop can be collected again. Onions also do not need to be deepened into the ground, but only stick. The distances between them are enough at 2-3 cm. You should not cover the film, just pour water abundantly with water.
  • In leaving, the bow is completely undemanding. By the way, according to this principle, you can grow its relatives-onions.
  • Onions need to be planted every 1-2 weeks to harvest a fresh crop.

Cross Salates

  • The plant is completely unpretentious and fast -growing. Seeds are sown to the surface of the earth, cotton, gauze or any other moistened material. As a container, you can choose any dishes and even eggshell.
  • The salad rises quickly-after 3-5 days sprouts will appear densely. And after 1.5-2 weeks, you can already harvest. But keep in mind that it does not grow again. Therefore, new portions need to be hooked every 2 weeks.
  • It does not require special conditions, the optimum temperature of 15-20 ° C is suitable. But the drought does not like. Therefore, always follow the condition of the soil.
Cross Salates

Leaf salad

  • A sufficiently fastidious plant, but in skillful hands you can get such greens on your windowsill. The easiest way is to plant a salad of cuttings that are prepared for the release. They are put in the water for several days. When the first greens begins to break through, transplant the stalk into the pot.
  • Follow regular watering, salad does not tolerate drought! And he loves a lot of light, so in winter you can not do without a lamp.
  • Salad to grow salad for a long time and difficult, but it is possible. The soaked seeds are only sprinkled with earth and covered with a film. When the first sprouts appear, they are thinned out at a distance of 2 cm. And when there are 2-3 leaves, a re-thinning is carried out by 4-5 cm.


  • Parsley can be planted with seeds. But they should be sown close to the surface and only sprinkle a little with earth. Cover with a film and wait for the first sprouts in 3-4 weeks.
  • She loves moderate watering and enough light. Parsley should definitely be protected, left a distance of at least 3-4 cm. The first crop can be harvested after 2-3 months.
  • Root planting is much easier - the root is placed with the kidneys up in a well -moistened ground. If there are cut places, treat them with ashes. This will help to avoid rotting. Also, the root needs to be slightly tilted, and not placed directly.


  • In a summer cottage, this culture grows as a useful weed. It grows in any conditions, therefore, in your house, it will not be difficult to get a dill harvest.
  • Seeds are soaked for 10-12 hours, with a periodic change in water. Then they are simply sown to the surface of the earth and slightly sprinkled with it with a layer of 1 cm.
  • Cover with a film and put in a warm place for 10 days. By that time, the first sprouts will be. With a thick landing, the seedlings are thinned out.
  • Choose a sunny window because dill loves a lot of light. And follow the regularity of watering! The climate does not tolerate too hot climate, the temperature should not be higher than 25 ° C. Please note that when the temperature rises, you need to increase watering.


  • The basil is easily grown from the twigs. To do this, they are placed in water for 4-5 days, then transferred to a pot.
  • The seed method involves compliance with all the above landing rules. This overseas plant stands out with good survival.
  • The only thing to do without fail is pinch the basil. Such a procedure is done when the sprouts will have 5-6 leaves. Otherwise, the bush will be excessively stretched up.


  • It differs very much low germination of seeds. They need to be soaked for 2 days. Cover with a film and regularly spray the earth for 3-4 weeks. When the first sprouts appear, the pot is transferred to the window. When seedlings are 8-10 cm high, they are thinned out.
  • Rosemary cuttings take root well and quickly, after about 2-3 weeks. He does not tolerate drought! With a deficiency of moisture, his leaves turn yellow and dry.
Greens on the windowsill


  • It is similar to quick surrender with onions, so it can sprout even in a glass of water. Before planting, garlic cloves are cleaned and enveloped in wet cotton cloth. After 2-3 days, garlic should be properly.
  • You can choose not sprouted cloves that will immediately be planted in the ground. But then the crop will be harvested 1-1.5 weeks later. Garlic also has a seed method, but it is worth spending a whole year so that the plant will increase the root system and gain strength.
  • The distance between them should be 4-5 cm from each other. The cloves have so that the tail protrudes 2-3 cm above the soil. Some gardeners fall asleep with earth for 1-2 cm. This method will give a strong and persistent crop, but, again, you will need to wait for greens for 1-2 weeks longer.
  • Garlic loves moisture, so constantly monitor the condition of the soil. But do not water often! Enough every 2-3 days, but good. When the first sprouts appear, watering is reduced to 2 times a week.
  • Lighting loves, as well as optimal heat, so put the planted garlic immediately on the windowsill of the sunny side. You can plant it at any time of the year.
  • When the cloves begin to fade or change their color on a brown tint, then it is time to cut the greens.
Growing garlic


  • These plants are an exception - it does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation! Therefore, it should be planted on the north side or shade from direct sunlight.
  • A healthy root is suitable as planting material, without any damage. Before planting, be sure to soak it in warm (!) Water, the temperature of which is not lower than 35 ° C, but also not higher than 38 ° C. This is necessary for the kidneys to wake up.
  • The soil should be taken for citrus or tropical plants. It should also be rich in phosphorus. The optimum temperature for ginger is 18-20 ° C in winter and 25-28 ° C in the summer. And keep in mind that the root grows well, so the pot should be taken wide and deep.
  • Place the root with the kidneys up, sprinkled with earth 2 cm and covered with a film. Periodically do not forget to remove it and ventilate the plant. Before the appearance of sprouts, ginger must be kept in a dark place.
  • Expect the first seedlings in 10-14 days. A small recommendation - the root before planting must be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ash. It needs to be fed once every 10 days. He also loves frequent but moderate watering.

Important: at a low temperature that drops below 15 ° C, ginger falls into hibernation. During this period of rest, it should be much less likely to water and completely exclude top dressing.


Mint and Melissa

  • These relatives of the family of clear ones can be grown in various ways: seeds, seedlings, cuttings or division of the bush. The easiest way for an apartment room is a seedling method.
  • But pleasure will be more pleased if the seeds are sown. Previously, they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. The main rule is to plant as close as possible to the surface. A layer of earth should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  • After a month, when one full leaf appears already, plants dive or thin out. This must be done so that the distances between the bushes are at least 5 cm.
  • They love the sunny side, the average temperature regime is about 18-25 ° C and moderate watering. The first month in the warm period of mint and lemon balm is enough to spray 2-3 times a week from a spray gun. In the future, it is better to water it under the root due to the vile texture of the leaves. In winter, water should be less frequent.
  • If you bought a fresh bunch of mint or lemon balm, then plant the cuttings in the pot. Dip the twigs in Cornevin (to stimulate the formation of the roots) and put in water for 1.5-2 weeks. When the plant puts the roots, it can simply be planted in the container.

Important: with such greens in your house there will always be a fresh and slightly mint smell that it will also have a beneficial effect on your body. The seed and lemon balm is best planted in the middle of spring, the remaining methods are favorable in any season of the year.


Spring and spinach

  • These two different plants have the same planting and growing conditions on the windowsill. The fastest way is to plant seedlings. But the seeds also skip quite well.
  • Seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for at least 12 hours, sown on wet soil and fall asleep 2 cm of land. Cover with a film to create a greenhouse effect, and leave so for 1-1.5 weeks before sunrise of the first leaves.
  • These two plants are very fond of light. Moreover, they just need at least a 10-hour day. Otherwise, the leaves will stretch too much, and lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, choose only southern windows.
  • When 2-3 leaves appear, seedlings are dive at a distance of 5-6 cm. Also, these plants are categorically not tolerate drought. They need to be watered often, but moderately. Be sure to spray from a spray gun once a day.
  • These two plants do not like excessive heat, the optimal temperature for their growth is 15-18 ° C. If it is too hot about 22-25 ° C, then the greens will give strength to the shooting, and there will be few useful substances in the leaves.
  • With cool air below 10 ° C, the development of the bush slows down a little. But the biggest advantage of these plants - they tolerate even minus temperatures. True, not lower -4-5 ° C. Before that, the bush does not freeze, so they can be grown even on glazed loggia.


  • The container for such greenery needs to be chosen by a slightly different principle - as deep as possible. Otherwise, Oregano's root will grow along the walls of the pot and will let the sprouts.
  • Seeds are also soaked and planted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. The oregano is not particularly picky for the soil, but the appearance of the first sprouts will need to be expected for 3-4 weeks.
  • All this time, the seeds should be covered with a film, and you need to moisturize the Earth every 3-4 days. Subsequently, the sprouts are thinned out, leaving the strongest. An adult bush is watered every 2 days.
  • And the most important condition is the maximum of light and the optimum temperature up to 22 ° C.


  • The cilantro belongs to not very moody plants. But good lighting is important to her, so choose the windows of the south side. Watering and top dressing should be used in modest quantities.
  • The cilantro pot should be taken rectangular shape and a depth of 35-40 cm. She has a large root, but she does not like transplants. It needs to be sowed not very densely, 3-4 grains to a depth of 1-2 cm. In the future, everything is thinned out.
  • The distance between the bushes should be 4-5 cm, if the shape allows you to plant several rows, then between them-10 cm.
  • And an important fact -the cilantro endure even the minus temperature to -5 ° C.


  • It is sown with seeds according to the same general rules, but they do not need to be sprinkled with earth. Just sprinkle with water from a spray gun. Cover with a film and put in a warm but darkened place. The first sprouts move in 3-4 weeks. In the future, they are seated.
  • If you want to grow a bush from a twig, then just stick it into the ground for 3 cm. And make sure that it is constantly wet. After 5-7 days, take root. It does not need special care.

Video: How to grow greens at home on the windowsill, tips?

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