The benefits and side effects of thyme grass

The benefits and side effects of thyme grass

What are the methods of using thyme? How is it useful and how does the body affect? What diseases can cure and are there any contraindications? Read more in the article.

The beneficial and undeniable properties of thyme (thyme) were known to the priests of ancient Egypt. Today, grass is known not only as a folk remedy, but also officially recognized in traditional medicine. Church is a universal tool that is widely used in the treatment of diseases, effectively used in cosmetology and added as a seasoning to many dishes.

Grass thyme useful properties and application

  • The grass has pronounced antiseptic, wound healing, disinfectant, sedative, anthelmintic, diuretic properties
  • The thyme contains vitamin B and C, oleic and ursholic acid, flavonoids and organic acids, tannins, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, selenium and iron
  • Thanks to this composition, thyme has truly healing properties, as well as a bright and memorable aroma
  • Tea and decoctions are used to treat upper respiratory tract, depression and loss of strength, alcoholism, increased pressure, cystitis and prostatitis, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, rinsing the oral cavity and eliminate unpleasant odor

Is it a thyme with a cold?

The use of grass showed high efficiency precisely in the treatment of colds, cough, whooping cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis. The grass is included in many breast fees that can be purchased in pharmacies or made at home. The thyme will fill the body with the necessary force to combat the disease.

How to brew a thyme from coughing?

The grass has a powerful expectorant effect, therefore it is effective in the treatment of cough. To achieve a quick result, it is necessary to drink 400 grams of infusion per day, dividing the volume into 3-4 portions.

RECIPE: The healing infusion is easy to use - you need to pour 40 g of grass with boiling water and let it brew at least 2 hours.
The infusion will have the greatest effect if it is used warm, so you can brew the grass in the thermos at night and start drinking in the morning.

How to use a chubble broth for hair?

A decoction of thyme will help to eliminate the oily hair and prevent the appearance of dandruff. The preparation of an amazing decoction is not difficult - pour 1 tablespoon of grass with water, bring to a boil, turn off and leave to infuse for half an hour. The resulting broth is used to rinse hair after washing.

Church from flatulence. The benefits of thyme for the intestines

Booking of food in the intestines irritates the mucous membrane, leads to flatulence and discomfort. Tybraz tea will relieve unpleasant sensations, pain, spasms in the intestines and calm the gastrointestinal tract. You can use tea with a course for a week.

Thyme for stress and depression

  • Thyme has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and has a pronounced soothing effect, so at the head of the bed you can place a pillow with dry grass
  • Chubble tea will help people suffering from insomnia, migraine, depression, and will also support the body during stress and with a depressed mood. To get the result, you need to drink a cup of tea before going to bed. For cooking, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of grass with boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Tea is ready
  • For lovers, soak in the bath, you can add only 7 drops of thyme essential oil to help the body to relax after a difficult working day

How to properly brew tea with thyme?

In order to properly brew tea with thyme, you need to remember that he needs to let him brew. Depending on the purpose of use, boiling water is brewed with the required amount of grass and begin to consume after half an hour. It is permissible to brew tea in a thermos and leave to infuse all night. Before use, tea must be filtered.

What is a thyme for men useful?

Thyme is an aphrodisiac and a natural remedy for increasing potency and sexual attraction, therefore it is indispensable for representatives of the male half of humanity. It will also help in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system. Today you can find a lot of selection varieties of thyme, but for men you should choose the traditional form.

Tea from thyme and St. John's wort, properties

Thyme grass goes well when using tea in compounds. St. John's wort is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so the combination with thyme will enhance the effect and help the body quickly cope with the disease. For this, equal portions of herbs are brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew. Apply 50 ml three times a day before meals. Before use, you can add sugar or honey to taste.

Tea and mint tea, indications for use

Both thyme and mint have a pronounced sedative effect and pleasant taste, so their combination gives a beneficial effect on a person with nervousness, fatigue, insomnia, migraines.
RECIPE: To prepare tea, you need to take herbs in equal proportions and brew with boiling water. A small amount of the resulting drink can be consumed as tea before bedtime. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect, a strong mixture should be made and used several times a day.

Chamomile and thyme tea

Tea from thyme with the addition of chamomile will help to improve the condition and complexion of the face. The effect will increase if you include lavender and rosemary.
To prepare the drink, you need to mix all herbs in equal proportions in advance. Brew 1 teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water and insist at least 20 minutes. Before use, you can add honey. For a sweet to taste, you can add stevia grass.

To strengthen the body and during the flu epidemic

It is necessary to recall the beneficial properties of thyme not only directly during the disease. In order to prevent and strengthen health, you can use tea with a small amount of grass almost every day. The use of tea during the influenza epidemic is especially relevant, because the thyme raises immunity and fills the body with force.

Can pregnant women with thyme?

  • The use of any herbs for pregnant women is not recommended, but in each individual case you need to consult a doctor
  • If he resolves, it is permissible to use tea, which will have a sedative effect on the nervous system of the future mother and minimize uncomfortable sensations in the stomach. Tea with thyme helps with toxicosis
  • However, one should not forget that thyme can provoke the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with termination of pregnancy

Can a thyme of a nursing mother?

Thyme can be consumed by nursing mothers, but not in the first months after the birth of a child. In any case, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby, because the development of allergies is possible. Start with small doses, gradually increasing to the necessary.
If you should be careful with the use of grass inside, then there are no restrictions with external use. The only thing is do not touch the chest area. The thyme has a pronounced aroma, and the kids react sharply to new smells and can even refuse food. For this reason, refrain from taking baths with the addition of thyme essential oil.

Is it a thyme for children

  • Loving parents try not to stuff babies with medicines, so they choose folk and proven drugs. Thyme can be consumed by children, but not earlier than two years old
  • In pharmacies in the public domain you can purchase an effective children's syrup from Pertusin cough, which includes thyme. He has a pronounced expectorant effect and has established himself well among experienced mothers.
  • A bag with dry grass of thyme, located in the nursery, will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the air, because it has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. To calm the child and eliminate redness on the skin, you can add a decoction from thyme to the bath when bathing.

Inhalations with thyme

With strong coughing, both adults and children, inhalations with thyme made at home will help.

RECIPE: To prepare it, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of grass to a pan with water and boil for 5 minutes. Let it cool slightly, and then breathe with healing vapors directly above the pan. The use of such inhalation for several days will reduce the cough and will have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Thyme essential oil properties

Thyme essential oil has many properties: tonic, soothing, wound healing, antiseptic, expectorant, etc. A drip of oil will help to get rid of fatigue, cheer up and improve brain activity.

Caution should be used for people prone to hypertension, because thyme raises pressure, increases heart contractions, improves blood circulation.

Concentrated oil has a strong anthelmintic effect, suppresses the pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole. Active use received thyme oil in dermatology for the treatment of fungal diseases.

Essential oil of thyme hair reviews

The use of hair oil and eliminating their fat content is irreplaceable. To obtain the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to shampoo, mix and use as usual. To strengthen beneficial action, you can make a special decoction of thyme in advance before washing your hair and use it for final rinsing. This method will improve hair condition and accelerate growth.
Also, oil is an indispensable tool for getting rid of lice both in adults and in children. To do this, mix a few drops of essential oil with two tablespoons of vegetable oil and treat the entire scalp with the resulting composition.

The use of thyme oil for face

The oil hood from thyme grass fights with inflammation on the skin and improves its condition. You can add 3-4 drops of thyme essential oil to your day cream, but make a test on the skin in advance to detect an allergic reaction. In pure form, applying oil to the face is not recommended.
The most effective use of thyme oil is observed when added to the mask. Only 2-3 drops in the prepared mixture will improve the complexion and relieve age spots.


Thyme grass has a beneficial effect on the whole organism, so it is impossible to challenge its benefit. Tea, decoctions, inhalations, compresses, essential oils - for each case you can find your own method of use. One thing is invariably - versatility and effectiveness.
The grass has gained great popularity precisely in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and for cosmetic purposes.

Thyme infusion for ointments

Thyme has a strong wound healing, disinfecting, anti -aging effect, therefore, adding infusion or drops of essential oil in the ointment will enhance an excellent result.
The proven effectiveness received thyme in the fight against acne, for which 10 drops of thyme oil, 10 drops of lavender, tea tree and rosemary are added to the ointment.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

Despite a huge number of undoubted advantages, it is necessary to strictly observe the instructions and not overdo it with the dosage. Also, the use of thyme for more than two weeks is not recommended. Eating for pregnant women is possible only after the doctor’s recommendation.
There are a number of diseases in which it is better to refrain from using thyme:

  • Diabetes
  • Arterial hypertension, arrhythmia
  • Heart failure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Teenage to constipation
  • Individual intolerance

All about thyme: tips and reviews

Timyan's grass received the greatest use for treatment:

  • Colds, colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, whooping cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia
  • Acne, eczema, dermatitis, scabies, fungal lesions, cellulite
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, intoxication with helminthic invasion
  • Menstrual cycle disorders
  • Seborrhea, dandruff, loss and brittle hair on the head
  • Inflammation of the gums, oral mucosa
  • Anemia, stress, fatigue, headache, migraines, insomnia
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Brittleness and relaxation of nails

In addition to the listed properties, thyme helps to cope with alcohol dependence and prevents aging, relieves itching with insect bites and pain in rheumatism. This is an incomplete list of beneficial effects that the grass has on any organism.

Video: thyme or thyme - beneficial properties

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