Therapeutic grass yarrow: beneficial properties and contraindications, folk recipes

Therapeutic grass yarrow: beneficial properties and contraindications, folk recipes

Yarrow is a unique therapeutic grass. It has many useful properties that help to cope with serious diseases.

The yarrow is shrouded in a large number of legends and fables. Its Latin name " Achillea millefolium " translated as "Akhillova thousand". According to Greek myths, Achilles was hardy, strong and dared in battle, and his numerous wounds healed thanks to inconspicuous grass with numerous petals. Historians say that the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov ordered the soldiers to carry a canvas bag of yarrow grass with them.

Read on our website an article about the best antiviral, antifungal and increasing grass immunity, the fees of herbs. The prescribed recipes will help with influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, gastrointestinal diseases and other ailments.

In folk medicine, it is called the “Praznik”, noting the beneficial properties - the stop of bleeding, healing of wounds, cuts. What is the benefit of this grass, as well as the contraindications and description of the yarrow, read in this article below.

Yarrow: interesting facts


Interesting facts about the yarrow-such an inconspicuous plant are an additional confirmation that people have used the grass-inead since deep times:

  • Neanderthals. The first the healing properties of the plant were revealed the distant ancestors of the person. Archaeologists discovered seeds, dry leaves of a herbal doctor at the site of Neanderthals parking.
  • Ancient Greece. The Greeks used the plant for healing wounds, protection against fever, and improving blood circulation. In addition, a decoction of yarrow leaves was popular as antipyretic, helping with digestive problems.
  • China. Residents of this country successfully treated not only the body with the help of plants, but also argued that the infusion of leaves strengthens the mind, gives energy to the body.
  • Medieval Europe. The healers used the plant as a hemostatic medicine. The witch was actively used to strengthen their spells. Pivovars added it to give the aroma to the foamy drink.
  • America. Indian healers treated them wounds, infections. In addition, the yarrow was popular with ear pain, as a sedative.
  • In the XVII century, its nutrients open. European chefs add such grass to the stew, puree and soups are prepared with it.
  • Interesting and unusual "folk" names of yarrow in other countries: Defender from bleeding, old pepper, military grass, wrath for wounds, carpenter weed.
  • In the annals of Ancient Russia, it is describedthat the grandson of Dmitry Donora was treated for frequent bleeding from the nose with a decoction of yarrow leaves.
  • To date, the plant is widely used In folk medicine, gardening, cooking, cosmetology.

In folk folklore, the plant is associated with a warrior - She grows everywhere, despite the weather and natural conditions. In Ukraine, he was weaved into wreaths, in the language of "flowers" this meant "Rebellion", "Resistance".

Graceine plant: Description

The plant is yarrow
The plant is yarrow

Yarrow - This is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Astro. Outwardly, it is easily recognized by long stems. They have a large amount collected in the form of a “Christmas tree”, small dark green leaves. The plant blooms in small, white or pink color with inflorescences collected in the form of brushes. The yarrow grows in the meadows, along roads, fences, so it is often considered a row plant. A little sharp smell can be confused with chrysanthemum. Here's another description of this grass:

  • The yarrow has a thick, branched rhizome growing in numerous thin roots in breadth.
  • Extreme, long stems reach a meter height.
  • Small, linear leaves are dissected into small segments.
  • Inflorescences of small colors are formed in the form of numerous baskets located on the tops of shoots.
  • The flowers located in the middle are bisexual, and female are in the edges.
  • The yarrow is a honey plant, blooms throughout the summer period. The seeds of the plant ripen in August-September.

The type of plant is common in Europe, Asia, everywhere grows throughout the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, and Siberia.

Grace's grass: collection and workpiece

Grass grass
Grass grass

In folk medicine, only the external parts of the yarrow are used - grass, inflorescences. Grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant, from June to September. Carefully cut off the top with a knife or a sekator, length up to 15 centimeters, capturing no more than five leaves. You can only collect the leaves of the plant, without stems. In this case, only large, developed, leaving more dense basal leaves on the stem are collected.

The collection and harvesting of inflorescences is carried out in the summer, during yarrow flowering:

  • Flower baskets are cut off, capturing the leg of the plant - about four centimeters.
  • The stems are dried in small beams. Each of them should be no more than 6-8 twigs yarrow.
  • Small bundles are also made from the leaflets. It is important to remember that the smaller its volume, the faster the collection will dry.
  • All bundles are tightly binded by thread and hung horizontally in a dry, ventilated place. The distance between them should be at least 10 cm.
  • The duration of drying depends on the temperature of the room, humidity.

The inflorescences of the plant are laid out on paper, parchment or tray in one thin layer, then dried in a dry, ventilated room, avoiding direct sunlight. For uniform drying, the collection several times, during drying, neatly turns over.

The process of drying in all cases occupies about 4-5 days. Next, the resulting raw materials are laid out on glass containers, hermetically closed. You can also store dry yarrow in fabric bags, cardboard boxes. Shelf life - 1 year.

Medical yarrow: chemical composition

Therapeutic yarrow
Therapeutic yarrow

Such a plant is very useful for different diseases. Its chemical composition is valued by traditional medicine. From this plant, drugs are made to treat many serious pathologies. The leaves of the therapeutic grass of the yarrow contains:

  • Carotene, which has a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin and tissue growth.
  • AlkaloidsIncluding Achilleon, helping blood coagulation.
  • Siliconcontributing to the rapid healing of wounds, burns.
  • Tanninshaving a bactericidal effect, helping in the fight against inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamins C, K - They contribute to strengthening the tissues of blood vessels, blood coagulation.
  • Resins have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Essential oils, hamazulen - They have an antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect on the body.
  • Vitamin C Helps to increase immunity.

The benefits of such grass are known not only to folk healers, but also to doctors. Read more more.

Graceine plant: beneficial properties for the body of men and women

The plant is yarrow
The plant is yarrow

A variety of therapeutic properties of yarrow are explained by a large complex of substances contained in the plant. In addition to the main purpose - hemostatic properties, it has a beneficial effect on the male and female body, benefiting in completely different cases. Due to its positive effects on the nervous system, it helps to restore the erectile function. The plant contributes to the production of testosterone, acting on an increase in male potency and sexual desire. Here are more useful properties for the body of men and women:

  • The yarrow plant is prescribed to men engaged in heavy physical exertion.
  • The decoction of the plant has a general strengthening effect, an immunostimulating effect, has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract.
  • For the female body, yarrow is indispensable grass. One of his folk names is “Derevy” or “Women's Grass”, effectively treating female ailments.
  • Also, the plant is useful for problems with lactation.
  • The yarrow helps with acne, hair loss, as a soft sedative.

The benefits of taking yarrow are very extensive, it is enough to list only the main therapeutic properties of the plant:

  • The plant helps the rapid healing of wounds, stop bleeding.
  • The yarrow has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Microelements that make up the composition help strengthen the nail plate, preserve vision.
  • The plant has an anti -inflammatory effect, acting on the body as a natural antiseptic. This allows its solution to treat burns, wounds, abrasions.
  • Promotes severe sweating, helping to cope with fever, fever.
  • Reception of the decoction is useful for intestinal diseases, gastritis, colitis. The tannins have astringent properties and are indispensable in diarrhea.

The grass has an anti -allergic, diuretic effect. Accelerating the metabolism, it contributes to the normalization of body weight.

Yarrow: beneficial properties and use in gynecology


The effectiveness of the struggle of plants with female ailments is not in doubt. Decoctions, infusions, douching in folk medicine have been used since ancient times and are useful for:

  • Abundant menstrual cycle
  • Healing of cervical erosion, resorption of fibrous formations
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Cystitis

The yarrow powerfully acts on chronic forms of diseases, therefore gynecology is actively used. It is also worth noting such beneficial properties of a plant as strengthening several times the effectiveness of the used medications.

Grass Therapeutic yarrow: contraindications for the body of women and men, special instructions

Grass Therapeutic yarrow is contraindicated in pregnant women
Grass Therapeutic yarrow is contraindicated in pregnant women

Before using medicinal herbs, it is necessary to remember that all plants have a toxic effect to varying degrees. Therefore, independent use requires caution. The course of admission should not be long, without exceeding the dosage specified in the instructions. The therapeutic grass of yarrow has contraindications for the body of women and men. Learn below special instructions to know by heart.

You should refuse to receive yarrow:

  • Pregnant women
  • With individual intolerance to components
  • Hypotension - people with reduced blood pressure
  • Tendency to form blood clots, increased blood coagulation

Also, when taking yarrow, side effects caused by long -term consumption can be observed - this is dizziness and skin rashes. With any reaction, treatment must be immediately stopped and consult a doctor for advice.

Yarrow: beneficial properties and use for pyelonephritis

Yarrow: beneficial properties and use for pyelonephritis
Yarrow: beneficial properties and use for pyelonephritis

The yarrow has an anti -inflammatory, hemostatic effect. Therefore, grass helps treatment, especially if the disease accompanies additional symptoms - hematuria and cystitis. The yarrow in this case is accepted by both an independent decoction and part of herbal fees. The beneficial properties of this plant in kidney diseases cannot be underestimated:

  • Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies facilitates the symptoms of the disease, eliminates the foci of inflammation, preventing the transition of the disease into a chronic state.
  • But it is important to understand that the effectiveness of treatment is achieved only in combination with medications.
  • Numerous studies of doctors prove the effectiveness of the use of yarrow together with lesson and antibacterial drugs.
  • With a true, rational approach, herbal medicine helps to cope in a shorter time with any diseases of the kidneys, including preventing complete anuria, which is characteristic of pyelonephritis.

Here is the use of kidney treatment:

  • To prepare a decoction, it is necessary 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass pour 250 ml. boiling water.
  • Insist a drink at least 15 minutes.
  • Take during the day in small portions.

Important: Despite the fact that this is grass, it has contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult a doctor.

Grace's grass and St. John's wort Medical: what does the collection help?

Grace's grass and St. John's wort Medical
Grace's grass and St. John's wort Medical

The therapeutic herbs of yarrow and St. John's wort are one of the most popular among fans of herbal medicine. They have almost the same healing properties, having a similar effect on the human body. Therefore, they are very rarely combined into a general fee.
One of the options for using two herbs together is the fight against extra pounds.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • Take it 20 gr. Each of the herbs.
  • Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Next, the decoction must be defended within two hours.
  • Strain the resulting liquid.
  • You need to drink the infusion during the day.

A mixture of herbs gives the body a feeling of saturation, quenches hunger. In addition, the decoction has a diuretic and choleretic effect, also important in the process of loss of weight. Tincture from the collection of medicinal herbs helps to normalize the work of the liver, improves metabolism.

What else does the collection help?

  • The yarrow and St. John's wort contributes to the expansion of the biliary canals, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Very often, both plants are used in the treatment of the urinary system.

To do this, do the following:

  • Take a tablespoon of each grass on a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Leave for several hours in a warm place or thermos.
  • Take during the day.

You can drink these herbs in the form of tea. In a pharmacy, such a collection can be bought in paper filter packages. It is enough to pour 1 bag with boiling water, insist for several minutes - tea is ready.

Yarrow: beneficial properties and contraindications for children

Yarrow: beneficial properties
Yarrow: beneficial properties

The plant has contraindications, so it can only be used with the permission of the attending physician. Children are prohibited from starting treatment without consulting a pediatrician. The doctor may allow the child to give decoctions with this grass, but not earlier than 6 years.

Here are the beneficial properties of yarrow for children:

  • Infusions, weak decoctions give a positive effect in the treatment of respiratory diseases, help with tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  • For cooking, 1 tbsp. Castle Brew herbs 2 glasses boiling water.
  • Defend about 30 minutes And give the child as additional drinking during the day.
  • To improve taste add honey.

Tea from the collection of yarrow and chamomile is an effective tool for allergies. With skin rashes, rubella helps with rubbish with yarrow grass well. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • Brew 100 gr. leaves 2 liters of water.
  • Protorm over low heat 30 minutes.
  • Strain, pour into the bath.

To enhance the effect, chamomile and celandine are added. In this case, all herbs need to be mixed and taken as well - 100g collection.

Yarrow - use in folk medicine, treatment: tea, tincture, herbal fees

Yarrow - use in folk medicine
Yarrow - use in folk medicine

To extract the maximum of healing properties from the yarrow, you need to know the rules for its preparation. Here is the use in folk medicine for treatment:


  • The basis consists of alcohol or vodka.
  • Necessary proportions: 100 ml.combine the liquids with 5 tbspyarrow.
  • Mix, put in a dark place for 10 days.
  • Tincture is used inward for bleeding, cholecystitis, hepatitis, helps in the treatment of kidney disease, cystitis.
  • It is also effective for processing abrasions, wounds, combating acne.


  • The main recipe for brewing: 2 tsp Pour the herbs with a glass of boiling water.
  • Cover the cup, let it stand 15 minutes.
  • Tea is used to reduce weight, intestinal infections.


  • Pour a teaspoon of yarrow with a glass of boiled water.
  • Boil 5-10 minutes over low heat. Take during the day.
  • A decoction helps with exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • It has a diuretic effect, therefore it is effective for edema, hyperthermia.
  • It is used in the treatment of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal system during exacerbation of gastritis.
  • The tool is used for insomnia, stress, condition of anxiety, neuralgia.

Herbal fees- The plant used in combination with other therapeutic herbs is a common and effective way to treat a large number of diseases:

  • Yarrow with chamomile It is recommended to be used as a decoction for acne, a wound healing agent. The infusion is effective for pain and spasms of the stomach.
  • Yarrow with nettles They use with painful menstruation.
  • Yarrow with celandine Used for inflammation of the kidneys, bladder.
  • Yarrow with mint consuming for gastritis. Mint has a calming effect, so the infusion is drunk with gastrointestinal spasms, inflammatory diseases of the stomach.
  • Yarrow with a calendula Helps with ulcers of the gastric mucosa, duodenum. Such a collection is effective for infectious diseases, gastritis.
  • Collection of plantain, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort Promotes the cessation of bleeding.
  • Yarrow with wormwood They use to improve appetite.

These folk remedies are very effective and will certainly help. But before use it is worth consulting with the doctor.

Grace grass - useful properties and contraindications: reviews

Grace grass - useful properties and contraindications
Grace grass - useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of yarrow grass and its contraindications were described above. He comes up to someone, and people treat many ailments with this grass with this grass. It is forbidden to use it to others. Read the reviews of other people to whom such grass helped. They took it in different forms: tea, decoction, tincture, etc.

Valery, 55 years old

Gastritis cured with yarrow. He ran into the leaves, dried in a cool place. He brewed like strong tea and drank all day. There is no longer this sore for 20 years, now I drink tea sometimes as a prevention. Brother everyone harvests the stems and flowers of this plant. When I come to visit him, we also drink like tea. He adds more chamomile and mint. With pain in the intestines, he cooks a stronger decoction and drinks 4-5 days in a row. Thanks to nature for this flower.

Mira, 37 years old

In her youth, rested with her grandmother in the village, helped her with the housework. She cut her flesh with an ax. Grandmother pulled the yarrow, cut, tied with a bandage to the wound. I changed the bandage every day - in the morning and evening. Blood stopped almost immediately, and a few days later the wound itself “closed”.

Irina, 43 years old

In Russia, almost every grass is a storehouse of useful substances. It is better to drink infusions and decoctions with herbs than to take “chemistry” from the pharmacy. The yarrow for many women is just a savior, especially after 40 years. When gynecological problems appear, the vessels are rumbling and the stomach torments. Many of her friends advised to take a tincture of yarrow, this really helps.

Video: yarrow - beneficial properties and contraindications

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