Fil dough is a delicious step -by -step recipe at home: Cooking secrets, for what baking to use?

Fil dough is a delicious step -by -step recipe at home: Cooking secrets, for what baking to use?

Want to cook something special? Make the dough philosophy and bake amazing to taste, crispy pies, baklava, pies, etc. Step -step recipes for preparing the workpiece will be found in this article.

If you ever find yourself in Greece, namely in local taverns, then be sure to try their unusually delicate baking. And if you go to another country in your plans, you should try the dough according to the Greek recipe.

The Greeks prepare the dough according to a special recipe, and it turns out so thin that even the name is - "Philo". Translated from Greek, this means "sheet" or "paper". How to make such a dough? Look for all recipes and secrets of cooking in this article. Read further.

Fil dough: Cooking secrets

The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil

Recipes of baking from the Phil dough are common throughout the Balkan Peninsula and has different names. For example, in Turkey, the dough is called - "Yufka", and in Serbia and Montenegro - "Kore".

But regardless of the name, the peculiarity of the Fil test is that it is prepared without adding yeast and rolled out with a rolling pin to the thickness 1 mm. Here are the secrets of cooking:

  • To so thin the doughThe easiest way is to use a special machine.
  • But in the home arsenal there is hardly such equipment.
  • You will have to roll out a rocking with parchment paper. The parchment sheet should be of high quality so that the dough does not stick.
  • In addition to rolling with a rolling pin, the test workpiece is still stretched out to the desired thickness.
The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil
  • Pull carefully so as not to break. But, if you did everything right and put all the necessary ingredients, then the workpiece will stretch well with your hands.
  • The thinnest sheets are folded in several layers and are used for sweet pastries - various pies, sweet rolls, baks.

It is no less delicious to use the Philo to create hearty dishes. If you fill converters with meat or seafood, you get an excellent crispy snack.

Homemade delicious dough philoster: step -by -step recipe with photo

The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil

An unusual version of the preparation of the FIL dough with the addition of semolina. The recipe differs in that the dough is initially quite liquid. But baking from it will be tasty and crispy. Here is a step -by -step recipe with a photo of a tasty dough of Philo:


  • Wheat flour - 375 grams
  • Sanny cereal - 5 tbsp.
  • Boiled water
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.

Step -by -step recipe:

  • Pour flour, semolina and salt into the container, mix well and begin to add a little boiled water. The dough should turn out to be a slightly less thick consistency than pancakes.
The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil
  • Put a large pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, put the pan on it. If you bake the dough in the usual way, it can burn.
  • With the help of a brush, quickly smear the workpiece in a pan or pancake with an anti -stick coating, you need to do this quickly and evenly over the entire surface. You can also pour the dough with a spoon or ladle, if you are sure that you can make a thin cake.
  • As soon as the sheet begins to whiten and exfoliate at the edges, carefully remove the dough and put it on a wet towel.
Baking from the dough Philo
Baking from the dough Philo

Bake it until all the dough is over. It is best to use fried blanks at once, otherwise lying, they become fragile. Watch the video how cooking masters prepare such a baking blank.

Video: Fil dough - recipe at home

Greek delicious dough Filo: step -by -step recipe for cooking at home

Real Greek delicious Fili dough is prepared from a minimum set of products, the eggs are not added. Here is a step -by -step recipe for cooking at home:


  • Wheat flour - 480 grams
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp

Step -by -step recipe:

  • Prepare the necessary products. Wheat flour is best to take the highest grade and be sure to sift before use. So the dough will be filled with air and will become more tender and supple. It is better to take the boiled water and heat it a little.
  • 1 teaspoon Dissolve the salts in warm water and pour it into the sifted flour, add a couple of spoons of olive oil there and begin to mix the future workpiece.
Knead the dough fi with hands
Knead the dough fi with hands
  • If you have a bread machine, you can knead the dough in it. If not, then knead very intensively with your hands until a homogeneous state. The main thing is not to overdo it with flour so as not to score the dough.
  • Form a ball from it and beat it well on the table for several minutes, this will give the necessary elasticity.
  • Wrap the dough in the food film, and take into the refrigerator at least 1 hour.
  • Remove the workpiece and cut the dough into several pieces, it will turn out approximately 5-6 pcs. Each of them begin to roll out.
The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil
  • To make the dough even thinner, stretch it with your hands on weight until it becomes transparent.
The dough is Phil
The dough is Phil
  • Fold the rolled layers on the parchment, roll and send it to the freezer or proceed to cooking baking, as you are convenient at the moment.
Baking from the dough Philo
Baking from the dough Philo

Important: Calorie content of the Phil test from these ingredients in total 238 kcal per 100 grams of raw product. If you choose a low -fat filling for the test, you will get a very dietary dish that will not hurt your figure.

Turkish delicious thin dough Filo: step -by -step recipe for cooking at home

The Turkish tasty festat of Philo or “Yufka” is as thin as the Greek version. But it differs in addition during the preparation of yogurt. Here is a step -by -step recipe for dough at home:


  • 500 grams of senior flour
  • 50 grams of natural yogurt
  • 50 ml of boiled water
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%


  • Add yogurt, vinegar and a little salt to the sifted flour and begin to mix.
  • In this process, pour a little boiled water. The dough should not be too cool.
Knead the dough philosophy
Knead the dough philosophy
  • Roll it into the ball and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Remove the workpiece, separate small pieces from it and roll out with a rolling pin to a transparent condition. In Turkey, the dough is rolled out by a special thin wooden stick - a sales.
Turkish delicious thin dough philos
Turkish delicious thin dough philos
  • Such a workpiece can be used immediately or first fry each layer in a dry pan. Ready.
Turkish delicious thin dough philos
Turkish delicious thin dough philos

To prepare anything from such cakes, from crispy honey baklava, and ending with a delicate roll.

Tasty Fili dough from Julia Vysotskaya: step -by -step recipe for cooking

Delicious dough philoster from Julia Vysotskaya
Delicious dough philoster from Julia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya author of many delicious dishes. Its recipes are used to cook food even eminent cooks of Russia and other countries. She does everything perfectly and very tasty. Here is a step -by -step recipe for making a delicious dough of Philo from Julia Vysotskaya:

For preparation, you will need:

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 450 grams of wheat flour
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp vinegar 9%
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil

Step -by -step recipe:

  1. Separate the yolks from proteins, we will need only them.
  2. In the container, mix the yolks with salt, vinegar and warm water.
  3. Sut the flour on the work surface, make a recess in it and pour a slightly egg mixture.
  4. Add 1 tbsp. Grind oil and with your hands begin to knead the dough.
  5. Repeat the process three times, adding 1 spoon of oil. As a result, an elastic dough should turn out.
  6. Now hit the workpiece on the table about 50-60 times so that it becomes elastic.
  7. Then remove the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  8. Remove the workpiece and roll out into the sausage.
  9. Cut approximately on 12 identical parts. Roll each on a wet towel for thin layers no more 1 mm.
  10. A towel and a rolling pin must first be sprinkled with flour.

Place the layers on each other and wrap the layers for baking and wrap it in parchment. Now they can either be put in the freezer or bake delicious dishes.

What can be prepared from a fiber dough on a home recipe: for what baking can you use this dough?

Baking from a fi -free dough on a home recipe
Baking from a fi -free dough on a home recipe

The above are published different recipes for preparing the dough of the Philo. It needs to be rolled thinly with a rolling pin, and then stretched out with your hands, thickness with a paper sheet. What can be prepared from puff pastry dough on a home recipe? That's what baking can use such a workpiece:

  • Pies with different fillings
  • Strudel with apples
  • Turkish baklava
  • Baking with cheese
  • FIL) dough with cottage cheese
  • Pies
  • Hearty baking with meat
  • FIL) dough and spinach
  • A delicious dish of the Phil dough with cherries and others.

In addition, you can make a cream and make a delicious cake from such puff pastry. Recipes of all these above dishes and cream look in another article on this site.

A recipe for delicious dough philoster, like a manufacturer: video

Each housewife seems that if she makes a dish, like a manufacturer, then it will turn out much tastier. After all, it is prepared by professionals. But this is not always the case, usually precisely home dishes are tastier, crisp and fragrant. However, in the producer recipe, you can spy of cooking technology and secrets. Below you will find a video of a delicious dough of the Philo, as in the manufacturer - crisp and thin.

Video: The production of the Fil Russia test, Moscow

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