Test for a difficult and complex character: a description of how to get through, what the results show?

Test for a difficult and complex character: a description of how to get through, what the results show?

A test for a difficult and complex character is a scientific study that helps a person.

The character is the most important option for a person’s life, without which it is impossible to succeed in any area: in business, love affairs, simply in relations with others. At the same time, a person’s character alone is clearly not enough. You need to know it. And there are a great many ways of knowing and studying your inner world.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Test for the psyche and restraint of character". You will find definitions of personality disorder-“dark triad”, from Tik-Tok, Aizenka, Rusalov, and also read the description and what the results are talking about.

In this article, we will talk about the most popular way of studying the character of a person - these are tests. To be more precise, it will be not just about tests, but about the method of determining the severity and complexity of the character of a person. It will be interesting. Read further.

Character, character traits: what is it, types, list

Types of temperament, character
Types of temperament, character

Before you take on the disclosure of the topic of psychological tests, we first should determine: what is the character of a person and his features, what types he is divided into.

The character is a set of personal qualities that determine the actions and behavior of a person. It forms a certain image of a person in the eyes of others and in general, a life image. Depending on what qualities prevail in a person and how he reacts to various situations, the character is customary to divide into 4 types of temperament. Here's a list:

  • Melancholic

People with a character of this type are distinguished by vulnerability and emotional instability. Melancholys have constant experiences and impressionability. Such people are able to worry even because of the little things. As for relations with others, here, melancholys are quite complicated. For example, having been in a new company, a person with a melancholy type of character will become closed and will feel extremely awkward. Melancholys are not prone to changes in life, so they always try to avoid them.

  • Sanguine

This temperament gives a person with mobility and liveliness. The sanguine literally burns in his hands, and the mood is extremely changeable. It is also worth noting that owners of this nature are able to quickly respond to changes and adapt to them. Failures and defeats cannot stop the sanguine, because he quickly forgets about them. In relations with others, sanguine demonstrates lightness, thanks to which they feel confident even in a new company, becoming sociable and relaxed.

  • Choleric

Passionate and emotional character. The mood of a person with this temperament is variable, which can cause exhaustion. Such people are cutting in everything, if it are solutions, actions or statements. Another feature of the choleric is that he can light up and become aggressive, especially in adverse conditions.

  • Phlegmatic person

This is the calmest of all types of character. The phlegmatic is slow, and his mood practically does not change, but even if this happens, it will be almost impossible to determine changes by external signs, because such a person is not inclined to manifest emotions. Phlegmatic is always extremely persistent in everything related to work. At the same time, he will not focus on the speed of the task, but on the quality of the result. Thanks to the high attention, self -control, as well as the habit of bringing everything to the end, phlegmatic people are better off performing the work that requires perseverance and painstaking.

It remains to add that the typology of human characters is conditional. In general, this is a way to classify individual types used by psychologists to simplify their analysis.

Who gave the first psychological description of portraits of various temperaments for the first time?

So, now we know about temperaments, their meaning and qualities. But where did such a separation come from and who invented it? Who gave the first psychological description of portraits of various temperaments for the first time?

  • The first references to human temperaments were discovered in the works of Hippocrates.
  • It is interesting that in those days they believed - the ratio of fluids in his body affects the character of a person. In order to reflect this ratio of fluids in the body, ancient Greek scientists used the term “Krasis”, which can be translated as a mixture or proportion.
  • Subsequently, during the time of the Roman Empire, the term more familiar to us began to be used "Temperament".

But returning to the theory of Hippocrates, it is worth saying that it was based on the existence of strong, individual differences in the chemical system that determines human behavior. The most sustainable differences were the differences in a mixture of liquids. In general, the effect of fluids on temperament looked as follows:

  • Lymph (sputum). It gives a person with slowness and calm, that is, he makes phlegmatic.
  • Blood. It gives a cheerful disposition and mobility. These are the qualities of a sanguine.
  • Black bile. The predominance of this fluid in the body, according to the theory of Hippocrates, makes a person fearful and sad. This is none other than a melancholic.
  • Yellow bile. This substance can make a person “hot”, rude, hysterical and even rude. All these features, in turn, are inherent in such a temperament as cholera.

Surprisingly, even today after thousands of years, the theory of temperament created by Hippocrates is not only not forgotten, but also continues to seriously affect literature, art and science. It inspires scientists to new studies of the inner world and the human psyche.

Psychological test - how difficult or easy you have, online on IDRLABS, in Russian: a description of how to go to Idrlabs, which show the results in a round diagram?

Psychological test
Psychological test

So, the time has come to pay attention directly to the tests to determine the severity or ease of character. And the first study from our list is a psychological online test from IDRLABS in Russian. Here's a description:

  • This study can be passed on idrlabs, moving to the address www.idrlabs.com And having found the desired test in the search engine, in addition, you can immediately enter the name of the test in the search engine, for example in Google. The test is quite famous, so finding it is not difficult.
  • The test itself is 35 simple questions, which you need to answer “like” or “diz” to answer.
  • By answering all the questions proposed, a person will see the answer: whether he has a difficult character, as well as a round diagram, which will show what qualities prevail in his temperament.

It is worth noting that the study on the site "Idrlabs" based on studies of serious scientists. Nevertheless, like other online tests, this study should be perceived only as an introductory material, which in any case will not give a one hundred percent answer about the qualities of a person’s personality.

Test for restraint, heavy character from Tik-Tok: how to get through?

The second study from our list is suitable for all fans and users of social networks. It will be about the test for restraint, heavy character with the popular platform "Tick-Tok". How to get? Read more:

  • It’s not difficult to guess, the main thing is that it is necessary to undergo this study is an account in the social network Tick-Tok.
  • Otherwise, this is a typical set of questions and answers to them that you need to choose.
  • To search for any tick-current tests, you can use any popular search engine.

This test is suitable for users of the Tik-Tok platform, the same who does not use this social network and does not want to start an account there will have to find other options, and there are many of them. Read further.

Type for the type of temperament, heavy in nature: dark or light triad

Another study from the company iDRLABSon a heavy character, which is a test for the definition of the predominance of a dark or bright triad in the character of a person.

  • Like the previous study from IDRLABS, this test for the type of temperament can be passed on the website IDRLABS.com.
  • The subject will be suggested by 36 questions that need to answer the “like” or “drawing”.
  • After passing the test and answers to all questions, a diagram with a predominance in the character of a person of dark or light features will be shown.

It is worth adding that this study is based on the work of famous scientists involved in the study of personality. However, the test will not be able to give an absolutely accurate description of personality traits. This means that this study can only be used as an introductory material. However, to fully reveal the human personality, no online research cannot do.

Test for a heavy character for girls on Trikki: a description, what is shown by the results?

Test for a heavy character for girls on Trikki
Test for a heavy character for girls on Trikki

The latest study from our list is a test for the severity of the character for girls, accessible on the website Trikky.ru. We will talk about the features and essence of this study further in the article. Here is a description and what the results show:

  • So, you can go through this test by crossing on the website Trikky By link above.
  • There are a lot of tests on the site, so for convenience and if you want to save time, you can enter the name of the desired study in some search engine, with the prefix of the site.
  • The test itself is simple and consists of ten questions, each of which is offered several answer options.
  • Upon passing the test and the answer to all questions, the subject will become available a short description of his personality and type of character.

It remains to add that this test does not rely on any scientific research, so it is not worth perceiving its results as something absolutely serious. The study is designed exclusively for girls, so it definitely will not work stronger sex. However, this study can also reveal some details related to the character of a person.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there are a lot of theories in the field of studying the character of a person. To systematize the types of character and define this term, such great scientists as Leontiev, Jung, Freud and others tried. In order to know yourself and learn how to build relationships with people, it is enough to understand the types of temperament. Psychological tests in this case are a very useful addition and a way to learn about yourself or some kind of person a little more. First of all, we are talking about those studies that are based on scientific work, at least a little.

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