How to determine the presence of depression yourself - a test for determining the level of depression, Zunga tests, Beck, on the Hamilton scale: reviews

How to determine the presence of depression yourself - a test for determining the level of depression, Zunga tests, Beck, on the Hamilton scale: reviews

To consider depression simply a temporary decline in the spirit or treat it as a disease? Take a doctor or “pass by itself”? How to determine that you are already entering the stage of the disease?

If you stopped like what used to bring pleasure, whether it is your favorite dish or activity for the soul, you should think and look for the cause of what happened. And if, in addition, you began to avoid communication, you are visited by sad thoughts, you are unhappy with yourself and the results of your work, perhaps, in fact, it's time to consult a doctor? To begin with, we will reveal whether you have depression using tests.

Depression test Zung

So, you have several questions. Ignoring the icons in brackets, select the answer option that most of all corresponds to your current state and the state of recent days. Do not think, rely on the first, spontaneous reaction - it is the most accurate. So, the depression test of Zung.

  1. I am inherent in tension or excitement:
  • almost always (A3)
  • very often (A2)
  • sometimes it happens (A1)
  • practically no (a0)
  1. My actions became slower:
  • almost always (B3)
  • very often (B2)
  • sometimes it happens (B1)
  • practically no (B0)
  1. I am pleasure the same as before:
  • yes (B0)
  • most likely (B1)
  • almost no (B2)
  • no (B3)
  1. I am always afraid that something bad will happen:
  • yes, moreover, fear is quite strong (A3)
  • yes, but fear is insignificant (A2)
  • it happens (A1)
  • no (a0)
  1. I am inherent in the ability to see the funny aspects of any event:
  • yes (B0)
  • often (B1)
  • it happens, but rarely (B2)
  • no (B3)
  1. My thoughts are restless and chaotic:
  • always (A3)
  • often (A2)
  • periodically (A1)
  • sometimes (A0)
  1. My condition is cheerful:
  • no (B3)
  • it happens, but rarely (B2)
  • sometimes (B1)
  • almost always (B0)
  1. Relaxation is easily given to me:
  • yes (a0)
  • most likely (A1)
  • sometimes (A2)
  • no (A3)
  1. I feel excitement or fright:
  • no (a0)
  • this happens (A1)
  • often (A2)
  • almost always (A3)
  1. I do not care how I look:
  • yes (B3)
  • i'm sorry for the time for this (B2)
  • perhaps (B1)
  • no (B0)
  1. I need constant movement:
  • yes (a3)
  • more often (A2)
  • sometimes (A1)
  • no (a0)
  1. I expect pleasure from my classes and hobbies:
  • as always (B0)
  • less than it was before (B1)
  • much less than once (B2)
  • no, I do not expect (B3)
  1. I am subject to a sudden panic:
  • very often (A3)
  • quite often (A2)
  • sometimes (A1)
  • no (a0)
  1. Books, films, music bring me pleasure:
  • almost always (B0)
  • often (B1)
  • occasionally (B2)
  • almost no (B3)

Now add the numbers that are next to your answers, separately for each letter.

  • From 0 to 7 - depression is not observed.
  • From 8 to 10 - anxiety (depression) is subclinical.
  • From 11 and above - the clinical state of anxiety (depression).

Test for determining the level of depression

Answer only “yes” or “no” to the following questions of the test to determine the level of depression:

  1. Everything that you were interested in previously lost interest to you today?
  2. Yours the mood is sad and gloomy?
  3. Do you do your daily familiar things at the same pace as before?
  4. Do you feel constant excitation and cannot sit still?
  5. You feel all the time the state of guilt?
  6. Has your diet and the number of foods changed?
  7. Can't you focus on one thing?
  8. Do you always think about the past?
  9. Have the nature and duration of your sleep changed?
  10. Do you feel prostration?
  11. Do you consider yourself more unhappy than other people?
  12. Have you lost meaning of life?
  13. You do not see positive in the future?
Is there any depression
Is there any depression

The more you have gained positive answers, the more reasons you have to contact a specialist, because it is possible that you are really in a depressive state or close to that.

Bek test depression

Bucky Test Depression It is also used for adolescents. Select those that converge with your sensations of recent days from the below of the 21st block of statements. Read carefully the Bek test, do not miss a single point.

  • I do not feel sad - 0
  • I am in upset feelings - 1
  • I am constantly upset and I think about it all the time - 2
  • My disorder is so great that I can no longer stand it - 3
  • I see my future hopeless and hopeless - 3
  • I do not expect anything from the future - 2
  • My future puzzles me - 1
  • I do not feel anxiety for my future - 0
  • I do not perceive myself as a loser - 0
  • It seems to me that I am a greater loser than others - 1
  • Looking at the past, I see many failures - 2
  • I feel like a complete loser - 3
  • My satisfaction of life is the same as before - 0
  • My satisfaction of life is much less than before - 1
  • Nothing brings me satisfaction - 2
  • My discontent is full - 3
  • I do not feel my guilt in anything - 0
  • I often feel guilty - 1
  • Most often I feel guilty for something-2
  • I still feel guilty of something-3
  • I feel that I am already a punishment - 3
  • I am waiting for punishment - 2
  • It seems to me that I will be punished - 1
  • I do not expect punishment for nothing - 0
  • I am not disappointed in my personality - 0
  • I am disappointed in myself - 1
  • I feel a feeling of disgust for myself - 2
  • I feel a sense of hatred - 3
  • I accuse myself of that bad that happens to me - 2
  • I constantly smoke myself for what I have done - 2
  • I criticize my shortcomings and miscalculations - 1
  • I do not consider myself worse than others - 0
  • I have never had thoughts about suicide - 0
  • Sometimes I am visited by thoughts about suicide, but I do not succumb to them - 1
  • I allow suicide - 2
  • I would commit suicide if I had the opportunity - 3
  • I have no more reasons for crying than before - 0
  • I began to cry more often than before - 1
  • I cry constantly - 2
  • I am not able to cry, even if there is a reason for this - 3
  • I am annoyed no more than before - 0
  • I became much more often and easier to be annoyed - 1
  • The feeling of irritation does not leave me - 2
  • I do not care about everything that annoyed me earlier - 3
  • Other people are still interesting to me-0
  • Other people have become less interesting to me - 1
  • I am almost not interested in other people -2
  • I am absolutely not interested in other people - 3
  • Periodically, I have lounged with the decision - 0
  • I began to postpone the moment of decision -making more often - 1
  • I find it difficult to make more than before - 2
  • I am not capable of making decisions - 3
  • I perceive my appearance as before - 0
  • I don't like that I began to look unattractive - 1
  • I know that I have changed significantly for the worst - 2
  • I think I look disgusting - 3
  • My performance is the same as it was - 0
  • I have to make efforts on myself to get to work - 1
  • It is difficult for me to do any work - 2
  • I'm practically unable to work - 3
  • The nature of my sleep has not undergone any changes - 0
  • I began to sleep worse than before - 1
  • I began to wake up earlier and I can't fall asleep again - 2
  • I began to wake up much earlier than before and I could not fall asleep again - 3
  • I did not get tired more than usual - 0
  • I began to get tired much faster than recently - 1
  • Fatigue falls after any work - 2
  • Fatigue is so great that I am not able to do anything-3
  • I have not lost my appetite - 0
  • I have lost my appetite a little - 1
  • I became much less to eat - 2
  • I completely lost my appetite - 3
  • My weight has not changed lately - 0
  • I dropped over 2 kg - 1
  • Weight loss was over 5 kg - 2
  • Weight loss was over 7 kg - 3
  • My health does not bother me anymore - 0
  • I began to suffer from a disorder of the stomach, constipation, pain appeared - 1
  • My health condition bothers me very much - 2
  • I am so worried about my health that all my thoughts are only about this - 3
  • Sexual life worries me as before-0
  • Relationships have become less interesting to me - 1
  • Issues of intimacy interest me much less than before - 2
  • I was completely stopped worried about intimacy - 3
You have depression
You have depression

If you scored no more than 9 points -You have completely no symptoms of depression. From 10 to 15 points - A slight depressive state. From 16 to 19 - Depressive state of moderate severity. From 20 to 29 - This is an indicator of pronounced depression. Everything from above 30 pointsHe speaks of the presence of severe depression.

Depression test on the Hamilton scale

It should be noted that first of all depression test On the Hamilton scale is intended for the work of doctors, but you can also try to determine your condition on your own.

  1. Fit of mood:
  • Not observed - 0
  • It is only observed if the question is directly posed - 1
  • Sudden complaints - 2
  • Noticeable in appearance and actions - 3
  • There are actions and verbal expressions - 4
  1. Sensation of their own guilt:
  • Not observed - 0
  • A person believes that he fails the rest - 1
  • A person reflects on his mistakes and fault to others - 2
  • Considers his fortune to guilt - 3
  • Began to suffer by hallucinations in which condemnation, wine or threat prevails - 4
  1. The presence of thoughts about suicide:
  • Not observed - 0
  • A feeling of meaninglessness of existence appeared - 1
  • Thoughts about death appeared - 2
  • The presence of phrases or gestures of suicidal nature - 3
  • The presence of suicide attempts - 4
  1. The presence of insomnia:
  • Not observed - 0
  • It became harder to fall asleep - 1
  • It became almost impossible to fall asleep - 2
  1. The presence of medium insomnia:
  • Not observed - 0
  • The dream became restless - 1
  • A man often began to wake up at night, get out of bed - 2
  1. The presence of insomnia:
  • Not observed - 0
  • The man began to wake up early, and then fall asleep again - 1
  • The morning rise regularly became early - 2
  1. The nature of activity and performance:
  • Work is not difficult - 0
  • Fatigue appeared, a sense of insolvency - 1
  • Interest in work is lost - 2
  • Labor productivity has decreased - 3
  • The person refused to perform work - 4
  1. Inhibited condition:
  • Conversation and the course of thoughts are normal - 0
  • Speech is slightly slow - 1
  • Noticeable braking in the conversation - 2
  • A person finds it difficult to answer the questions - 3
  • The condition of the total stupor - 4
  1. Excited state:
  • Not observed - 0
  • Anxiety state - 1
  • The presence of restless gestures - 2
  • The man became mobile and restless - 3
  • There are nervous gestures, bite of nails - 4
  1. The presence of mental anxiety:
  • Not observed - 0
  • A person is tense and irritable - 1
  • Man began to worry about trifles - 2
  • There is an alarm in the face and conversation - 3
  • A pronounced state of fear - 4
  1. The presence of somatic anxiety (physiological signs in the form of headaches, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, etc.):
  • Not observed - 0
  • Mild - 1
  • Moderately - 2
  • Strongly expressed - 3
  • Very pronounced - 4
  1. The presence of somatic signs of gastrointestinal nature:
  • Not observed - 0
  • Small loss of appetite - 1
  • A person eats through force, takes appropriate drugs - 2
  1. The presence of general somatic symptoms:
  • Not observed - 0
  • Feeling of heaviness, loss of strength - 1
  • The presence of pronounced symptoms - 2
  1. Sexual sphere problems:
  • Not observed - 0
  • Problems are insignificant - 1
  • Problems are pronounced -2
  1. Apativity:
  • Not observed - 0
  • A person absorbed in himself - 1
  • Man is too preoccupied with the state of his health - 2
  • The presence of complaints, asking for help - 3
  • The presence of a delirium of a hypochondriacal nature - 4
  1. Reducing body weight:
  • Not observed - 0
  • The weight decreased slightly - 1
  • Significant weight loss - 2
  1. Perception of your condition:
  • A person perceives his condition as a disease - 0
  • Write off its condition on external signs - 1
  • A person absolutely does not realize his condition - 2.

Depending on the amount of the points, the status scale is built: from 0 to 7 - The condition does not inspire fears. From 8 to 13 - A mild degree of depression, from 14 to 18 - Average. From 19 to 22 points - Depression turned into a difficult form, and over 23 - speaks of an extremely severe form of the disease.

Depression test: reviews

  • ZinaI noticed that the husband became gloomy and unsociable, somehow indifferent and oppressed. He first denied the test, but then he also agreed indifferently. The results suggested the presence of depression, but he flatly refused to go to the doctor. It’s good that I have a psychiatrist’s friend, she, as if by chance, went to visit, looked at her husband, tried to chat with him and confirmed the test results. The drugs and methods of communication she proposed - the husband gradually returns to his normal cheerful state, began to smile more often, and my child became interested in. 
  • AnnaIn principle, the state of depression is noticeable without tests. But they will not interfere, on the contrary, will more fully show the degree of neglect of the disease. Employment helps me - the more you load yourself with business, the less you think about the bad.
  • SergeyTests are good, but in any case, you need to consult a doctor if the results are alarming. For example, the test in time prompted the danger in time, and the sensible psychologist helped to understand the causes of problems and eliminate them.

In conclusion, I would like to note that depression tests They really help to pay attention to the problem and, in general terms, evaluate the danger. But only the doctor is capable of determining the severity of your condition. He will also develop a treatment methodology.

Video: overcoming depression

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