A test for the psyche and restraint of character, determining the personality disorder-“dark triad”, from Tik-Tok, Aizenka, Rusalov: Description, what are the results indicated?

A test for the psyche and restraint of character, determining the personality disorder-“dark triad”, from Tik-Tok, Aizenka, Rusalov: Description, what are the results indicated?

The test for the restraint of character will help to understand whether there is a person’s disorder, mental abnormalities. Passing it is simple.

People always wanted to understand themselves as best as possible: to understand their strengths and weaknesses, which profession is better suited, whether there are mental illnesses and so on. For this, there are numerous psychological tests.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Test for alcoholism: types, essence of methods". You will find out why and why you need to make a test for alcohol dependence.

There is the most common group of tests about character restraint. Let's get to know her in more detail. Read further.

What will the tests on the restraint of character, determine the personality disorder?

Modern people are very afraid to seem “imperfect”. Therefore, they are used to putting on a huge number of masks. Because of this, sometimes they even forget their real person. What will the tests of restraint of character, determine the personality disorder be told about?

  • Tests for character restraint will determine, first of all, the degree of self -control and endurance. This will help to identify what methods and tools should be used if emotions get out of control.
  • Still, that such tests help to identify - what character traits were suppressed as a result of the active development of “ideal” features.

What can this lead to?

  • According to the general definition: "A person’s disorder is a long and persistent violations of the psychological activity of a person".
  • Most often, such a psychological state occurs in adolescence.
  • A person’s disorder persists for life, leads to a gradual loss of all social skills.
  • Patients are characterized by distinguishing from the mental processes and norms of behavior accepted in society.
  • It is also worth noting that such a psychological state can arise in early childhood, manifest in youth (adolescence) and continue to progress in adulthood.

Now there are tests that help a person independently determine whether this disease is there or not.

But you should understand: Any test is only an approximate result. For an exact result, you should contact a specialist!

The psychological test “Dark Triad” on the features of a severe character of a person, restraint of the personality: a description, what are the results talking about?

Psychological test
Psychological test "Dark Triad"

Psychological test "Dark Triad" - This is a technique that allows you to determine the degree/strength of the totality of three negative features of a severe character of a person:

  1. Narcissism - lack of empathy, egocentrism, narcissism
  2. Machiavellism - cynicism, manipulation for personal purposes
  3. Psychopathy - impulsiveness, heartlessness, asociality

It is worth noting immediately that such a personality test gives quite accurate results that can be useful for self -diagnosis (followed by the correction of the obtained indicators), and in professional psychological diagnosis to help the client.

Here's a description:

  • The test consists of 27 understandable and simple questions.
  • It is divided into three scales (on each "dark side"), each - 45 points.
  • Passing time up to 20 minutes.

What are the results talking about? Read more:

  • On the Machiavelli scale, the norm is up to 39. Above this parameter is already considered a serious excess. But the higher the score along it, the brighter the negative features of the character of Machiavellism - emotional coldness, cynicism, talent for manipulation and so on.
  • On the scale "Narcissism" norm - up to 31 points. From 31 and above - the excess of the norm. The higher the score on this scale, the more colorful all the classic “Narcissus” features are manifested: from an inadequate reaction to criticism to your address, to a painful need to receive general adoration by any means and means.
  • On the scale "Psychopathy" the norm is up to 30 points. From 30 and further - this is an occasion to seek help from a specialist. Also, in the first two: the higher the indicator, the more clearly the negative qualities of this group are manifested. These include: selfishness, heartlessness, asocial behavior, impulsiveness.

It’s easy to pass such a questionnaire - just answer the questions sincerely, and after 20 minutes you will get the result.

IdrLabs restraint test: Description

Test for the character of the character IDRLABS
Test for the character of the character IDRLABS

Test for the character of the character IDRLABS based on scientific research, which were made by certified American experts. It is also worth noting that a statistical analysis of this psychological methodology allows you to get the most reliable and accurate result.

Here's a description:

  • The test consists of 35 questions.
  • Passing time up to 15-16 minutes.
  • In the end, you can get a diagram divided into points: “Bad concentration”, “riskiness”, “self -criticism”, “stress”, “lack of enthusiasm”, “dreaming”, “perfectionism”. Each of these scales is filled with color.
  • The level of fullness of each of the scales corresponds to the percentage of restraint.

The final level will be displayed under the diagram.

Psyche test, restraint of character from Tik-Tok: Description

Tick-current - This is a modern mobile platform for watching short vertical videos. In its open spaces, you can find simple and free copyright tests on the psyche and on restraint. They consist of 35 questions. The passage time is up to 15 minutes. Answers are provided immediately. But it is worth noting that these tests can be more entertaining in nature, unlike previously named questionnaires, which were developed by specialists in psychology and psychiatry.

Socionics: Test for restraint, description

Socionics test
Socionics test

As previously said, modern people get used to their masks so much that they can create many psychological problems. Therefore, there are tests for restraint that help to determine how much you restrain/suppress your own emotions. For example, Social questionnaire. Here's a description:

  • The test consists of 16 simple and understandable questions.
  • The passage time is 10 minutes.

As a result, you can get good recommendations that can be carried out even without a specialist.

Aizenka questionnaire for the definition of temperament, personality psychotype: description of the diagnosis, methodology of self -assessment of the mental state of personality

Test " Aizenka questionnaire by definition of temperament, personality psychotype» was developed in 1963. Below you will find a description of the diagnosis, the method of self -assessment of the mental state of the personality.

  • It consists of 48 questions.
  • Passing time 20 minutes.

As a result, you can get the result on three scales (each consists of 12 points):

  1. "Psychotism"- The degree of conflict, the desire to take care of others.
  2. "Extroversion - Introversion": indicates an extrovert or introvert. Lists the most vivid character traits.
  3. « Neurotism " - “Speak” about low/high mental stability. This is emotional stability, a tendency to excessive experiences, resistance to criticism, depression and the development of nerve diseases.

The resource can also give general recommendations to correct the situation. On the methodology of self -assessment of the mental state of the personality by aizenka questionnaire One can say one thing: it takes a lot of time and concentration to obtain the desired results. Any violation of concentration can lead to a completely opposite result.

This technique consists of a special form with 40 statements and fields for the mark (points 0, 1, 2), instructions and subsequent decoding are placed. The questionnaire is divided into 4 blocks corresponding to a particular psychological state:

  1. Anxiety - A person’s tendency to frequent/ rare experiences in a particular situation, their strength.
  2. Frustration -The psychological state that arises due to the impossibility of satisfying their own needs and desires. It manifests itself in despair, anxiety, irritation, and so on.
  3. Aggressiveness -negative negative emotion that can occur due to random, unprovable actions of others. It manifests itself in the form of harm to people, destruction of the environment, and so on.
  4. Rigidity - psychological “inhibition” (or complete inability) quickly switch from one activity to another. Especially in stressful situations or in multitasking mode.

The purpose of such a questionnaire: to identify levels of 4 psychological states (aggressiveness, rigidity, frustration and anxiety) of a person at the time of testing. After answering all questions, it is necessary to carefully calculate the results and read the final decryption.

Rusalov temperament questionnaire: test description

Rusalov temperament questionnaire
Rusalov temperament questionnaire

Rusalov temperament questionnaire suitable for men and women, but not for children. Teenagers can pass this test. Helps to find out the temperamental personality characteristics. This technique is used by practicing psychologists to conduct a general examination and develop a subsequent treatment program.

Test description:

The questionnaire contains 105 statements where it is necessary to answer only “yes” or “no”. It is necessary to answer quickly, without unnecessary thoughts. According to the results, you can find out:

  • Subject ergicity (high, medium, low) - the desire for activity or its avoidance, resistance to excessive physical, emotional and mental stress. You can also find out the degree of involvement in the process.
  • Social ergicism (high, medium, low) - a manifestation of leadership, the desire for social interaction and communications with other people.
  • Plastic (high, low) - the ability to switch from one type of activity to another, a tendency to diversity.
  • Social plasticity (high, low) - the ability to switch in communication from one person to another.
  • Speed/pace (high, low)-the speed of motor-motor processes during work.
  • Social pace (high, low) - the speed of speech and gestures during communication.
  • Emotionality (high, low) - susceptibility to life failures, the general sensitivity of the personality.
  • Social emotionality (high, low) - human sensitivity when communicating with surrounding people.

Having received recommendations, you can adjust your own behavior, establish relationships with loved ones and choose (or change) profession.

Based on the information received, it is safe to say that with the help of psychological tests, you will be able to know yourself better, as well as learn about general recommendations for improving your own life.

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  1. Now the results are good, but six months ago she could not boast of this because of the constant rubble at work. The nervous system suffered. She began to rest and lithium Helat Evalar to take more courses. This is the best solution to the problem.

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