Test “Watch Drawing” when determining memory impairment, cognitive functions, degree of dementia: description, deciphering the result

Test “Watch Drawing” when determining memory impairment, cognitive functions, degree of dementia: description, deciphering the result

The most simply way to check and determine the degree of memory impairment is to pass a specially developed test for dementia called “Drawing a watch”. It is very convenient in that when using it, it is not required to think a lot, fill out the tables and draw diagrams.

The time spent on its complete passage, including determining the result, will take no more than 5 minutes. Such a test is very useful and informative. Almost every person is able to go on his own at any time. Doctors recommend it every few years.

Test “Watch Drawing” when determining memory impairment, cognitive functions, degree of dementia: description, deciphering the result

Even small children are able to figure out the test results of the “Drawing Watch” test. To pass it, you will need a pen or pencil and a small sheet of clean paper.

Exercise: It is necessary to draw a clock in the shape of a circle and fill them with numbers inside on the dial.

  • After this stage is completed, you need to finish the arrows that show the time 13:45.
  • A person must independently fulfill all the conditions of the task from memory without outside help. For ordinary people, this test will seem easy and time for its execution will take only a couple of minutes.
  • However, for people who have a cognitive violation and memory in memory, it will become an excessive task. When completing the task, such a person will make at least one error.
Error in the figure and the main value
Error in the figure and the main value

Interpretation of the test "Drawing watches" must be evaluated on a ten -point scale from 10 to 1:

  • Assessment c 10 points It can be set if the task is completed completely correctly. An even circle is drawn, the numbers are written in the correct order, the arrows are placed, according to the specified time.
  • Assessment 9 You can put if the entire task is completed correctly, but there is a small error in the form of arrow location.
  • 8 points - The obvious incorrect location of the shooter on the dial. One of the shooter is rejected in the larger or smaller direction for at least one hour.
  • Assessment 7 It is exhibited when both arrows are located incorrectly from the given time.
  • Assessment 6 It can be set if the arrows do not show the time, the required value is circled.
  • 5 points - The improper location of the values \u200b\u200bon the dial (they are not in order, other values \u200b\u200bare set, the numbers are placed in a circle counterclockwise).
  • Grade 4 points It is exhibited if some of the numbers are completely absent, some of them are at the clock, there are unfilled places in the circle of hours.
  • 3 points They receive work in which the dial and numbers are at a distance from each other.
  • Assessment c 2 points It is exhibited when a person cannot perform at least one part of the task.
  • 1 point It is put in a situation where a person refuses to follow the instructions and complete the task.
Drawing watches
  • If when completing the task, the result is obtained from 8 to 2 points, this suggests that a person has failures in memory. In this case, in order not to start the situation, you need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.
  • The result of 1 point suggests that a person has a dementia.

To determine which type and at what stage this disease progresses, the patient is asked to write numbers and finish the arrows in the finished painted circle.

In the event that a person managed to draw arrows, but not numbers, this suggests that he most likely has a frontal type. In a situation where a person is not able to fulfill this task, this suggests that he began the dementia of the Alzheimer type, which is very difficult to treat.

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