Mikhalkov’s poems for children - a selection for schoolchildren and preschool children

Mikhalkov’s poems for children - a selection for schoolchildren and preschool children

A large selection of Mikhalkov’s poems for children that can be used for memorization, for contests, literary reading, and just read for a pleasant and useful pastime.

Mikhalkov’s poems - a selection for children

Mikhalkov’s poems - a selection for children:

We sit and look out the windows.
Clouds in the sky fly.
Dogs are wet in the yard,
They don’t even want to bark.

Where is the sun?
What's happened?
Water flows all day.
The yard is so damp,
That you will not go anywhere.

If you take all these puddles
And connect into one,
And then sit down at this puddle,
Measure the depth,
It turns out that the puddle
Black Seas is no worse
Only the sea is slightly deeper
Only a puddle is a little more.

If you take all these clouds
And connect into one,
And then get into this cloud,
Measure the width,
Then the answer will turn out
That the clouds have no edges,
That in Moscow from the cloud - rain,
And in Chita from the cloud - snow.

If you take all these drops
And connect into one,
And then this drop
Measure the thickness with thread -
There will be such a drop
What nobody dreamed of.
And I will never dream of
In such a quantity, water!


About a girl who eats poorly
Julia eats poorly
He does not listen to anyone.
- Eat the testicle, Yulechka!
- I do not want, mother!
- Eat a sandwich with a sausage! -
Julia's mouth covers.

- Soup?
- No…
- Cutte?
- No… -

Yulechkin's lunch is being hastened.
- What about you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mother!
- Make a girl, a sip,
Swallow another piece!
Pity us, Yulechka!
“I can't, Mamulochka!”
Mom and grandmother in tears -
Julia melts before our eyes!

A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
Looks strictly and angrily:
- No appetite has an appetite?
I just see that she
Of course, not sick!
And I will tell you, the girl:
Everyone eats - both the beast and the bird,
From hare to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the horse is chewing oats.
The bone gnaws the yard dog.
Sparrows of grain peck,
Where they get it,
In the morning, the elephant breaks up -
He loves fruits.
Brown bear licks honey.
A mole has dinner in the mink.
The monkey eats a banana.
Looking for acorns for a boar.

Catchs the midge of a clever haircut.
Swiss cheese loves the mouse ...
The doctor said goodbye to Julia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
“Feed me, Mommy!”


What do you have?

Who was sitting on a bench,
Who looked outside
Tolya sang, Boris was silent,
Nikolai shook his foot.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

Galka sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys

- And I have a nail in my pocket.
And you?

- And we have a guest today.
And you?

- And we have a cat today
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
Kittens grew a little
And they don’t want to eat.

- And we have gas in the kitchen.
And you?

- And we have a water supply system.

- And from our window
Red Square is visible.
And from your window
Only a little street.

- We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
We bought a blue-blue,
Presented red ball.

And our fire went out - this is time.
The truck brought firewood - these are two.
And fourthly, our mother
Goes to flight,
Because our mother
The pilot is called.

Vova answered from the ladder:
- Mom is a pilot?
Here, Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman.
And Toli and Vera have
Both mothers are engineers.

And Leva’s mother has a cook.
Is mom a pilot?

“Everyone is more important,” said Nata, “
Mom is caring,
Because to the hook
Mom leads two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:
- Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
Who sews cowards for the guys?
Of course, not a pilot.

The pilot drives planes -
This is very good.

The cook makes compotes -
It is also good.

The doctor treats us with measles,
There is a teacher at school.

Moms are different needed.
ALL MAMA is important.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to argue.


About those who bark

There are many dogs in the world
And on the chain and just like that:
Dogs of service - border guards,
Yard "balls" ordinary,
And young shocking mints,
What they love to yell from under the shops,
And those pampered marthes,
Whose nose is kurnos, and the voice is thin,
And no longer good -
Wandering dogs, always hungry.

Ready for a fight at any time
Dogs - brawls and clogs.
Dogs - pride and inconsistent
Calmly dozing on the threshold.
And the sweet tooth-makers
Everyone licks from any dishes.
Among dogs of any breed
There are handsome people and freaks,
There are giants, these are dogs!
Short -legged bulldogs
And hard -haired terriers.
Some are black, others are sulfur,
And to look at others, it’s a shame -
So thickets that the eye is not visible!

Dog properties are known to everyone:
And mind, and sensitivity, and heroism,
Love, and loyalty, and insidiousness,
And disgusting barking
And at a half obedience,
And that's all - from the upbringing!

The well -fed mistress is lazy,
And the Dachshund button is a lazy person!
The border guard-warrior is fearless,
And the dog Ruslan is worthy of him!
The owner of the dog is a fist and a bunch,
To match him a burdock.

No wonder the dog bites those
Who throws the stone in it in vain.
But if anyone is friends with the dog
The dog serves that.
A faithful dog is a good friend
Depends on good hands!
My poems for pioneers,
And not for dachshunds and fox terriers.

Poems by Sergey Mikhalkov for preschoolers

Poems by Sergey Mikhalkov for preschoolers:

I took a pencil with paper,
Drawing the road
The bull drew it on it,
And next to him is a cow.

To the right rain, to the left of the garden,
There are fifteen points in the garden,
As if apples hang
And the rain does not wet them.

I made a pink bull
Orange - the road,
Then clouds above them
I painted a little.

And these clouds then
He pierced with an arrow. So it is necessary
So that thunder comes out in the figure
And lightning over the garden.

I crossed out with black dots
And it meant
As if the wind suddenly blew -
And there are no more apples anymore.

I also lengthened the rain -
He immediately burst into the garden,
But I did not have enough ink
And the pencil broke.

And I put a chair on the table
Climbed as high as possible
And there the drawing pinned,
Although he did not come out well.


I got off my feet today -
My puppy disappeared.
He called him for two hours
I was waiting for him for two hours
I didn’t sit down for lessons
And I could not dinner.

This morning is very early
The puppy jumped off the sofa
He began to walk around the rooms
Jump, bark, wake everyone up.

He saw a blanket -
There was nothing to cover.

He looked into the pantry -
Zhban turned over with honey.

He tore the poems with dad,
He fell to the floor from the stairs,
He climbed into the glue with his front paw,
I barely got out and disappeared ...

Maybe he was stolen
On the rope was taken away,
They called a new name
Have you forced the house to guard?

Maybe he is in a dense forest
He sits under the bush prickly
Got lost, looking for a house,
Wet, poor, in the rain?
I did not know what to do.
Mother said: wait.

For two hours I grieved
I did not take books in my hands,
I did not draw anything
Everything sat and waited.

Suddenly some terrible beast
He opens the door with a paw
Jumps over the threshold ...
Who is this? My puppy.

What happened if right away
Didn't I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are not visible
A skewed cheek
And, digging like a needle,
A bee buzz on the tail.
Mother said: - Close the door!
A bee swarm flies to us. -

All wrapped, in bed
My puppy lies with a layer
And wags barely
A bandaged tail.
I don't run to the doctor -
I fly it myself.


Oh you, my soul,
White pillow!
I go to you with a cheek
I hold my hand for you ...
If you live with you together -
And you don't need to go to the cinema:
Lried, fell asleep - watch the movie!
After all, they will show anyway.
Without a screen, without a ticket
I look at that and this ...
For example, yesterday in a dream
What did they show me?
Leaving all relatives at home
I got up from the cosmodrome
And sending hello to the earth,
Flew on the ship.
I rotated around the earth -
Made many turns -
And at the same time was called
For some reason Tereshkov.
I was spinning, I was spinning
And then I "landed"
From the bed in two steps
And with a pillow in his hands ...

Mikhalkov’s poems for schoolchildren

Mikhalkov’s poems for schoolchildren:

Writing is not easy:
"Yes, Ko-Ro-Wo Mo-Lo-ko."
Behind the letter the letter, to the syllable syllable.
Well, if only someone helped!
First “yes”, then “e”.
Already written "gives"
Already written "gives"
But then the pen is tearing the pen.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page needs to be pulled out!
The page is torn out, and here:
"Co-Ro-w-th-lo, yes."

"Cow gives milk",
But you need the opposite:
"Gives a cow milk!"

We will breathe deeply at first,
Let's breathe, we will cross out the line
And let's start the matter again.

"Yes, Ko-Ro-Wo Mo-Lo-ko."
The feather clings to "Ko",
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
From the end of the pen, suddenly slides.

One second did not pass
How “KO”, and “MO”, and “LO” hid ...

Another page is over!
And outside the window from all sides:
And the knock of the ball, and barking a puppy,
And the ringing of some kind of call,-
And I'm sitting, looking at the notebook -
I take the letter to the letter:
"Yes, ko-ro-vo mo-lo-ko" ...
Yes! It is not easy to become a scientist!


- For vaccination! First grade!
- Have you heard? This is us! .. -
I'm not afraid of vaccinations:
If necessary, I will prick!
Well, think, an injection!
They pricked it and - went ...

This is just a coward is afraid
Go to the doctor.
Personally, I am at the sight of a syringe
I smile and joking.

I am one of the first
In the medical office.
I have steel nerves
Or there are no nerves at all!

If only anyone would know
That football tickets
I would readily exchange
For an additional injection! ..

- For vaccination! First grade!
- Have you heard? This is us! .. -
Why did I get up against the wall?
I have ... knees tremble ...


Forest Academy
Once in the summer, on the lawn,
Very smart May beetle
Founded for insects
Academy of Sciences.

The Academy is open!
From dawn to dawn
Insects are forest
Study the archers:
A - shark, b - birch,
B - raven, g - thunderstorm ...
- Bumblebee and fly, do not buzz!
Calm down, dragonfly!

Repeat, don't get down:
D - road, e - raccoon ...
Turn to the board, grasshopper!
You sat back back!

F - crane or toad,
3 - fence or snake ...
- Do not mix the bug, mosquito,
Cross the ant!

And - a needle, K - nettles,
L - larva, linden, meadow ...
- To whom did you arrange the nets?
Get out, evil spider!

M - bear, mouse, sea.
N - burbot, and o - deer ...
- They don't go to the academy
Those who are lazy to study!

P - parsley,
P - chamomile,
C - bitch or sweatshirt ...
- Taracan, do not make faces!
Do not tell me, cricket!

T - blade of grass, u - snail,
F - violet, x - ferret ...
- After the first change
We will continue our lesson!

Teach a Bukashka alphabet,
To become literate,
Because it is not enough -
Just crawl and fly!


What's happened? What's happened?
From the stove of the alphabet fell!
Painfully dislocated her leg
Prophetic letter n,
G hit a little
Wed completely!
Lost the letter Y
His crossbar!
Finding himself on the floor.

Parged the tail u!
F, poor thing, so swollen -
Do not read it like!
The letter R turned up -
Turned into a soft sign!
The letter C was completely closed -
Turned into the letter O.
The letter A when I woke up
I did not recognize anyone!


On the New Year

They say: for the New Year
Whatever wishes -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even with the guys
All desires come true
It is only necessary, they say
Apply efforts.

Do not be lazy, do not yawn,
And have patience,
And the learning is not counted
For your torment.

They say: for the New Year
Whatever wishes -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not make
A modest desire -
To "excellent" to perform
School tasks.

So that the students are so
They began to engage in
To a deuce in the diaries
I could not get out!

Mikhalkov’s poems for children jokes

Mikhalkov’s verses for children are comic:

Announcement at the door:
"Entrance for birds and animals."
Red cross drawn:
Come in - the bear will not eat!

The rooster came running to the pharmacy:
- Hello, Misha! Cuckarem!
-What do you, Petya-flip?
- I would have a new scallop! -

The goose entered the pharmacy side
Pushed through the right eye:
- the left eye clogged.
Do you have no droplets?

Behind the goat goat burst:
- I, Toptygin, poisoned:
I ate a pure spine.
Give a prettest powder!

The barbobos Kudlat was crazy:
- Who for what, and I am for a cotton!
I got the left side,
In the rain yesterday, wet. -

Toptygin wants everyone to help everyone:
He advises, troubles
A decoction boils from herbs ...
Suddenly a mosquito flew out the window!

The pharmacist growled Mishka:
- Why did you fly out the window? -
Komarishka answers:
- Isn't it all to you?

- If it wouldn’t care
Everyone would climb the window!
You see the inscription at the door:
"Entrance for birds and animals"?

Mosquito is more angry:
- And what is your door for me
If I'm not a bird yet
And yet not a beast.

Distolled in earnest
Here the duck opened her beak,
And he came to the end ...


Papa Fintiflyushkin,
Mom Fintiflyushkina has
The son of the Fintiflyushkins
(He is the ninth year!) -
Not a drama, not a comedy,
And personal tragedy:
Family surname
The kid does not recognize.

Of course, the Fintiflyushkins
Not at all like Pushkin ...
But still the Fintiflyushkins -
Worker Russian clan:
He was glorified by his ancestors
Rare confectioners,
Their buns, cheesecakes
And miracle finhthysho-
That they themselves climbed into the mouth.

But Fede Fintiflyushkin
There is no case
Since each other
All children are Fintiflyushko
Now his name is.

How to live with such a surname
And how to endure it?
It would be good for personal
Completely, quite ordinary
Serious, decent
The surname has!
There are surnames
Without different stupid words:
Well, let's say, just Sidorov!
And better - Ivanov!

But so it is already supposed to
What where there is a family,
There is a dad's surname
And mother's surname -
Family surname,
And so yours!

And Fede Fintiflyushkin
I give my advice:
Threat, baby, with dignity
His last name!

And if you learn
Work and dream,
Great Fintiflyushkin
You can become in life!


Once upon a time there was a dog
Nicknamed Cheburashka, -
Curly back,
Funny face.

The hostess for her is so
It was attached
What is in a small basket
I took it with me everywhere.

And often in that basket,
Among the bundles of parsley,
A fluffy tail stuck
And the ears moved.

Mistress Cheburashka
And cut and bathed,
She, not knowing the measure
The dog was pampering.

She got her
Beautiful leash
On a warm pon
I cut a scarf.

I bought it in the market
Chicken liver,
At the same time
I fed the dog.

And she lived in contentment
And she knew only one thing:
With strangers dogs
Play is forbidden!

The hostess with Cheburashka
It turns out to the walk
Thus attracting
General attention:

- And it is necessary for the dog
It’s so pocket to be!
- And where can one
Get or buy?

- What kind of breed she is
And how old is she?
Her natural color? ..

Mistress to questions
Answered in detail
Dog on passers -by
Rumbled impolite.

And if anyone tried
Extend her hand to her,
She tried that
How to bite.

At the same time, the whole was trembling
Barking in all the strengths
With people of this kind
Dating not wanting ...

I don't know how it happened
And whose fault was
But somehow Cheburashka
I went for a walk alone.

And suddenly from the gateway
Towards the dog-tramp-
A torn ear
And all in scarves, poor fellow.

Sliped Cheburashka
A abdomen to raw grass.
“I disappeared! Disappeared! ” -
It flashed in my head.

He sniffed Cheburashka
The lost dog is hungry
And somehow confused
Before the dog fashionable.

- Where are you from? ..
- From the eighth floor ... -
The dog answered
Out of fear, all trembling.

- And you?
- And I'm from the landfill!
The dog answered tiredly. -
We fought because of the bone
Yes, I got it again! ..

And delicate cheburashka
The poor fellow felt sorry
And she wanted to know
What does the "landfill" mean.

And it was in this word
Mysterious something
What is so uncontrollable
Grazed the gate ...

Cheburashka disappeared!
The mistress is all in tears
And only lament
All the time "Oh!" Yes, "Ah!".

Evening newspaper
She gave an announcement:
“The one who finds the dog -
That reward! "

No one spoke
And he did not attack the trail.
It has been a week already
But there is no cheburashka ...

It lives as necessary
Careless Zamarashka -
In broad daylight of the missing
Belygian Cheburashka.

In a circle of their own kind,
Without shelter and no right
Completely changed
Her obstinate disposition.

As before, on passers -by
She doesn't bark anymore
Stands on the sidelines
And the tail wags.

The boy is gnawing at the bubble
And Cheburashka is waiting for:
Perhaps a shelf
And she will fall.

Nobody has it,
Does not stroke, does not download,
And yet without a mistress
The dog does not miss.

She no longer sees
Chicken giblets,
But there are so many around
Girlfriends and Druzhkov.

Let it reach sometimes
To a quarrel and to a fight,
They are friends with each other
Homeless dogs.

They drive cats
And they roam around the yards -
They see them here today,
And tomorrow they see there.

And with them Cheburashka
I spend the night where it got
Among the dogs are stray
She became the same.

But every dog, however,
Straight under the bridge,
In the end, I would like
Go to someone in the house.

Not in a golden cage
And in the house where friendship is appreciated
And where the dog is fed
For fidelity and service.

I always thought about it
Any homeless dog,
When under your paw
Cold hid his nose.

But since Cheburashka
She herself left home
She was this feeling
So far, it is unfamiliar ...

Mistress Cheburashka
I was looking for, looking for, waiting ...
And a new dog
He will not lead to himself.

And I'm talking about that fugitive
I often remember
But what happened to her further
I don't know to this day ...

Mikhalkov - funny poems for children

Mikhalkov - funny poems for children:

Wonderful pills
For a sick person
Need a doctor, we need a pharmacy.

You come in - clean and light.
Marble and glass everywhere.
They are in order behind the glass
Sklings, cans and pots,
They have pills and caskets,
Drops, ointments, powders -
From whooping cough, from tonsillitis,
From freckles on the face,
Fish oil, Hina tablets
And, of course, vitamins -
Vitamins: A, B, C!
There is a fragrant rub
From mosquito bites,
There is a mix of sneezing:
Swallowed - and be healthy!

Adhesive patch from corns
And tinctures on the grass
From ache and pain
In the stomach and in the head.
There is a mix of migraine!
But you cannot say to the doctor:
- Give me a remedy from laziness!
From "I can, but I do not want"!

It would be nice this tool
It was soon invented
So that all lazy people from childhood
They could accept it:
Those guys whose marks
They find laziness, -
One, two tablets
Three or four times a day!

If the medicine appeared,
I would buy two packages.
No, not two, but three!
Need, whatever you say!


I was familiar with one bull
When he lived in the village.
He did not seek friendship with people,
I did not let the children to myself.
But he was friends with me!

Yes Yes! I do not know why,
He liked me with something:
When I met me
He is on me like an enemy
I did not put its horns
And I mumbled friendly.

Used to go to the meadow
And call him: - Friend? -
And he in response:-I go! -
And he really goes
And slowly tears his lips
Chamomiles on the go.

I got used to it over the summer
And it was my personal bull!
Five years have passed since then.
I don't know what's wrong with him
And with whom he is friends, a formidable beast
Nicknamed a fantaser ...


Merry tourist
Steep paths to the mountains,
Along fast and slow rivers,
Bypassing big lakes
A cheerful man walked.

He was fourteen years old
And he carried a road bag
And in it a towel and soap
Yes, a white tooth powder.

He was not afraid to meet on the way
No snakes, no bulls, no dogs
And if I met, I laughed
And he said this:

- I left the room cramped
And he breathes cheerfully to me
To see everything, everything is interesting
And so I walk around the country.

He walked without a gun and without a stick
High green grass.
Fly cuckoos and jackdaws
Above his head.

And even the bullies are
They mumbled in a friendly way: "M-mu!"
And even chain dogs
Wigged with his tails.

He walked along the paths and roads
Volkov and bears met,
But the beast of the man did not touch
And from afar he only growled.

He heard both the beast and the bird
In prickly climbed the bushes.
He touched the wheat with his hands,
Miraculous sniffed flowers.

And a cloud above it instead of a roof,
And instead of the alarm clock - thunder
And everything that he saw and heard,
He wrote down in a notebook.

And to make it even more interesting
And it seemed easier to go
He sang, and a cheerful song
He helped him on the way.

And the windows in the houses were opened,
Hearing - he goes past,
And people sang along with him
In apartments, gardens, at the gate.

And they chilled cheerfully the door
And suddenly they left their house.
And the most predatory animals
They were on the way.

People walked, and there were many of them,
And there was no number to people.
Behind them on different roads
A short song went:

“The unfamiliar path is not terrible for us,
We boldly pass the glaciers.
With a cheerful song of our
Any rise is easy. "

And I heard this song
A friend of a voice found out
Without a hat went out into the street
And he caught up with this song.

Short poems by Mikhalkov

Mikhalkov’s short poems:

House of books
About how many books are there in this house!
Take carefully -
Here are thousands of your friends
They lay down on the shelves.

They will talk to you
And you, my young friend,
The whole path of the history of the earth
As you suddenly see ...


A bright fly agaric among a forest clearing grew.
His impudent appearance was thrown into his eyes:
- Look at me! Not noticeable and there was no destruction!
Well, how beautiful I am! Beautiful and poisonous!

And the white mushroom in the shade under the Christmas tree was silent.
And therefore no one noticed him ...


Half truth
"Where is our father?" - He asked stubbornly
The son of a black man is a drawer.
"He is fishing!" - Mom answered ...
How half a truth is close to the truth!


Non -handed reward
For honest work and encouragement for the sake
One of the ants was presented to the award -
To a miniature nominal clock.

However, the ant received a reward:
The sitting beetle was on his obstacles, the sitting beetle,
Since he himself did not have such a reward!

Oh, if this incorruptible
Was limited by an ant heap!


The cannibal lives in the world
The robber and the villain
He is instead of porridge and cutlets
Used to breakfast and lunch
There are small children.

But he doesn’t eat children even,
Not everyone in a row.
He only chooses those
Who are rummaging.

But don't be afraid, my baby,
Both during the day and at night,
When you sleep, when you are naughty
I'm near. Are you with me!


An important advice
You can not educate puppies
Through screaming and kicks.
Puppy, picked by a kick,
Will not be a devoted puppy.
You are after a rude kick
Try to call the puppy!

Mikhalkov - children's poems

Mikhalkov - children's poems:

Dad, mom, brother and I -
This is our whole family.

Brother is only twenty years old
And you look: Grandfather is like a grandfather!
Dad - shaved - young,
A brother with a beard.

Not a simple beard
And such a beard
That an iron comb
Even bending sometimes.

Dad cuts hair,
And the brother protects -
On the face among the hair
Only a sharp nose is visible.

Dad asks, mom asks:
- Fedya, dear, shame!
Who wears such cosmas?
Well, hit! Cut off!

Brother sniffs, does not answer
And, in truth,
In front of our eyes, it dies
Turning into a savage.

Only suddenly a miracle happened:
Appeared in the house of Luda ...
We look: Fedya has changed,
Something happened to him
He cut off and shaved
Hairys spite.

Cleans his nails, wash his hands,
Every evening strokes trousers -
I took off my jeans, put on a suit
Generally took up the mind!

“Hey old man,” I asked my brother,
Is it to blame for this? -
The brother grinned in response
He did not say “yes” or “no”.

But now it’s not difficult for us
To solve his secret!


My week

 I was told on Monday
That I am a loafer and a loafer.
I grabbed a "deuce" on Tuesday,
He suffered a headlight.
And a football ball on Wednesday
I got through the window of the neighbor.
The whole Thursday was afraid of him -
Everything went and apologized.
I haven't seen worse than Friday -
So I hated myself.
A day off for all Saturday,
For people like me, work.
There is no salvation from the learning!
God bless! SUNDAY!


My shadow
A shadow walks behind me,
Wherever I go.
I sit down to the table, always with me
The shadow sits at the table.

She is the same as me
From head to toe.
And repeats every step
And every jump is my jump.

On the way she will suddenly lag behind
Otherwise it will go forward
Then, immediately becoming thin,
It will disappear somewhere.

It will grow to the ceiling
For a few minutes.
And children, why are they
Are they growing so slowly?

Walk around the world without me
It must be scary to her?
And I couldn't walk like that
For your mother!
And even games from me
She adopted.
Not a single game herself
I could not come up with!

I woke up once before everyone else
For two hours
And went out into the garden, while still
The dew did not dry.

But the shadow did not go after me:
There was a ser autumn day.
Until night in the folds of the sheet
The lazy woman was sleeping.



I took paper, chips, glue,
I sat all day, sweat
Paper snake - air snake
I wanted to make.

I did everything according to the drawings
I looked into the magazine,
And I only worked myself -
I did not know help.

So the snakes were born
From my house.
My friend said: - There is no such thing
Nowhere! No one!

Lilac nose, crimson mouth,
From a beard's thread,
And yet not a freak at all,
And just where!

We carried the snake into the meadow.
That morning there was a wind
And here he escaped from his hands
And he soared over the earth.

With your trembling tail
He scared the raven
He, apparently, felt, moreover,
That he is free.

The snake was high above us,
And we are together - under it,
But surprisingly easy
We controlled him.

He was torn into the clouds,
To hide in the clouds,
But we knew: the thread is strong
And the serpent in our hands!


Ski and stump

I walked along the Snow Virginar
It was easy and difficult for me
And behind me
Fresh skiing laid.

Through clearings, along the bushes,
On the hill here, under the hill there -
I went skiing for half an hour.
And suddenly he heard voices!

And I see: to the right of me -
Another fresh skiing ...
And I thought: "I'll catch up!"
And he switched to that ski.

I stood on a new ski track -
And I went to the Great PNI.

I'm running around the bushes again
On the hill here, under the hill there -
And I go out of the same pony
On the same skiing ...
And so all day
And so all day:
Ski and stump!
Ski and stump!

What a tricky skiing:
All day I was fooled!



There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green Bang
Small, healthy,
One and a half meter.

An event occurred
On one of the winter days:
The forester decided to cut her off -
It seemed to her.

She was noticed
Was surrounded ...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!
Fear disappeared somewhere ...
Glass flashlights
They burn in her branches.

The jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, no doubt
She stands in the forest.

Not felled! Whole!
Beautiful and strong! ..
Who saved, who dressed her?
Lesnik's son!


Clouds, clouds -
Curly sides,
Cloud clouds,
Whole, holey,
Light, air -
The wind is obedient ...
I'm lying in a clearing
I look at you from the grass.
I lie myself, dream:
Why don't I fly
Like these clouds
I am Seryozha Mikhalkov?

It would be fantastic,
Extremely interesting
If any cloud
I saw above me
And - by the movement by one
I ended up next to him!

This is not an airplane for you
That “before” and “from” flies -

"From" Moscow "DO" Yerevan
Two hundred and twenty -five flight ...

Clouds in any countries
Through the mountains, oceans
They can easily fly:
Above, below - as you like!
Dark night - without fire!
Heaven - everything is free for them
And at any time of the day.

Let's say the cloud decided
View Vladivostok
And - it swam and swam ...
I would blow a breeze in the back! ..

It is only bad that it happens
Suddenly such nonsense:
The cloud flies in the sky,
And then he will take it,
Without leaving a trace!

I do not believe miracles
But I saw this myself!
Personally! Lying on the back.
It even became scary to me!

Mikhalkov’s poems for children for literary reading

Mikhalkov’s poems for children for literary reading:

I have a sad look -
My head hurts
I'm sneezing, I am hoarse.
What's happened?

This is the flu.
Not a ruddy mushroom in the forest,
A filthy flu in the nose!

I was divided in five minutes
They began to regret everything around.
I'm lying in my bed -
I should get sick.

The temperature has risen,
I'm lying and not grumbling -
I drink salted mixtura,
Close throat.

Put a mustard on my chest,
They say: "Be patient, excellent student!"
After cans on the sides
The skin in blue heel.

Antoshka cat jumping from a window
On the bed with one jump.
- Do you want me, Antoshka, I
I will fall asleep with powder?

Antoshka's cat arched back
And purrs me in response:
“To resort to penicillin?
To me? Cat? From such a year?! "

I don't mind the cat -
It is useless to object
I am lying, thinking
How much more should I lie?

I am lying day, I lie the second,
The third - I do not go to school.
And they do not allow friends, -
They say that I will infect! ..

Eh, get up now
And enter the fourth grade:
“Zoya Pavlovna, answer,
What is new here?
Zoya Pavlovna, answer! .. "
Zoya Pavlovna is silent ...

I'm flying to Mars in a rocket ...
The bear growls at me ...

- How are you, restless?
How is your health? Sleep, sick?
This is the healing, district
The doctor leaned over me.



“Talented children
Hopes are presented:
Participate in concerts -
Dance and sing.

And children's drawings
On the topic "Peace and Labor"
Print in magazines,
They take it to exhibitions.

Many have the opportunity
Go around the whole world -
Conducted in different countries
Where - a competition, where is a tournament.

Lisichkina Natasha
Has five awards,
And Garik, your friend, -
Already a laureate!

And only nonsense
The path is closed to success ... "
My native mother
It tells me that.

But I do not mind
Ah, squeezing lips, I am silent,
And I'm on this topic
I don’t want to argue with her.

Let the other children
Hopes are presented:
Pictures draw,
Dance and sing

They play on the violin
Filmed in films -
What is given to one
Another is not given!

I know who I will be
And who can I become:
Someday from home
I'll leave for the taiga.

And with those with whom today
I'm friends in the yard
In the taiga I will lay.

By rails to the ocean
Trains will rush away
And mom will be a son
Satisfied and proud.

She is me today
The burned -
Builder in our time
No less violinist.


About catfish

Wide and deep
A river flowed under the bridge.
Under the snag under the bridge
Layed in the river mustachioed catfish.

He was lying at the bottom for hours
He moved a mustache in a dream.

And on the riverbank
Once upon a time there were fishermen.
In the rain and on sunny days
They put the networks.

And consuming at dawn
The fish came in the network.
Carp Gorbaty came across,
I came across - disappeared.

Only catfish, big, mustachioed,
Never hit.

He was lying, and besides silt,
Except for all kinds of food
Above his snag was
Five river water meters.

One fisherman says:
- Do not catch the catfish in any way.

Or are the gear not strong?
Or are we not fishermen?
Really this time
Will he leave us again?

They mumble behind the herd river
The roosters shout to the rain.
The network lies on the shore,
The mustache sticks out of her.

One fisherman says:
-Well, they caught it somehow. -
Having moved the catfish with his foot:
“It won't leave,” said another.

But he curled up by the wheel
And the tail hit the tail.
I remembered the blue river
I remembered the young fish
Yes, the snag under the bridge - and left.


I do not know what to do -
I started the elder to be rude.

Dad will say:
- The door is open!
Pares her, hero! -
I am in response to him angrily
I answer: close yourself!

Mom will say at dinner:
- Bread, Lapusya, pass it! -
I am stubbornly whispering in response:
- I can not. Give it yourself! -

I love very grandmother,
Anyway - and she is gross.

I love my grandfather very much
But I object to my grandfather ...

I do not know what to do -
I started the elder to be rude.

And they are to me: my darling,
Eat sooner! The soup will be crushed! .. -
And they are to me: son,
Put another piece? -
And they are to me: granddaughter,
Lie, Lapusya, on the barrel! ..

I am such a treatment
I hate, I can’t stand it
I boil from indignation
And so gross.

I do not know what to do -
I started the elder to be rude.

Before that I blossomed
That I am gross around everyone around.
They say he beat off.
From which, tell me, hands?

Mikhalkov’s poems about the war

Mikhalkov’s poems about the war:

Here, in the war, we are glad every line
And every news from cute edges to us.
Mad leaves
We are dear to us, especially in the days of fighting.

They keep the warmth of their home
In accompany the fighter in his struggle.
Oh, a feeling of envy! How is it familiar to us
When the letter does not come to you ...

Beloved, my wife, Natasha!
Vesti from the house has not been from the house for a long time.
And finally - a letter, dear, yours!
How much joy it brought me!

Oh, letters from the house! We wear them with us
They remind us in battle:
“Be merciless with the enemy on the battlefield,
So that he does not exterminate your family! "

We were in the city of conflagration and ash.
I saw a woman on a black pavement.
She was tortured. And she was blind.
My wife, I remembered your image!

And I thought: how to be like that!
-Perhaps someone, like me, of the same years,
Waiting for a letter from his wife. Letters from the house.
From this woman. But there are no letters and no ...

We were in the city of ruins and funnels,
Housing plundered by the Germans.
I saw a boy. About four years old is a child.
He was killed. And I remembered my son ...

And I thought: how to be like that!
Perhaps someone is waiting for at the front now
Karakul children's - news from home
And a children's unpretentious story ...

My faithful friend, my comrade is reliable!
I'm in war. There is a cruel battle
For each house, for each pillary of road,
For us to see you.


My fighter

You will go to any hut
You will look into any house -
All that are happy and rich,
We will share with you.

Because in our time,
In the days of the war, in the harsh year,
The door is open to everyone
Who is fighting for the people.

Who is their soldier's blood
Irrigates the roots of herbs
At the native Dnieper,
Donetsk crossings.

No distance
Between us, at this hour
Not to tear it to a state
Unable to separate us.

You prepared guns for battle
You buried in the snow -
In Stalingrad was with you
Every Russian person.

You fought under Rostov,
And in the depths and in the fight
All of Russia with a good word
I talked about you.

You entered Ukraine
Accepting the battle,
It was like a mother followed by her son,
All of Russia is for you.

How many mittens were tied
In cities and in the village,
How many felt boots were dumped -
Only you would be warm.

How many accumulated years
Their labor rubles
Honest people gave away -
Only you would be stronger.

This land, these fields
Loving your whole soul
How we lived in the world
If I did not have you?


Honorary passenger

In the army overcoat,
In the army earflaps,
He is waiting for the car
On a tram parking lot.

He enters the front
Tram sites,
On the right leg
A little lame.

Such passengers
There are not many trams,
And people to him
Give way to the road.

Such passengers,
In this position,
Attention everywhere
Everywhere respect!

He has an order
Under the gray overcoat,
He is wounded near Vyazma
German shrapnel.

Fearless participant
Big battle,
He brought his comrades
From the encirclement.

A fighter-machine gunner
Rifle platoon,
Thank you very much
You from the people!



The roar of the plane is heard.
Someone wanders in our sky
At a huge height,
In the clouds and in the dark.

But stray nights
From dawn to dawn
The sky is felt with rays
Combat lights.

It’s hard to fly a pilot -
The beam interferes with the aircraft
And from the ground towards the goule
Raise the gun guns:
If the enemy, he will be shot down!
If a friend, let it fly!

Sergey Mikhalkov - Poems for children

Sergey Mikhalkov - Poems for children:

You guys listen
I want to tell you:
We had kittens - we had kittens -
There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered:
How can we call kittens?
Finally we called them:
One two three four five.

Once - the kitten is the most white,
Two - the kitten is the most courageous,
Three - the kitten is the most intelligent,
And four are the most noisy.
Five looks three and two -
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

We have good kittens -
One two three four five!
Come to us guys,
See and count!


Two girlfriends - Varya with faith
These are collectors.

Girlfriends in two albums
One hundred surnames, all friends,-
Not a collection, but a treasure!
Famous artists,
Football players, hockey players
And a poet laureate!

How to get an autograph
I do not cook with faith!

Those who collect brands,
Those girlfriends despise.

Icon collectors -
Fools from fools.

Our girlfriends have passion:
To get on the eye of it,
Who is famous today
Whose surname rings!

First get on the eye,
And then to attack:
- We ask very much, do not rush:
Sign! Sign!

Someone for girls in the garden
Gave an autograph on the go
And now you can't read
And do not remember who he is.

Someone with a ballpoint pen
Through the entire album sheet
I deduced a signature with a squiggle.
Chess player or artist?

Signatures collected a hundred,
And ask: "Who is there?",
Our collectors -
Two girlfriends Varya with Vera -
They will not answer for nothing!


Boy Misha is steep -
Misha stuttering.

Like others - cleanly, clear, -
He cannot speak.
And ask him in vain
What will say, repeat.

It is not easy for him
All words with the letter "K",
But the guys do not laugh -
Cool friendship is strong:

You, Mishutka, don't be lost!
You take an example from others!
Gather in silence in silence
And speak more boldly!

Misha will speak out the word
But not to see the other ...
But the comrades are ready
If necessary, wait!

Mikhalkov's verse "Circus"

Mikhalkov’s verse “Circus”:

- What's this?
- This is the Circus Shapito!
Interesting! Interesting!
Everyone wants to get here!

Noisy, fun and cramped
There is nowhere to fall an apple!

They say to me and dad:
- Go to the third row!
Citizen, rush to sit down!
Your chair is number six
Your chair is number five!
We are in a hurry to take places.


The daredevil is coming, laughs
Never stumble.
You can’t stumble him
Under the dome rope!
He can by a rope
Go like an arbat
Go and turn
And run back!


Jugler Silantyev well done:
Throws one hundred rings into the air
And catches them one at a time
So that we pat him.
All applaud around:
- This means - the dexterity of the hands!


Who is this brave man?
He smiled at me!
Dzhigit, rider Ali-bek
On a red horse.
He jumps, standing in stirrup,
The shoe flies behind him.
A gun in the hands
A dagger in a scabbard
That's why he and jigit!
First, the horse takes the run,
Then Ali-Bek shoots
And lifts on its hind legs
Hot horse.
But does not scare the thunder of the finger
Neither dad nor me.


Focus simple:
The chest is empty,
There is nothing in it!
Close it!
We will! Tie!
Turn over!
Who moves in it?
And when the chest was opened
The wings rustled.
Someone froze cheerfully
And then from the chest
Birds flock,
Two inflated turkeys,
Cat, rabbit and dog
A boy with a torch in his hand.
How are they all, however,
Caught in the chest?


Look at the gymnasts
These are the "three Petrov three"!
It performs very rarely
This troupe of masters.
Once! - Petrov flies over the net,
Two! - Petrov caught him.
Three! - And jumping down,
So beautiful and brave
Zoya Pavlovna Petrova
Their beloved sister!
And again to the dome itself
Brother went up to his brother.
This troupe tomorrow night
Leaves to Leningrad.


Trained dogs
Seven artists want to sing
Seven artists bark together.
Here they go on the hind legs
Two artists in fashionable hats.
Stumble, squeal,
Finely tails tremble.
Polkan is a good student
Worth respect:
During the year of learning, he comprehended
Multiplication table.
Any numbers can he
And subtract and add up.
To the one who is unleasant since childhood,
It's hard to live in the world!


The Bears
Drive Mishka Dali.
Brown Misha - old rogue:
Presses on the pedals
Rides for five minutes.
These are two native brothers.
They ordered them to swing.
The left bear wants to eat
But he can’t get down.
The right bear wants to go to the forest
He would have climbed above there!


Every day in front of the viewer
Performs with a group of Lviv
In the captain's white tunic
Tamer Ivanov.
Ivanov rides on Leo,
Drasps the predator with a whip
Leo growls, but does not bite
On the grill, it beats its tail.
Ivanov Povadka Lion
Studies the fifth year
He is calmly in the mouth of an animal
He puts the left hand.
And then he kisses with Leo,
He takes the beast by the ears ...
It's surprised, worried
The people applaud.

Let's go to! It's time to go home.
We leave - rain from a bucket!
Let's get wet through!
But then we were in the Circus Shapito!

Mikhalkov's poems about Thomas

Mikhalkov’s poems about Thomas:


In one alley
They stood at home.
In one of the houses
The stubborn Thomas lived.

Neither at home, nor at school
Nowhere, no one -
I did not believe
Stubborn Thomas

On the streets of slush,
And the rain, and the city.
“Put the galoshes” -
They say to him.

"Not true, -
Thomas does not believe, -
It's a lie…"
And right along the puddles
It goes without galosh.

The guys put on skates.
Passers -by raised the collars.
Thomas they say:
"Winter came".
Thomas comes out in his underpants for a walk.

Goes to the zoo
With the excursion he.
“Look, they say to him,”
This is an elephant".
And again Foma does not believe:
"It's a lie. This elephant is completely
It doesn't look like an elephant. ”

Once I had a stubborn dream,
As if he was walking along Africa.
From heaven, the African sun bakes,
The river called Congo flows.

Approaches to the river
Pioneer detachment.
Guys to Thomas
At the river they say:

“You can't swim:
Alligators Darkness. "
"Not true", -
Foma answers friends.

Panties and shirt
Lying in the sand.
The stubborn is floating
On a dangerous river.

The alligator is close to a predatory mouth.
“Save yourself, unhappy,
You can abyss! "

But the guys are heard
Familiar answer:
“I ask you not to teach
I am eleven years old!"

Already a crocodile
Thomas behind him
Already a crocodile
He choked on Thomas;
From the mouth by the beast
The head sticks out.
To the shore
The wind reports the words:
"Not true …
I don't believe…"
The Alligator sighed and well -fed,
He ducked into green water.

Panties and shirt
Lying in the sand.
No one is swimming
On a dangerous river.

Foma woke up
He will not understand anything
Panties and shirt
It takes from the chair.

Thomas is surprised
Thomas is outraged:
“Not true, comrades,
It's not a dream!"

Guys, find such a Thomas
And read these verses to him.

Verse Sergey Mikhalkov for children "Uncle Stepa"

The verse of Sergey Mikhalkov for children "Uncle Stepa":

The house has eight fraction alone
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen,
By nickname Kalanch,

By the name of Stepanov
And by the name of Stepan,
From the district giants
The most important giant.

They respected Uncle Stepa
For such a height.
Uncle Stepa walked from work -
Apparently, it was a mile away.

The steps were dashingly
Two huge legs:
Forty -fifth size
He bought boots.

He was looking for in the market
The greatest boots
He was looking for pants
Unprecedented width.

Buy with grief in half,
Will turn to the mirrors -
All Portnovskaya work
Driving at the seams!

He is through any fence
He looked into the yard with the pavement.
Lai dogs raised:
They thought the thief was climbing.

I took in the dining room an uncle Stepa
For yourself, a double lunch.
Uncle Stepa went to bed -
He put his legs on a stool.

Sitting books took from the closet.
And more than once in his cinema
Said: - Sit on the floor,
You, comrade, do not care!

But then to the stadium
He passed for free:
Passed Uncle Stepa -
Thought the champion.

From gate to gate
All the people knew in the area
Where Stepanov works,
Where is registered
How lives

Because everyone is faster
Without special works
He shot the snake to the guys
From telegraph wires.

And the one who is small in tall
Raised at the parade
Because everyone should
See the army of the country.

Everyone loved Uncle Stepa,
Respected Uncle Stepa:
He was the best friend
All guys from all yards.

He is in a hurry home from Arbat.
- How are you? - the guys shout.
He sneezes - the guys in chorus:
- Uncle Stepa, be healthy!

Uncle Stepa early in the morning
Quickly jumped up from the couch
He opened windows wide
The cold shower took.
Brush your mouth uncle
I never forgot.

A person sits in a saddle
Legs drag on the ground -
This is the uncle of Styopa
On the boulevard on the donkey.
“You,” people shout to Stepan, “
You need to go on a camel!

He went on a camel -
People are crushing from laughter:
- Hey comrade, where are you from?
You will crush a camel!
You, with your embroidery,
You need to go on an elephant!

Uncle Stepa two minutes
It remains to the jump.
He stands under a parachute
And worried slightly.
And below the people laugh:
The tower from the tower wants to jump!

To the shooting range, under a low canopy,
Uncle Stepa barely climbed.
- Allow me to contact
I cry for shots.
In this ball and to this bird
I want to aim!

Looking around with anxiety Tyr,
The cashier says in response:
- You will have to kneel
Dear comrade, get up -
You can targets
Hir your hand without a gun!

Until the morning in the alleys of the park
It will be fun and bright
The music will rattle
The audience will make noise.

Uncle Stepa asks for the cashier:
- I came to the carnival.
Give me such a mask
So that no one would know!

- You are quite simple to recognize you, -
A friendly laughter is heard, -
We will recognize you by height:
You, comrade, are above all!

What's happened? What a cry?
- This is sinking a student!
He fell from a cliff to the river -
Help the person!
In front of the whole people
Uncle Stepa climbs into the water.

- This is unusual! -
Everyone shouts to him from the bridge. -
You, comrade, knee
All deep places!

Alive, healthy and unharmed
Boy Vasya Borodin.

Uncle Step this time
Drowning saved.

For the noble act
All thanks him.
- Ask anything, -
Uncle Stepa speak.

- I don't need anything -
I saved him in vain!

The steam locomotive flies, buzzes
The driver looks forward.
The driver at the half -steam
Kochegar says:

- from the station to the station
I made a lot of flights
But ready to go to the dispute -
This is a new semaphore.

They drive up to the semaphore.
What is a deception?
No semaphore -
The path has Stepan.

He stands and says:
- Here the path is blurred by rains.
I deliberately raised my hand -
Show that the path is closed.

What kind of smoke above your head?
What is the thunder on the pavement?
The house is burning around the corner
One hundred onlookers are around.
The team puts the stairs,
The house saves from the fire.
The whole attic is already on fire,
Pigeons are in the window.

In the yard in the crowd of guys
Uncle Stepa says:
- Really with the house
Will our pigeons burn?

Uncle Stepa from the sidewalk
He takes out to the attic.
Through the fire and smoke of fire
His hand stretches.

He opens the window.
They fly out of the window
Eighteen pigeons,
And behind them is a sparrow.

Everyone is grateful to Stepan:
He saved the birds, and therefore
Become a firefighter immediately
Everyone advises him.

But firefighters in response
Says Stepanov: - No!
I'll go to the fleet,
If I approach.

In the corridor, laughter and whisper,
In the corridor of the rumor.
In the office - Uncle Stepa
On examination by doctors.

It costs. Back to it
Sister asks politely.
- We cannot reach!
The doctors explain. -

Everything, from vision to hearing,
We will explore you with you:
Does the ear hear well
How far he sees the eye.

Uncle Stepu was examined,
Spended on the scales
And they said: - In this body
The heart beats like a clock!
The growth is great, but nothing -
Let's accept him in the army!

But you are not suitable for tankers:
In the tank you will not fit!
And the infantry is not suitable:
You are visible from the trench!

With your growth on an airplane
It is inconvenient to be in flight:
The legs will be tired -
You have nowhere to put them!

For people like you, people
There are no horses
And in the fleet you are needed -
Serve for the country!

- I am ready to serve the people, -
Stepin bass is heard, -
I will go to the fire and water!
Send at least now!

Winter and summer have passed.
And winter came again.
- Uncle Stepa, how are you? Where are you?
There is no answer from the sea,
No postcards, no letter ...

And one day past the bridge
To the house eight fraction alone
Stepina's uncles
The citizen moves.

Who, comrades, is familiar
With this prominent sailor?
He goes, snowflakes creak
He has under his heel.

Form pants in the fold,
He is in an overcoat under the belt.
In woolen gloves, hands,
The anchors shine on it.

Here the sailor approaches the house,
All the guys are unfamiliar.
And guys here
They say: - And to whom?

Uncle Stepa turned around
He raised his hand to the visor
And he answered: - I returned.
Give a vacation to the sailor.

The night did not sleep. Tired of the road.
Not used to the leg of the legs.
I’ll rest. I will put on a tunic.
I'll sit on the couch
After tea come in -
I'll tell you a hundred stories!

About the war and about the bombing,
About the big battleship "Marat",
How I was wounded a little
Protecting Leningrad.

And now the guys are proud -
Pioneers, October, -
What are familiar with Uncle Stepa,
With a real sailor.

He goes home from Arbat.
- How are you? - the guys shout.
And now the guys are called
Uncle Stepa Lighthouse.

Sergey Mikhalkov - Verse "Phone"

Sergey Mikhalkov - Verse "Phone":

They put me a phone today
And they said: "You have the device turned on!"
I can by phone since then
With whom I want to have a conversation from home.

I sit down, pick up the phone from the lever,
I wait for a continuous beep
And, worrying, I begin to recruit
The number "eight - forty -eight - twenty -five."
The phone answers me: "Duu ... Duu ... Duu ..."
I am sitting at the apparatus - waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...

Finally I hear a voice:
- Who are you?
- Ask Uncle Stepa!
- He is not here!
He flew away early in the morning to Leningrad.
- And when will he go back?
- We do not know anything about this.
Urgently called him to the Baltic.

"Three - fifteen - eighteen" - I recruited
And he got into the office for construction.
- What are you building?
- We are building a new house.
It becomes higher every day.
- You tell me, please, soon
How many floors will be in this house? -
The architect replies: - Twenty -five!
Come to see and count.

"Five - seventeen - thirty -eight."
- I am the station! -
Someone bass said very politely.
- You will answer me, please: when
Trains arrive from Tashkent?

- From Tashkent, a fast train number five
At ten in the evening we will accept
And the mail arrives at seven in the morning
He will come without being late, like yesterday.

"Seven - zero eight - zero four."
And in response I hear a voice that there are no tickets to the circus.
- Is it Durov? Good evening. How are you?
- I came up with a new number for a donkey!
- How will I get into the circus without a ticket?
- Come, come! I will spend it!

I dial "two - twelve - twenty -two."
- What's this? Hotel "Moscow"? -
Someone breathes in the phone and is silent,
Nothing answers and growls.
- What's this? Hotel "Moscow"?
- Citizen! You woke a lion!

I only put the phone on the lever -
A deafening call is heard.
- What's happened? What's happened? Who is calling?
- These are kids! -someone's voice says. -
Kindergarten wants to complain to you:
You write little books for guys!
- I ask my readers to give
That I will write funny poems
About the wonderful device, about the phone,
And about how he helps people.

Although my friend lives and far,
I can talk to him easily.
Dark night and any time of the day
He will hear me wonderful.

I'll call me late at night to Leningrad
I will connect me with Leningraders.
I can call any city
Even in the farthest city sometimes.

The phone is amazingly arranged!
It seems to me that this is only a dream.
So that I would rather believe this,
Please call me friends!

Video: Sergey Mikhalkov. Poems for children

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