Female images in the novel “Quiet Don”: characteristic, description in his own words, fate in the novel, composition

Female images in the novel “Quiet Don”: characteristic, description in his own words, fate in the novel, composition

If you need to write an essay on the topic “Women's images on the novel“ Quiet Don ”, then in this article you will find a description of the fate and characters of real Russian women from this epic.

Female images in the work "Quiet Don" are the embodiment of love, home, fidelity, native land. Women in this epic claim simple, but such important human values: raising children, labor, love and compassion for neighbor and their land. Below you will find a description of these images. This characteristic can be useful for writing an essay, report, message and other similar works related to literature. Read further.

Women's images in the epic “Quiet Don” Sholokhov: characteristics, description by characters, briefly for the presentation in the table

Female images in the epic
Female images in the epic "Quiet Don" Sholokhov

In Sholokhov’s work, many hypostases harmoniously intertwined:

  • War
  • Love
  • The heavy fate of the people

Female images deserve special attention, which are described so realistic that it would seem, and not at all invented by the author, but are borrowed from real life. The main characters can be called Aksinya Astakhova, Dunyash and Natalia Melekhov. However, there are also several very colorful secondary characters, which should also be dwelling. Here is the characteristic and description of the characters of the main female images in the epic “Quiet Don” Sholokhov:

Aksinya Astakhova:

Aksinya is remembered as a faithful, devoted and in love woman, who became the wife of a completely different person by the will of fate. It has an attractive appearance - not only that, the author hints that its beauty is destructive, vicious.
Sometimes it seems that the appearance prevents Aksinya from becoming happy. Other women often envy her. Even age and pregnancy do not do Astakhov less attractive.

She has chubby lips, a “invisible” body, black eyebrows, full of shoulders, a dark face and curly hair. And the eyes of the Cossacks seem to blaze with fire. It is felt that Sholokhov sympathizes with her.

The fate of the heroine is not easy. It has little joy in it. Her youth began with the rape of her father, as well as marriage with that person who did not appreciate her spiritual impulses. Nevertheless, Aksinya does not humiliate anyone. It is temperamental and proud. It also contains such qualities:

  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Thrift
  • Hard work
  • Kindness

Aksinya Not ashamed of work, does not divide it into "male" and "female". It can both cook and drive bulls, and cover the roof. She does not sit idle, and care helps her distract from experiences. She dreams of children and happiness. But marriage is completely different. Aksinya suffers beatings and bullying. She is not afraid of dangers. A minute of intimacy with a truly beloved person for her is more expensive than a whole life.

Dunyasha Melekhov:

Its image is important for realizing the transition time. She has dark eyes that constantly have a cheerful spark, long eyelashes, a slender figure, a nose with a hump, a thin voice. Of course, the appearance of the heroine changes as she is growing up. Years old 15 Strength and shape are added. Ripped Dunyasha Early enough. As for the character, over the years it becomes more restrained. Dresses modestly, but with taste.

Dunyasha Trained to literacy, hardworking, practical. Michael Koshevoy She fell in love with her youth. However, the civil war prevents them from happiness. They can no longer see so often. It is noteworthy that after Kosheva straightens out with her brother, who turns out to be an enemy, young people are forbidden to see. Just like Aksinya, Dunyasha A difficult life path passes, a lot of tests falls on its lot.

However, such a girl is already a new generation of Cossacks. Such women are already formed under the influence of the new government. That is why the girl loses contact with almost all family members. She buries loved ones, and understands that it is the war that is to blame for the nales between them. However, in Duni Very strong character. She believes in family happiness and Orthodox doctrines.

Natalia Melekhova:

The Cossack is described as "what a beautiful." She has bold gray eyes, pink cheeks, restrained smile, strong hands, open gaze, a delightful figure. Natalia's attractiveness remains after the suicide attempt, despite the fact that the neck is now curved.

Natalia modest, does not like to rush in words. Gregory For her - love at first sight. And this despite the fact that a girl from a rich family could choose a groom for herself. She is not alien to her:

  • Obedience
  • Hard work
  • Thrift
  • Kindness
  • Secretity
  • Seriousness

It can be said that she is an antipode of Aksinya. Due to such comparisons, the author gives Natalia open.

Secondary female images of epics - briefly for the presentation in the table:

Character Who is this woman? Main features Which symbolizes What is needed for?

Elizaveta Mokhov


The daughter of the merchant
  • Rebelity
  • Slander
  • Coarseness
  • Specialty
  • Pride
  • Passion
  • Exclamation
  • Loss of communication with roots
Realism (if there were no images as Lizaveta, the creation would be deprived of it)
Vasilisa Ilyinichna Mother Gregory
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Love for your family
  • Wisdom
  • Femininity
  • Hard work
  • Women's power rod
  • Pride
  • Become


A symbol of a strong mother that does not accept war and most of all wish his children happiness
  • The mistress of the family
  • Real Cossack

Anna Puke


Bolshevichka, revolutionary
  • Courage
  • Valor
  • Hard work
  • Courage
  • Fidelity to your ideals
  • Perseverance
Anna is a successful symbiosis of girlish beauty that is able to touch, with the image of a warrior. Symbol of the struggle for the interests of the people

Olga Gorchakova


Listnitsky's wife and the cause of his death
  • Playfulness
  • Windness
  • A lot of playfulness
Like Lizaveta, associated with profligacy Need to describe the fate of one of the heroes

The role of the main female images in the epic “Quiet Don” Sholokhov: Composition in his own words

Female images in the epic
Female images in the epic "Quiet Don" Sholokhov

Female images were described above. The life of these rustic and not very simple women is difficult. Each has its own problems and care. Here is an essay in your own words on the topic “The role of the main female images in the epic novel "Quiet Don" Sholokhov ":

Firstly, thanks to all the main characters of the novel, the collective image of a woman with a strong character, sacrificial, working Cossacks, who largely denied themselves for their beloved men, family values \u200b\u200band the benefits of their country, is revealed. No matter how different these girls are, the war changed the life of each, hardened in their own way, forced to rethink many things.

Mother Gregory - This is a Cossack of the older generation. She is caring, loving, decent, economic. Patient to change. Starting adversity steadfastly. For the sake of the happiness of children, she is ready to sacrifice everything that she has.

Aksinya - strong -willed and proud. He is not afraid of anyone, ready to bear responsibility for his actions. She acted at the call of her heart, did not conceal from her husband in touch with Gregory. She prefers his problems herself, does not hide behind other people's backs.

Natalia - restrained, humble, educated. This is the antipod of the brisk Aksinya. Loves Gregory with pure love, idolize him. However, it does not show excessive activity, because he believes that the main one should still be a man.

Secondly, female images of epics not only show the reader the character and behavioral habits of the fair sex of that time, but also hint that love can be both creative and destructive. It all depends on the circumstances.

The image and characteristics of the male and female image of Natalia and Grigory Melekhov from the work “Quiet Don” Sholokhov: fate in the novel, tragedy, composition

The image of the male and female image of Natalia and Grigory Melekhov
The image of the male and female image of Natalia and Grigory Melekhov

In the text above the image was described Natalia Melekhova as an individual. But her fate is connected with Gregory. What is the tragedy, and how the life of these characters proceeded, can be described in the essay if the topic is related to "Quiet Don". Here is a description of the male and female image and characteristics, as well as fate in the novel Natalia and Grigory Melekhov:

Natalia Appears in the novel as a very young girl. She has to marry the desired, stately and bold handsome man, Cossack Grigory Melekhov. However, the girl was not so lucky, because the spouse does not hide the connection with the married Aksinya. However, Natalia does not give up. She sincerely loves Gregory and marries him.

A family Gregory I really loved the girl. She is economic, restrained, modest. However, himself Melekhov Unhappy with his young wife-they say, she is not as passionate as Aksinya, but some kind of cold. That is why he leaves Natalia. But the whole point is that it is possible, compared to her mistress, the girl is just very young, modest and inexperienced. BUT Gregory I got used to completely different women, in whom everything burns in their hands.

However Natalia He believes that the spouse will return. She decides to talk to the homeless, begs her wife to return to her. But Aksinya does not see the point of concinging, because she also loves Melekhov.
Realizing that attempts to return Gregory are in vain, Natalya decides to commit suicide. But everything breaks up, and it remains cripple. However, the Cossack is returning to her because Aksinya betrayed him. The heroine is very happy. She was even prettier. Gives birth to two twins.

Attitude Melekhovto Natalia It changes - he begins to love her, respect and take care.
But happiness did not last long. Melekhovforgive AksinhoAnd, without looking at the children, he left again. It is possible, this is a confirmation that "the wolf still looks into the forest, how much it does not feed it."

Moreover, even for war Melekhov He took Aksinya with him. And Natalia suffered from loneliness and anger at her husband. After returning Gregory To visit, Natalia became pregnant. She suffers from dislike, speaks again with AksinyaBut the latter offends her. Natalia is abortion, which she does not tolerate. But dying, she forgives the wrong husband and still loves him.

As for GregoryNow he understands that he was blind and precisely because of his craving for passionate pleasures, the person sincerely loving him not only suffered sincerely, but also lost his life. This is the tragedy of relations Gregoryand Natalia.


  • Loving
  • Sacrificial
  • True
  • Emotional
  • Vulnerable
  • Kind
  • Responsive
  • Household


  • Strong
  • Bold
  • Courageous
  • But windy and irresponsible

Indeed, for him, the ardor in relationships becomes more important than a decent and modest wife with children, as well as a happy marriage. However, after he understands that he was mistaken and succumbed to temptations, instead of appreciating a woman who loves and waiting for him at home.

Clip from "Pacific Don": Women's images

There are many clips of songs with characters "Quiet Don". Thanks to music, female images are perfectly traced. The composition seems to complement the plot. Below, you can see this in the clips for songs Elena Vaengi and another unknown singer. Pay attention to how the words of songs are great for the plot, and all because in this novel the author realistically described the fate of ordinary Russian women.

Video: E. Vaenga and Quiet Don

Video: "My beloved" - a video based on a quiet Don

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