The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm": plan, analysis and characteristic, essay, conclusion

The image of Katerina in the drama

In this article you will find a description and characteristic of the image of Katerina in the play “Thunderstorm”.

Katerina - This is the main character of the drama "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky. Below you will find a characteristic of her image, in quotes and prose, as well as a description of the life and mental tragedy of this woman. All this can be useful for writing an essay, report or message in preparation for the lesson. Read further.

Katerina's image plan in the drama "Thunderstorm": points

The image of Katerina in the drama
The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm"

To write an essay you need a plan. But in order to make it, you must first read the work. If there is no time for this, then we will help. Here is the plan of Katerina's image in the drama "Thunderstorm" - points:

I. Katerina and the "Dark Kingdom": a retrospective of struggle.
II. The reasons for bringing the heroine to a state of despair:

  1. Difficulties in life in a parental house.
  2. Conflict with Kabanova.
  3. The ideal ideas of Katerina about life and realities: dramatic differences.
  4. Katerina, God and superstition.
  5. Heroine and love: the need that cannot be realized.

III. Love for Boris as unlike others.
IV. The magic of life without lies as the limit of Katerina's dreams.

Katerina's suicide is an act of power. Being a product of this world, it is not capable of a different form of protest. There is a choice in front of her: to live hypocritical or die, saving your soul. Katerina chooses death.

Katerina in the education system based on the play "Thunderstorm": the analysis of the image and the mental tragedy

The image of Katerina in the drama
The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm"

The origins to understanding the image of Katerina are attracted to the past. Her childhood was happy. The heroine blindly believed what the wanderers and mantis tell, considering it the absolute truth. She went to church and sacredly believed in her doctrine. Perhaps that is why kindness and naivety settled in it. Katerina in the education system based on the play “Thunderstorm” - an analysis of the image and the mental tragedy:

In life Katerina There was a standard scheme - growing up and marriage. Moreover, marriage is not out of love, but because age forces. Katerina respected, but did not like the person with whom she was married. The girl’s consciousness cherishes a rather ridiculous dream that if she loves the one whose wife has become, then life will change and become a paradise. But alas, this does not happen.

The main conflict in a young woman occurs with Kabanikha. The mother -in -law clearly does not like her. As for the spouse, Tikhon, he is very dependent on his mother, therefore almost never says his weighty word, convincing himself that everything is in order.

In general, to Katerina Almost all the villagers are negative. It seems that a certain “scapegoat” was found in it, which can be accused of all mortal sins. You can tear your dissatisfaction and anger on it.

The absence of good and love is very pressed against the girl. She thinks that she will necessarily worship if she does not resist reality. Когда в поселении появляется непохожий на других, интеллигентный молодой мужчина, Boris, she thinks that this is her chance of salvation from the “Dark Kingdom”, but everything turns out to be a mirage. Beloved betrays and leaves alone.

What is the image Katerina In the education system? Here's a description:

  • This is a young pretty woman (at first glance, she is about 25-30 years).
  • She followed the stereotypes, marrying without love, ended up among people who do not understand and dislike her, but at the same time looking for happiness.
  • It is impossible to call her negative heroine.
  • When she thinks that she finally found the person whom he loves and who can show her a bright future, everything turns out to be different.
  • The beloved disappears, but life does not change. Sincere torment Katerina They end only with her death.

Regarding character traits, Katerina:

  • Thinking
  • Loving
  • Deeply unhappy
  • Dreamy
  • Very vulnerable nature

She is also a rebel by nature. But her rebellion in the dark kingdom, alas, did not bring positive results. Although, quite possibly, it was a wrong strategy.

A. N. Ostrovsky play “Thunderstorm” The image of Katerina: essay on literature, grade 10

The image of Katerina in the drama
The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm"

Katerina attracts the reader in that she is radically different from other heroes. Each of which, one way or another, is represented by any anti-harvesting front. Here working on literature for grade 10 on the topic: “A. N. Ostrovsky play "Thunderstorm" The image of Katerina ":

The girl opposes all those existing among her fellow villagers, rules. She does not support neither Kuliginanor Wildnor Kabanikha, not others. It seems that she is really a ray of light in this dungeon, which dies in artificial conditions forced reality.

Katerina’s dreams are similar to children - she feels like a bird, flies in a dream, sees fantastic worlds. It seems that in reality a woman is in captivity, in a cage and she really wants freedom and independence.

It seems gentle, clean and bright. Despite the fact that judgments are an adult woman (25-30 years old), when the heroine dreams and strives for good, exudes naivety, it seems that her biological age is much less (no more than 17-18 years). However, this is natural, given that at that time the girls were married early.

It's a shame that the heroine has no one who would support her opinion. Tikhon It turns out to be weak -willed, he only listens to his mother. U Katerina There are no children, she really dreams of them. The heroine is also very devout. She visits the church and believes in God. However, if Kabanikha Veroy is trying to achieve power, then Katia He believes childishly sincerely.

The girl has pride. She understands that life among these people is not what she would like and she would like more. None of the inhabitants of the city who are constantly staining their souls are lying and hypocritical, cannot become a person close to her. Why the heroine suffers very much.

It can be said that she is saturated with protest. After Katerina He understands that no other methods are helping anymore, she realizes that there is only one path - leaving life. However, he does not prove anything to anyone. The torment just ends.

The image of Katerina, Barbaras and Kabanikhs in the tragedy "Thunderstorm": the characteristic briefly, with quotes

Image of Katerina, barbarians
Image of Katerina, barbarians

Images Barbaras and Katerina They are somewhat similar. And here is the image Kabanikhi Dramatically different from them. If the first two are young girls, but with a radically different concepts, then the latter seems to be wise experience, a mature rural woman with a crafted character and lack of manners and tact. Here characterization of the image of Katerina, Barbaras and Kabanikhs in the tragedy "Thunderstorm" briefly, with quotes:

We can say that Katerinaand Barbara The author contrasts. In general, both girls are much bolder than Tikhonwho does not dare to object to Mom. As for Kabanikhi, she hyperbolizes her virtues, considers herself a person who is respected, although, in fact, few people are interested. The only person at the expense of which she can assert himself is Katerina.

Barbara is less elevated, she rarely concerns some spiritual things. This is an ordinary village girl, a little rustic, but still smart. It is noteworthy that she expresses her dissatisfaction with many things - but does it quietly, under her breath, as if she was groaning.

«Kabanova - “Not very much older now respect.
"Do not respect you, how!" -Barbara (to himself) — «I found a place to read. ”

It turns out that Barbara also protests against the "dark kingdom", only unlike Katerinathat he is not afraid to express discontent openly, Varya is afraid to stand out from the crowd, afraid that she will be condemned and not understandable. And therefore, it breaks off his anger at reality in rude remarks, which is pronounced in a whisper.

“You are talking about me, Mama, in vain you say that. That in public, that without people, I don’t prove anything from myself. ”

And this despite the fact that Barbara - Daughter Kabanova, and it would be more logical to express open claims, and not to grumble gradually. However, obviously, the heroine understands that with Kabanikha It is useless and subconsciously accepts the rules of the game.

Both Katerina and Barbara are disgusting to look at the apathetic Tikhon. As for Kabanikha, she even likes her son’s silence and his meekness - after all, a bad woman loves when she is obeyed.

Barbara is also different from Kalinovites, as well as Katerina. But the latter has a deeper, intelligent vision of the world. This is the difference between them. Katya is very devout and vulnerable. While Varvara will easily endure injustice, spit and go further. As for the awareness of the “bird in the cage”, Barbara does not have enough intellectual development to understand all the tragedy of the situation.

But perhaps this is for the better. After all, unlike Katerina, at least she remained alive. Accordingly, sometimes it is better to be a little easier and feel less, but not to experience all the pain.

Katerina He wants to achieve a better life and so that the right to a better life is recognized for her. But Barbara Prefers to live a free life on the slowly. While no one sees. This is the difference between them. As for Kabanikhi, for her, the main thing is to realize her significance. She believes that everyone else, except her, is fools and that she only knows how better.

The Kalin city and its inhabitants in the play “Thunderstorm” of Ostrovsky: how is it connected with the image of Katerina, why is it called the Dark Kingdom?

Kaline city and its inhabitants in the play
Kaline city and its inhabitants in the play "Thunderstorm"

Despite the fact that the town seems quiet and serene, he cannot be called a paradise on earth. People here live insensitive, greedy, greedy. They all think only about their well -being (like a boar or wild), value only power and money. As for the highest values, residents Kalinova They are not put in a penny. How is the Kalin City and its inhabitants in the play “Thunderstorm” of Ostrovsky with the image of Katerina? Why is it called the Dark Kingdom? Here's the answer:

The girl strives to become happy with all her might. All that she wants to be understood and respected. But alas, it comes far from the contingent that is capable of it. All residents (except, perhaps, several people) are tyrants.

Of course, there is a small percentage of such as TikhonBut they are limp and accept the rules of stronger personalities - and therefore cannot change anything.

Why the "dark kingdom"? We can say because residents Kalinova They live on low -powered, incorrect values \u200b\u200band principles, but do not notice it. They are in ignorance, in the impenetrable darkness of their judgments.

Just Katerina sees the true path. But alas, it is very difficult for her to stand alone and go through it to get closer to a better life. Boris seems to her salvation, but he does not have the courage to take the girl with him. As a result, she accepts death and considers it a way out of the situation, the only true and reasonable step.

Criticism of the image of Katerina in the work “Thunderstorm”: Pisarev and Dobrolyubov

Criticism of the image of Katerina in the work
Criticism of the image of Katerina in the work "Thunderstorm"

Unlike Dobrolyubov, who considers the heroine a victim of circumstances and a positive heroine, thereby the “ray of light in the Dark Kingdom”, Pisarev in his criticism is more skeptical. We can say that he even seeks to refute existing doctrines. Here are more criticism of the image of Katerina in the work “Thunderstorm” - Pisarev and Dobrolyubov:

One of the critics begins with what claims: Dobrolyubov The positive image of the martyr deliberately blinded the character, while ignoring the shortcomings, of which there were many. Dobrolyubov sees virtue in Katerina. But, in understanding Pisarev, she is not there. There is only melancholy. Moreover, the critic claims that the idealization of the image of Katerina is a systematic, unforgivable mistake.

Pisarev He sees the heroine impulsive and infantile. As for her suicide, he considers this not a way out of the situation, but to praise himself with the inability. The heroine (in his understanding) and the ability to get along with people are absent. After all, a person who knows how to compromise and establish relationships can survive in the "Dark Kingdom." Katerina could not. Therefore, the reason is not in others, but in it.

Pisarev condemns Katerina For a betrayal to her husband, he laughs at the fact that she, like a child, was frightened by thunderstorms, that she is afraid of a crazy lady and that he imagines herself a victim. In his understanding, there is no one to take an example from, because Katerina Not endowed with a deep and sharp mind, does not have education and talents, is not a highly feeling person. Yes, there are girlish experiences in it, but this is not such a deep tragedy as to take scores with life. The critic does not deny the fact that the heroine is quite spiritual, meek, kind and vulnerable. But he does not see the reasons to call her a “ray of light” and deify it.

But Dobrolyubov, on the contrary, extols in every way Katerina, praises her positive qualities, considers the “hero of time” and encourages her actions. Respectively, compared to criticism Pisarev and Dobrolyubov, their opinions are diametrically opposite.

The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm": conclusion

The image of Katerina in the drama
The image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm": conclusion

This heroine causes many contradictions. Here conclusion about the image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm":

On the one hand, I want to justify her act and sincerely regret it. The girl really ended up in a society that was not understanding her, without support and any incentives for life. Her hopes for love were crashed.

But on the other hand, you can calculate logical and opinion Pisarev- Criticism, who believes that there is no heroism here. On the contrary, if a person did not manage to find the opportunity to survive in existing reality, did not manage to cope with himself, which means that he is not such a “ray of light”.

One way or another, the image of the heroine is quite deep, dramatic - the reader is involuntarily imbued with experiences from the pages of the novel. Of course, the death of a girl is far from a way out. It is likely that she really obeyed a certain impulse, making such a thing over herself. Although life in the "Dark Kingdom" was flour, the heroine should have found other ways to solve the situation. Suppose if Boris He did not take her with him, it was possible to leave the town arbitrarily, without any fellow travelers and start a new life “from scratch” if this society really was deeply antipatically.

“Thunderstorm” - briefly summarized, image of Katerina: video

You will find a summary of the work “Thunderstorm” in the video below. In this video, much attention is paid to the image of Katerina.

Video: Thunderstorm. Alexander Ostrovsky

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