The image of Chatsky in “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov: composition, characteristics and meaning of the image

The image of Chatsky in “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov: composition, characteristics and meaning of the image

In this article you will find several works about the image of Chatsky from the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov.

Comedy "Woe from the mind" of Griboedov It occupies a special place in Russian literature. In the works that were written by other authors before the birth of this comedy, the characters were divided into bad and good. The image of Chatsky He combines all the qualities of a person - positive and not very. This character is noteworthy. Below you will find several works on the topic of description of the image Chatsky. Read further.

Plan for writing in literature: the image of Chatsky in the comedy of Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Chatsky’s image in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”
Chatsky’s image in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”

To write an essay or draw up a report for a message in the image of any character, you must first draw up a plan. Thanks to its points, you can already mentally imagine the entire text. Here is a plan for an essay on literature on the topic " Chatsky's image in comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit":

  1. Introduction.
  2. External characteristics of the character.
  3. Why did Chatsky a visit to Famusov’s house?
  4. The values \u200b\u200bof the hero are how he relates to service, relationships, education.
  5. Conflict Famusov and Chatsky. Who won, who is right?
  6. Chatsky's love is a relationship with Sophia.
  7. Comparison of Molchalin and Chatsky.
  8. How does the hero relate to Famusov and the like?
  9. Million of Tubes Chatsky.
  10. The role of Chatsky and his final role in the work.

Now you can start writing an essay. But, if you have not read the work, then this is difficult to do, so we offer several creations in our own words in the image of the main character of the comedy. Read further.

What is the image of Chatsky in the literature, in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, the meaning of the image: composition, with quotes, grade 9, characteristic briefly

Chatsky’s image in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”
Chatsky’s image in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”

In this hero Griboedov He sees a progressive person that is ideal for his time. Which the image of Chatsky in literature, in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”? Here composition on the topic "The meaning of the image in literature" with quotes and characteristics, for 9th grade:

Chatsky Honor, educated, conscientious, serves the cause. Moreover, he has his opinion and is not afraid to express it. It can be seen that the society in which the character is located is alien to him. Chatsky He does not try to hypocrite and fly, he shows with all his appearance that he does not fundamentally agree with what is happening, tries to indicate that the values \u200b\u200bof the “Famus” society are false.

The whole environment Famusov judges only by condition and ranks. Chatsky is opposed to them. He says that chasing a reputation is stupid, that you need to appreciate either the estate or the security of a person, but his internal qualities. Of course, no one listens to the hero - not only that, he is considered not quite healthy mentally.

The loner remains Chatsky And in a love relationship. He nourishes feelings for Sophia, but she is much closer Molchalin. The hero is shock - it turns out that her beloved girl adheres to the same false values \u200b\u200bas everyone else. The beloved judges just as superficially, does not value mind and morality, but goes the same way as society. This is the path to degradation. But people like Chatsky Able to lead society to progress.

Quotes to the composition:

  • "It would be glad to serve, to serve as a nausea" - The character is not against the service, but he believes that a person should not flood in front of others and humiliate himself. The utility for society should not be expressed in the betrayal of its nature.
  • "Blessed, who believes, is warm in the world!" - The hero believes that God is a certain hope that he warms the soul of man and helps in difficult moments.
  • “But in order to have children, to whom it was not enough?”
  • “I'm strange, but not strange who? The one who looks like all the fools " - Attitude towards people, including Molchalin.
  • “Nova is new at home, but old prejudices, rejoice, will not exterminate them, nor fashion, nor fires” - Despite the fact that Chatsky is trying to fight the shortcomings of society, he understands that many of them settled in human heads so firmly that they cannot be eradicated.

Brief characteristics of Chatsky:

The hero is an antipode of the then society and the symbol of the "new", progressive person. He is considered strange. Chatsky He seeks to show that society is mistaken and people should not be appreciated for ranks and finances, but for mind, moral qualities, for personality versatility.

Chatsky He believes that there is nothing shameful in the service itself, but at the same time a person must maintain his honor and dignity and never humiliate himself to anyone. It's a shame that the hero has practically no like -minded people. Even Sophia - The hero’s beloved, more shares “typical” values, does not understand his impulses.

"The image of Chatsky goes back to several ...": the image of the hero, presentation, squeeze the text briefly

The school often set to write a presentation in the text related to the disclosure of the image Chatsky. Here, for example, is one of these texts - "The image of Chatsky goes back to several ...":

"The image of Chatsky goes back to several ..."

The image of the hero is revealed in this text. Write the presentation, squeeze the text briefly:

Image Chatsky It goes back to several famous people. These are famous people of that time, many of whom were the Decembrists and friends of Pushkin. They protest not only against the existing political system, but also against the education system consisting of boarding houses and lyceums.

Some sources believe that surnames Chatskyand Chaadaev Contacted. Therefore, the latter may be its prototype. The author is very close to the hero, respectively, the features of himself are traced in it Griboedova.

Felt in Chatsky and features characteristic Pushkin. This is a protest combined with the incredible poetry of thought. Respectively, Chatsky - A collective image, in which the ideas of the Decembrists and many “progressive” people of that time are traced.

Sofya about the image of Chatsky: Relations of the Heroes

Sophia about the image of Chatsky
Sophia about the image of Chatsky

Sophia is necessary as a character in a comedy to completely reveal the image Chatsky. What were the relations of the heroes? Sophia About the image Chatsky:

  • Chatsky: "Hero with the face and voice."
  • Sophia: "Not my novel."

Before the trip Chatsky Abroad, young people were close. However, herself Sophia She recognized the maid that relations are based on habit. This is the habit of being nearby because they grew together. Views Chatsky She does not share, does not want to change and change the usual way. Moreover, she regards the hero’s departure as an escape. In her understanding, if a person loves, then he will never go so far.

The fact that the girl falls in love with Molchalinsays that she perceives Chatsky Not like a man, but as a childhood friend. Although the latter is still in love with her. Sophia He does not deny that in the old days, teenage love may have occurred, but now she has other priorities.

Instead of maintaining a hero in the fight against a society hated by him, Sophia Often reproaches him. She believes that a young man of callousness in relation to others. He believes that he is poisonous as a snake. She does not give Chatsky external hopes and keeps at a distance, not reciprocating, because he dreams of the future with Molchalin. Arriving to Sophia, Chatsky is slandered by her. He hoped that happiness was close, but subsequently realized that he was blind. The hero is very disappointing that Sophia I forgot what was before, betrayed their feelings. The relationship ends.

The image of Chatsky and Molchalin: Composition

The image of Chatsky and Molchalin
The image of Chatsky and Molchalin

In Molchalin, Sofya sees the hero of the novels of the time that is idolized. But Chatsky opens his eyes to this character. Here's an essay on the topic "The image of Chatsky and Molchalin":

These are opposite heroes. Chatsky It is worshiping money and ranks, and he does not want to go to anyone. MolchalinOn the contrary, he seeks to live according to the rules of the Famus Society, wants to advance and earn universal respect.

Perhaps that is why, as the groom, he seems more promising. As for Chatsky, she sees only demagogy in his gusts and it is difficult for her to imagine how this person could take care of family and children if she received her reciprocity.

Molchalin He justifies his last name-even if something does not suit him, he is always silent. And this is also the difference from Chatskywho does not like to be silent and is always ready to express his opinion or dissatisfaction with what is happening.

Molchalin It can be called a sneak and survivor. This person achieves goals by any means. But at Chatsky There are principles that he will never come to.
It is worth saying that if Sofya loves Molchalin sincerely, then he only pretends to advance. He also deceives Lisa, wants to buy her location. But Chatsky loves the girl sincerely and devoted to her until the end of her life. Why doesn't Chatsky not serve? He does not see the need. Once in society, people like Molchalin are encouraged, which means they will reach heights. And he has nothing to try.

Now about the manner of communication:

  • Chatsky speaks eloquently.
  • He is literate.
  • He knows languages.
  • It has its own opinion.
  • But Molchalin, with his lips, expresses someone else's, pleasing opinion to someone, devoid of uniqueness and personal thoughts.

Molchalin needed in creation and compare with Chatsky, since the author needed two radically different characters. One of whom displays a new generation of people, and the other - a representative of a generation, whose values \u200b\u200bshould have long been a thing of the past.

As Chatsky's Goncharov estimates: “Milion of Tubes”, the image of Chatsky

"Milion Tubes", the image of Chatsky

Many critics spoke about the main character of the comedy "Woe from the mind". Some do not understand him as a character, others share his point of view. As evaluates Goncharov image of Chatsky? Here are a few words about his article "Millon Tubes":

In his article, Goncharov pays close attention to the character. He believes that if Chatsky There was no, then "Woe from the mind" would lose comedic features. After all, the Famus Society against the background of this hero becomes incredibly funny, ridiculous. We can say that the writer himself ridicules him.

The critic believes that Chatsky Similar to the views with Eugene  Onegin And Pechorin. However, I am sure that he is smarter than them. Yes, and more sincerity in it. If Pechorin and Onegin understood the incorrectness of society, but did nothing, then Chatsky He seeks to fight for his ideals and seeks to restore justice.

In relations with Sophia, Goncharov supports the protagonist. He believes that this is sincere love.

How in the image of Chatsky the features of the dramatic character and the role of the main participant in the comedy relate?

The image of Chatsky
The image of Chatsky

The creation combines and combines components such as the instructive name, comic roles and sparkling humor. Chatsky funny as an unlucky lover, Sophia - Like a superficial girl. Famusov - Like a father, whom everyone is circled around a finger. Lisa It seems to be a servant that the gentlemen are much smarter. All this speaks of the comedic features of the work. How else do the features of the dramatic character and the role of the main participant in the comedy correlate in the image of Chatsky? Answer:

Although Chatsky He is a representative of the “right” position, he is ridiculous in that he is not restrained, can break out at any moment, always seeks to prove his innocence - even when this is not necessary.

But along with comic, tragedy is also present - a young man, even being brought to white heat, understands that no one will ever support him. That is why I do not want to laugh at the main character.

By the way, Chatsky himself is trying to humor - at least this is expressed in a little sharp jokes against Famusov and the like. The hero’s remarks become especially sparkling when someone hurts his beliefs.

Video: the image of Chatsky in the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit." Russian literature grade 9

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