How and how to soak purchased biscuit cakes for a cake: syrup recipe. How to soak waffle, honey, chocolate, puff cakes for a cake, Napoleon in front of the cream, so that they are juicy: the best recipes for impregnation. Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?

How and how to soak purchased biscuit cakes for a cake: syrup recipe. How to soak waffle, honey, chocolate, puff cakes for a cake, Napoleon in front of the cream, so that they are juicy: the best recipes for impregnation. Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?

Recipes of syrups for impregnating purchased cakes.

Various semi -finished products are very popular. And cakes are no exception, because now in stores you can find a huge selection of waffle and biscuit cakes for the preparation of cakes. But in order for the dessert to be amazing, it is not enough to use only cream and cakes, impregnation is necessary.

How and how to soak purchased biscuit cakes for a cake: syrup recipe

There are many options for impregnations. The main thing is that it is well combined with cakes and complement the taste of the dessert.

Syrup preparation options:

  • Classical. It is necessary to dissolve in 240 ml of very hot water 100 g of sugar. After dissolving crystals, you can safely use impregnation.
  • Crimson. It is necessary to grind a handful of raspberries and pour it 250 ml of boiling water. Next, the mixture is boiled, and 110 g of sugar is poured into it. Cook to thickening. This option is ideal for fruit cakes with protein cream.
  • Cognac. For these purposes, 40 degrees cognac are used. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and introduced into 100 ml of a mixture of 50 g of sugar.
How and how to soak purchased biscuit cakes for a cake: syrup recipe
How and how to soak purchased biscuit cakes for a cake: syrup recipe

How to soak honey cakes in front of the cream so that they are juicy: recipes for impregnations

Honey cake is one of the most beloved and unusual. In order for the dessert to be saturated and juicy, before lubricating with cream, the cakes are recommended to be impregnated with various syrup.

Impressing options:

  • Lemon. Dissolve the juice of the half of the lemon in 150 ml of water and 50 g of granulated sugar is administered. Put the liquid on the fire and boil until the crystals dissolve.
  • Tea. In 150 ml of hot and strong tea, 100 g of sugar is dissolved.
  • Honey. In 210 ml of warm water, 50 ml of bee nectar is dissolved. You need to stir until honey dissolves.
How to soak honey cakes in front of the cream so that they are juicy: recipes for impregnations
How to soak honey cakes in front of the cream so that they are juicy: recipes for impregnations

How to soak waffle cakes in front of the cream: recipes for impregnation

As for classical liquid impregnation, it is superfluous when preparing desserts from waffle cakes. They are already thin enough and in contact with syrup or impregnation will simply be broken out. Therefore, they use the cream. It can be a cream from condensed milk and oil or sour cream with sugar and berries.

How to soak waffle cakes in front of the cream: recipes for impregnation
How to soak waffle cakes in front of the cream: recipes for impregnation

How to soak chocolate cakes in front of cream: recipes for impregnation

Chocolate cakes are one of the most beloved, as desserts with a rich taste are obtained from them.

Impressing options:

  • Coffee. This is a traditional option. For the preparation of impregnation in 100 ml of water, 2 g of coffee is dissolved and 25 g of sugar are driven.
  • Chocolate. Boil 150 ml of water on a fire and pour 10 g of cocoa powder and 50 g of sugar. Cook until the lumps disappear.
  • Liquor. Mix in a ratio of 1: 1 chocolate liquor and boiled water. Enter 40 g of sugar and increase on fire until crystals dissolve.
How to soak chocolate cakes in front of cream: recipes for impregnation
How to soak chocolate cakes in front of cream: recipes for impregnation

How to soak puff cakes for a cake, Napoleon: recipes for impregnation

Napoleon is usually not impregnated with syrup. In order to get a “wet effect”, you need to prepare the right cream.

Ingredients for cream:

  • 240 ml of milk
  • 2 yolks
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g of butter


  • Put the milk on the fire, mix it with the yolks whipped with sugar
  • Not bringing milk to a boil, pour a thin stream of a mixture of yolks with sugar
  • Reduce the fire and cook until thickened
  • Upon receipt of the desired consistency, throw the oil, stir until it dissolves
  • Complete the cream and leave the soaked cake for the whole night

Napoleon usually turns out to be dry, due to the use of air creams with whipped cream or proteins. When using custard, the cake is juicy.

How to soak puff cakes for a cake, Napoleon: recipes for impregnation
How to soak puff cakes for a cake, Napoleon: recipes for impregnation

How to soak cognac cakes: syrup recipe

This is one of the most popular and fragrant impregnations.


  • 110 g of sugar
  • 110 g of water
  • 70 ml of cognac


  • Pour water into a saucepan with thick walls and put it on the fire
  • After boiling water, pour sugar and knead until crystals disappear
  • After that, set aside the syrup and let him cool a little
  • Pour in cognac and averaged

If you introduce alcohol into hot syrup, alcohol will evaporate and the aroma will disappear.

How to soak cognac cakes: syrup recipe
How to soak cognac cakes: syrup recipe

How to soak cakes with sour cream: syrup recipe

In general, there is no need to impregnate cakes with sour cream with sour cream. This is due to the fact that the cream itself is quite wet. As a result, the cake is juicy.


  • 500 ml of sour cream
  • 100 g of powder
  • Vanilla sugar bag


  • Pour the fat sour cream into the bowl and beat it a little
  • Little by little enter the sugar powder and continue to whip
  • Pour a bag of vanilla sugar and beat again
  • Cream is abundantly lubricated with cakes
How to soak cakes with sour cream: syrup recipe
How to soak cakes with sour cream: syrup recipe

Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?

Mascarpone is a cheese for a well -known Italian dessert. The cheese cream itself is very thick, Savoyardi cookies are also airy and dry. That is why it is recommended to use impregnation when preparing tiramis.

Tramisus dessert options:

  • Pineapple juice. Ordinary syrup from canned pineapples is taken.
  • Impregnation with cognac. It is necessary to mix 150 ml of water with 100 ml of sugar and boil until dissolved. After cooling, 60 ml of cognac is introduced.
  • Impregnation with a liquor. The syrup is prepared as in the previous recipe. Instead of cognac, pour a liquor.
Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?
Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?

Patching is one of the important stages in the preparation of the cake. With its help, the dessert is juicy and saturated.

Video: impregnations for cakes

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