Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions, holidays - the best selection

Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions, holidays - the best selection

In order for your holidays to be remembered by guests, try to surprise with an original competition with comic conspiracies and spells. Look for ideas in our article.

Comic conspiracies, adult spells - the best selection


Comic conspiracies, adult spells - the best selection
Comic conspiracies, adult spells - the best selection

Comic conspiracies, adult spells - the best selection:

By bitch order,
In my opinion,
Go my fat to Natasha
To the wide thighs!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
Vovka in the hands of a shovel,
And to me his salary!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
In the circus bears,
I am good neighbors!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
Teki River Visla
So that the chest does not sag!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
I am euro-paper
Acne on the nose of Masha!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
Julia have fun,
I am a vacation abroad!


By bitch order,
In my opinion,
You are good for you on the porch
I have a ring on my finger!


Pronounce naked at midnight
Standing in an open suitcase,
Spinning counterclockwise.
Preferably drinking three glasses
Abrau-Durso and biting with chocolate.
My wallet, wallet, silk lining,
Make my life proceeds smoothly.
So that I have enough dough for a car, cottage,
The family is a wife, children and there was a change.
To rest - once a year - would be in Bagams,
I don't know where to do it, but so we are in panamas
On the sand, on the stones they tanned on the bottom,
Only so that the whole family does not spare after.


Affect the exchange rate of the ruble, dollar and euro,
So that I could take the second and thirds without measure
Breaking deposits, like Zhukov in the country,
Do everything as I ask and nothing else!
There are still ideas, I will say them later,
I'll wait for the wife to let the reins a little.
Well, we are my secret, bucks up two hundred,
We will carefully store, like brothers, together.
Akhalyai and Mahalai! Bima with Salabim!
Let the default with inflation go by.
Well, and you, Twes, my friend, already indignant -
I am rich in fat to be simple and familiar.


“Indicate, water, on Mount Goritsa!
And on that mountain of high stones of armor under a sedge,
And an oak-border, and the Most Holy Virgin Lick!
And in her hand - Fleece! And in the rune - Zmeino sting!
Today it was il for a long time - the time escaped!
You are a field, you are Lesovka - Earthlings Il Vodyan -
Take your rogue, pity, given Darma!
Wow! Creeping shame! ”


Son or daughter, day now or night,
And listen to you for love, I will create happiness for you ...
So that the prince or princess comes to you right from the forest,
Yes, in an armful of you and down the aisle, and so that the fairy tale was not yet the end ...
Patuns the kids, but listen, I do not lie ... and so that in bed they warm of each other,
So that the neighbors are fucked up, but you will die in one day, but of course this will not happen soon ...
Yes, love for you is big, like our Great Ball of the Earth.


Service of conspiracies and fortune -telling. You received an order - a conspiracy from the spleen.
Do not hang up the phone: (Grandma Efimiy) Swear!
Well, don’t have a blizzard, it’s better to smoke the grass.
The sadness is green, the vanity of the pairing, the sadness of the lick, the pour, all crap is not pain.
The moonshine is not jerking, get up better to dance.
Invite your friends to visit and do not flatter in bed.
You eat buns, play toys, shoot the villains, drive away the depression!
Chur you are chur from fools and fools.


Hello. The service of fortune -telling and conspiracies by phone.
You were ordered for conspiracy against tobacco from the grandmother of Efimia, listen to the magic ritual: (Grandma Efimiya) Fu! Stony. Ugh! Stony. Ugh! Stony.
Throw a cigarette on the floor - perish, perish, perish!
The hand does not hold a cigarette, drops, does not let him in the mouth,
He does not take his mouth to a cigarette, spits on the floor.
Smoke cuts your eyes, you can’t smoke, you can’t!
Do not smoke tobacco, it is better to eat a cherry spider.
Fu stink. Fu stink. Fu stink.


Revision, revision,
tall, not low,
far, not close,
came, but does not scour
I'm clean for them,
I'm sitting, I look at both
what they say, I will show
Everything is in order, it is clear hedgehog
I came and left-not the beet!
said? Showing!
They look in both eyes, but
They see what I need -
In everything is my order!
I'm fine fellow!
And the audit end!


Line from colds
Gedelix and Aspirin!
Close quarantine!
Ambroben, Haeckeral!
Everyone is healthy, who was ill!
Bromhexin and terraflu!
I don't like illness!
Go, bacillus!
Viferon, Anaferon!
The flu - go out a cold!


Conspiracy for finding or quick recovery:
Fish-fish-fish som,
You go deep.
Take a look like a fish,
Didn't you find it on it
Someone’s card and rights-
The document of the male!
Help us fish-ss
Let them return to the house soon
His card and rights -
Document of the male!


Conspiracy to return the stolen
The heels are overthrown, hats are burning,
What took someone else, return urgently back and forth!
You have no rest, no sleep, no food,
Until you return! Do not bring to trouble!
Return, repent, give up, admit!
I will let the winds and the skin on the skin,
So that everything that the stranger is taken back and brought!


Conspiracy from the crisis
The world currency crisis is not afraid of us, we are not afraid of us!
We will smoke in our pockets and on cards of money!
Get out of the air right at the expense!
Because I'm a girl and the New Year!
Let the courses grow around, but does not concern me,
The income is my faithful friend, he always rises!
All my female whims
Come on! Come on!


Conspiracy to restore information
From behind the sea-okiyan
Because of the blue-blue mountains
All data without flaw
Someone took it and put it back!
Everything was restored
I never dreamed of
What is possible
And I can do everything!
I did a job
And the data is not my care!
By magic,
In my opinion,
Come back to the information where you were,
That's all the matter!
Restore data!
Kysh problems are cursed!

Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions

Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions
Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions
Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions
Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions

Comic conspiracies, spells for competitions:

Conspiracy from the nonsense
(Read over the map of Antarctica)
The winds of violent
They brought me good luck from four sides,
They carried away all the problems of the squirrels,
They swept sadness from home,
Sloved tears, impassable puddles,
Given the money-specifics all-different ones,
Everything that was, everything that was driven
The wind blown away, blown away by the wind!
took to Antarctica,
Nobody offense to anyone!


Sales conspiracy

How from today there is no passage from people,
Jokes and blouses take everything with a load,
Yes, not one, but a couple, they also ask about the product,
Conduct relatives and friends, from all districts-lips!
Money gives in packs, blouses are taken by carcasses!
U ... ... from the sale, the head is spinning even!
And do not be surprised here - everyone wants to ... .. Dress!


Conspiracy for a passionate meeting after a long separation
How coffee with water inevitably meet,
How the rivers are different in the channel,
Like gas and fire, like a nest and an egg,
So I am destined to meet with fellows!
From long separation and separation,
Hands and happiness of the moment will stretch
Let them always last, because we must meet!


Conspiracy to neutralize the harmful effects of the mother -in -law
Remove me in the morning carrots,
Happy birthday, mother -in -law!
I will give her money,
Let them lie in the box
I whisper "ku-ku" to myself
And, congratulating, I will run away!
I conjure my mother -in -law
so that I do not drink my blood
so that she drank key water
so that her ailments run away to Tada
To look at her gaze tender and meek
so that she loves beets and carrots
so that there was a fluffy and tender with me
so that joy between us with love blooms
Let my mother -in -law glow with joy
May she not meet with the disease
Let the birthday pass beautifully
And everything will turn out well, clarified!


Conspiracy for good studies
In the sea-Okiyan,
On the island of Buyan
There is an old ash
Under it, the chest is red,
Well, in a red chest,
Yes in a silk knot
Five are okay,
Native, beloved.
There was (name)
I took all the five.
Now she is an excellent student
Honest to indecency.
So, so, Perecla,
The (name) is all nishtyak!


Conspiracy from a cold
Diseases - Atas!
It’s healthy to be cool!
Doesn't reach us
No cold!
I am super-well!


Who is sick? Who sneezes?
Let's say there is no disease!
Every day only strengthens
Our steel immunity!

Health - forward!
Powerful guys - leukocytes!
Our defense is fastened!


We do not care a disease!
Let's shout together!
Let's shout again!
We don't need a cough!
And without a sore throat!

We are cooler than Pele!
Let it tribute triumphantly
Our immunity flag!
Will never get sick
Who said F@ck to the diseases!


Live - not pain!
Red blood cells of friendly teams
Cells carry only what they need!


Hrymilians - bismarks!
Kasley - Koshchei!
All sorts of viruses
We will drive in the neck!
You hear, the virus is a puny!
You will get out - immediately strangle!
We are champions of the battles with a cold!
There was no cooler of us!
Not! And it won't!


From behind the sea, from behind the mountains, grandfather Fedor rode
He had a chest, collected every ailment:
Bustle, mate and bad mantu.
Fears, Zevakhi, Okhi and Achi,
Snot and screams,
Dark plans,
Bad tests,
Ailments, Mori, every infection
I certainly took everything at once!
I took it far
It immediately became easy!


From disgusting toothache!
Go out of the tooth pain
let you go to the will
The tooth is close and dark
Tired of there for a long time
fly to the big oak
it is much more convenient for the tooth
there is hollow and warm fur
And from the squirrel nut.


Conspiracy to attract new employees to us
Oh fly you fast, bird,
Yes, on all four sides.
And you find me a sister,
So that the work is equally.

Oh fly as soon as possible for the second sister,
Yes, so that clever and beauties,
So that they liked the work,
To stay for a long time.


A month is walking, strength arrives,
A month is growing, and the force increases,
A month on the water under my hand walks,
And to me, Bluefee, strength comes!


Month, you are a month, you wander high,
You see you far away
You are walking past forests, hills, villages,
cities, hospitals, yards.
Find, a month, I have two sisters.
Two sisters of diligent, kind, caring
So that they work with complete strength and desire!
The key to my words, the castle to my affairs.
(read to the growing moon)


sausage sausage,
Not a roll, not a radish,
Dzully, glorious,
You are the sorceress main
as a sausage I swallow
There will be what I want
I want ....... (the text of desire)
Three, two, once,
Filled now.
(And the sausage must be eaten.)


Plot for independent lessons
My sons have a ward, knowledge is rich,
The lessons will be easy, and the knowledge is strong,
For punishing them with me not with my hands.
A son will go from school in the door,
He will take the textbook, he doesn’t believe himself -
And teaches, and teaches, and understands,
Parents do not bother parents,
The diaries are decorated with fives,
And the sons always smile.


Conspiracy to attract the right customers and sign contracts
In the clean field, the free wind walks,
In the table city, my business blooms.
Customers want my service,
All December stand in line.
Exactly in early January
Signing the contract with a desire to burn.
Mutually beneficial contract,
My business is the most profitable!


Conspiracy from the cold.
Everyone knows, everyone hears
The nose is easy, breathing normally.
The runny nose was, and the runny nose swelled,
He rolled it on the Bagams.
There will be to live there

Let's laugh and create together!
He will not return to us again.
Salming Baba, conjure grandfather -
There is winter, there are no diseases!

Comic conspiracies, spells for holidays

Comic conspiracies, spells for holidays
Comic conspiracies, spells for holidays
Comic conspiracies, spells for holidays
Comic conspiracies, spells for holidays

Comic conspiracies, spells for the holidays:

Congratulations from the healer with the presentation of comic gifts to guests and champagne.

Good people, hello! I am a grandmother, oh and prank!
I help everyone for the wrongdoing, I always stay with the Navar.
Whoever you want to treat, they will be fined.
In general, enough to eat and drink, I go to treat patients!
Who has a headache here, Ali what other ailment torments?
Speak directly! Yes, I don’t need to say it, I myself see everything, experience, thank God, there is.

(Then the healer begins to hand the comic gifts, approaching the guests)

Hands and legs will certainly smear shit three times a day!
Songs sing, but rub, wash everything after an hour.
Go back and forth, but drink holy water!


Often in life it happens, the burials suddenly get sick.
So that they do not fall, do not sprinkle rustling,
Chinese noodles helps all very quickly.
Soak, at least right here, but to the ears and hang it!
You will hear how a locator live long as a terminator,
Yes! Drink holy water! You can sprinkle the soup ...


To attract men to us, make acute pepper,
You blocked it into dust, but put it in a bottle!
Pour in holy water, fuck back and forth,
By the night of the husband, you will smell and bloom!


Really, it’s embarrassed to tell me, but your head hurts.
Here we need, for sure, to us the head of garlic.
Lubricate your head, will be glorious, as in paradise!
After three days, Nama ... its organ ... holy water.


Not moving sits! Know, broke radiculitis,
So that it does not shoot at the armpits, we use the bump method!
The bump must be brewed, drink three times a day.
You drink, do not leave the pile, stuff under the pillow.
You will see erotic dreams until spring.
Yes, in any bad weather for the night, drink holy water!


Kohl in the stomach fell ill with an endo, brother, a thin thing.
While the autumn is not yawning, the maple is maple.
Undress naked, embracing the whole sheet,
And all such a walk in front of his wife.
Then take off the sheet from yourself, climb it under her skirt,
Yes, as you get down to business, you will forget it, Che had to hurt.
Before you sculpt a sheet, do not forget to drink water.


And I hand you a bow. Helps from all ailment!
Kohl caught a cold, al overheated, underfore, Ali overeat,
Undercassed, al do not finish the onion will always add strength.
You can sniff, you can eat, you can even sit down.
You can put in underpants, al put under the clock,
The main thing is that there is always water at hand.
Exclusively holy! Well, I think everyone knows.


Well, guests, look straight. Such a lady sits there!
Good! Blood plays! I will give you carrots.
I do not like carrots to Varen, but love carrots to poison.
The more carrots of the nuclear, the girls are more fun.
Na-ko, dear, hold on. Show everyone carrots.
Put in the refrigerator, consume when you want.
And so that it was upset, the holy head of the fields.


You, my dear, have no left ...
No, remained, egg! Young to the face.
You are welded this egg, take the ring,
Two potatoes, cucumber, mayonnaise finally,
At the end of the tablespoon, put it a little,
Yes, add a spoon of green peas.
200 grams of the saint water you take before meals.
From my methods from mine you will be always young!

(presenting champagne)

Well, not everyone gave the treatment, well, it doesn’t matter!
There is no thief for us, since the holy is water.
Well, I will wave my pen, I will consecrate all the tables.
Everything, everyone has a holy water. What are you sitting? Pour it!
If we poured and lift, since we lifted, drink!
Do not forget to eat, and pour it again.
Well, I went, goodbye. It will be necessary, call!
(bows and leaves).

Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money

Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money
Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money
Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money
Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money

Comic conspiracies, spells to attract money:

Money, money, money,
Millions of you and thousands.
You come to me
In reality, not in a dream.

You are always in high esteem
You are flowing to me with a river
Fill your pockets, wallets and suitcases.


I sincerely love you
I cherish you and praise you
I respect, I love
And I urge you to myself.
Come, multiply
And stay with me!


(read when washing dishes)
I'm washing the dishes,
I attract money to me!
How clean my dishes are!
Money is flying from everywhere!
Arrive, arrive,
My wallet is filled!
Full, full of wallet,
A lot of money lives in it!
Euro, dollars, rubles
All my beloved!


I found the mood to be lucky:
Yesterday everything was fine, but today - better!
I repeat it a hundred times, clouds will disperse:
Today everything is so good, and tomorrow it will be better!
And let life shock, I conjure more:
Everything is fine with me, but it will be even better!


I am shaking a wallet - I’m calling the money into the house!
Money, money, money - bucks, euro and thousand!
Come, arrive, fulfill all the desires!
I stroke you and love you, and give my warmth!
We will live with you together, joy and love to give!
Rest and relax and swim in all the seas!
Arrive, come to call all your friends!


Nemuchs have a weekend -
The bucks became in a row.
I'm beautiful, young
And the eyes burn!
Everyone is in a hurry to me -
Give money.
And where I will not throw a look -
Bucks all lie ...
In all pockets dollars
And in the suitcases dollars,
And the bank also has dollars -
Draw and rustle ...
Do not be offended, rubles
And all sorts of tugriks
We will accept you all with joy
Now and Forever!!!


Well, my magic broom,
Take the job,
Set out more money
Just try very much
So that there is enough for divisions
And enough for the fun
To make it possible


The cash flow is always pouring on me,
It is very simple, the secret is small:
Who sings songs to them and often laughs,
Here they go directly to the crowd.
My pot is constantly cooking
I abandoned the fishing rod yesterday
And for money I am always desirable.
A lot of them, cheers, cheers!
Red cowards hung on the chandelier there,
There is always a lemon in the refrigerator.
In the head there are arrogant thoughts,
That they will give me a million soon.
I sing a money song with inspiration
I invite everyone together to sing along.
If it is fun, then undoubtedly
The money will drive us a whole army.


I'm at the princess's money,
I'm at the princess's money,
They always pour to me.
They are interested in with me,
They are interested in with me
And in the heat and in the cold.
I'm always glad to do money
And they are too happy for me
I am always a joy for them yes!
Even if I spent a lot,
Will be sure soon,
It's just wonderful.
I don't have a barrier to my purchases
I don't have a barrier
And I want to tell you all.
You also need to walk money,
Money must also be walking
We must let them go.
Dollars, rubles, yuani,
Dollars, rubles, yuani
The euro is also right there.
I am very good with you
I am very good with you.
Here they are to me and the rod.


I am successful, I am rich, chickens do not peck money.
Five apartments, cars, villas, and the money rods to me and the rod.
Each bank has three accounts, plus there is a full safe,
I bought the fifth Lexus, and in infinity for everyone.
I gave all my relatives: in the apartment to everyone and by car,
Even in the bakery across the road I go now on the limousine.
Once a week, I fly away on a personal plane on the Bagams,
I love, to be honest, coconuts, papaya, bananas.
Abundance is now in abundance, and a full bowl is my house,
I have as many as two dressing rooms and three shoes for shoes in it.
I spend money on a grand scale, I am a rich man, in business,
And the loot does not decrease, just money to a fig.
In Forbes, I am in the first place, squeezed the men,
I am a simple oligarch, without special show -offs.
Just a generous universe is ready to share money,
If you are ready to accept the money, you will share with you!
So, so, so, money comes to me just like that.
So, so, so, I always have a lot of money. Like this!


Oh, you, money, bucks, rubles!
You are sweeter than honey, tastier than bagels!
I always wait for you, I wish and want
As I wish, I will definitely get it!
When you are - calmer and warm
And the more you are, the brighter the soul.
Thank you, money that I have you!
Thank you, dear for love me!
Thank you, dear, that you are always with me,
I love you too,
Well, I just love my whole soul!


Money rod to me and a rod,
All around
I attract the money
I love them and respect them.
The full house is already a full house
I keep them even in the garage,
On the balcony, in the suitcase ...
I will throw my dad's money, mom,
And also friends-girlfriends,
There is money for everything you need!
The wallet is swollen from the grandmas
Thank you, what you need!
So, so, so it will be so
I have a nafeyachu!


Miraculous power, tirelessly!
Big money flies to me!
I easily find the source income -
The fountain now beats the money stream!


What is a miracle?
Money is lying everywhere!
And in your pocket, and everywhere
Money stretches to me
Miracles all happen,
Everywhere they find me money.
The main thing is to decide to itself!
The mood rises!
I'm with housing now guys!
Red chambers right!
Life hits the key
In the new channel
I live fun and delicious!


Work with money came to my spouse (to me)
By itself, such things:
The money is littered with the time and time is full -
On vacation, for life, on me (myself) and cinema
All my business is going on wonderful:
Machine, apartment, house - beauty!
I am happy, glad and happy (a) I
And there is a lot of money and love and family!


I put it on charging
Favorite wallet.
By tomorrow morning
Everything is OK now!
The wallet is rich
Beautiful magic.
Money is added-
Every day is happy.
Health perfect
I attract immediately.
Money is added.
I know that now
Many - a lot of money
They fly at my own expense.
I accept them.
Thank you all.
With ease and happiness
I is joyfully hovering! ...


My lucky wallet,
He is rich and cool
Large amounts are given
Goes to the restaurant with me,
He is always everywhere with me -
My beloved wallet.

Comic conspiracies, fairy tales spells

Comic conspiracies, fairy tales spells
Comic conspiracies, fairy tales spells
Comic conspiracies, fairy tales spells
Comic conspiracies, fairy tales spells

Comic conspiracies, spells from fairy tales:

  • "See see! Do not sit on a stump, don't eat a pie! Bring your grandparents! ” ( "Masha and the Bear")
  • “Fi-fo-fam! Who is here, who is there? Whether alive, dead come out, do not expect mercy from me! ” ("Jack and bean stem", English folk tale)
  • "My light is my mirror, tell me, but report the whole truth: am I more nicer in the world, everyone is blurry and whiter?" ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and 7 heroes" A. Pushkin)
  • “You roll, roll the ring in the spring porch, in the summer canopy, in the tower of the autumn, and along the winter carpet to the New Year's bonfire!” ("Twelve months", translation by S.Ya. Marshak)
  • "Fuck-Tibikov" (old Hottabych)
  • “Eniki-Beni, from a panicle of brooms” (“New Adventures of Masha and Viti”)

From the books of the cycle about the wizard of the emerald city:

  • Bambara, Chufara, Loriki, Eriki, Pikapu, Trikapu, Sporestracles, Moriki. Come ...
  • Berelia - Tourel, Buridakl - Furidakl, the edge of the sky is alelet, the grass turns green
  • Susaka, Masak, Lama, Ram, Gam. Burido, Furido, Sam, Pam, Fam! Fly in the light like a mad beast! (Gingema)
  • Bambara, Chufara, Skoriki, Moriki, Turaba, Fupra, Loriki, Yerika. The great wizard Goodwin will return the girl home if she helps three creatures ... (Bastinda)
  • Uberra, Kurourburra, Tandarra - Adabarra, Faradon, Garabadon. Appearing, over a magic country
  • Barrammba, Marrammba balls, variki, sulfate, taforos, barics, balls! The formidable spirit, the great mechanic, successed in the deepest bowels of the earth and give us your treasure (Ellie)

Here are known spells from Harry Potter:

  • ACCIO - draft spell.
  • Alohomora (Alohomora) - opening and unlocking the spell.
  • Avada Kedaur (Avada Kedavra) - a spell of death.
  • Crucio (Crucio) - a spell of pain.
  • Lumos (Lumos) - Let there be light!
  • Knox (Nox) - Stew the light! (converting the back lumos).
  • Levicorpus (levicorpus) - turns the enemy upside down and lifts over the ground.
  • ACPETO Patronum (Expecto Patronum) - a spell for calling patronus (defender)
  • Expelliarmus (Expelliarmus) - a spell of disarming the enemy.
  • Imperio (imperio) - complete control over a living being.
  • Redecto (reducto) - breaking, breaking the spell.
  • Riddiculus (Riddikulus) - a spell that scatters the Boggart.
  • Vingardium Leviosa - soaring spell.

Echen of several interesting ideas:

  • “Sim-Sim open” (Ali Baba, Arab Tale)
  • "Sivka-bar, Prophetic Kaurka stand in front of me like a sheet in front of the grass"
  • "A hut, hut on chicken legs, stand in front of me to the forest"
  • “Well, two of the same casket of the same from the face ...” (“Vovka in the Thirty Kingdom”)
  • Cribe-crab-boom! (E. Schwartz "Snow Queen")
  • “Pot, cook!”, “Pot, not cook!”
  • "By pike command, at my desire." (Emelya, Russian folk tale)
  • “Letti-summer, petal, through west to east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle!
  • You will only touch the earth-to be in my opinion! ” ("Flower-seven-color" V. Kataev)
  • Crac, Peak, Fex! (Pinocchio, “Golden Key, or adventure of Pinocchio” A. Tolstoy)
  • "How to jump out, how I jump out - shreds on the back nooks will go!" ("Zayushkina hut", fairy tale)
  • “Red girl! Go to me (the cow) in one ear, and in the other it will go out - it will be worked out! ”
  • "Sleep the eye, the back of the other!" "Havroshechka")
  • “Katya, roll, an apple on a silver saucer, show me on a saucer of the city and fields, and forests, and the sea, and the mountains, and heavenly beauty” (a fairy tale about a silver saucer and a bulk apple. ”Russian folk)

Comic conspiracies and spells for all cases in life

Comic conspiracies and spells for all cases in life
Comic conspiracies and spells for all cases in life

Comic conspiracies and spells for all cases in life:

Conspiracy for good weather
I will read the weather report,
May I listen to the folk duma,
Crusted Ser Kolpak - he will not let go in any way.
I will call seven winds and from all sides -
accelerate the dough, low clouds,
Close winter hibernation,
Call the spring-star,
with the sun bright, rallous,
With the sky of an azure-clean,
Be spring-red!
Wake up from sleep!


Conspiracy from an uninvited guest
An uninvited guest (and his relatives)!
Do not go to us - there is nothing -
Neither biting, nor drink, nor sleep -
Nobody was going to call you.
From the gate - turn,
Neither jelly, nor compote, nor cocoa pour.
Lyug - sleep - everything will pass. And Adyu!


Conspiracy for the dishwasher
You are not Leisya, water, my fresh manicure,
Neither Fariy nor “freshness” will never touch me!
I'll go out to the bedroom I ask a man,
And buy me, dear friend, a dishwasher,
so that my white hands are only caressed,
And the work of the wet-gryaznaya did not know at all!
Go complete the sink!
I'm sitting in the kitchen all satisfied!


Spell in front of the Gulyanka
God forbid today not to get drunk,
And do not carry tin for drunk!
God forbid not laugh like a mare
Do not eat and get into your jeans!
God forbid under the table not to fall asleep,
On it dancing tete-a-tet!
God forbid not falling in love with the moron,
Which is seventeen years old!

God forbid with a taxi driver to pay,
Not five thousandth money!
God forbid to burst into the native entrance,
And not in any other!
God forbid to wake up alone in the morning,
Under your mobile phone dear!
God forbid to rise, not go crazy
From the wild pain of the head!


Juzer spell.
Our father, even if in my PC
Yes, your name and your expansion
Yes, your interruption will come and may your will be
Basic our pressing give us;
And forgive us dizassemblers and our antiviruses,
As copies we forgive.
And do not enter us in the Exception Error,
But save us from freezing,
for yours are an address space,
Ports and registers
In the name of Ctrla, Alta and St. Dela,
Almighty Reseta forever and ever.


Student spell
Get me, God,
From the dean of the face,
From the control close,
From an assessment of low,
From the test of the dumb,
From a glass of incomplete,
From a hangover in the morning
And from a boring pair,
From the work of the course,
From the Laba Chumova,
From the task of the individual,
From a friend to the insole of a drunk,
From boredom and longing
From the answer at the board,
From the lack of friends,
Yes, pour me a beer
Give me food to the dump,
So that I feel bad.
Let me sleep sweet
In his warm crib.
Distract, God, teacher,
So that the spurs does not notice.
Tind me at the exam light ticket,
So that he only taught him (a), I do not.
Offer to me, oh God, sly.
Stepuhu add a little.
Put the session.
That's all ... Amen ...


Zagoao in front of the meal
God, let's not choke,
Do not swallow fish,
Like wine, get drunk with water
And sk and more firmly.
Give me bread and oil
And caviar is fatter.
Do not lower your body.
For all health is in it.
Let the food be good,
Pass the ulcer past.
Give me food for a thousand years,
Here, and there - in heaven.


Conspiracy before going to bed
Oh, do not give me, God, insomnia,
Let me dream of a meadow and grass
Take the demon from me
However, let me see first:
Naked beauty
And noisy wealth chests,
Let me like all women like
Let me be smart, and all are fools.


Conspiracy in health
Let the diseases pass me,
Let me pass the trouble.
I know - everything is more useful
The sun, air and water.
I promise, the right hand,
Make physical exercises on time,
Do not pour poison
And get out in a vice.
Do not forget me, my God:
Let the glory of heaven,
If someone gives me a face
Then the Fingal will receive it himself.


The spell with the name of the light
I drive you away.
The candle went out
And the smoke penetrated
In all angles.
Evil the light of the light
Fuck the darkness.
There will be no demons here
And do not destroy the souls of people.
I drive off the curse to hell
It is you to be there
And destroy demons.


In the name of instant and eternity,
In the name of good and evil
In the name of love and hatred
Disappear Balthazar into oblivion
Stay Cole
Love and be loved.


The demons are different,
Mostly terrible.
You are stronger
But not three of us.
We will defeat you at once,
We will not give the three power.
Get out soon
And away from people.


Winter spell
Winter was decorated
On the fringe of the fringe
From transparent ldins,
All in diamonds, pearls,
In multi -colored lights,
pouring around the radiance
The spell whispers:
“Lie soft snow,
in the forests and in the meadows,
Cover the trails,
Smell the branches!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions,
Tricky gossip.
Four the hearts of people
The beauty of your venture:
Let the eyes delve into
In color patterns,
You, blizzard, miracles,
Rounders are backwaters
Vezsya whirlwind
In the field by a greeting!
Sleep, my earth, fall asleep,
Magic dreams
Wait, dressed in damage
New Year's dawn!

Joking conspiracy against coronavirus

Joking conspiracy against coronavirus
Joking conspiracy against coronavirus

A comic conspiracy against coronavirus:

For warm spring and wonderful winters,
For evil viruses - past,
So that health is stronger than all steel,
For you to be on the pedestal!
For news with a plus in TB so that in the press,
For living in harmony, and not in stress,
To get to the stars of bright ones!
To do not care on the Covid-19!


Corona-Koron, go to the crow!
From raven to the clerk
From the clerk to all
With all to the nail
We score the nail, drive the covid - adyu!

We will remove the crown with you!
You will become a bald one with a crow!
Fleet up more likely to defeat!
On a dark evening, on an evil night!
You stay there forever!
And don't go back!


"Crown, a child of the harlot,
The virus is ugly, disgusting,
You were neither great nor small,
And you were not beautiful either:
Summer you lay in the horse urine,
Winter - under the manure of mare.
Do not bother with my nails,
Do not cling to my palms,
Put it to cold stones,
Click on the verbal of the water.
Go, virus, in a horse bosom,
Get out, coron, to hell. "


You take a roll of paper
But not less than three -layer
With a washing sleeve
With the aroma of orchids.
Turn yourself denser
And their own households,
Mother -in -law, father -in -law and dog,
Cat, hamsters, wife.
And then pour buckwheat
Along the perimeter of the apartment
Thick, thick, thick layer,
Fifty centimeters.
And sit behind the doors
Repeating in chorus loudly:
-Live crust,
Leave it as soon as possible!
Let you back the Chinese
They will take it to the fish market,
There are squirrels
They, Kalmara, do not care!
We are kept by holy buckwheat,
Symbol of mother-Russia,
Amulet and amulet ours
And the sacred banner.
We will build from paper
The best toilet
Temple in honor of the reverend buckwheat
And we will pray there
So that the fields are sinking
Buckwheat in the summer and winter,
And so that if they hurt b
Then banal SARS.
And then the virus will cry,
Will drop a rusty crown,
Turning into a fucking runny nose,
The one that treats "Otrivin"
There will be an angry coronovir
Rage in different countries,
But to Great Russia
Frighten to go.

Video: gypsy fortune -telling, comic predictions on cards

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