Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults - on cards, on pieces of paper, notes, with a magic bag

Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults - on cards, on pieces of paper, notes, with a magic bag

Comic fortune -telling is always fun, an ideal way to entertain guests at the festival without much effort and costs. In our article you will find interesting examples of fortune -telling for adults.

Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults

In the first part of our article, we offer you a universal comic fortune -telling, which is suitable for any holiday - for a wedding, and for a birthday, and for the New Year, and for a corporate party. Examples of words for table entertainment are fed in a cheerful, joking form, and only in order to raise the mood for everyone. The words will need to be pre -printed on colored, thick paper, turn the leaf into a tube and tied with a bright ribbon. You will give the resulting small scroll to the guests.

Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults
Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults
Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults
Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults
Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults
Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults

Comic fortune -telling for a cheerful company of adults:

If you don't sleep at night,
And in the eyes the balls are colored,
You don't count the rams -
One, two, three, four, five.
You will chop strong coffee
And eat a pack of tea
And water with ice
Turn down for five minutes.
And then turn on
Light and loudly TV.
You will fall asleep quickly then
Even with an eye without blinking!

If you want in the morning
Do not hurt at all from a hangover,
I have to think in the evening
What needs to be done:
You take half a liter of vodka
Stir with a bottle of beer,
And the bay with wine with the liquor,
You will get an elixir.
And how you drink it in one gulp,
And you sniff like a sausage
Then you are one hundred percent
It will be very good!

If at night from the window
The light of the lanterns flows,
And it is terrible to sleep,
Since you got enough sleep during the day
It is necessary to put a slingshot,
Get an elastic band from my underpants,
And stones on the sidewalk
You will always find yourself.
And having attached everything as it should,
Sufferly shooting tire, as soon as possible,
You are for the benefit of all neighbors
Immediately boldly open it.
Grateful neighbors,
Everyone will wake up with joy,
And smiling happily
They will say in chorus-Danke-Shein!

If one of the neighbors
Suddenly does not want to say hello
And at each of your meetings
It turns on the left nose.
You need to take one firecracker
Well, better three - four,
Those that you forgot to blow up
It is not for nothing that they are lying.
You are in the mailbox
Put them, light a wick.
Well, write nearby -
Fantomas did it!

If you are going to the cinema
And I already bought tickets
Do not forget the bucket of Cola
And Pop Korn seven kilos,
In the dark rustle with a wrapper
Cup sweetly, squire deliciously,
Ask the neighbor loudly
Someone, to whom he said.
If they are indignant,
You went, all wholesale is nafig,
And at the end of the session to the chair
You are chewing chewing gum.
Because relaxing,
You want to relax
And you have such a thing
They are unlikely to be banned!

If the tooth is nursing disgusting
You can't sleep or eat,
To an appointment with a dentist
Never come for anything.
He will put you to the holes,
The mouths will begin to shove the pieces of iron,
And a third -rate solution,
Everything is stained in the mouth.
Better you dug alcohol
This place is for the sick.
Well, if you miss
You will be more fun!

If in a dark alley
You were asked to smoke from you.
It is necessary right away, from a turn
Blind the heel in the eye!
Since you are sure for sure -
Only evil, terry crook
Maybe boldly, not embarrassed
Ask a cigarette ...
What to wait for the bandit
He will want to offend you.
The first to guess,
And show ingenuity!

If in a noisy feast
The policemen have risen to you,
Just asking
Why make noise like that?
You invite them to the table
And pour vodka too,
Do not forget the little salmon
Bring the cucumber.
And then they will appreciate
How we are Russian walking
And about our bakery
They will never forget!

If you want to live
On the ground German for a long time,
You are at the plane of the plane -
"Hale Hitler!" Screaming.
Here, of course, every German
He will say: "This is our boy!"
And as a gift a beer box
You will get, and flowers!

If you want at work
You stay longer
And, decently earned,
Go to Rome or Paris -
It is necessary to argue with the master,
Speak that you know better
How to swing that “figure”.
Because you are smarter.
Then, then your master will understand,
Chief and bitch Secretary,
What about such a specialist
They were specifically lucky!

If you are crazy
Lose weight by the beginning of summer
And men with their figure
Shock everyone on the beach -
A lot of fried potatoes,
Sausages, cakes and beer,
Fat, bread, chocolate
Boldly introduce into the diet.
Then, then everything will appreciate
The gracefulness of the lines of the body
And the secret of your diet
They want to rewrite!

If you want you are in Doychland
Integrated quickly,
Do not learn German language,
Throw the dictionary into a bucket.
Do not go to the "sprahi" at all,
All the same, they are to no avail.
They will be tortured to tears there
And you can’t see peace.
Let all the Germans “Russian” teach,
Anyway, there are many ours.
And for beer, cigarettes
"Social" will be given to you!

If something in the car
Cracking, creaked,
And falls from under the hood
White-black-blue smoke,
Drive the wheels
And wipe the pure glass,
Then, then your car,
Gratefully stirring,
It rushes down the roads
With a gear uneven knock,
Leaving behind the back
BMW and Mercedes!

If you are going on a hike,
Don't take a tent with you
And a big backpack with stew
Leave it at home too.
Get sweets with you
A lot full pockets,
And then, in the difficult campaign,
Your life will be sweet!

If you want in Social
Ask for Winterklyidung,
Dress more expensive,
Just put on the best:
Mink fur coat, hat,
Crocodile boots
On a prestigious foreign car
Park under the window.
Then, then everything will be noticed,
That you are poor and unhappy
And running to you on Contau
Money will come running quickly!

Let it stand on the sign "30"
Do not understand any zone
It's all for pedestrians
Hanging badges.
Well, crawl like a turtle,
And smoke air in vain
If you hide under the hood
A hundred horsepower?
You press the pedal to the floor,
Give the gas to the whole coil,
Everyone will understand that Ralph Schumacher
I didn’t even stand nearby.

If often on the lawn
Grandma with a dog walks,
To ask everyone, while trying
How are you and how?
Know this is a saboteur,
Under the cover is deep
It is watching you stubbornly
Do not lower the tenacious eyes.
Where did you go? And who did you meet?
Writes everything for sure
So that the specialist is on the turnout
Urgently report to the Center.
Show that you are not afraid
You are German counterintelligence,
Our simple Soviet Kukish
Show the spy!

If, sitting on fishing,
You can't catch anything
And cunning fish
Ate all almost worms,
Throw a TNT saber
Three kilograms are three,
Raising above the water
Spray with fish in half!
There are "damned herring",
Realizing how much a pound of a dashing
With a stunned subconscious
They will pop up upwards.
And you, the fisherman is skilled
There is nothing left
How to climb waist in water,
Collect fish in a bag ...

New Year is a good holiday
The reason is also not fig,
So there is nothing to languish -
Put the Christmas tree, hang the balls,
Buy wine and vodka,
Beer and smoked chicken,
Sausage, olives with cheese,
And the salads also cut!
Invite friends, girlfriends,
Dad with mom, grandfather with a woman
And me, like a childhood friend,
Add to the list also.
Nothing that a month of August,
And flowers bloom in full swing
We are such trifles
It is impossible to scare!

If you entered the apartment,
Dragged his belongings
All sofas and chests
Where I should have shut up
Put the speakers to the balcony
And Natasha Korolev,
Or other pop music, pop
Turn on the whole street!
Let it be dark, and the night is in full swing
Nothing, let everyone know
What is now in this apartment
Russian people live!

If you see on the road
Camera with radar,
Do not rush to reduce speed,
Press the bolder gas,
To tear with a swallow
A car with a roar from the strangle.
And when you go to the Blitz,
Smile at all your face
The shackle is wider
And the eyes of the "in a heap",
And hair on bangs
Disheveled ugly
So that when you get a photo
And one piece of paper with the number,
Indignant, be indignant:
- It was not me at all!

Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday

Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday
Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday
Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday
Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday
Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday
Comic fortunetelling for the anniversary, birthday

Most often, a birthday at the holiday, of course, desires health, so this wish can be safely used for fortune telling. In this case, it is best to invite guests to practice during the festive action. You can make, for example, cookies with predictions. Bake pieces of paper with selected words in the cookies, hand out the finished products to the guests. When the time comes their toast, they will say welcome words and give the culprit of the celebration an original surprise.

Comic fortune -telling for the anniversary, birthday:

  • Drink water before meals - you will be young for a long time.
  • The skin of the hands will return the former garlic and aloe juice.
  • Hepatitis gives death the roots of rhubarb in the decoction.
  • The older the peasant, the more important to him the beam!
  • Vienna, apparently from the inside - vinegar of apple fiber.
  • Lesson on an empty stomach of garlic - a day of the virus in fools.
  • Honey, lemons and garlic will be allowed out shortness of breath.
  • Glycerin, lemon and honey, and the cough will move away.
  • Honey with carrots, sea buckthorn ulcer is dashing.
  • Rheumatism, sowing and Gray juice of radish is more blank.
  • Joints and backs -wake a burdock -family hurt.
  • Arthritis, gout and sclerosis eat watermelons to tears.
  • If there is a fungus in the legs, they are worn on the grass in the meadows.
  • With scabies, soaked in the skin, a parish in the water of salt.
  • Infusion of dill seeds with enuresis more often burst.
  • Osin -application sheet - hemorrhoids will not be a go!
  • In the feet of the legs, the lemon - the pain will not appear inside.
  • Pectin desired in apples drives cholesterol.
  • Pharyngitis oppress lemon plus rosehip, honey and sleep.
  • Cucumber, carrots and beets drive stones with a mixture of juice.
  • Apply a leaf from the horseradish fresh, broken to radiculitis.
  • A decoction of dry watermelon roots will wash your colitis from a belly.
  • There is no mention of malaria, since you sleep in a pile of wormwood.
  • If the stomach spoils the chair - the plantain eat like a mule.
  • Hide a gum of a disease of the legs so that without pain he can shy.
  • Kohl stuck up a furunculosis - every day you eat onions to tears.
  • Pyetroal juice often drink so that you do not know the stomach of stones.
  • If you want to be always healthy - Pasi bees, not doctors!
  • If health is not enough, eat garlic, mustard, lard.
  • Hide the burn, where there will be a feast, under a potato uniform.
  • Hrymilly, cough, head - onions with a honey, take first.
  • Drink from coughing birch juice with steam room, without a dose.
  • To fuse fractures, eat shells to Istoma.
  • Three parsley with garlic dermatitis, since there is on whom!
  • Juniper -a fawn from the berries heals wounds as it should.
  • In the deafness of Gozh Clover Red - Drink Board hourly.
  • Drink infusion of flowers from linden and mother-mother at the flu.
  • On the vodka, the kidneys from the birch of microbes are destroyed from a small dose.
  • Cucumber juice with carrots will not leave the face bloodless.
  • Arthrosis and cramps of the legs are afraid of boiled boots, an embankment in those boots of peas, go to them more often and do not yell!
  • If the salt in the heel was baked, run behind juniper - an infusion on vodka from the roots before eating on a spoon drink.
  • You sleep badly, pain in the head - eat two slices of slices.
  • The nerve of the sciatic hurts - Gray brick, let him sleep with him.
  • Burn lunch with a piece of cheese - there will be no place for holes in the teeth.
  • Propolis in vodka with calamus will leave toothache in the world.
  • Hemorrhoids will pass without blood - drink, like tea, a carrot top.
  • Propolis in alcohol, along with honey, will be cured for years.
  • Drink juices, change foods - you will live a healthy fruit.
  • Keep the splinter in kerosene, in it it is weak as a hedgehog in a quagmire.
  • Close the burn with carrots from the grater, a little sea buckthorn Il Castorki.
  • Major can do it, if it does not drain the eskin.
  • Pain in the legs - a couple in the chan, boldly along with the grass of celandine.
  • Boiling oats faraway in diluted milk, against asthma drink. And even ... The stones will come light.
  • Hepatitis is afraid of horseradish - drink infusion before meals; With milk, horseradish certainly drives sand steeply.
  • Boil the bark of aspen, the legs are a parish, if there is a fungus, with soda, soap smear the fungal nails all winter.

Corporative fortune -telling

On a corporate party, as well as on any other holiday, people come to relax, therefore, they need to raise their mood with easy, not binding entertainment. Try to entertain them immediately, as they sit at the table - in an original way they will tell them. Buy dense plain napkins and print joking wishes on them. If there are no way to buy such napkins, then print joking rhymes on plain paper and simply put the leaves into the most ordinary napkin.

Corporative fortune -telling
Corporative fortune -telling
Corporative fortune -telling
Corporative fortune -telling

Comic fortune -telling at the corporate party:

If the city does not know
Your taxi driver is unshaven
Only after leaving five meters
He will ask - do you know the road?
You explain the way
So that he drove longer
Crack by the alleys
On the launders off -road
Circle around the city
You are fifteen
And then he is all the change to you
It will give it to a penny.


Are you afraid of a dentist?
He is scared to avenge
So break Bordmashin
So that no longer buzzes
Let him treat teeth manually
They do not care the sadists


If you are in the library
Detectives will come across
Then the last pages
You always tear out
And readers are different
They will come to you on the knees
They will beg tearfully
Tell them who is the killer
And you will be in the reading room
The most important person.


Kohl wife on the anniversary
Suddenly he wants diamonds
Or an expensive fur coat
You will surprise her
Spinning, inflatable boat
And a set of hooks of Japanese
Bring her with a smile
This is her dream
And so glad she will be
What will kiss you right away
Well, the mother -in -law will give you
Three hundred grams of bloodworms.


Kohl watch you go thriller
Then always take with you
Horn, brilliant pioneer
It will come in handy in the cinema
To the audience to neighboring
It was more fun with you
You are trumpeting at those moments
When terrible and dark
And if the zombie is terrible
It crept in to the heroine
Let it be louder for the audience
The mountain dawn will play
People will admire you
Turn on the light of the eagerly in the hall
Two beer will bring for you
And they will give all the popcorn.


If it's boring in the store
In a long line for you
Then come up with fun
What would be more fun
You are a cashier right in the ear
Shout loudly - fire!
You will see for free
Products will give you.


If my husband is fishing
It is necessary early in the morning
He will be glad to be a joke
Fishermen are cheerful people
Hide at night you are away
His cloak and boots
And what was more fun
Burn the fishing rods in the stove
And when your husband wakes up
Then advice to you and love.


Never inferior
Places in trams and metro
And when you exit, push
All preventing everyone from going out
Drink beer from a bottle
Legs stretched out into the passage
And then everything will admire
The gentleman is immediately visible.


If suddenly for a day of birth
The boss will invite you
Do not get lost and arrange
He is a holiday as soon as possible
Collect all your friends
Father -in -law and friends
And of course don't forget
Take a cat and hamster
And then you will see you
How he will be delighted
And raise you a salary
From Monday five times.


You wanted to marry
And the parents of the bride
Do not consider you serious
And a solid groom
Do not be discouraged right away
Come to visit them at night
Mother -in -law, boldly tell us
Indecent joke
Pull the bride by the nose
Litee smile a spoon on my forehead
And you will see at once how they will respect you.


If you want a dog
You will certainly take a walk
Then then lead it
To the grocery store
There are a lot of sausages with meat
And the dog will be delicious
And guards with flowers
You are spent to the door.


If you come to the theater
Do not forget that you should
Be a cheerful in the hall
After all, on stage boredom
Sing songs and ditties
Explore pyrotechnics
Build tangerines
And throw yourself at the ballerin
And offer neighbors
Together with you, get on stage
And you will suffer a storm of a storm then.


If you got with a girl
You are a good restaurant
And you want the evening
She was always remembered for her
Order many oysters
A lot of rowing caviar
And more champagne
More expensive and tastier
And when you have to pay
Run to the toilet
And then she is of course
Will love you for a long time.


If you were found by the boss
In classmates suddenly
All be on the admin
Like, the admin made you
Climbing at work at work
Buy in classmates
And admin for it at once
A new computer will give you a new one.


If you want to be healthy
Then look for a sign everywhere
You will recognize her right away
There are letters "Do not smoke!"
Then get a cigar
And smoke her in a puff
After that, heal
Never will never have to be.


If you want to
You were considered witty
Come on the tank
On the garden ring
Put it across it
So that no one can drive
And see how people
They will laugh for a long time.


If you are the eighth of March
You will come home on horns
Without a gift and in lipstick
The wife will not be upset
You will tell her honestly
What were you on intelligence
And lipstick and vodka
Enemies poisoned you
And then the wife will believe
Will give you a lot of delicious vodka
Sleep, but in the morning
He will tell you that you are a hero.


You buy in the store
And put on the balcony
The machine gun is large beautiful
By the name Maxim
It will definitely come in handy
And the neighbors will like it
And the district police officer
He will walk joyfully.


If you go home
From beer under the bald
And to meet the police
A patrol will come across to you
Do not be scared and do not hide
And break into their car
And then in the morning for sure
A lot of beer will be given to you.


Drink water before meals - you will be young for a long time.
The skin of the hands will return the former garlic and aloe juice.


Hepatitis gives death the roots of rhubarb in the decoction.
The older the peasant, the more important to him the beam!


Vienna can be seen from the inside - vinegar apple wrap.
Lesson on an empty stomach of garlic - a day of the virus in fools.


You climbed into the wilderness of the forest
got lost and tired
And the raven was already rushing:
"All! Khan to you, dude! "
To hell with a crow! Use
Old grandfather's reception -
Having found a bear in the bushes,
Give me a kick in the ass.
We guarantee: fatigue
It will immediately take off as a hand,
And from the forest your legs
They will bring you yourself.


The table is upset by snacks;
It breaks directly - and you
You look at him with longing
Fear to gain excess weight.
What is the problem! Well, drink it
Cognac is fifty grams;
A sense of fear is effective
dulls alcohol.


There are many old truths.
How, let's say, you like this:
"From the descendants of the grateful"
Write on the pot.
It seems to be a trifle, but pleasant;
somehow at once more fun
Somehow even more festive even
It will take it out.


Never argue with your wife
In order to give the truth.
Will not be born, even though you crack
She is in a dispute with a woman.
That's when men argue -
To become easy to be fathers to them.
Truth, Pinshivka,- hom-
Sexy child.
But ordinary children
Do not give birth to two men.
Here is such a blue
Dialectics, fellow countryman.


If strong sensations
In life, he doesn't get it,
If your mind is inquisitive
And with the imagination of Okay -
Put two nails in a socket
and write on them;
In the sense of sensations, this
Full, I will tell you, atas!


If you want to find out
how many needles have a hedgehog,
And over time tense -
just sit on him,
And then, at leisure,
Counting slowly
holes in a soft place,
Their number is the answer.


If you are symptoms of flu
discovered at home -
two hundred grams of vodka with pepper -
And everything will be removed like a hand.
If there are no symptoms,
Drink vodka anyway;
The infection sits deeply -
So not to see her.

Want to become enemies -
Solve the dispute with fists.

If you took the book to bed -
Better to read there.

Smile at me when meeting
I will answer you the same.

They wanted to become an athlete -
You need dumbbells at home.
True, it’s hard to get up in the morning:
Everything beckons to itself the bed.

If someone accidentally pours boiling water on your hands-
Do not shout indignantly, but close your mouth with your hand.


With an unfamiliar lady
Do not enter the elevator together.
It is not known who is
And what to expect from her.
Suddenly decides that you are a robber
Or even a maniac.
From the spray can he bursts!
Like a foot in the crotch will give!
Caution in this matter
It will never hurt.
Because of two minutes is not worth it
You are risk of such a risk.


There is a lot of vodka.
This should be taken into account
Going for fishing
Or, say, on a picnic.
And so take it
how much is able to carry away
at least a guarantee that is enough
No one will give.
There is such a law of nature:
No matter how much vodka will you take -
Anyway, then behind the new
You have to send a messenger.


If you want to go to the sea
And the spouse, on the contrary, is to the mountains,
so as not to aggravate the conflict,
Offer a compromise:
You both go to the sea, both
But he can take with him
ice ax, backpack, tent,
Well, the compass, so be it.


If you are going to visit,
where, according to intelligence,
There will be many pretty
and liberated ladies,
I need a husband under the pretext
Antiglippes measures
To force before the exit
Eat the head of garlic.


If the husband is intimate at the time
You called you, let's say, Katya,
(at least you are a passport) -
You are five days later
In the situation the same
Call Katya too;
Let the man scratch the turnip,
Let him think.


If the husband said it will
control your shopping -
You say that you agree
Only from the present day
Under control, take strict
His sauning, fishing,
At work, delaying
And the garage garage.


If the husband is an unbearable critic
your minor flaws,
If to place and out of place
He ultimate on this score -
Well, you quarrel: “Honey!
You have no advantages
But the main thing is too
You have a shallow. "

Comic fortune -telling "Magic bag" for zodiac signs

This comic fortune -telling is ideal for a very large company, when there is simply no way to pay attention to each guest separately. In this case, we must ask to raise representatives of a certain zodiac sign from a festive table, and the leading, or just a person in a fairy-tale hero, read predictions.

Comic fortune -telling magic bag for zodiac signs
Comic fortune -telling "Magic bag" for zodiac signs
Comic fortune -telling magic bag for zodiac signs
Comic fortune -telling "Magic bag" for zodiac signs

Comic fortune -telling "Magic bag" for the signs of the zodiac:

Aries - your path will be simple,
The money will be the right growth!
Only from glory do not be in oblivion,
To strengthen the attention to the family.

The year for Taurus will be glorious,
But unstable, and somewhere funny.
Success at work by labor is only given
You will have to fight for personal happiness.

For twins a year of the tiger is all in work,
You don't have to dream about Saturday,
But excellent financial transactions,
But if you yourself do not fly into alterations.

In the new year, all free crayfish
Let them make happy marriages.
They are seriously lucky in passionate love,
Only to health attention all year.

a lion
Lviv problems will not disappear this year,
But the enemies of all the heads crack.
Tigers always expect compromises from lions,
So that you have peace, love, and food.

Although, for the Ward, the year will be unstable,
But he turned out to be plentiful for love.
Girl finances should have fifty fifty
You make someone happy with your love.

Libra in the year of the tiger will weigh prospects
And in important areas will be perspicive.
Work more and die your expenses,
And you will be pleased with advances and salaries.

The law works for them all year -
Go through obstacles, Scorpio!
Decisiveness is the key to his luck,
But be afraid of all seasonal exacerbations.

A good one for Sagittarius,
You even take off the tigers.
But in personal life, suffering can wait,
Therefore, the family is extreme attention.

Everything is formed in favor of Capricorns,
It will be possible to get away from debts and taxes.
Without haste, you can snatch a piece of sweet,
But if everything is in order with health.

Aquarius, Aquarius - You do not regret your strength,
So that you live beautifully, so that it is more fun.
Do not give peace to the tigers, not in love and in everyday life,
Only knowledge and character will embody your dream.

This is a good year for fish of any gender.
All problems are better than the icebreaker.
You conquer both the tiger and the tigress,
And perhaps you will cross somewhere abroad.

We note the New Year cool!
The key word "lei"
It is dangerous to drink Aquarius,
But do not drink - still dick.

Swim, miracle fish with the flow
Without giving the little things the meaning!
Your luck will swim nearby,
And it will willingly take you to the tugboat!

Aries is a stubborn sign
In this, Aries, your drama!
You will give in more
It will be easier for your treasury.

The character of the body is not to occupy
He will digging vigorously, dig,
But it will be better if our Taurus
It will finally become a little phlegmatic.
(as an option, a little obvious will become, finally)

Focus, twins,
And hide all the ends into the water,
Leave only one end
Enough for two hearts.

It is important for cancer to turn around
And finally go ahead
Success needs to smile,
Do not drive it all year.

Virgo needs to sleep,
Enough for her to delve into business
Happiness is not in one work,
You will find him everywhere.

You put everything on the bowl
Your happiness or is not yours?
Maybe stop slowing down
Start just living!

If you want happiness for yourself,
Then refrain from bites
Have your interest in view!
Make yourself to pamper!

Stew more often more often
If you are burning from them,
Enough for you in the life of fire
Superfluous - just garbage

Stay disinterested
At least this New Year,
And maybe a miracle in life
Then it will happen.

It’s not easy to be thirteenth
But it promises you the coming year
stormy in a career of growth,
Life of a rosy blooming!

Oh, it's not true that Aries
All non -one and humble,
After a stormy feast
They love the ringing of glass!

This affectionate Taurus
The patron saint of all hearts
He is sociable, Lobast,
He will give everything for the bottle!

If you do not have a brother
Not a sister-no trouble!
Who to make friends with, with whom to get
Gemini will always find!

Cancer does not back back
He is in the soul-alkomagnat,
And in someone else's stream I took root
Because I got lost!

a lion
Brave, like a lion, and drinks like a horse
By the lion was born
And when he sleeps in the disconnect
Himself a dream without a mane!

Vodka right, beer on the left
Trust loves Virgo!
Even if this maiden
Julia, Sasha or Eve!

Who was born to the joy of mom
Under heavenly scales?
In booze, he is always involved!
Not always balanced!

Loves Scorpio very much
A lot of vodka and lemon,
And then lies in the shutdown,
He asks to give him a boz!

If you are born a arrow
By nasal, daredevil
The whole company risks
In Olivier, fall face!

This peaceful goat is mountainous
After the drink is stubborn,
Without paths, without roads
He will find his native threshold!

Pouring without sparing!
The sign is dangerous Aquarius.
After doses poured by him
Comatosis comes!

Fish love depth!
If they drink, then not one!
After a liter, without fear
Feel like in a fairy tale!

Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects

Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects
Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects
Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects
Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects
Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects
Comic fortunetelling at the table guests in verses with objects

In this case, to conduct entertainment, it will be necessary to stock up on various small objects - office, cosmetics, you can take packaged bags of tea or coffee, in a word, all that can be glued with wishes and predictions. All these cute presentations must be put in a beautiful basket and covered it so that the guests do not see what kind of surprise they will get. To the music, guests can choose a gift and receive wishes with it.

Comic fortune -telling at the table guests in verses with objects:

Good luck ocean, wealth to the planet!
Love so as not to come to the minute!
But you do not flatter yourself, I wear this
You will have to share for two!


I wish you a wonderful day!
So that from the very morning until late at night,
Your running around did not stop
The body run is useful, by the way!


So that the diet is whole,
Street-food go around three miles.
I wish that with enthusiasm, genuine,
You met carrots and celery!

Smile is the key to success,
It is accepted so.
I wish you every day
This rule is observed.


Do not forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will turn out everywhere.
Have a good mood!


Let the heart sing with joy,
The soul blooms with peace.
A smile, dear, is coming to you.
Let happiness gently warm.


Let the mood bend the mood
Fun, tenderness, warmth.
Let him inspire inspiration
In a magical dance gold.

Let him cover with the head
A lot of positive.
And pass the side,
All problems by.


And pursues luck
In the morning,
Good mood,
Will never leave.


Let the mood be higher than the sky
And he fascinates happiness to fly.
Let the success follow you blindly,
Well, the problems are all, on the contrary.


Let in the arms of a gentle shine,
Let the heart live in love.
My love, my charm,
Let your soul sings with joy.

I wish you beautiful mood
Let this day give positive!
I wish you every moment
Only a stream carried you!


Let you surround you all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!


Don't hang your nose, give a smile
And smile at the troubles after:
We are all capable of mistakes
But there is no place for despondency!


Let everything that catches hearing and vision,
It will be pleasant for the soul!
So that the best mood is
Do not rush and do not rush:


It is priceless every moment
And in every joy and love!
And blue bird mood
In your hands it will clog again!

I wish a good day
And great mood.
Let the new day bring
Only the best, happiness, luck.


If you are by chance, honey
In the morning I got up from the wrong leg,
Do not be sad, fixable
Smile and wacked.


To the desktop colleague
Make a screenshot with the windows.
Let him close the windows,
Until the humor will understand.


Lonely neighbor
On an auto glue poster:
“I will meet and come,
I’m waiting for a call only from the girls. ”


Let the mood be color,
Funny, bright, joyfully, joyful.
Let the soul drown in pleasure
And on the heels you are pursued by luck.


I wish you good and bright mood!
Worries of pleasant, joy, warmth.
Let the desires come true without delay
And let the positive with laughter surround you.


I wish you a juicy mood
And the smiles are bright, mischievous!
Let them surround everywhere
Happiness, joy and flowers!


Let the mood bloom and smell like
Like wonderful flowers a bouquet.
Let everyone leads to success.
And your bright light illuminates the path.


I wish you a cool mood!
All cute joyful troubles,
Let it fill your thoughts,
The firmament warms up the light of happiness.

And let it go right away
Everything that is so important to you.
We’ll cross in the evening
We will wave your impressions!


Let the time fly quickly.
Let the difficult day not tire
So that later we are with you
Well spent the evening.


And let this wonderful day
It will be filled with sweet love.
Out of happiness, you will wear a veil for yourself
Wrap with joy with a thin shawl.


Well, do you want a lot
What did not get so.
Let everything be fulfilled in full,
All opponents went "to"!


Green lights are burning
Today is always for you.
I wish with love, my angel,
Good, good day.


Good luck - the ocean, wealth - the planet!
Love - so as not to swim to the minute!
But you do not flatter yourself, I wear this
You will have to share for two!


I wish everything to happen today
Just the way you want you!
So that the plans for perfectly turn out,
So that your hopes and dreams come true!

Ears today
On a successful wave,
Listen to them
And one itself!


Redo all things
Well -being on plus
And a good day for us
And a wonderful mood!


Let the smile radiant
Slows brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully
And all the good will return to you!


I wish you a vivid mood
Only charge in the district of everyone!
Let both goals and aspirations
There will be no interference!


I wish you a wonderful day
I inspire work
Let all things turn out
And luck does not end


And success will come to you
A lot of happiness will lead
And everyone will come true dreams
Day, worthy of beauty.


And the world will seem to you
Even more beautiful and kinder.
Let it bring a new day
Everything that you believe in in childhood!

Let everything come true today,
Let the success meet
And believe and loves!
Love stronger stronger!


Let the violins play in the shower,
Or maybe a solo on the pipe!
Today the best smile
May life smile at you!


Let this day be clear
Kind, sunny, beautiful,
And a million smiles
Let him give you!


I wish you a wonderful day
Let the luck go to you,
Didn't saw you to the bosses,
And you would have lost money with money!


Good luck today I wish you
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything
And let any trouble be nothing!


Let everything turn out as it was planned,
And let your life go, and loved you!
Let the luck wait for you and me!
I wish you a good, good day!


Let this day start with smiles,
Let there be more tenderness and affection,
And all the beautiful dreams come true,
As in the kindest and most happy fairy tale!


Have a nice day!
May my wishes inspire you!
For exploits and for experiments,
For positive and funny moments!


Let it be a good day
And the amount of seven -digit
Revenues are measured,
Problems are resolved.


Let in the morning and evening
Everything will be as planned
Work will not be in vain
Everything will pass, as in clockwork!


Let the day get wrong in the morning
The victory will be only yours!
In love, deeds and entertainment,
Live a day with pleasure!

Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper

Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper
Comic fortune -als in poems on pieces of paper

Fortune -telling on pieces of paper can be carried out in an original way - find a beautiful, carved wooden box, an original chest, and in them fold pieces of paper with predictions and wishes. The process of fortune -telling itself can be carried out by a gypsy, a magician, a woman Yaga, a witch - the main thing is that a person’s costume is interesting and a little fabulous. Guests can draw a piece of paper at random and read wishes, and then say a toast. Thus, you can entertain guests for a long time.

Comic fortune -telling in verses on pieces of paper:

When in your affairs order,
When your soul sings,
Do not hesitate - the one who is near
The whole thing will relate.

But if you take colored paper,
Pen, scissors and glue
And a little more courage
You can make one hundred rubles.


The sweetest and most fluffy, kind, warm, clean,
Awesome beautiful, wonderful playful!
Supermodic, interesting, modern and famous!
With a cool beat, with a cool bass, they have to eat with ganjubas,
If you want delicious beer, so that the night will go beautifully!
Or with a smell of color, in general a super-duper of dreams.


If you sad, do not sit at home -
For a walk, it will immediately become more fun!
Someone familiar is suitable with a smile
Or make you a sparrow in a pool!

Shopping mood will raise you too,
You should forget about strict diet!
Coffee with a sweet cake, as if you will help you -
Want to live right away, create, love!

So that everything works out,
Do not lower your hands!
So that it does not happen in life,
Meet everything with a smile!

For nature, as you know,
Any climate is grace!
And you have to go honestly
To take the best from life!

Do not be sad, do not gribly eyebrows,
May May rage in the soul!
Walking and more fun,
Raise your mood!


I will disperse your doubts
I will give the green light -
Well, think, luck
I stumbled on hello ...
This is temporary, and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
The happiness of the dawns will shine
Luck open the door.

Smile, shoulders wider
Strier than a step, go forward -
Waiting for you with a success meeting
And the miracles of the cycle!

Sadness, longing and sadness will pass,
Problems will scatter
Try it to spite them now
Smile wider!


Let's smile in the morning and wait for changes
And believe that the rainbow world will smile in return.
Let's forget about pain and resentment now,
So that the past in the future no longer torment us ...


Let's forget fatigue, mistakes and fear ...
We will believe that happiness and joy only in our hands ...
And boldly go, without looking back, for happiness forward.
Failures have gone ... Now endlessly lucky ...


Let's believe that our family is an ideal
That God is not in vain in a half from heaven ...
The smiles of the kids - this is confirmed for us ...
Let's believe not tomorrow, but here and now ...


Let's learn to appreciate every morning,
For the fact that we can hope, believe, and live,
For the fact that the child kisses, loving ...
Because we live for others, not sparing ourselves ...


Let's smile in the morning and believe in people ...
And there is no doubt about the success of new ideas ...
Let's sculpt our life out of love and good ...
Believe me, because it's time to face happiness!


Get used to being happy!
Wake up with a radiant smile ...
And with a look, in children's, clean,
Get used to love each other ...


Learn not to call the bad
Preating troubles in advance ...
You keep other conversations ...
Learn to bloom with your soul ...


Get used to good to notice
And appreciate what is given to life ...
And you don't have to run for happiness ...
There will be happiness to run after you!


Learn do not wait for a trick
From people of strangers and loved ones ...
After all, everyone has high, and low
There is a desire - happiness to know ...


Get used not to get angry with evil
And take a chance to help, figure it out ...
If someone suddenly began to bite
So, in some ways he was not lucky ...


Learn to ask for forgiveness
And forgive ... Fate will smile at you.
And spring will return to your soul!
Get used to being happy ...

Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes

Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes
Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes
Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes
Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes
Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes
Comic fortune -telling for a holiday by notes

To do this, you need to prepare jokes in advance. The text of the predictions can be written even just on a sheet of white paper, but it will be better if your notes are made festively.

Comic fortune -telling for the holiday by notes:

Be sports and healthy!
Sports to be now fashionable again!
You will understand a lot with sports:
Sports - and health without pills,
Sports - and fun without worries.

Do sports with friends,
Believe me, really all year round!
Frost - skates you dress,
Then you already get up on the skis!
Try to do every day
Charging in the morning! There will be laziness
At first, but you will get used to it soon ...
You will become healthy - it's cool!


Laziness guys, very bad -
Never be lazy.
If you are lazy -
A terrible trouble is waiting for you:
You will lie on the stove
With a thick belly in the corners.
And everyone eat chocolates
With vinaigrette in half.


You eat five times a day,
There will be no severity in the stomach,
Drink with honey milk
And you will fall asleep easily.


Eat apples and pears,
Your skin will be better.
You still eat a lemon
He will help to learn calcium.


For health and order
Start a day with charging.
You don't eat the meat in the dough
There will be a waist in place.


For a long, long, long slept -
These are ailments of the signal.
Touch, exercise
And do not give in to the spleen.


So that the team does not blush for you
Message on time, go through!


To become wider in the shoulders,
Raise the comrade to the weight!


To have a honor and success in the team
Come to work an hour before everyone else!


Do young people make noise at night in the entrance?
Make them reprimand. You live here!


Eat comrade vegetables fresh
To get the health of the bear!


You can achieve a lot
If you work hard!


So that there is no trouble
And they did not take trouble by surprise
Follow the guys always
Safety measures!


To make health in order -
Take a sports exercise!


Everything will be: smiles and flowers,
And always everyone will come true,
And our life, as in a fairy tale will blossom,
The soul in the chest, as in childhood, will sing.
And old friends will support us
And the new ones will be in a good hour.


Fate, smiling at you, will win around
I will send good luck immediately to us.


I wish, a friend, a carefree life,
Do not know Utubov, Knightin, holes!
Be a bird of the highest flight
On the envy of small sparrows!


Not in the mood? Rather to nature!
Here is beauty at any time of the year!
Kolya Summer, right by the river
We will divert the fire, fire barbecue,
Let's catch a fish, pike, perch!


Do not be sad, do not be sad, -
The mood is on the way!
Rushes, not sparing the legs,
To please you!
On Kamaz, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear,
Pretends to be a pilot
Getting by plane,
It will not reduce its agility,
It will make you laugh,
Sing, dance and smile,
To enjoy life!


Give smiles! Meet warmth!
Always fill your house with love!
And there will be smiles, warmth and love
Back to return to you again and again!
And happiness will be for many years!
Nothing will ruin the life of the weather to you!


When, having taken off, you will break down
You hold on my hand.
Do not dare to be afraid to take a step! -
Then you will understand who is a friend, who is the enemy.
And if the trouble suddenly comes
Don't lose heart.


I ask you not to suffer
And you can’t tear your heart to pieces.
And know: go ahead, there,
Where only your star shines:
Dance, play, step, dream,
Live, learn, love, fly!
And if it becomes hard suddenly
You remember that there is a friend nearby!


When at the end of the road,
Arriving from afar,
You barely drag your legs -
Sit down, drink a beer.
And all your sorrows
No matter how it may be,
They will forget, set sail
From the body and soul.


Kohl is sad, turn on the music soon
And in the apartment in the dance!
And dance to the magic sounds
You will save you from the spleen, longing and boredom!


The insecure mood is replaced by joyful!
I don’t want potatoes - so the dumplings are cooking!
I don't want to jump like a bunny on the path
Then imagine that you have a clue on the left leg!


I don't want to cook food - do not cook,
I don’t want to get sick - let's go away!
I don’t want to look - close your eyes quietly!
Do not want to sing - then read us fairy tales!


If you want to cry, we instantly make a laugh!
If you want to be sad - you will not allow you!

Comic fortune -telling on Tarot cards

Comic fortune -telling
Comic fortune -telling
Comic fortune -telling
Comic fortune -telling

Invite each guest to stretch one of the cards, and then read the prediction. You can also make gift cards of the tarot, and attach to them “news from fate”. If such a tarot cards are designed as beautifully and original as possible, then they will remain for your guests an original reminder of the holiday.

Comic fortune -telling on Tarot cards:

If every new year
Drink so that you are ashamed to remember
This is the time you fuck you stronger
So as not to remember anything.

Do not go to restaurants
And meet the holiday at home:
Fashion went in restaurants
There are bugs and spiders.

Do not waste money on salute,
Otherwise, after a week
Grandma will say at the entrance
What Major have you and booted.

Do not invite guests to the house:
Not out of greed - for good.
Since people are for free
Freak to colic ...

You don't give gifts,
Otherwise, people soon
They’ll sit on your neck quickly
And they will require additives.

If you fell into the salad
And they slept in it a little,
Do not stew, but admit
That it is just very tasty.

When opening a bottle
Have you got a cork in the eye?
Do not be sad, but tell me
That the Fingal will illuminate the holiday.

If your wife sent you
To the point where there is no mobile connection,
But maybe there are bears
Christmas trees, wolves and snowballs,
Then - go right in slippers
And of course, too, too,
So as not to freeze the nose,
After all, winter is on the street.
In this paragraph, appointments,
Chop there so much Christmas tree
How much is enough before the summer
New Year to celebrate.
And when you start to roar,
Opening a logging,
Do not call - useless -
You are out of access of the network.
Better break the cones,
Bake the sizoplapp
And send bird mail
SMS, maybe it will reach.
When the New Year comes
Don't ask yourself
What I thought yesterday,
Supporting store,
Overclock packages,
Cursing from the heart,
Salads are different to strict
And cut the fingers into the blood,
The mind offered you:
"Do not worry. Bread and salt. "

Approaching unfamiliar men
A woman should already in advance
Shoot them with languid eyes,
Show signs and gestures
And the calls are different.
Let them already feel from afar:
You are a goddess! Let them lie at the feet.
You just have to win.

Approaching unfamiliar women,
Guys, remove the rings of fidelity.
And send your wife with your children to Africa,
Let them splash with crocodiles,
Or to the neighboring galaxy,
To have fun without danger.

If anyone ask forgiveness
Suddenly he will suddenly decide:
You were offended by freaks.
Let the eyes be embedded humbly:
Nothing will hurt. And before the wedding heals.

If you come to visit friends
Eat everything in a row,
Cross the dishes unnecessary,
In karaoke Orita Furily
And pour a friendly company
Battle to play.
We are Russians, remember the story!
Let friends remember completely
That devastation is sometimes remarkable.

If your wife bothers you
Sleep in the "Greek" salad,
It does not permit,
The legs under the table are trampling everything,
Offended men
They should not be humiliated.
Let them see everything as proudly
He cuts a drunken petrel
Forever from these women,
Landing right into the cake!

If you are a piece of meat
I dropped her knees
And inadvertently on the dress
This is a fat spot
Put two pieces of sausage in this place
And decorate with a leaf of salad
This corporate design.

Learn to cry
After all, our crying
Reliable, faithful friend.
The one who is too strict with us
He will do good.
And even those who are evil now
Will make us regret.
And every time -
A tear from the eyes
From anger of us

If you are the best with your friend
Quarreled forever
And she did not have time to tell her,
That the outfit on it sucks
Make up, get along longer
So far, everything that has accumulated
You will not express in the eye.

If you asked for a ring
And you bought linen ...
Shout to your husband indignantly
That you will not wear.
Let him wear all this himself,
There is no longer asking for anymore,
Let him not call "pussy"
Now he will be “kisoy”.

When the police are already
Knocks on your door
To put on bracelets to everyone,
Lead to one's prison
For all the neighbors suddenly
Drink into insanity.
Tell them: “Well, so be,
I'm pouring you now. "

If the mirror is not immediately
You will recognize yourself in the morning
Look at whom
You, poor fellow, look like.
Yes, remember him.
If you meet suddenly,
Then run off. Let them laugh around.


You smile more often
Have fun and sing songs.
Then everyone wants
Meet you.

Do you want to be loved?
Do you good to people.
You will be convinced very soon -
You act smartly.

Think more often about good
Do not remember the bad.
Life will be beautiful then.
This is for sure, so know

To improve the mood.
You come to the mirror
Come in for yourself
And then go to friends.

In the morning you temper
Dry the cold water.
You will always be healthy.
There is no extra words here.

Do you have to cross the road?
You look around
There is a danger or not.
Here is my advice.

You need to eat carefully
A spoon into the mouth
Then the food will be in the stomach
And not to hang from the ceiling.

Take yourself hands, iron,
Kiss and hug
Allow people only
Very close and relatives.
And do not allow strangers,
Avoid affection with them,
What can be close to people
Not supposed to be strangers.


If in the morning you were going to work hastily,
After drinking coffee, they inserted the legs into the socks, between the matter,
Carefully look at the rest of your clothes,
Suddenly it turns out that the jeans are already busy with someone!


No need to rely on God,
As long as you yourself do not act in any way.
God helps only those persons,
To work who is glad in the name of life.


If a friend is a birthday
I invited you to me -
You leave a gift at home:
It will come in handy yourself.
Try to sit next to the cake,
Do not enter into conversations -
Mouth during a conversation
Swalfty of sweets will eat half.
Choose pieces of smaller
To swallow faster.
Do not grab the salad with your hands -
You will scoop more with a spoon.
If suddenly the nuts are given
Their rash carefully in the pocket.
But do not hide jam there -
It will be difficult to remove.

Video: gypsy fortune -telling, comic predictions on cards

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