How to properly plant guests at a banquet, wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate party: options

How to properly plant guests at a banquet, wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate party: options

Important events are accepted to accompany the solemn banquet. The responsible organizational moment is the seedling of guests in order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, you need to take care of the comfortable pastime of the invited in advance.

To be able to properly plant guests at the event is to ensure a mental and fun triumph. The final scheme for seedlings of guests is printed in several versions. For comfortable maintenance, one of the copies is at the disposal of the waiters.

The second copy is necessary for the administrator of the institution to adjust organizational issues. In case of changing the number of guests, the scheme will quickly make changes and clearly agree with customers. One option remains with the heroes of the occasion or the most active participants.

How to properly plant guests at a banquet, wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate party: etiquette rules

Before you choose one of the options to seal guests For the celebration, take into account several important points. Each room has its own characteristics. For us, the size of the rented area, the presence of columns and arches, the presence of a dance site or scene are important.

The more spacious the room, the more opportunities for the implementation of various schemes:

  • representatives male are placed to the left of women;
  • if the event has central figures, then they should fall into the field of view of all invited;
  • near married couple plant relatives and close friends;
  • for children organize a separate table or form a company by age;
  • lone guests are seated with similar invited;
  • you can not group absolutely strangers to each other;
  • pair planted nearby or opposite each other;
  • a large number of guests are conditionally sorted out in small groups by age and interests.

How to properly plant guests at a banquet, wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate party: views

To plant guests, it is important to choose them depending on the event. To begin with, consider several options how to plant guests at a wedding.



Classical scheme for seedlings of guests

  • For a wedding with a small number of guests and a limited space, it is advisable to choose a scheme in the form of a long table. Several tables of the same size are built close to each other, forming one elongated rectangle.
  • New spouses Set up In the center of the table. The wife should sit on the right hand of her husband. In the neighborhood, parents or witnesses are seated.
  • When choosing classic scheme The number of guests should not exceed 25 people. In this case, the length of the table is about 10 meters, which allows guests to comfortably maintain contact with each other.

The location of the guests in the form of the letter T

  • Seal guests in the form of the letter T relevant for small rooms. The choice of this scheme allows you to spatially separate the heroes of the celebration and the main guests from the total mass of the invited.
  • The choice of this scheme has a drawback - guests located at the ends of the table will lose some of the seats in the perpendicular plane. Recommended number of guests 25-50 people.
Letter t
Letter t

Location of seats in the form of the letter P

  • Scheme of seedlings of guests in the form of the letter p Allows you to place a large number of guests in a small territory. Among the minuses - Guests sitting inside the letter P on parallel rows will be placed with their backs to each other. It is important to provide a reserve of space for a comfortable way out of the table, taking into account the stacked chairs.
  • The choice of this scheme is relevant for the number of guests within 30-60 people. The more participants in the event, the more tables are added in two parallel rows. Scheme P is often used for short bundles.
Letter p
Letter p

Location of seats in the form of the letter Sh

  • The scheme in the form of the letter W is the transformation of the letter P. This option is used with a large number of invited. The larger the number of seats, the less space is withstanding between the legs.
  • When choosing a scheme with the letter S, you need to properly plant guests so that the minimum number of participants sits with their backs to each other. The optimal number of invited within 60-100 people.
The number of tables depending on the number of guests
The number of tables depending on the number of guests

Europeans prefer a large number of separate tables. Such schemes allow you to divide people into small groups according to various criteria. It is easier for people of the same age or close relatives to maintain a conversation and find points of contact. Consider several options seatings of guests in a European manner.

Seal guests in Italian

  • The scheme involves a large number of square tables in a large territory.
  • Each table is located 4 persons each. If such a scheme is used for a wedding, then the groom and the bride’s table should be located on a small elevation in the field of view of all invited.
  • Tables are placed at a sustained distance from each other in the same position.

Seal guests in English

  • The English scheme uses several separate round tables.
  • The optimal number of people for each group is no more than 8. The tables can be placed in a checkerboard pattern or a semicircle relative to the scene.
In English
In English

Location of the boar style

  • Cabaret style It involves landing the invited behind round tables in the amount of 4-6 people. The main advantage of this scheme is that each of the invited in the field of view has a central table or scene with events.
  • The seats are located in a semicircle, in front of which there is a rectangular table in the center with the main participants in the celebration.
  • By this principle, tables in a cabaret are placed. From here the name of the scheme was fixed.

Seal guests in American

  • At large -scale American events, it is accepted Separate seats and tables of the Swedish type.Tables with food are placed along the perimeter of the room.
  • In the center of the hall, two parallel rows with seats are formed from the tables. At the base of the rows in the center, a table with newlyweds is placed.

Universal Scheme of Seat Gays"Christmas tree"

  • The Christmas tree scheme involves building separate rectangular tables At a certain angle to the central place. This type of seedling of guests is popular with both Europeans and Russians. At the top of the Christmas tree, a central table is placed, at which the heroes of the celebration or key figures are sitting.
  • On the right and left are lined up two rows of seats at 45 degrees. There are 8 people at one tables. Each row consists of 2-3 separate tables. The schematic placement of tables should resemble a Christmas tree with branches lowered downward.
  • The placement in which the branches are located up is considered wrong. In the second option, half of the invited will turn their back to the central table or stage.
Christmas tree
Christmas tree


  • If you are puzzled how to plant guests on a corporate party, then you will be an ideal option for you scheme rows. Tables are built in parallel rowsbut do not contact each other. Such an arrangement allows you to plant an unlimited number of people.
  • Communication between employees in this case is carried out with the help of a toastmaster or leading.

A round table for a birthday: how to plant guests?

  • Correctly plant guests at the birthday of a round table will help. A small number of invitees will feel comfortable at a round table.
  • Participants in the event will see each other well and will be able to participate in a general conversation. How to plant guests at a round table can be seen in the diagram below.

  • An alternative may be the form square or rectangle.
  • Round table Passes for official events. The absence of angles has certain magnetism.

Video: Seal guests at a banquet

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