Folk signs for the New Year, so that the money is made, get married, get pregnant, to health, happiness, luck, love, desire. Signs for the New Year: about the Christmas tree, New Year's table, toys

Folk signs for the New Year, so that the money is made, get married, get pregnant, to health, happiness, luck, love, desire. Signs for the New Year: about the Christmas tree, New Year's table, toys

New Year's beliefs and signs will help to find out about future changes in your life. The article talks about the most interesting and “true” ways to attract good luck in the new year.

Street New Year signs

  • If before the New Year you see 3 or more cats in one room, in the new year you will find incontinence on the tongue.
  • If before the New Year, December 31, you will meet on a blind street, life in the new year will change 180 degrees. You will begin to perceive reality. Try to think only about good things on New Year's Eve and in the new year, do good things and good deeds, and a new life will please you.
  • If on December 31 you had to stumble, then the right leg means that obstacles in personal life awaited, the left in business. In the new year, it is necessary to compete with obstacles in these areas.
  • If on December 31, you fall by car all the time under the green light - the New Year will be light and successful. Red light - to obstacles and stops when making decisions.
  • If the bird marked your clothes on December 31, then this means that someone is gossiping about you and possibly several faces. On other days, birds are marked with money.
  • If on December 31 you first met on the street or in the entrance of a person of the opposite sex, you will find fun and joy the whole New Year holiday, if yours, then nothing special will be.

Signs and superstitions about the New Year's table, champagne

New Year - A holiday with a number of superstitions important for a person and will. They can concern any part of the holiday: its advance, time of its holding, set table, brought gifts and much more. For example, champagne.

There is a sign that says what you need write your desire on a small piece of paper pen or pencil. After that, the piece of paper should definitely be set fire to and throw the ashes into the glass of champagne. This drink is instantly drunk with ash so that the desire is necessarily realized.

Important: write a desire and drink the drink must be under the battle of chimes, everything needs to be in time for 12 knocks.

  • If a glass of a glass accidentally crashed at the New Year's table - expect quarrels in the family.
  • If a plate or a cup broke up at the New Year's table, you or your loved ones will have a wedding in the new year or you will receive an invitation to a wedding to friends or acquaintances.

Signs and superstitions about a Christmas tree and toys for the New Year

Christmas tree - symbol of the new year. In order for it to be generous and happy, the tree follows decorate with Christmas tree toys abundantly and other popular jewelry.

  • If you have an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year, then put sprigs or pines in a vase so that a natural tree is present in the house.
  • If you accidentally defeated the New Year's toy on December 31, wait for unexpected cash receipts.
  • If with the help of a Christmas tree you want to attract love according to Feng Shui, then be sure to dress a natural Christmas tree, decorate it with pair toys of pink and red, symbolizing love and put it in the far right corner of the room. At the top of the Christmas tree, attach a large red heart.
  • If with the help of a Christmas tree you want to attract a career, set the Christmas tree opposite the front door against the wall. Of the toys, give preference to what will be related to your work. If there are no toys, then place the beliefs that you will use in your work. You can draw and attach drawings to the Christmas tree.
  • If with the help of a Christmas tree you want to attract money, wealth, then put a Christmas tree in the near left corner of the room. Toys should be gold and silver, among them there should be toys that resemble coins, money in shape. Real banknotes are welcome.
  • If with the help of a Christmas tree you want to attract many friends and fun in the new year, install the Christmas tree in the left corner near the door. And dress the Christmas tree toys that your friends should give you. At least each one.
  • If you want to give birth to a child in the new year, then put the Christmas tree in the right corner closer to the door and dress it with your own toys and related to newborns. Children's toys are also suitable. There should be an angel at the top.
  • If with the help of a Christmas tree you want to attract travels, then put a Christmas tree in the middle of the right wall from the door and decorate with the symbols that are associated with the city or with the country that you want to visit. For example, Paris is connected with the Eiffel Tower, Japan with Sakura.
  • The Christmas tree set in the middle of the room and dressed up by all members of the family with love will bring all the best and happy by little to the house.
  • If the Christmas tree is already in the house, but you want to attract something for yourself, then do it with a small Christmas tree dressed in a vase of branches and put it in the place where the desired will be involved.
  • The brighter and more magnificent the Christmas tree, the better and richer the New Year will be.
  • There is also a sign: the Christmas tree follows hang not only toys, but also banknotes, coins and sweets.

Important: such a decor will not only delight the eye, but also attract luck and well -being, financial independence, a generous table and a “sweet” life next year.

Money on the Christmas tree

Signs and superstitions about New Year's gifts

  • If you accidentally got a gift from toilets, then in the new year you will have a new fan.
  • If you were given a toy or a slight souvenir for the New Year, then you will be lucky.

Celebrate the New Year with debts and without debts: sign

  • There is one important sign - Na year must be met with full pockets! This belief can be perceived literally or symbolically. Some literally score their pockets with money, The larger the bill, the better.
  • It is believed that a direct connection with money will help a person to gain prosperity next year. It's okay if you have no pockets in the New Year's dress, but there is a good bank account. This is also considered.
  • But if you completely spun on the New Year's table and gifts, your accounts and pockets are empty - this is bad. Such a sign promises you squeezing, a large number of debts and financial troubles in the new year.
  • If you have to celebrate the New Year with loans not paid or not given a debt, then make such a ritual:
    Throw a plaid on your shoulders or a small bedspread (debt cargo) and walk or sit with it for 1-2 last hours before the New Year. As soon as the chimes are pierced 12 times, drop this “load” with the words “Now I'm free!”. The situation in the new year will take shape so that the debt will be easier to give. Perhaps you are fully paid within a year.

Important: one of the most faithful and “strong” will receive: do not celebrate the New Year with debts. This will contribute to the fact that next year you will not be able to distribute them for a whole year. That is why most people seek to repay all debts, even the smallest.


Signs and superstitions in the New Year for money and wealth

What to pay attention to:

  • On New Year's Eve, the wallet should be with money. The more money and large bills, the better.
  • If on New Year's Eve it was the left hand that was combed. It is not necessary to scratch it, just squeeze it into a fist and put it in your pocket, where you will open it. This is for money!
  • On New Year's Eve put a coin under the rug at the threshold. This will allow you to pour money in your house next year.
  • For the New Year to be successful and prosperous, before the holiday follows not only take a thorough cleaning of the housebut also throwing all things with negative energy: broken, glued or dirty things - a symbol of poverty.
  • The New Year's table must be literally literally "Break from treats". This sign portends prosperity to the family and a generous table all year round.
  • Before New Year Do not borrow money to anyone - This sign portends you a financial collapse for the entire coming year.
  • If January 1, you had the opportunity to buy any product in a store at a discount, a year promises to be money and happy!
  • If on New Year's Eve they dropped a piece of food on their clothes and stained, then this is to money, but related to gossip and envy.

Important: one of the signs suggests that on New Year's Eve you put a coin in a glass, previously washed and drink the entire glass under the chimes. In addition, the coin should be stored in a wallet, like a amulet.

Signs and superstitions for love and marriage in the New Year

  • There is a belief that those who have not yet met their love must celebrate the New Year with some symbol This feeling: a heart, Valentine, a photo of kissing silhouettes, a desire written on paper - it does not matter. During the battle of chimes, it follows squeeze as much as possible This subject is to make a desire.
  • The eastern belief says: “Winging to meet his love in the New Year, follows have a wand of a cinnamon". It is believed that cinnamon (cinnamon bark) has strong magical properties to attract a romantic relationship to a person. Such a wand does not need to be thrown away, it needs to be carried with you all the time, like a talisman or if you want to get married (get married).
  • Another sign advises chimes in the battle squeeze the hand of a loved one tightly or spouse. This will allow next year to avoid a couple of quarrels and scandals, together to “go by the arm” all year and not part.
  • On the other hand, if you broke up and not to carry the burden of the rupture in the New Year, you need to symbolically burn last year's calendar and get rid of all gifts from a person.
  • If your clothes broke on New Year's Eve, wait for a passionate romance, including fleeting.

Signs in the New Year for pregnancy and childbirth

New Year's Eve is not in vain considered magical. At this time, it is customary not only to toss, but also make a wish In order for them to come true next year. You can make anything, even the appearance of such joy in the family as a child.

What are the beliefs:

  • A good sign is to invite a couple to your house, which is already waiting for the appearance of a baby in the family.
  • The right sign is to try a woman who wants to get pregnant, something from the hands of a woman already in a position. A particularly effective way is to feed something out of a spoon.
  • It is believed that a couple who wants to get pregnant and give birth to a child in the new year, you should buy something for a child: a nipple, booties or a suit. This will attract a "child" to your home.
  • A good sign is to buy and put in the house for the New Year ficus. Ficus will attract all the negative energy, which has not allowed the couple to get a child.
  • Gifts from agate or pearls are considered "harbingers" of an imminent pregnancy.

Celebrate the New Year in one, alone: \u200b\u200bsign

One of the most unfavorable accepts for the New Year - meet the holiday in "proud loneliness". This will be favored by the fact that you will be alone next year: you will not meet a “second soul mate” or part with your loved one, you will experience many difficulties in communicating with friends, relatives and colleagues.

Important: in order to save yourself from the negative consequences of signs, you should definitely invite guests to yourself, or agree to come to the one who managed to invite you. A stormy meeting of the New Year with a large number of people portends a year filled with pleasant meetings, events, dates and readiness of comrades to always come to your aid in a difficult situation.

Signs for the New Year to fulfill desires

The most "true" signs:

  • Make a desire and hang on a Christmas tree a toy with the image of a symbol of the year. It can be any drawing or a pattern with a rooster (2017), for example, or a dog (2018). A tribute to the symbol of the year will contribute to the fact that next year your desires will certainly become real.
  • Speaking about jewelry on the Christmas tree, it should be noted that All toys are very symbolic: a toy in the form of a house will help to purchase the desired real estate in the new year, an airplane can fly on a long -awaited trip or to a resort, a machine - buy the desired car, candy - to find a luxurious and “sweet” life.
  • If from a Christmas tree in any situation a toy fell and crashed on the floor - This is a good sign. It is necessary to immediately make a desire, collect and throw fragments into the street (not to the garbage bucket).
  • If your desire concerns financial well -being, immediately after the fight of chimes in the first minutes of the new year follows wash out large cash bills or foreign currency. This will help you come true to your desires, always acquire what you want and not have a shortage of funds.
  • There is one good sign - for good luck and luck next year, as well as in order for all your wishes to come true, it should be Be sure to celebrate the New Year in new clothes. This will attract prosperity and luck.
New Year's signs related to desire
New Year's signs related to desire

New Year's signs and superstitions for good luck and happiness

Signs for luck:

  • If you celebrate New Year's Eve on your territory, then call as many guests as possible - this is for luck. If you go to celebrate to someone, then you will confuse the owner of the year to send good luck, bringing gifts with you for those who invited.
  • Necessarily prepare meat dishes On the New Year's table. This will contribute to the fact that all year to be “well -fed”, generous and in abundance.
  • In addition, for the year to be successful, you should not throw food from the New Year's table in no case. If there are crafts left, fed them to the dog, but do not send them to the garbage bucket!
  • In order for good luck to you in the next year, followed respect the symbol of the year and its color. If you choose an outfit in the color of a symbol to meet the holiday, you will be taken all year round.
  • It's believed that it is bad to celebrate the New Year with old grievances in the heart. Forgive all your offenders and be sure to confess. This will allow you to easily celebrate the New Year and spend it on a positive note.
  • So that your house is in abundance all year, on New Year's Eve follows "Hit the brownie". To do this, leave a glass of champagne and a plate of delicious treat in the kitchen.
  • Cover on the table, be sure only White tablecloth. It symbolizes a new page of your life, well -being and good, which should come to you next year.
  • If you put under the New Year's tablecloth on the table coins - This will attract prosperity and money to your house in the new year.
  • Put on the festive table seven candles in a circle and light them. It is believed that they will serve as a kind of amulet that repels evil spirits from you and a symbol of the family hearth for protection in the new year.
  • If you clean the tangerine and place it in front of the New Year's Eve under the Christmas tree, and in the morning, waking up, eat it, then in the new year there will be many happy moments.
  • Do not allow you to dousy with wine on New Year's Eve - this is to mental agony and suffering.
  • If you took a nap and overslept the fight of the chimes, but then celebrated on New Year's Eve - luck awaits you.
New Year signs for good luck
New Year signs for good luck

Health signs in the new year

  • It is believed that in order for you to have well -being, beauty and health next year, you follow Take a bath or just a shower. This will be washed away from you all last year's negative and will allow you to “enter the New Year” without health problems.
  • Women are recommended to do such a ritual for health: throw a handkerchief on your shoulders Under the first blow of the chimes and before the latter, remove it. This should be done very quickly and agile. Such a ritual will protect the beauty and health of a woman next year.
  • It is believed that in order to enter the coming year without disease, it is necessary give all debts, ask everyone who occupied you to return them. This will restore your energy field and attract health.

Sign: get sick on New Year's Eve

It's believed that sick on New Year's Eve is one of the worst signs. The belief suggests that the upcoming year will not only be difficult, but also attract a lot of diseases to you: colds, infections, chronic diseases. If you feel the slightest ailment, try to make the maximum amount of effort in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Sneeze on New Year's Eve: Sign

Sneeze on New Year's Eve just like that (and not because a person is cold or sick)- this is a good sign. Moreover, such a sign promises a happy life not only to the one who sneezed, but also to everyone sitting at the table. If someone unexpectedly sneezed for yourself on your feast, congratulate him on a happy new year and be sure to drink it for it!

Cry on New Year's Eve: Sign

Crying on New Year's Eve is a bad sign. She says that the whole coming year you will spend in sadness, sadness, separation or problems that will constantly spoil you and bring you to tears. Try to protect yourself from this on a festive evening, even if there is a good reason.

Celebrate the New Year on the road, on the train: sign

Celebrate the New Year on the road - Not the best sign. An exception can be only for the person who is very lonely. In another case, the belief warns that the next year literally “will not give rest”, will not allow you to be at home and will “take it from the family”.

Spend New Year, sleep on New Year's Eve: signs

If you are not a small child, not a sick person, then a dream on New Year's Eve - bad sign. It is about the most magical time of the holiday - midnight. As the saying goes: "To sleep the New Year - to oversleep your happiness!". That is why make the maximum amount of effort to be awake and active, have fun and drink champagne. Do everything so that the coming year is joyful for you and does not upset you.

Monthly on New Year's Eve: Sign

Such a sign has a dual value. For example, if a woman dreams of becoming pregnant and on New Year's Eve begins menstruation, this tells her that She will not succeed in “getting a child” next year. If you do not plan a child and you started menstruation - this is a good sign. The process itself is aimed at cleansing the body of "bad blood", which means that you will cleanse you in order to You met and spent the New Year healthy and clean.

Sign with a new broom in the New Year

For happiness in the house in the coming year, you should definitely buy a new broom! It is believed that the new broom will certainly begin revenge in a new way and will remove the "old" problems from the house, troubles and quarrels. Tie a red ribbon to the broom and put a broom in a prominent place.

Celebrate New Year in red underpants, socks, new linen: omen

It is believed that no matter what year comes, red color attracts prosperity and well -being into the house and family. That is why, even if you do not put on a red dress, for example, or a shirt, you can wear red panties or socks. These little wardrobe items are mandatory “Close good luck and money to you”.

Celebrate the New Year in the new apartment: sign

To celebrate the New Year in your new apartment, of course, fortunately, if this housing is legal and you should not have money for him. Dress the house, “give” the apartment a symbol of the year, be sure to put a festive Christmas tree. This will attract good luck to the apartment and contribute to a peaceful happy life for the whole family.

Important: if you have the opportunity, be sure to invite you to a new apartment to celebrate your own people and friends. This will help people always come to your aid in difficult times and support in any situation.

If you are not so lucky that you celebrate the New Year in the new apartment, then to update the interior of the apartment, will also be equivalent to happiness in the new year as in the new apartment. To do this, rearrange or change furniture. Buy or make rugs, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins with your own hands. The main thing is that there are changes and freshness in the interior.

Video: What cannot be given for the New Year - signs

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