Fast charlotte with apples in the oven: a simple and quick recipe

Fast charlotte with apples in the oven: a simple and quick recipe

The fastest and most delicious recipe for charlotte with apples.

Each self -respecting mistress knows how to deliberately prepare an amazing, fragrant and magnificent charlotte. What recipes they do not have in the reserve of their culinary book. But sometimes it is necessary to prepare this popular dessert quickly, at the same time having a minimum set of products. We offer to do this with the help of the easiest and very fast recipe.

A simple and quick recipe for charlotte with apples in the oven: 3 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1 cup flour

Minimum set of products:

  1. 3 eggs
  2. 1 tbsp. Sahara
  3. 1 tbsp. flour
  4. Fresh apples - from 3 pcs. to any amount that has its own taste

Main steps:

  • Beat chilled eggs quickly with a mixer or corolla
  • Gradually, a thin stream, pour sugar, continue to whip
  • Then we also slowly add sifted flour, beat at a slower speed
Cooking the dough
  • We clean the fruits from the seeds, cut it beautifully into any shape (pieces)
  • Lubricate the chosen deep baking dish with butter
  • We spread apples
  • Slowly so that the dough does not stop pouring them fruits
Fold everything on a baking sheet
  • We bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 35 minutes
  • Having turned off the oven, let the Charlotte cool
  • Serve sprinkled with sugar powder
Finished dish

In order to get a tasty and lush charlotte, use the tips:

  1. The best variety of apples for this pie is Antonovka. A pleasant sourness of Antonovka gives an extraordinary taste in combination with sweet dough
  2. Pre -cool the test eggs. Beat to strong foam, portioned sugar and flour. This is the key that the biscuit will not settle
  3. Bake at least 30 minutes in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. Low temperature will lead to the fact that the pie will not bake and may burn on top
  4. Do not open the oven door while baking, the dough will settle and the pie will turn into an ordinary pancake
  5. After baking, put the shape with a charlotte on a wet fabric - this will make it possible to easily remove the pie from the mold
  6. Serve warm charlotte. In this form, it is especially fragrant and pleasant to taste

Video: Charlotte with apples the most delicious and fast recipe

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the recipe! It turned out just ny))

  2. I wish I could understand who exactly to thank him for him .. where is the author’s name?

  3. It's just interesting, I only liked this recipe extremely, simple and delicious, or I don't know something?

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