Relaxing and soothing therapeutic baths at home. Soothing baths for children and newborns. How to take baths correctly?

Relaxing and soothing therapeutic baths at home. Soothing baths for children and newborns. How to take baths correctly?

Want to turn the bath in the relaxation procedure? Read with the article what herbs, essential oils and concentrates to use.

If humanity has come up with such a good for the soul and body as a bath, then this good should be fully used. Throughout history, the baths were used not only to wash and cleanse the body.

In baths and pools, people relaxed, also receiving mental health from this process.

Baths are also used and are still used for medicinal purposes. They can be taken both in special sanatoriums and at home.

Relaxing and soothing therapeutic baths at home

Baths at home with foam, salt, herbs or essential oils will help to relax and streamline thoughts
Baths at home with foam, salt, herbs or essential oils will help to relax and streamline thoughts

Take a rule to take a bath with a certain regularity, then your body will get used to this procedure, from which you will get the expected effect.

It is good to relax in the bath after a difficult day or any other tension. In the bath, it is good to praud, being distracted from everyday fuss.

Water helps to relax the body and wash off the alarm.
And if you add additional therapeutic and soothing, aromatic drugs to the bath with warm water, the effect of such a bath will be many times larger. So:

  1. Tune in to the bath, get distracted from home problems, postpone phones
  2. If you wish, select calm pleasant music for yourself, organize a dim light in the bathroom
  3. Calculate for mines. 15 - 20 relaxation in water (this is the most optimal time in the bathroom)
  4. Fill a bath with water with a temperature of 37 - 38 degrees
  5. Prepare for yourself, if desired, a pleasant drink or herbal tea
  6. Do not take the bath immediately after eating, and calculate the time so that you do not eat immediately after the bath. The best time to take a bath - after 1, 5 - 2 hours after eating
  7. It is recommended to take a bath before bedtime
  8. The frequency of such a water procedure is no more than twice a week
  9. It is desirable that you take a bath with a clean body

Recipes of soothing baths

RECIPE: Iodine-bromine baths
To calm the nervous system and strengthen the cardiovascular, potassium bromide and sodium iodide are added. Such baths are called iodine-bromine. The concentrate of potassium bromide and sodium iodide can be purchased at the pharmacy and dissolved in water, according to the instructions on the packaging.

RECIPE: Coniferous baths
Yodo-bromine baths are good to alternate with conifers. Bath needles concentrate are also available in pharmacies.
You can prepare the coniferous infusion and yourself.
Coniferous needles, branches or cones are suitable. About 1 kg of raw materials will go to one bath. It needs to be poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath of 20.

Coniferous baths at home can be done using a special concentrate
Coniferous baths at home can be done using a special concentrate

RECIPE: Baths with Valerian
Valerian is a great way to calm and relaxation on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Harp the root of valerian, approximately 200 g or one pharmacy pack per bath. With Valerian, you can combine the rhizomes of calamus or sunflower seeds, pre -softened.

VIDEO: Spa treated at home. All about the lavender and coniferous bath. For the body and soul. Helps a lot!

Soothing essential oils for baths

To calm and relax tense nerves, it is good to use the following essential oils:

  1. Lavender oil, melissa oil, pink oil, neroli oil and patchouli. All of them are sold in pharmacies or special cosmetic departments. Essential oils will not only have a soothing-rising effect on the body as a whole, on the tone of the skin, but also pleasantly relax with their aromas.
  2. Lavender oilIn addition to its sedative-distributing effect, it will be useful for the treatment of rheumatism and removing muscle cramps. This is an excellent remedy for a calm, strong sleep.
  3. Melissa oil Or the infusion of this plant will refresh the body, relieve spasms. It is also used to treat the respiratory system.
  4. The excellent effect creates oil neroli, which is able to even save a person from depression.
    Additional effect from oil neroliIn addition to reassuring and relaxation, a beneficial effect on the skin consists in getting rid of acne, rashes, even eczema is considered.
  5. Effect from pink oil(or, as an option, from sandalwood) can be compared with the effect of any antidepressants. Only a bath with this essential oil will bring much more benefit than other funds from depression.
  1. A couple of drops of essential oils will turn a bath from a hygienic procedure into a relaxation

Important: before adding concentrated essential oil to the bath, it must first be dissolved in any emulsifier. At home, it can be milk with increased percentage, fat content, serum or cream

Baths with foam

Modern cosmetic industry has developed special relaxing-learning bath foams.

The foam combines a cleansing, relaxing effect, cosmetic effect, additional pleasant sensations from being in the foam.

Special bathtub foam fill the bathroom with aroma and are able to soften hard tap water.

In a bath with foam, adults and children are not averse
In a bath with foam, adults and children are not averse

Soothing baths for newborns. Recipes of soothing baths

Small children sometimes often worry and cry, and

baths are perhaps the best tool to provide them with a strong and healthy sleep.

Soothing baths for newborns should be treated carefully and carefully.
You can use simple boiled water temperatures 36 - 37 degrees and combine the baby’s bathing with a relaxing effect from the bath.

A bath for a newborn is part of the ritual before going to bed
A bath for a newborn is part of the ritual before going to bed

Important: you can also add a decoction of healing herbs to the bath, which will create an additional effect on the body of a little man. For kids, chamomile and a series are considered to be the best herbs

RECIPE: For a sedative effect, if the baby cried a lot, falls asleep poorly or worries from the active impressions of the day, a collection of thyme, valerian, oregano and motherwort is also suitable. These herbs are taken in equal quantities and mixed. For 1 l. Water will need 1 tablespoon of collection. The collection must be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. After that, strain it and pour it into the bath for the baby

The baby and coniferous baths are suitable. A solution of the needles should be weak, not concentrated.

In the coniferous bath of the child, you need to keep for no more than 10 minutes. After such a bathing, the baby will sleep calmly and peacefully.

However, coniferous baths for a newborn should not be regular, such as baths with a series or chamomile. They need to be organized by the baby from time to time or sessions of up to 5 sessions per course.

Soothing baths for children

It is also good for children to take baths, especially if the child actively played all day and can not calm down before bedtime.

Also, perhaps, during the day he survived stress, from which it can be delivered with a bath.

There are special children's foam for baths. Kids are very fond of swimming in foam and drilling in water with toys. Foam, warm water, toys will help the baby calm down and relax.
It’s good to bathe a child in decoctions of herbs, but such baths have a lower relaxation potential than baths with children's foam.

Children love to play in the foam bath
Children love to play in the foam bath

Soothing herbs for baths

In the bath you can prepare decoctions of the following herbs:

A bath with chamomile, a series or lavender will help to relax

Here we also include eucalyptus leaves, linden flowers. In addition to the soothing effect, each of these components will have another beneficial effect on the body.
RECIPE: For a bath you can take one grass, you can collect herbs. For the volume of water, the bathroom will need 1 package of dry grass. The grass is poured with boiling water and insisted under a towel 2. After that, the infusion is filtered through gauze or sieve and poured into the water.
It is preferable to prepare a herbal infusion of several components for a comprehensive effect on the body.

Soothing and relaxing bath with salt

From both adults and children are used.

In addition to a relaxing effect, sea salt will have a stimulating effect on immunity and will help saturate the body with iodine.

Also, a bath with sea salt will help healing small wounds and abrasions.

RECIPE: 2 kg of sea salt are taken to the bath with water. It is sold in a pharmacy, and, most likely, in the right amount for one bath. The fact is that the iodine located in it is very flying, therefore, if the packaging is opened, then until the next bath, iodine is likely to disappear, and the effect of such a procedure will be smaller.

Bath with sea salt - home spa treated
Bath with sea salt-homemade spa procedure

VIDEO: How to cook bath salt with essential oils at home

Recipes of relaxing baths

For relaxation, bath foam, decoctions of medicinal herbs, poured into the bath and essential oils are used.
Bath foam is the simplest and most uncomplicated tool to relax in the water. Foam, diluted in warm water, and with its tender touch of the skin, and its appearance will already have a relaxing effect.

Relaxing essential oils for baths

For relaxation, they are suitable:

  • ilang-ylang oil
  • orange oil
  • coniferous oil
  • sandal oil
  • neroli oil
  • geranium oil

Herb for relaxing baths

As already noted, it is preferable to prepare a mixture of herbs, but you can prepare a one -component decoction. Suitable

RECIPE: Mix the existing components and brew a glass of dry mixture per 1 liter of water. Insist a decoction in a wrapped form or in a water bath. After insisting, strain and pour into the warm water of the bathroom.

Baths for weight loss

For weight loss, baths with soda are recommended. After taking such a bath, you should go to bed and wrap yourself with a blanket.

Interesting article with lumpy bath recipes

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