Grass Sage: Therapeutic properties for men and women, use in medicine, contraindications. How to drink sage to the treatment of colds, coughing, rinse your mouth to treat gums? The beneficial properties of sage for women with infertility and menopause

Grass Sage: Therapeutic properties for men and women, use in medicine, contraindications. How to drink sage to the treatment of colds, coughing, rinse your mouth to treat gums? The beneficial properties of sage for women with infertility and menopause

Medical sage treats many diseases. How to be treated with sage?

What sage looks like: photo

Sage medicinal

Sage still by ancient Greeks was used to treat various diseases.

Sage there are more than 500 subspecies, but only sage of medicinal is therapeutic, and the one that grows everywhere in the meadows, the healing properties possesses weakly.

Sage: Therapeutic properties

For treatment, not the entire plant is used, but only the upper part of the stems with flowers and leaves.
Sage is treated

  • Liver
  • Kids
  • Stomach
  • Helps well with colds: bronchitis, tonsillitis
  • And even removes asthma attacks
  • Use sage drugs for female diseases
  • Radiculitis, neuritis
  • Also, applying marshmallows from sage such skin diseases as ulcers, boils, burns, wounds

Sage contains essential oils-about 3%, resin and bitter substances-5-6%, tannins-4%, flavonoids, phytohormones, vitamins.

How to use sage to treat the throat, gums, for separation of bile, warming compresses?

Decoction of leaves and flowers of sage They rinse the sore throat and gums, the washing of patients with skin areas externally, and douching in female diseases.

The recipe for the decoction:

  1. 1 tbsp. pour a spoon of ground grass with water (1 cup), set to cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Then we remove it, pure through a sieve, add boiled water to a full glass.
  3. We use it right away, and if it remains, we keep in a cold place no more than 12 hours. Heat before rinsing.

Sage tea Drink to enhance the separation of bile. It also helps with flatulence. You need to drink the infusion before meals (in 20 minutes), 4 times a day, ¼ of the part of a glass.

The recipe for infusion:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of jelly leaves and flowers of sage Fill boiling water (one glass)We cover and insist for 30 minutes.

Sage oil Very concentrated and is only suitable to use it externally. Oil application:

  1. Aromatherapy. To spread the aroma in the building, the oil is dripped into a special pendant or lamp (1-2 drops), to accept aromatic bath 3 drops are enough.
  2. Rinsingsick and throat sick. In warm water (one cup), sage oil (4 drops) and soda (1 teaspoon) are added. With this solution, the gums and throat are rinsed 3-4 times a day.
  3. Prevention colds and flu. In the fall and winter, when there are flu epidemics, they are aromatic of the premises, 3 m2 is enough for a room of 15 m2.
  4. Warming compresses for applying to sore joints, with stretching and injuries. There are 10 drops of oil per 100 ml of water, wet gauze, squeeze it and attach it to the sore spot. On top of Marley to apply cellophane, and then wrapped with a warm blanket for 3 hours.
  5. Wrapping with sage oil for hair (After circulation, the hair grows faster). Take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive and 5 drops of sage oil, rub into the roots of the hair, wrap with a film, and then with a towel for 30 minutes. Then wash off the hair with shampoo and rinse the sage with a decoction of sage.
Sage oil

Tea from sage Drink for the prevention of colds, raising immunity, improving memory.

Important: more than one glass per day of sage of tea cannot be drunk.

Tea recipe.

  1. Dry leaves and sage flowers (1 teaspoon) Fill boiling water (one glass) And drink hot.
Tea from sage

Sage powder Often added as a seasoning for food. It taste bitter and, taking it, improves the state of the stomach with gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Sage properties for men and women when bald

Chief of baldness in men with sage
  • Sage decoctionif you apply lotions from it and wash your hair with a decoction, helps men with baldness. How does this happen?

Thanks to the decoction of sage, the hair follicles are strengthened, by this slowing or stopping the process of baldness.

  • Another purely male disease is treated by sage along with other herbs - vesiculite (inflammation of the seed bubbles, which is near the prostate).

Decoction recipe:

  1. Take dry herbs: 2 parts of sage, 3 parts of the kidneys of the poplar, 5 parts of the roots of the Bolshoi burdockMix and pour into a dry jar.
  2. We do the decoction like this: 1 tea. spoon of a mixture of herbs Pour into a thermos, pour 0.5 l of boiling water, insist 10 hours and take ¼ of the glass 3 times a day.

For a greater effect, from this decoction, you can do every other day microclisms, 15 times.

Sage properties for women with infertility and menopause

There is in sage fitoormoneswhich help to cure gynecological diseases:

The infusion of sage helps to reduce:

  1. The ebbs of menopause, abundant singing of sweat and nervousness.
  2. If you drink an infusion of sage, then bleeding will decrease with heavy menstruation.
  3. The decoction reduces lactation in nursing mothers. You need to remember this when you want to take the child from the chest.
  4. The presence of all the same phytohormones that act as estrogen, even ancient Egyptians treated infertility. There can be many causes of infertility, but ovulation disorders are more common.
  5. Sage helps the synthesis of estrogens and also replenishes their lack of blood.

Before starting to treat infertility from sage infertile, a woman needs to be studied by observing the temperature in the rectum and ultrasound, when the egg reaches the largest size.

You need to take an infusion of sage every day, from the 3-4th day of menstruation to the time when the egg is the largest.

Important. In the early days of the menstrual cycle, it is impossible to drink an infusion of sage, since it has a hemostatic effect.

After the egg of the largest size reaches, that is, ovulation, the infusion of sage is contraindicated, because it supports the uterus in good shape, and may prevent the embryo to attach to the uterine cavity.

Treatment of infertility in women sage

With infertility and other female diseases, such an infusion is used:

  1. Gluted sage leaves (1 tbsp. Spoon) pour boiling water (1 cup), We close, insist for about 15 minutes, drink 4 times a day, 1/3 of the glass.

Important. If, after the first course of treatment with sage, pregnancy has not occurred, you can continue to be treated, but no more than 3 courses, and then consult your doctor.

The woman’s sage decoction will be douched and sedentary baths are made at thrush, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, cervical erosion. These procedures are preferably carried out 2 times a day. They give positive results.

Important: The optimum decoction temperature for 38 ° C procedures.

The benefits and use of sage for eye inflammation: Recipe

Treatment of the initial stage of inflammatory eye processes and edema under the eyes
  1. With redness and the initial stage of eye inflammation, an infusion of sage has proven itself well. Eyes are washed with warm fresh infusion.
  2. The infusion of sage removes the swelling under the eyes.

The recipe for infusion.

  1. Dried leaves of sage (1 teaspoon) Fill half a glass of boiling waterWe close and insist for about 30 minutes.
  2. We filter and pour the infusion in 2 containers: in one warm infusion, in the other - cold.

We moisten cotton swabs first in cold infusion and apply on the eyelids, then in heat, and so 5-6 times of each infusion. The procedure is done at night.

Sage for gums: recipe for applying

For inflamed gums and throat, a sage decoction is an excellent remedy.

The decoction contains such useful substances:

  • fitoncide Salvin (plant antibiotic) fights with bacteria
  • natural resins that create an invisible film on sore gums, and prevent contact with bacteria
  • binding substances with analgesic effect
  • deodorizing substances responsible for fresh breathing
Rinse of the throat and gums with a sage decoction

Rinsing sage decoction They will help with stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivites (gum inflammation), inflammation after unsuccessful tooth extraction, redness of gums after wearing dentures.

Rinsing with a decoction is carried out up to 6 times a day.

Toothpaste with sage "Forest Balse" helps with gums inflammation

For the treatment of gums, a special toothpaste with sage "Forest Balm" is now sold, which improves blood circulation, accelerates the metabolism in gum and oral cavity.

Sage from cough: recipes

Milk with sage

A good coughing tool is milk with sage.


  1. Heat 1 glass of milk in a saucepan, add to it honey (1 teaspoon), cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon), ¼ of the teaspoon of turmeric and sage in powder, mix and drink warm sage milk 1 cup 3 times per day, and so 2 days.

Important. Milk with sage and spices irritates the stomach, so it cannot be drunk on an empty stomach, and 30-40 minutes after eating.

With a strong cough, they help lefet with sage. They are absorbed in the mouth between rinses, and the essential oils available in sage are soothing the throat.

Tea from sage

If the cough lasts a long time, then you need to drink tea from sage.


  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried herb of sage Fill 1 glass of boiling waterWe cover and insist half an hour.
  2. We use it as a tea leaves. We drink tea from sage with honey.

Sage with colds: properties, application

Inhalation with colds

Sage is part of the breast collection, they are treated with lung diseases, and even with pulmonary tuberculosis, an improvement occurs from the infusion of sage.

  1. For the best effect with bronchitisinstead of boiling water sage is brewed with boiling milk. It should be hot, you can with honey, half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. At bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis with a warm sage decoction row the throat, And in order to recover faster, they also drink a glass of decoction for the night.
  3. Also at colds Help well inhalation. They are carried out with sage oil, adding 1 drop to hot water poured into the inhaler, and breathe this steam. If there is no sage oil, inhalation can be made from a decoction. Inhalations can also be done over an ordinary pan, covered with a towel. Inhalations soothe cough, soften the tissues of the sore throat.

Contraindications for the use of sage

Sage is contraindicated during pregnancy

It has medicines (decoction, infusion, tea) from sage and contraindications, and there are quite a lot of them:

  • They are prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Do not use nursing mothers.
  • You can not use if the body has an increased state of estrogens, this is usually the case with such diseases: endometriosis (uterine inflammation), breast tumors and after cutting breast and uterus.
  • Do not use hypertension.
  • Drink with caution at low blood pressure.
  • Limit in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Limit with kidney inflammation, acute shape.
  • Do not drink with a strong suffocating cough - perhaps even more amplification.
  • It is prohibited with serious nervous diseases and epilepsy.

Important. Medicine from sage with prolonged use, more than 3 months, can cause poisoning in the body, since the components of sage tend to accumulate.

How to use sage for treatment: tips and reviews

Sage is treated many diseases. In addition to the above diseases that cure infusions and decoctions of sage, it has such amazing properties:

  • strong anti -aging
  • beneficial affects the nervous system
  • kidney treatment due to diuretic action
  • reducing tooth pain
  • disinfecting effect with the subsequent treatment of fungal diseases on the skin and psoriasis
  • improves memory
  • helps to concentrate attention
  • helps with severe sweating

Reviews about sage

Inga. The fact that Sage acts soothingly on the nervous system - I knew and even drank amazing wine with sage. Such wine is very simple: you need to add 100 g of sage leaves to grape red wine, let it brew for 1-2 weeks, and you can be treated, but not more than 2 sips per day, after eating.

Elena. I always liked the name of the plant - sage, but I did not know that he had so many healing properties. It is necessary to study them all, it can come in handy.

And although sage has contraindications, it is still an excellent medicinal product from many diseases.

Video: treatment with sage. If I get sick, I will not contact doctors

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Comments K. article

  1. As for menopause, I can say with confidence that sage really helps. Even the doctor recommended me tinctures to take to get rid of the treats. Although anyway, I am still accepting Cyclim Alanin. I don't know what works better, but the benefits are noticeable))

  2. A very useful plant is used in various fields. But for me personally, sage is an excellent remedy for the treatment of the throat. I take it from the nature of the product, in the form of pills. Really a few days later from inflammation, not a trace.

  3. So to me, like Irina Shallefei from nature, the product was recommended for sore throat, took it and did not regret it. Edema and inflammation go away, besides, I noticed that these pills still have an expectorant effect, which is also important.

  4. Thanks for the useful tips, girls, I will now know.

  5. So, with sore throat, I always take the product in the pharmacy of Sage from the sweat. The product is excellent - in addition, it contains extract and essential sage oil, this is important for me.

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