How to use rosemary oil? The benefits and harm of rosemary oil

How to use rosemary oil? The benefits and harm of rosemary oil

The article will give methods of using rosemary essential oil for cosmetic purposes.

  • Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology
  • This plant has many useful substances that people have noticed since ancient times. Rosemary is able to activate the activity of the brain and improve memory
  • It has an anti -inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Modern scientists have proved that rosemary provides greater support in the fight against cancer cells. Substances included in its composition are powerful antioxidants
  • The concentrated benefits of rosemary are contained in the essential oil of this plant. You can purchase it at any pharmacy or cosmetic store

The benefits of rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil has gained such wide popularity precisely thanks to its extraordinary properties.

  • Tones the skin, promotes pore narrowing
  • It has a drying effect, due to which the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated, fatty discharge is reduced from the skin
  • Has antiseptic properties, eliminates redness on the skin and acne rash
  • Helps to relieve inflammation and pain in the skin and muscles
  • Facilitates the course of colds, reduces the cough
  • Improves blood circulation in tissues
  • Increases performance and brain activity

Rosemary essential oil, contraindications

  • You can not use rosemary oil for allergies. If there is no confidence in the reaction of the body, it must be tested before using essential oil. Drop a drop of oil on the inside of the wrist. If redness, itching or burning occur, oil cannot be used
  • Also, with personal intolerance of the smell of rosemary, it is impossible to use it
  • People who have chronically increased pressure are unacceptable to use rosemary and its oil, as it contributes to a certain increase in pressure
  • It is not recommended to use rosemary essential oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary essential oil

Nail rosemary oil, benefit

  • Rosemary oil can whiten nails and strengthen them. Thanks to antiseptic properties, it is recommended to be used for crap manicure
  • You can use etheric little rosemary in a bath for nails. Pour a couple of glasses of warm water into a bowl, dilute a spoonful of sea salt and drop 3 drops of a rosemary. Hold your nails in the bath in front of the manicure
  • Do little for the cuticle with your own hands. In a tablespoon of olive oil, drip a drop of rosemary and tea tree oil. The resulting mixture of oils not only softens the skin around the nails, but also has a disinfecting effect
  • To heal microcracks faster, add a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil to the everyday hand cream

The benefits of body rosemary oil

  • Rosemary oil has a fresh and bright aroma, so it can be used in cosmetic body care procedures
  • If your skin is on pimples and redness, add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shower gel
  • Rosemary oil improves blood circulation, which means that it can help cope with cellulite. Massage oil according to the recipe: 2 tablespoons of one oil oil (for example, olive), 3 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of orange oil, 1 drop of clove oil. Mix the oils and use for anti -cellulite massage. It is better to make it after a hot shower so that the oils are freely penetrated into the skin
  • Rosemary essential oil can be added to body scrubs and in cosmetic wraps
The benefits of rosemary
The benefits of rosemary

Face rosemary oil

  • Rosemary essential oil is ideal for oily and combined skin. Also, use it pointarily for acne and acne
  • Owners of dry and sensitive skin are better to refrain from using rosemary oil. It dry the skin greatly and can lead to its strong peeling and cause irritation
  • Add a few drops of rosemary oil to your favorite face cream to enhance its antibacterial effects. However, such a cream is undesirable to use daily
  • Make a drying face mask from blue clay and rosemary oil. To prepare it, dilute the blue clay in warm water until a creamy state. Mix 2 drops of rosemary essential oil with a teaspoon of olive oil. Add the oils to the clay and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to a dry clean face for 15 minutes. It will help narrow the time and reduce the secretion of the glands

Essential oils are not recommended to be used in its pure form, they too dry the skin. For cosmetic procedures, dissolve essential oil in oil-one.

How to use rosemary oil from acne and scars after them?

  • Rosemary oil has an antiseptic property and can reduce the manifestation of acne, save the skin from scars
  • Rosemary essential oil can be used pointwise to get rid of acne. Mix essential oil with a power oil 1: 1. cotton wand, smear acne and scurry places pointily
  • Once a month, perform deep skin cleaning with a scrub or pilling. They can also add a few drops of rosemary essential oil
Rosemary branches
Rosemary branches

Rosemary oil from stretch marks, benefits

  • Rosemary oil saves not only cellulite, but also reduces the manifestation of stretch marks. Completely stretching will not disappear, but they will brighten and become less noticeable
  • Prepare cosmetic oil for the skin: 3 tablespoons of olive oil mix with 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of orange oil. Such a little can be applied daily to the skin areas where there are stretch marks
  • Make a body wrap to reduce stretch marks. Mix several tablespoons of honey with ginger powder and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Apply to the skin under the food film, wrap yourself in the blanket and hold the body mask for 30 minutes. Then rinse and apply a moisturizer for body cream on the skin

Why add rosemary oil to shampoo?

Rosemary essential oil improves blood circulation, so it activates hair growth and helps to reduce loss. Also, rosemary oil prevents dandruff. The easiest way to use this hair oil is to add it to shampoo or hair balm. In addition to its beneficial properties, essential oil will give the hair a pleasant aroma, which will last a very long time.

Hair rosemary benefits
Hair rosemary benefits

Hair rosemary masks

  • Make a hair mask from oils to prevent their loss and get rid of the split ends. Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 spoonful of grape seed oil, 1 spoon of sesame oil. Add to them 3 drops of rosemary oils, cloves and chamomile
  • To reduce the oily hair, add rosemary and lavender essential oils to the air conditioner
  • For owners of dark hair, a mask of sea buckthorn oil will be very appropriate: in 3 tablespoons of oil, add 2 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of clove oil. Caution, sea buckthorn oil has a bright orange color and is poorly washed off
  • For those who want to speed up hair growth, make a simple and safe kefir -based mask. Beat 1 egg, add several tablespoons of fresh kefir, 2 drops of rosemary oil and a spoonful of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to the hair for 30 minutes. Hair will become shiny and silky

How to use rosemary oil with benefit: tips and reviews

  • Study contraindications before using any essential oil. Also check the skin to allergic reactions and tolerance of small
  • Do not use rosemary oil too concentrated. It dries the skin and can cause peeling
  • Do not use large doses of essential oil daily. Exception - complexes of therapeutic procedures
  • In the pharmacy, study the composition of the acquired oil. There should not be additional additives and flavorings. Try to purchase natural oil
  • Combine essential oils to get more treated effect. Use the oil compatibility table for aromatherapy.
Compatibility of essential oils
Compatibility of essential oils

Video: rosemary essential oil

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