The beneficial properties of flowers and leaves of linden. How to brew linden with a cold?

The beneficial properties of flowers and leaves of linden. How to brew linden with a cold?

From ancient times, the beneficial properties of linden are known. The article includes recipes for linden decoction and tea, as well as tips on how to use a medicinal plant in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Lipa is the queen of summer, a healer and an assistant in beauty. From ancient times, its properties are known to calm, relieve inflammation, treat a cold and knock down heat. In Eastern Europe, girls and women use decoctions and tinctures of flowers and leaves of the plant for home care, nails and skin. In the lip, they bathe babies so that their skin is clean. Such a wide range of use of a medicinal plant is explained by its rich composition.

Decoction of linden flowers: Properties

Downloaded files (1)Lipa is not an exotic at all, the healing properties of which are glorified by Chinese healers or Indian shamans. The tree naturally grows in temperate latitudes, almost every resident of Eastern and Central Europe can observe it in his yard, in a city park or square.

Each sign is an amazing aroma of small yellowish flowers, which literally put on linden at the end of June. And almost everyone heard about their useful properties.
The fact is that the flowers and young leaves of the plant have a composition rich in substances useful for the human body. It includes:

  • ascorbic acid and other vitamins
  • carotene
  • talicins
  • flavonoids
  • essential oils
  • micro- and macro elements

Linden flowers in the form of a ready-made collection or tea in filter packages can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Important: it is recommended to collect flowers along with adjacent leaves in environmentally friendly places - outside the city, where there are no large roads and industrial enterprises. For two or three days they are dried in an open, but necessarily dry room, after which they are distributed into linen breathing bags. Dry flowers and linden leaves can be used for two years.

The benefits and contraindications of a linden decoction. Treatment with a decoction of linden

A universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases and solving cosmetic problems is a decoction of linden color. He has the following properties:

  • antibacterial
  • antiviral
  • anti -inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • detoxification
  • diuretic and diaphoretic
  • analgesic
  • weak sedative
  • expecting

Therefore, the folk drug is used:

  • with a cold to combat a viral or bacterial infection
  • from temperature
  • to lure sputum and its excretion from the respiratory system
  • with diseases of the kidneys and bladder as an anti -inflammatory and diuretic
  • with diseases of the digestive tract to normalize digestion and as soft
  • choleretic agent
  • as a sedative with neurosis, other pathological states of the psyche
  • with headaches

Important: a decoction of linden can be used locally as compresses and lotions for wounds, burns, some dermatological diseases

Folk and pharmacy drugs with linden are very few contraindications. They cannot be used to allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance to this plant.

Important: there can be not so much a linden itself as the poisonous substances that she absorbed if she grew in a contaminated place. Before applying decoctions or infusion of its flowers and leaves, you must make sure that they are environmentally friendly

Video: Linden. The benefits of linden flowers

How does linden work on the heart?

The linden decoction dilutes blood and has a tonic effect on the vessels, therefore, in general, contributes to the work of the heart. But it must be remembered that this plant is still medicinal, drugs based on it are used only according to indications.

Sinable or excessive drinking of linden tea or decoction can cause arrhythmia, tachycardia, some increase in blood pressure, other problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Does linden harm the stomach?

A fake decoction or tea can be an auxiliary tool for the treatment of constipation, intestinal lethargy, diarrhea. But the plant rich in essential oils and organic acids is not recommended to be consumed inward with gastritis and ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum. Increasing the secretion of gastric juice, linden can aggravate the disease.

Linden benefits and harms for women, children

Drinks with this medicinal plant help to establish female health. They are recommended to drink with painful menstruation, menstrual disorders, in the prelimacteric and menopause.

In addition, it is believed that linden is able to influence female libido. There is a belief that her decoction contributes to the harmonization of sexual relations between spouses.

Decoction of linden for weight loss: recipe

Activating metabolic processes in the body, removing excess water from it, cleansing the intestines, linden contributes to weight loss. But you need to understand that extra pounds will leave only if you combine the intake of linden with proper nutrition and sports.
RECIPE: Lime -colored decoction to reduce weight:
Composition: linden color - 5 tablespoons, water - 250 ml
The fake color will be pushed in a mortar and poured with a glass of boiling water, after which they languish in a water bath for 30 minutes. The filtered decoction is drunk before meals. A single dose - 5 tablespoons or 1/3 cup.

Lime honey medicinal properties. How to determine the quality of linden honey

Honey has a huge number of varieties, linden is considered one of the most useful. It is quite high -calorie. The energy value of 100 g of this beekeeping product is approximately 310 kcal. Despite this, it is easily absorbed and in reasonable quantities is not postponed on the waist and hips, as it contains a mix of plant sugars - levules, glucose, fructose.

A whole cocktail of beneficial substances (vitamins and minerals, enzymes and folic acid, natural antibiotics, bee Matochkin milk, so on), turn it into a kind of panacea from many diseases. When losing weight linden honey, it is recommended to replace sugar.
When buying a linden honey, you need to choose a quality product. It is necessary to pay attention to:

  1. Color. Fresh linden honey translucent or opaque, color from white to amber. Two to three months after the collection, he thickens and darkens
  2. Density. If honey is mature, it flows along the walls of the dishes with beautiful, wide, viscous stripes. If the streams are thin and flow without linger, there is a lot of water in honey. Good honey should also not drip from a spoon if it is turned over
  3. The ratio of weight and volume. Almost one and a half kilograms of linden honey should be placed in a liter jar. Its smaller also speaks of excess water

Linden decoction with colds: recipe

With a cold, doctors recommend taking a decoction of linden in parallel with treatment with medicines. It tends to affect the disease from several sides at once:

  • kills viruses and bacteria
  • increases immunity
  • has a local anti -inflammatory effect when rinsing the throat or washing the nose
  • reduces temperature
  • dilutes and removes sputum, facilitates its jerking

Recipe No. 1: Throat rinsing:
Composition: linden color - 3 tablespoons; Water - 500 ml.
Lipa is poured into a glass jar and poured with boiling water, covered with a linen with a cloth and put in a dark place for 30 minutes to infuse. After filtering, they are waiting for when it cools down to room temperature. They rinse the throat five times a day until the symptoms of colds pass the throat.

Recipe No. 2: Expectorant:
Composition: linden color - 3 tablespoons, thyme leaves - 2 tablespoons, water - 500 ml.
Lipa and thyme are poured into enameled dishes, pour boiling water, boiled on the lowest heat for about 15 minutes, allowed to cool. The filtered decoction of medicinal herbs is drunk three times a day after eating 2-3 tablespoons. This drug cannot be stored for more than 36 hours.

Can linden with a cold for pregnant women? Is it possible to lime with a cold for children?

It is most difficult to treat from SARS and influenza of children and pregnant women, because most pharmacy drugs are contraindicated for them. But linden tea can be given not only as a medicine, but also as a preventive. But, in any case, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a doctor.
RECIPE: Decoction of linden for the prevention of SARS and influenza for children and pregnant women
Composition: linden color - 5 tablespoons, water - 250 ml.
The linden is boiled over low heat, cooled for 30 minutes and filtered. Pregnant women drink two tablespoons of decoction on an empty stomach every day, and children - one tablespoon.

Linden tea, benefit

Lime tea has the same properties as the decoction, but acts on the body not so actively. It is brewed in this way:

  • the most suitable dishes are ceramic or earthenware custard teap
    It is poured with boiling water, after which lime color is poured in the amount of several spoons
  • lime is poured with hot water (about 95 ° C), but not boiling water
  • insist for 20 minutes
  • you can dilute the linden with black or green tea, as well as an oolun, add other herbs

Lipa and rosehip tea

The drink tonic and increasing immunity is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of linden -colored and 10 g of rosehip berries is poured into a custard with a volume of 400 ml;
  • pour hot water;
  • insist 10 minutes.

Linden tea with honey: recipe

Such a warm drink is drunk as ordinary tea. 30 g of dried inflorescences, linden is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Honey is added to taste.

Important: in order for the honey to retain maximum benefits, it must be added to slightly cooled tea or is in the bite

Lime tea with chamomile: recipe

Tea with chamomile and linden can be drunk to calm the nerves, from insomnia, as well as with colds. Boiling boiling water poured 3 tablespoons of linden and chamomile poured on 3 tablespoons. They drink like ordinary tea, but not more than two cups per day.

Hair linden decoction

A decoction of linden can rinse the hair of absolutely all types. It helps to accelerate their growth, eliminates fat content, helps to get rid of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
RECIPE: Hair rinsing.
Composition: 8 tablespoons of dry linden flowers, 500 ml of boiling water.
In an enameled saucepan, water is brought to a boil, poured into it with linden, continued to boil for another quarter of an hour. A cooled and filtered broth can be used to rinse hair after each of their washing.

Face linden decoction

In home cosmetology, a linden decoction is used to normalize the work of subcutaneous sebaceous glands, cleansing the skin of the face and restore its normal color, getting rid of acne and other rashes. Also, linden color is part of nutrient masks and masks from skin fatty.

Recipe No. 1: Linden ice from the oily skin of the face.
Composition: linden - 5 tablespoons, mineral water - 300 ml.
The linden color is poured brought to 90 with mineral water, insist until the water cools down. Filter a decoction and poured into ice molds. They are cleaned in the freezer for freezing. Twice a day, carefully wipe the skin of the face.

Important: linden ice should not contact one area of \u200b\u200bthe skin longer than 5 seconds

Recipe No. 2: Nourishing cream with linden.
Need: Lanolin - 4 tablespoons; Almond oil - 3 tablespoons, boiled water - 1/3 cup.
The mixer is beaten with lanolin, cosmetic oil and linden color. In the process, add water. Use twice a day. Store in the refrigerator.

Linden and linden decoction: tips and reviews

Lipa is an affordable and universal remedy. On forums dedicated to traditional medicine and cosmetology, many discuss the features of the preparation and use of a linden decoction.
There you can read various recipes for non -traditional drugs with linden, which can be used for colds and influenza, gastrointestinal diseases, genitourinary, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as obesity. You can verify their effectiveness with your own experience.

Video: Heart -shaped linden for colds

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