Lavender essential oil - properties and use. Lavender oil for the skin and hair

Lavender essential oil - properties and use. Lavender oil for the skin and hair

The article describes the basic properties and scope of lavender essential oil, offers recipes for hair masks, face, legs and nails.

With one pronouncing the word “lavender”, the air is filled with a fragrant aroma, the image of delicate lilac flowers arises before the eyes, it becomes easy and serene in the soul. Lavender is able not only to cause such positive emotions and associations, but also has a number of other useful properties and a wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication. What riddles of this southern flower you were not guessed, and how you can use lavender oil at home, it will be discussed below.

Lavender essential oil: properties

There are more than 40 species of this plant, however, a variety called a narrow -leaved lavender is special spreading outside the exclusively plant world. It is it that is the main raw material for the extraction of essential oil, which finds use in a wide variety of areas of human activity.

Lavender is narrow -leaved
lavender is narrow -leaved

In lavender oil there are:

  • linalol alcohol and complex esters of linalool
  • bergaminen
  • acetic acid
  • nonanal
  • oil acid
  • camphor
  • valeric acid
  • cariophillene
  • nylon acid

This is an incomplete list of various substances included in the complex composition of essential oil and endowing it with such rich properties:

  • saturated aroma

Thanks to this property of lavender, it is the welcome ingredient of many perfumes, is actively used in the industrial production of many cosmetics, as well as in the manufacture of fragrances for linen

  • antiseptic

Bactericidal, anti -inflammatory effect allows the use of oil for healing wounds, cracks, small cuts, burns

  • antidepressant

The active substances of essential oil have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, suppress aggression, cope with depression, return vitality and mood

  • soothing, sleeping pills

A few drops applied to the temple area, or inhalation of oil vapors before bedtime, have an amazing pacifying effect, relieve excitability, tension, promote quick and strong sleep

Deep sleep
deep sleep

Important: you should not use lavender oil with other drugs of sleeping pills, as well as before a trip in a car or other activity requiring increased attention.

  • anesthesia

Lavender oil has proven itself well from ancient times as a remedy that celebrates headache, spasms, pain with bruises. Previously used to facilitate pain during childbirth.

  • application for insect bites

Relieves swelling and redness after bites of bees, OS, mosquitoes, blind. It can also be used to prevent insect bites as a frightening agent with a strong smell

  • use for cosmetic purposes

It is used to eliminate dermatological problems, has regenerating properties, eliminates dandruff. More detailed in the possibility of using oil for body care, including, face, nails, hair and legs are described further.

  • treatment of many diseases

Alcohol tinctures with lavender oil have earned the devotion of people with heart problems, kidneys, with migraines, rheumatism, muscle and toothache

Important: when diagnosing diseases, you should not determine the dosage on your own and use lavender oil, in particular, take orally, without consulting your doctor.

Lavender oil, application: recipes

Lavender, oil
lavender, oil

A variety of applied capabilities of lavender oil is also observed in the methods of its use:

  • in solution with alcohol
  • in combination with other oils
  • add to a bath
  • inhalation
  • internal technique
  • external use on the skin of the face, body, head
  • preparation of masks
  • use in aroma lamps and medallions
  • add to shampoos, lotions, gels, soap

Recipes for the use of lavender oil suggest, as a rule:

  • with internal use - dissolution in alcohol
  • with external - mixing with other oil:
    • olive
    • rosemary
    • eucalyptus
    • peskov
    • almond
    • juniper
    • tea tree
    • lemon
    • ilang-Ylang

The use of lavender oil and olive oil

The combination of lavender and olive oils has a double amount of beneficial properties. Due to the fact that lavender essential oil is a potent and concentrated tool, this limits its use in its pure form. Most recipes for using lavender oil both for medicinal purposes and in cosmetology provide for dilution of lavender oil with an emulsifier or other oil. Olive oil in this case is a successful ally.

Olive oil
olive oil
  • Firstly, this oil is most often found at home, since many eat it for food
  • Secondly, olive oil is a find in the treatment and prevention of many ailments due to the presence of many vitamins and nutrients

Rosemary and lavender oil recipe

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
  • 1 tsp. rosemary
  • 3 drops of lavender oil
  • use a mixture to get rid of stains after acne

In addition, rosemary essential oil also acts as a sedative, helps with insomnia, so in combination with lavender oil it will be especially effective.

Eucalyptus and lavender oil recipe

  • 2 drops of rosemary
  • 2 drops of eucalyptus
  • one drop of juniper and mint oil
  • 4 drops of lavender oils
  • external use for muscle pain, stretching

Inhalation with eucalyptus and lavender has a good therapeutic effect with colds:

  • 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 5 drops of lavender oil
  • 2 drops of lemon oil
  • 1 drop of tea tree oil
  • add to boiling water
  • cover up with a warm blanket and breathe steam

Treatment with lavender oil of the skin from acne

Skin problems
skin problems

Lavender oil also found its niche in dermatology. It is effectively used to treat eczema, dermatitis, acne and other problems with the epidermis.

In the presence of oily skin type, with wide pores, a tendency to form black dots, acne, acne and even boils, lavender essential oil is recommended always in a first -aid kit at hand.

Pointing oil quickly relieves redness, promotes healing, has an antiseptic effect. The feeling of light tingling after applying oil is a natural skin reaction.

Important: in pure form, oil should be used very carefully due to the danger of burn.

  • Most often, to combat acne, lavender essential oil is combined with tea tree oil in the same proportions
  • Apply oil after a bath or hot shower/bath, when the skin is steamed and the pores are open as possible
  • After 1-1.5 hours, get wet on the face with a napkin
  • The daily repetition of the procedure will be an excellent prevention for a collision with the problem of acne in the future

Face lavender masks

Essential oil has, among other things, the properties of skin regeneration, rejuvenation, contributes to better microcirculation, tones the skin of the face, levels the complexion, eliminating redness.

Mask for the face
mask for the face

Recipe No. 1

  • 1 tbsp. watermelon oil
  • 3-4 drops of lavender oil
  • apply for 20-30 minutes
  • rinse with cool water

Important: if there is no watermelon oil, and there is no opportunity to purchase it, replace this ingredient with any other oil (peach, olive, wheat germ, citrus fruits).

Recipe No. 2

  • 2 tbsp. Green clay
  • dilute in warm water until the consistency of liquid gruel
  • 6 drops of lavender
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • stir, apply to the face for 15 minutes
  • after that, in order not to damage the skin, you should sprinkle your face with water to saturate clay with moisture
  • then wash off the mask from the face

The described face masks are effective for oily skin prone to acne, as well as for eliminating acne stains.

At the first signs of aging, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 1 tbsp. castor (almond) oil
  • 3-4 drops of lavender
  • cover the face area with pathetic movements
  • keep 30-40 min

For a daily sensation of the beneficial properties of lavender, add a little lavender oil to your cream or face milk.

Important: before the contact of the lavender oil with the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, it is necessary to make sure that there is no individual intolerance (allergies) to this flower. To conduct the test and assess the reaction, use the wrist area and a very small amount of oil.

Hair lavender masks

Hair lavender oil
hair lavender oil

Lavender demonstrates good results in hair care. This oil does perfectly with the elimination of the problem of brittle, damaged hair, in the presence of signs of hair loss and dandruff.

You can use it in different ways:

  • scalp into the scalp
  • bewilder

The first case will be appropriate in the fight against dandruff and hair loss:

  • heat in the bath 2 tbsp. burdock oil
  • pour 5-6 drops of lavender
  • massage the head, rubbing the mixture into the hair roots
  • wash off in half an hour

Lavender oil in shampoo

If free time does not have enough free time, and hair needs to strengthen and restore, there is a very simple way:

  • add a couple of drops of oil to a single amount of shampoo when you wash your head (you are unlikely to exclude this procedure, whatever the loaded schedule)

As an alternative, you can add essential oil to air conditioning or hair balm.

Combing hair with butter
combing hair with butter

A noticeable effect can give daily combing with lavender oil. A little essential oil is dripped on a comb and applied to the hair during the usual combing. This simple move will allow you to give shine, level the structure of the hair, make it more smooth. However, do not overdo it, otherwise the hair may seem oily.

Lavender oil mask

If you can still be allocated for 1 hour a week for the hair nutrition procedure, pay attention to the following mask:

  • 3 tbsp. Jozhoba oils (can be replaced with olive)
  • heat in the bath
  • add 6 drops of lavender
  • a couple of drops of ylang-ylang (or thyme)
  • mix with egg yolk
  • apply the mixture over the entire length of the hair
  • put on a hat on top
  • rinse after 30 min-1 hour (depending on the time you have)

Lavender oil

The sedative properties of lavender were already mentioned above, its ability to calm, relieve tension and relax. In combination with the bathroom, when hot water and lavender essential oil will affect all muscles and each body of the body, you will achieve maximum relaxation.


In addition, the adoption of such baths will be useful with dislocations, bruises, increased muscle tone, with severe headache, and insomnia.

For the preparation of a relaxing bath:

  • Mix 5-6 drops of lavender with
  • 60 g of kefir, cream, yogurt, milk, honey or any salt (hereinafter - the emulsifier)
  • dilute the mixture with a small amount of water and pour it into a bathing bath
  • fly in the bath for at least 15-20 minutes
  • do not take a shower after a bath

Important: essential oil does not dissolve in water. To prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the water and obtaining a burn, you need to dissolve oil in some emulsifier (examples above).

Lavender oil for sleeping

In addition to a hot bath with lavender oil, there are several more ways to provide yourself with a calm deep dream with the help of lavender:

  • open the bottle with essential oil and leave it for several minutes near the pillow when it goes to bed
  • put in the bedroom aroma lamp with lavender oil 20 minutes before going to bed
  • drip on your pillow 1-2 drops of lavender

Such simple manipulations will help to cope with the overexcited nervous system and allow the body to completely restore strength during a healthy sleep.

Lavender legs for legs

Laved bath with lavender
laved bath with lavender

Lavender oil allows you to solve problems:

  • peeling of the skin on the feet
  • potings of the legs
  • relief and fatigue in the legs

In this case, you can use it for the preparation of masks and legs for the legs.

Mask recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey
  • 3 tsp flour
  • 2 tsp Lemon oil
  • 1 tsp Lavender oils
  • make a mixture
  • apply to the feet (pre -steam)
  • keep 30-40 minutes

To enhance the effect, wrap your feet with cling film and wear warm socks.

Bath recipe:

  • 3-4 drops of lavender
  • dilute from 2 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt
  • add 1 tsp. tablespoons of chamomile oil
  • pour the mixture into a basin with hot water
  • lower your legs into the bath for 20-25 minutes

Nail lavender oil

Lavender is characterized by a bactericidal effect, so it is an ideal tool for completing a manicure as a preventive measure of inflammation.

In addition, oil is used as a means to stimulate growth and prevent fragility of nails. Lavender oil will also give a natural shine to the nails.

It is recommended to rub the oil into the purified plate of the nail, as well as into the cuticle area. You can add lavender oil to the baths for nails in front of the manicure.

Body and massage lavender oil

Massage oil
massage oil

For already known reasons, lavender oil is often used for relaxing massage, as well as to relieve tension in the muscles, with spasms and pains (for example, during menstruation).

You can add lavender essential oil to the product that you usually use for massage sessions, or mix it with almond or grape seed oil.

Proportions: 5 ml of lavender per 10 ml of basic massage oil.

Lavender oil: aromatherapy

Lavender as a flower, characterized by a strong smell and versatile healing properties, occupies an important place in aromatherapy.

In addition to the treatment with aromat engines, the beneficial effects of lavender oil can be felt by breathing its pairs with aroma lamps and individual pendants and medallions.


  • in the aroma lamp-at the rate of 1-2 drops per 1 square. Meter of rooms
  • in the aroma culon - the optimal pair of drops of oil is optimal

In the absence of aroma lamps, you can add oil to boiling water at the rate of 1 drop per 1 mug of boiling water and inhale out -based vapors.

Inhalation with lavender oil
inhalation with lavender oil

Lavender oil to children

The use of essential oil in children should be carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • exclude the presence of allergies for the clockwork
  • consult a pediatrician before using
  • strictly adhere to the recommended dosage

Lavender essential oil after appropriate approval of a doctor can be used even in infants.

The main cases of application:

  • rash and itching when teething
  • pain in the tummy
  • calming before going to bed
  • cough, runny nose
  • insect bites
Mom and child, lavender
mom and child, lavender

Dosage: 1 drop of essential oil per 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Mode of application:

  • aroma lamps
  • a drop on a pillow or piece of fabric
  • bath
  • massage
  • steam inhalations (terrible children)

Thus, if the lavender butter had long been in your first -aid kit, and you did not know how to use it, great opportunities opened before you (only make sure that the expiration date did not expire). If this oil is not available, maybe you will think about its acquisition.

Video: Lavender oil: 10 main properties

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  1. It seems to me that this is more of money right down .... if you are not sorry, of course use, no one will stop. But it is better for, for example, to nourish and moisturize the skin from the inside with hyaluronic acid. I used to buy on iherb, now I switched to Evalarovskaya with a high dosage of 150 mg. Very pleased.

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