The most valuable rose oil: use in cosmetology. Which rose oil is the most useful?

The most valuable rose oil: use in cosmetology. Which rose oil is the most useful?

You can achieve beautiful skin and healthy hair in different ways, including using rose oil.

The rose and its captivating, alluring aroma attracted and will attract people at all times. Such a delicate and at the same time majestic rose is a find for cosmetologists and perfumers.

The use and benefits of rose essential oil in cosmetology

From ancient times, rose has been revered from many peoples. It was considered very valuable and useful. Its scope is so extensive that it is easier to describe areas in which it was not used.

In cosmetology, the rose oil has a special place. It is at the head of the list of oils that contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin, its speedy healing.

Essential pink oil is used for aromatherapy that relax baths. It positively affects the nervous system, soothes it.

Rose essential oil is an aphrodisiac, so with its use should be extremely careful.

The excellent use for essential pink oil is massage.

Rose essential oil

What roses are the most useful? What rose is the oil from?

There are several varieties of roses that are grown specifically for oil. They differ in their properties, aroma.

Varieties of roses used to obtain oil:

  • Kazanlyk rose
  • White Kazanlyk rose
  • Capital rose
  • White Rose
  • Red Rose
  • Muscate rose
  • Damasian rose

In cosmetology, muscular oil and wild rose oil are very appreciated (which consists of several oils). Why these oils? Because they contain the largest amount of fatty acids that contribute to the rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

The Kazanlyk rose oil, in turn, was very much fell in love with perfumers thanks to her magical aroma. By the way, it used to be called the Gul oil.

Damascus rose oil is actively used to treat many diseases in the female part and not only. It is also considered extremely useful. In its appearance, Damasian rose is very much like a peony.

Rosa Damaskaya
Rosa Damaskaya

Muscular rose oil, benefit

  • Muscular rose oil is unique oil. It has a super-surviving, regenerating action. It is actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine
  • The oil rose oil contains a large amount of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the skin cells. Therefore, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes to combat even the deepest wrinkles
  • This oil is heavy artillery in the struggle for female beauty and youth. Its regular use can maintain a fresh look of the skin for a long time, its elasticity and softness
  • Muscular rose oil copes with small scars and cuts perfectly. If your skin has small shramiks, then the oil rose oil will be a real salvation for you
  • This oil is extremely useful for nails. It makes them strong, white. Legs the surface of the nail plate
Muscate rose
Muscate rose

The benefits of oil rose petals

The oil has the second name - "liquid sun". So he was called for the rich concentration of useful substances in it.

Wild rose (rosehip) has collected all the beneficial substances from the earth, water and clean air of wild, untouched nature. It enriches the skin with vitamins and trace elements necessary for it.

Wild rose oil is suitable for absolutely any skin. But it is best to use it specifically for wilting, aging skin. But if your skin is tired of the abundance of cosmetics, too cold climate and stress, then a wild rose oil will definitely help her recover.

  • The wonderful property of the oil is that it, having a fairly light structure, does not clog skin cells, so it can be used with a calm conscience as a night cream
  • Two or three applications of this oil for the lip area are enough to get rid of
  • The aroma of a wild rose oil is not so strong as to kill other smells, so even people who do not tolerate the smell of roses for some reason use it
Wild rose or rosehip
Wild rose or rosehip

The benefits of Damascus rose oil

  • Damasian rose oil has a really crazy aroma. Not every rose bush smells like this oil smells
  • It is used to flavor rooms. Strong enough aphrodisiac
  • Damascus rose oil, real, very expensive. More often on sale you can see not essential, but cosmetic oil of a damask rose, diluted Jojoba oil
  • If you see just such an oil on the store shelf, do not rush to be disappointed and pass by. Jojoba oil itself is very useful, and in combination with Damasian rose oil gives an excellent result
How Dama Rose grows
How Dama Rose grows

Suitable for aging skin and skin prone to dry spots. The complexion aligns perfectly. Gently cares for the skin around the eyes. Recommended for the neckline.

Interesting fact: Damasian rose oil approach for oily skin type. It leaves no greasy traces, the skin does not glisten after it, but looks even more matte than usual.

Damascus rose oil, as well as a wild rose or rosehip oil, is used as a night cream. It nourishes the skin, moisturizes it.

Damasian rose
Damasian rose

How to use roses from wrinkles?

Rosa oil from wrinkles is used for a very, very long time.

  • As mentioned above, almost any type of pink oil effectively fights wrinkles. Even the deepest (frontal, nasolabial)
  • There is a cosmetic and essential rose oil. The essential oil is very aromatic, but it should be used with caution. There is a big risk of getting a burn of the skin. Essential oil is always mixed with cosmetic, so the oil acts much softer
  • Cosmetic oil is absolutely safe. It can be used in its pure form. Very often, the cosmetic oil of the rose was obtained by mixing essential pink oil and some other cosmetic oil that does not have a smell (wheat germ, jojoba, for example)
rose oil

From wrinkles, pink oil is used as follows:

  • Make various masks where other oils or other components are included
  • Applied in pure form

In pure form, pink oil from wrinkles is simple:

  • The skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and pollution
  • Apply oil on the face with a cotton pad and distribute evenly
  • Wait for the oil to absorb, the remains are removed with a clean cotton pad

Pink oil in the mixture in other components also effectively fights wrinkles. Rose oil can be mixed with:

  • Jozhoba oil, wheat germ, cocoa oil, peach oil, olive
  • Oatmeal, sour cream, egg, clay are suitable from foods

As part of any mixture, the oil will show its healing properties. There is enough a pair of drops of rose oil to see the result.

Rose oil
rose oil

How to use skin roses around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate. She needs special care. The very first signs of aging are manifested precisely on the skin around the eyes in the form of small wrinkles. They are also called "goose" paws.

It is not difficult to get rid of such wrinkles if they have just begun to appear. If there are already many wrinkles, and they have appeared a long time ago, then only comprehensive care will help to cope with them.

Cosmetic pink oil has just such properties, thanks to which it can eliminate small wrinkles around the eyes, or make large wrinkles less noticeable.

How to use roses for skin around the eyes
How to use roses for skin around the eyes

How to use roses for the skin around the eyes is an interesting question. You can smear the skin around the eyes several times a day with this oil. You can apply oil to the skin at night, and in the morning remove the remains. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, so both options are possible.

If there is a desire, rose oil can be mixed with other oils, which also favorably affect the condition of the skin around the eyes:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Coconut oil (it is better to take refined oil for this, otherwise the smells of the rose and coconut are mixed and it will turn out not a very pleasant aroma)
  • Peach oil
  • Jozhoba oil
  • Castor (do not take a lot of castor oil and do not leave it at night, it is very heavy, eyelids can swell)
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Walnut oil
Various oils
Various oils

How to use body roses?

Rose oil can be remarkably used in body care.

Where exactly the rose oil is used

  • Massage
  • Scrub
  • Wraps
  • In the fight against stretch marks

Pink oil is used as a massage. It not only has a pronounced regenerative effect, but is also a good anti -stress, that is, relaxes. And relaxation of the body and reason is the key to high -quality massage.

It can be used as separately from other oils, there and with them. For massage, pink oil is mixed with jojoba oil, apricot, olive, peach.

Rose oil massage
Rose oil massage

Pink oil perfectly acts as an additive for home cooking. Such a scrub may include sea moth, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, honey. Rosa oil will soften the effect of the scrubbing element, while improving the result from the use of scrub.

Pink oil is added to scrubs to give skin elasticity and elasticity. It can also be added to anti -cellulite scrubs.

In a mixture for wraps, rose oil may also be contained. In addition to oil, they usually use:

  • Coffee
  • Mustard
  • Clay
  • Algae (kelp)
  • Honey
  • Salt is sea
  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa
Wrap with oil
Wrap with oil

If your goal is to give the skin of elasticity, then for wrapping you can use pink oil without additional ingredients.

Use of hair rose oil

Rose oil is used primarily to strengthen the hair onion and giving shine to the hair.

It acts on the hair very gently, envelops it and protects it from harmful external influences.

What is useful for a little hair rose

  • Makes hair shiny
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Eliminates dandruff
  • Normalizes the secretion of sebum, due to which the excessive oily scalp is eliminated
  • Prevents the cross -section of the hair (if the hair is already sown, then it prevents its further cross -section)
  • Eliminates brittle hair
  • Makes the hair soft to the touch

From this list we can conclude that pink oil is a real find for maintaining health and hair of hair.

Many are tormented by the question: “How to rinse roses from hair? Are hair oily from him? " . In fact, pink oil is light enough. Depending on the structure of the hair and the amount of oil itself, they require from one to two flushing maximum. The hair after it does not look sebaceous, but rather remain clean longer.

Regular use of rose oil creates miracles with hair
Regular use of rose oil creates miracles with hair
  • You can use pink hair oil both as part of other masks and yourself
  • Before use, the oil is heated to 40 degrees in a water bath, then applied either to the ends or to the entire length
  • Hair is removed under a shower hat, and the head is wrapped on top with a towel
  • They hold such a mask from 30 minutes to several hours (you can even leave it overnight). Rinse with shampoo

The benefits and use of pink oil: tips and reviews

Inna, 23 years old, Moscow

From childhood, my hair had been stuck. The food was good, I did not use elastic bands. They got stocked up and all here. Cuttled. When she grew up, she began to cut with hot scissors, did various procedures to sealed hair, but all to no avail. A friend brought Rose oil from the trip, she was advised to buy him there. It cost a lot, but she was promised just a crazy result. I tried to apply this oil to my hair before bedtime, and wash it off in the morning. I made 5 procedures. The hair became better, but still stone quite strongly, although less than before using oil. Then I decided to cut the ends for the last time to continue using oil, because it prevents the cross -section of the hair. Surprisingly, this has helped and for six months now I have beautiful healthy hair without a single yellow hair. Now I advise everyone.

Maria, 28 years old, Kirov

I have never used hair oils, for me it is a new product, but rose oil simply conquered me. Not a single balm gave such an amazing result as this oil. I regret that I spent so much time in search of its means and was skeptical about natural products. In addition to rose oil, she began to use coconut. I just can’t decide which one is better, but my hair shines even in a dark room, stopped breaking, grow quickly. In general, I am satisfied, I advise everyone.

Video: On the benefits of pink oil

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