10 baths for weight loss - recipes. Home baths for weight loss

10 baths for weight loss - recipes. Home baths for weight loss

Many are sure that it is simply impossible to lose weight without enhanced physical training and expensive pharmacological drugs. However, this is not quite true.

The positive effect of hot baths in the process of treating various stages of obesity is attested not only by valeogues, naturopaths, homeopaths and herbal medicine, but also by representatives of official medicine - professional physiotherapists.

The effectiveness of hydrotherapy in the fight against excess weight is determined by several procedural effects:

  • increased metabolism, withdrawal of toxins, toxins and excess water from various systems and organs of the body
  • the absorption of dissolved chemical compounds that actively affect the burning of subcutaneous fat
  • correction of autopharmacology - synthesizing certain beneficial substances within the body itself

However, it should be remembered that hot water is not so bad. It greatly increases the pressure, negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscles, can contribute to internal hemorrhages and the breaks of already formed blood clots.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, blood diseases, autoimmune processes are the main contraindications for any type of hot hydrotherapy.

Lumpy baths: recipes

For effective hydropathy, to get rid of excess weight, you do not need to go. You will need:

  • special instruction with well -warmed air
  • sedentary or lying bathroom - 1 pc. (well, if it turns out to be hydromassage)
  • 200-250 liters of very hot water with the ability to adjust temperature
  • means for deep cleansing the skin like a hard washcloth and tar soap
  • fillers to create effective fat -burning solutions

Video: How to lose weight in the bathroom?

Medical baths for weight loss: these recipes are compiled exclusively from plant ingredients that are actively used both in traditional medicine and for the preparation of certified pharmacy concentrates.

Recipe No. 1. Home bath with a decoction to accelerate metabolism from:

  • walnut leaves
  • fennel and dill seeds
  • dandelion roots
  • lavender herbs and flowers

Recipe No. 2. Home bath for weight loss with a diaphoretic decoction of:

  • linden color
  • horsetail grass
  • parsley greenery
  • the root of the saber

Recipe number 3. Home bath for weight loss with a fat -burning decoction of:

  • harsuster rhizomes (poisonous)
  • sage leaves
  • tall flowers high
  • ordinary pine kidneys

Recipe No. 4. Home bath with a decoction to get rid of slagging from:

  • mint herbs
  • wheatgrass rhizomes
  • stevy leaves
  • krushina bark

RECIPE: For all the bathtubs presented for weight loss, the norms of brewed herbs are calculated based on the norm 1 tablespoon of chopped herbaline for 10 liters of water. For a 150-liter volume of the bathroom, it is necessary to boil (in the average size of an enameled pan), 15 spoons of each ingredient.

First, we throw the bark and crushed rhizomes, a little later - the kidneys and leaves, at the very end - seeds and greens. We begin to cook strictly in boiling water. The duration of the full cycle should be no more than 20 minutes. We use the decoction immediately after cooking. Lighting bath 21

Salt baths for weight loss

Food salt dissolved in hot water is one of the most affordable substances for activating and increasing metabolic processes in the body. Its microscopic crystals irritate the skin and lead to hypermia - the expansion of blood vessels, and overflow them with blood. In this case, the release of toxins from the body through the pores of the skin and kidneys is greatly simplified. Lighting bath 18

The lumen of the capillaries of the vascular network of a person, as it is growing up, decreases. Along with this, the density of microbes increases: only the smallest molecules begin to pass through themselves.

Therefore, the slagging of the body with large compounds is growing every year, and hormonal background is also disturbed. The mechanisms of improper production and disposal of those responsible for the accumulation and spending of adipose tissue of hormones are included: estrogen and leptin.

Home salt baths for weight loss are enormous - they enhance metabolism, including in the fat layer of the skin.

Balneotherapy specialists - the treatment with mineral waters of natural and artificial origin use other salts except sodium chloride. However, crystals of this particular substance have the most gentle effect on the skin. Lighting bath 10

The optimal concentration of salt bathtub for weight loss is 3%. This is equivalent to 4.5 kg of crystals per 150-liter volume of water. The maximum salt content, which is already able to harm health, is 9 kg to the same volume.

One treatment course consists of 20 procedures, which are desirable to organize every other day. The duration of the sunset in sodium-chloride water must be increased to the middle of the course and then reduced: from 10-15 minutes to 35-45 minutes and vice versa. We also act with the temperature regime: start from 30-35 ° C, bring to 40-45 ° C and return to the original indicators. Lighting bath 114

Salt salt for weight loss

Today on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores you can find many options for this effective tool. The most affordable option is crystals made by artificial secondary evaporation from the fossil mineral Galit with additives. Processed stone salt, in addition to sodium chloride, may contain more than 20 natural mineral impurities. This cannot but please want to lose weight. Bath for weight loss 17

Further in the accessibility list there are crystals mined by evaporation of sea and oceanic water. In composition from the substance of fossil salt, they practically do not differ. The difference is that there is a certain share of harmful chemical compounds gleaned from modern emissions into the biosphere.

Lighting bath 01

Recycled volcanic raw materials with a high content of iron oxide and sulfur have a slightly greater monetary value. It is mined in India, Pakistan and some other countries located in the Himalayan mountains. Black, dark gray or pink color. It has an unpleasant odor. This is an effective home substitute for balneological hydrogen sulfide springs, including weight loss.

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Well, the most expensive crystals are the remainder from the evaporation of the waters of the over -the -term lakes (including the Dead Sea) since they are mined and delivered to the places of consumption from each other and rare sources that are quite remote from each other.

Lighting bath 14

Salt for weight loss should have sufficient concentration in water to have a decent therapeutic effect. One two -hundredth bag will clearly not be enough.

A one-time use will also not give any visible results. Compounds that are different from NACL should be used in courses, lasting at least 15 days. Pointing and procedural time manipulate according to the wave graphics.

Bishophytic salt for losing weight

This substance is a product of processing a natural fossil mineral consisting of magnesium and bromine with two dozens of other mineral inclusions.

It has a pronounced immunotropic activity: launches, restores and sets up the body's protective reserves. Effectively acts on the circulatory system, expanding the vessels, contributes to the active removal of toxins. It stimulates the beta receptors of adipocytic fat cells that are responsible for lipolysis-fat burning. Bath for weight loss 22

Bishophytic salt for losing weight copes well with the swelling of the skin and nearby tissues, but it can cause bromism and bring depression, confusion, allergies or pain in different parts of the body.

RECIPE: The optimal concentration of crystals for procedures to get rid of excess weight is 3%. It is supposed to pour 3 kg of salt on a 150-liter bathroom. The duration of each call is from 10 to 20 minutes at a water temperature of 35-40 ° C. Course schedule - 10 procedures every 2 days.

Magnesia for lumpy baths

The chemical element of magnesium sulfate, which is still called English salt, is an extremely effective means for instant dehydration. The edematous legs and arms of a person, burdened with excess weight, “melt” literally before our eyes. Magnesia is used not only as emergency assistance to get rid of extra pounds, but also for exchange rate of old metabolic problems.

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RECIPE: Magnesia for baths for weight loss of extreme and radical is used in the concentration of 500-1000 g of salt for 150-200 liters of water once. A lower saturation for emergency weight loss will not be effective. For course treatment, solutions of 50-100 g of salt in 150-200 l of water are used. Campaigns are repeated after 4-6 days. The total number of procedures is 10.

Bath with magnesia for weight loss: reviews

English salt helps well. Minus 1 cm on each thigh. She measured in the morning after evening water procedures. The skin is great dry. Next time I will try to use a moisturizing body of the body immediately after leaving the bathroom.

Magnesia, accepted inward, greatly slam and lowers blood pressure, provides unpleasant sensations in the intestines for a week in advance. Therefore, with an existing tendency to intensive skin absorption, it should be significantly limited to the standard concentrations proposed.

The purified magnetic salt of sulfuric acid can be a strong allergen: before dipping into a concentrated solution, conduct a test for tolerance. Dissolve a pinch of crystals in half a teaspoon of water and soak the resulting mixture on the inside of the elbow bend of the arm.

A bath with magnesia for weight loss: reviews indicate the actual efficiency and simultaneous danger to health. In this regard, the use of English salt should be planned by increasing. Always check the fitness of the body for extreme interaction with similar chemical elements.

Baths with soda for weight loss

Soda hydropathy is one of the most pleasant procedures for getting rid of excess weight. You can bask in soda water for more than an hour and a half.

Naturopaths are sure: the food culture of today, as well as kilograms of cosmetics and household chemicals that are on our skin, slowly but correctly acidify the body.

This is especially true for people prone to fullness, struggling with excess weight diets. Fasting or significant restriction in nutrition provoke insufficient excretion and oxidation of organic acids. They are accumulated in tissues, which leads to primary diseases of the blood, kidneys and lungs.

Bath for weight loss 19

  • Baths with soda for weight loss reveal amazing things. Often, after the first procedure, the PH indicator of a bathing solution changes, decreasing by more than 2 units. This is an irrefutable signal of how much acid actually comes out during the process of soda hydrotherapy
  • Opinions about what concentration of soda is needed to achieve the optimal therapeutic effect are divided. However, the limits are nevertheless limited to 200-500 g for a 150-liter volume of water. Balneological analogue of such homemade therapy-natural bicarbonate-sodium sources Lighting bath 02

Bath with soda and salt for weight loss

It combines the irritating effect of sodium chloride and excellent leaching properties of sodium sodium. It is used for short purification courses during active phases of fat burning: intensification of physical activity, tightening diets, taking radically acting on lipoliz and lipogenesis of pharmacological drugs.

A bath with soda and salt for weight loss, unlike monosmes, is prepared with less concentrations of active substances. This is a necessary condition due to the manifestation of relative weakness during the period of sharp restructuring of the metabolic system. The optimal composition of the solution: 150 liters of water, 200 g of soda, 1 kg of salt. Reception course: 4-5 days in a row.

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Sea baths for weight loss

This type of procedures is carried out using all types of fossil and salt extracted from the water. In stores you can find both large and small crystals. The colors and sizes of mineral particles, their smell are formed entirely by a chemical composition.

Video: On the benefits of a bath with salt

Salts of famous deposits have such distinctive features:

  • the color of French scattering is gray or resembles beige granite with pinkish interspersed
  • english stands out by almost snow -white color
  • crimean, like Bolivian, is pigmented by pink
  • hawaiian is painted in shades from light graphite to black
  • crystals from the shores of the Dead Sea has a yellowish tint

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Sea baths for weight loss should be prepared in three percent concentrations. However, in practice, few people use such ratios, due to a fairly high cost of imported salt. Natural and artificial aromatic compositions introduced into raw materials can not always become useful for the body that gets rid of excess weight.

Mustard bath for weight loss

Mustard, like salt, has a strong irritating effect on the skin: the pores are revealed, the lumen of the capillaries increases, the walls of the vessels are exhausted.

The burnability of mustard powder depends on the amount of synigrine glycoside in it. The more it is, the stronger the useful hypermia from hydrotherapy.

A mustard bathtub for weight loss should be prepared in a limited heat mode. The burnability of glycoside can be released only at a temperature of up to 40 ° C. At 42 ° C, concomitant enzymes responsible for the splitting of Sinirgin are completely inactivated.

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The volume of not very hot water of 150 liters requires 100-150 grams of mustard powder. Slowing in such a bath for more than 15 minutes is quite difficult. If after taking one or two procedures there is no persistent irritation or allergies, you can begin a 15-day course without a “weekend”.

Bath with vinegar for weight loss

If the completeness is accompanied by abundant ceiling and seafront with an unpleasant odor, acetic thermotherapy will help to cope with these problems, accelerate metabolism.

One of the main destructively acting components of the skin fat is sapienic acid. This substance is accumulated in the skin with a lack of linoleic and linolenic indispensable fatty acids, provoking the blockage of pores, thickening and compaction of the epidermis.

The main fatty acid of skin fat (sapien) is well oxidized by vinegar, which is formed by vinegar bacteria.

He decomposes the most persistent part of an unpleasant smelling fat “cork” on simpler elements. They subsequently easily release from the skin.

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A bath with vinegar for weight loss is a real salvation from the first signs of metabolic disorder or already a whole developed alkalosis. Squeezing the body often occurs against the background of the presence of excess weight.

Lapidar baths for weight loss

The turpentine is essential oil from ordinary pine. Contains terpenes and other elements that have an irritating effect on the skin. In natural form, it is a colorless and insoluble liquid in water. For use in hydrotherapy with the aim of losing weight, it is emulsified.

There are two forms of emulsion on sale: yellow, which has an annoying effect of medium strength, and white, having a rather strong effect on the neuro-receptor apparatus and circulatory system.

Bath for weight loss 16

The white emulsion for weight loss consists of:

  • distilled water
  • salicylic acids
  • crushed soap
  • zhistychny turpentine

The yellow solution to get rid of fat deposits is made of:

  • distilled water
  • castor oil
  • caustic sodium
  • oleinova acids
  • zhistychny turpentine

Dripidic baths for weight loss are an effective tool for enhancing metabolism. However, an undiluted emulsion on the skin and mucous membranes should be avoided, since the substance can cause severe burns.

Bath Zalmanov for weight loss

The yellow solution and the white turpentine emulsion are the invention of an outstanding Russian scientist of the 20th century, Doctor of Medical Sciences Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov. He became one of the pioneers in the study of humoral (endocrine) regulation. The scientist spent most of his life a description of the functions of the capillary system of the human body. Lighting bath 03

Zalmanov believed that capillaropathy is increased brittleness and reduced resistance of microwaves is the main reason for the transition of acute stages of any diseases to chronic. He experimentally confirmed that the turpentine emulsion contributes to:

  • adjusting biochemical reactions in lymph flow and blood system
  • regulation of fat and water-salt metabolism
  • restoration of the anatomical structure of the capillary network
  • improving microcirculation

Lighting bath 13

Baths in Zalmanov for weight loss have many conventions in the procedures for organizing that you can fit in a whole book. Dripidic treatment of obesity and getting rid of excess weight, cellulite consists in prolonged use of yellow and white baths in a ratio of 2: 1 or 3: 1.

Ginger bath for weight loss

Spicy ginger root is an excellent tool for getting rid of fat deposits. It is a universal immunomodulator, a metabolic adjuster. Contains more than 100 items of active molecules that have a beneficial effect for the human body. This spice is included in the ten most useful phytopreparations on the planet.

A bath with ginger for weight loss is prepared from a dull fresh root or its dry analogue. For a 150-liter volume of water, you need to stock up 400 g of dry ginger powder or 700 g of the root. The spice is poured with three liters of just boiled water and is steamed for 20 minutes in a warm place. The infusion must be used immediately after brewing.

Lumpy bath for weight loss

Aromotherapy in the aquatic environment is the preferential set of procedures that can really help in the fight against excess weight. Before taking the bath, a deep cleansing of the skin under a hot shower should be carried out and have time to dry. The selected complex of oils is always introduced into the water not in its pure form, but as part of an emulsing substance: kefir, cream, milk, yogurt or sea salt. Lighting bath 11

Aromatic compositions recommended for use from excess weight - a mixture of oils:

  • bergamota, Gerani, Mandarin, Lemongrass
  • black pepper, grapefruit, sage, lavender
  • cypress, orange, mint, juniper
  • lemon, Cardamon, Fenhel, Jozhoba
  • neroli, cinnamon, roses, rosemary

A bath with oils for weight loss with a volume of 150 liters should not contain more than 10 drops of one aroma. The optimum temperature for such hydrotherapy: 35-38 ° C. Course schedule: 10-15 procedures every other day. Lighting bath 15

Bathroom exercises for weight loss

Seven best training movements to get rid of excess weight in a hot bathroom:

  1. Strengthen and relax all the muscles of the body. Alternate rest and reduction every 30 seconds
  2. Cut your knees and press them to each other for 3-5 minutes. In addition to the muscles of the legs, abdominal muscles are also involved here
  3. Squeeze alternately the right and left buttocks for two minutes
  4. Raise the elongated legs alternately or together, hold them by weight for 10 s
  5. Draw a stomach and maintain this position for more than five minutes
  6. Squeeze the fingers and legs “in fists” without relaxing for more than three minutes
  7. Lie down, align your legs, bend each at the chest without the help of your hands, holding at least 20 with

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Exercises in the bathroom for weight loss are not as simple as it seems. Having completed the entire complex without preparing with approaches several times, the next day you can feel extremely unpleasant crepe.

Lighting baths: tips and reviews

  • I do not advise taking artificial diuretics before thermal exposure in the aquatic environment. Something terrible can happen to the vessels of the brain. I had enough once. The maximum that you can convince yourself is a huge August watermelon
  • Advisers on the Internet offer to make oak bark and other herbal preparations containing tanning substances in bathtubs for weight loss. This is explained by the fact that Tanins connect the salts of heavy metals and remove them from the body. However, this action takes place only with internal use. Tanins act on the skin as astringent and further complicate the departure of toxins from the body
  • The main secretion of harmful substances in a hot bath goes through the kidneys, and in the sauna through the skin. If you have sick kidneys, it is better not to steam in water.
  • Before the hot hydrotherapy procedure, drink a few liters of warm premised water. It will help the skin and kidneys delicately cope with the output of slags
  • Baths for weight loss: tips and reviews indicate that this type of getting rid of extra pounds at home is conditionally safe. Do not violate the contraindications of official medicine. Always check unfamiliar chemicals for possible negative effects

Video: Bath with Curious

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Comments K. article

  1. I have only a shower booth at home, so that such weight loss does not suit me)) In general, I want to buy myself capsules for weight loss of models forty. A friend told about them, and I began to look for reviews. Posterly respond. I was generally surprised that these pills lead to the fact that you start to sweat less. And I have such a problem. So why not get rid of one fell swoop from these two problems

  2. Objectively, hot baths do not remove fat, except that they remove excess liquid and relax a bit. I didn’t have a relationship with them, I really want to eat after the bath. And for metabolism and reducing appetite I accept the turboslim neuro (I order at the phytomarket.ru), due to it I eat less calories and lose weight faster.

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