Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters “f” and “x” - a table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters “f” and “x” - a table, treatment with affirmations

The psychosomatic concept from the popular American psychologist Louise Hei is based on independent management of the restorative resources of the body, using an internal dialogue with its own subconscious and mental healing attitudes. In some cases, healing phrases allow you to overcome even chronic ailments, without recurrent manifestations.

Psychological control of the flow of thoughts and the timely elimination of phrases of parasites contributes to the rapid recovery of the human body. In his literary works, the author of the conceptual non -traditional method of treatment provided by personal experience proves the effectiveness of this program, giving a number of examples of the effectiveness of its teaching.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters "f" and "x" - from fibroma to hoarse in the larynx

  • The compiled table allows you to investigate the number of diseases for the letter "f" and "x". Count psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases Indicates the main reasons that provoked the development of pathology in the body.
  • Count with healing phrases gives an idea on the internal content of mental attitudes.

To find out about other diseases, on the letters   BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLMNOPR, FROM, T, U Follow the active link.

Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Warm by female pride. The resentment inflicted by the partner was not forgiven.


I let go of insults. My life belongs to me and is filled with favorable events for me.



Problems in relations with the father. The failure of their femininity. Denial of sexual desire. Mental beliefs of contact with a partner, as something sinful and dirty act. Fear, as a result of a past unsuccessful sexual experience.


It gives me pleasure to be a woman. Sexuality is a natural condition for me. I am not ashamed to express my feelings and emotions
Furunkul: Karbunkul Rage and raging. Excitation. I express feelings of joy and love. In my soul, peacefulness and tranquility reigns.
Fibrous-acid degeneration Excessive pity in relation to oneself. Disappointment with fate. Resentment against the elected life path. I enjoy my own life. The Universe protects me with love. My soul is free and happy.
Flebitis: venous inflammatory process Anger and loss of interest. The accusation of others in vitality and a lack of positive events. Moving a feeling of guilt on other people. I have no conflicts with fate. Life treats me with goodwill. Happy emotions fill my heart.
Pharyngitis Anger stuck in the throat and prevents him from speaking. Fear does not allow a voice to show. Feeling of depression. I can easily voice all my thoughts. My heart lives in harmony and harmony. Now I can talk about everything I wish.
Fibroma of the uterus Overwhelmed resentment. Rejection of your own feminine. Burden from disagreement with the opposite sex. I bring to others, only kind and joyful emotions. I forget those negative feelings that caused me pain.

Conservative beliefs and unwillingness, change your worldview.


I remove everything that prevents me from living - to love and be happy from the subconscious. Now in my fate, a new stage has begun, filled with open self -expression - without hesitation and complexes.


Cholesterol: increased content Fear in acquiring positive emotions. Littering the flows of happy energy. Inability to penetrate the body with a positive stream. I love my existence. I gratefully accept positive energy. My soul is open for streams of happiness and fun.
Chronic diseases Sensation of prudence and trepidation. A premonition of trouble, fright. Renovation of the latest transformations. The fear of the future. My future is a source of safe and new events. I am happy to accept all those changes that fate gives me. I wish to follow the new path chosen for me by the universe.
Horington disease Disrespect of self -helplessness before the onslaught of other people. Hopelessness. My life is in abundance and well -being. I rejoice at every day of my being. I trust the life flow of the universe.
Khokokins disease Fear, stand out from the crowd. The desire to prove to others, its significance. The wear of the body from experiences and the eternal struggle for recognition in society. Lack of joy and loss of calm. I am saturated with joy and grace. I allow myself to show freedom of action in decision -making. I am a full and self -confident person. Being yourself is a safe activity.
Cholesterol: atherosclerosis Inner desire, express a rebuff. Intensive limitations of thinking. Refuse to see positive in a series of real events. I look at the world, with a look with good intentions. I am available for happy and favorable events.
Hoarse: inflammation of the larynx Anger does not allow to say something. Fear of saying an extra word. Threatening circumstances, force to be silent. I pronounce the desired aloud and by my own agreement. Nothing prevents me from talking. My voice is endowed with the power and the right to self -expression.
  • The peculiarity and effectiveness of treatment according to this method is in terms of purposeful displacement from the person’s subconscious, conclusions with a negative program. Similar psychosomatic eliminations are replaced positive and healing mental forms.
  • Practice the healing methodology should be regularly with a perfect internal mood for recovering the body from the disease.
  • The activity of using a healing program depends on the severity of the disease. For aggravated and depressing forms of the disease, a long period of manipulations with installations is needed.

Video: Affirmation for a healthy body from Louise Hei

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