Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters “c”, “h”, “w”, “С” - a table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters “c”, “h”, “w”, “С” - a table, treatment with affirmations

The target direction in the psychosomatic study of man is occupied by the theory of self -knowledge of the human body, the study of the relationship of the functions of the body and brain. A great contribution to the development of this teaching was made by Louise Hay.

Louise Hay’s perennial practices in the field of psychology, and scientific evidence, have become the basis for a number of subsequent studies of diseases - from the perspective of psychosomatic analysis.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters “c”, “h”, “w”, “С” - from cellulite to thyroid diseases

  • The table provided includes a list of diseases on the letter “c”, “h”, “w”, “С”.
  • List psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases, placed in alphabetical order.
  • In neighboring columns, for each ailment, psychosomatic characteristics of the disease and phrases with positive healing attitudes are indicated.

To find out about other diseases, on the letters   BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLMNOPRFROMT, U, F, x follow the active link.

Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

The accumulated anger and punishment of oneself, for the inability to control irritability.


I forgive myself and the rest. From now on, my heart is filled with love and good. I allow myself to receive pleasure from life.


Cystitis: bladder disease

A pronounced fear of the new. Anxious state and an attempt to leave everything as it is. Condition of oneself, for the courage of thoughts.


I have no need to worry - my life is safe. I choose everything interesting and new for myself.


Scratches: abrasions A sense of loss from events, the chosen life path. Confidence that life is trying to take away all the benefits. The Universe gives me everything that I need - fully. I am happy to accept the blessing from the universe.
Circulation It shows the ability to form positive emotions and feelings. My love of life makes it possible to freely and without interference to flow the flows of universal energy: in all areas of my body.
Cerebral paralysis An attempt to reunite family ties between people - with the assistance of the emotions of love and care. I make enough effort to unite my family. My actions are filled only with happiness and joy. I am success in my actions.

Poisoned thoughts, other people's beliefs. Spain and inability to resist other people's attacks.


For me, my own opinion is most important. In me, a true manifestation is laid, universal love and care.


Jaw: muscle lice syndrome Revenge. Fury and anger. Resentment. The accumulation of evil thoughts. I feel a sense of safety and security. I am gratitude and love to myself. I can easily refuse the reasons that provoke diseases. I am happy to accept new healing processes in my life.
Foreign body feeling in the throat Fear and anxiety. Incredulity to the life cycle. Attacks of fear and panic. Far -fetched excessive fears. I entrust my existence - the laws of the universe. I am sure that the Ecumenical Forces protect me and give me good events. The world is favorable to me.
Maxillofacial injuries: temporomandibular joint Emergency and irritability. Angry feelings. Neglect and anxiety. I no longer obey the obsolete stereotypes inspired by me. My heart is free for positive emotions. I approve and love myself. Life processes are a harmless venture.
Black dots on the skin of the face: gum Excitation. Soul suffering due to obsolete grievances. Fear of oppression and threats. I protect my heart, with the help of positive emotions. My soul is free from long -standing grievances and grief. I allow myself to experience emotions of forgiveness and happiness.
Beneficity: heartlessness A demanding and strict type of thinking. Confidence in the fairness of their own conservative principles. Holding anxiety and feeling of fear. I like, accept and explore new information. I freely participate in the acquisition of positive life experience. My soul strives for friendliness and good.
Cervical diseases

The ability to see the situation from different angles and the denial of the result. Lack of flexibility in communication, stubbornness.


I am approving to solve issues that have arisen, using various methods. My life mood is to do good and enjoy every day.


Noise in ears Lack of desire, listen to personal intuition. Assertiveness and intransigence. I approve of the choice of the universe. I trust my own inner voice. My thoughts are full of love. I accept, only positive and peaceful energy.
Neck: cervical spine Personifies, the ability to bend. The ability to see what is behind. I am in harmonious and favorable relationships with life.
Schuller disease Trustment. Rejection of personal expression. An excessive critical assessment, their actions and decisions. I am in the affirmative and confidence in my preferences. My love for myself is a stable feeling. It awaits me, a great future.
Thyroid gland: goiter Central gland in the immune system of the body. The feeling of exhaustion is fatigue from the barriers and attacks of life. My immunity - draws energy from a positive attitude of thought. I increase the power of my body: physically and spiritually. I trust the signals of my body.
Thyroid gland: deviations and illnesses Humiliating position. The obstacle to the implementation of personal ideas. Society does not perceive your personality. A sense of unrequited desires. From this day, I do not obey the interference and manipulations. My creative preferences and actions have the opportunity - to be realized when I wish it.
Thyroid gland: weakening of the function Excessive compliance. Renovation and oppression. A feeling of hopelessness. I respect my aspirations. My desires are primary and undeniable solutions. I freely set out personal requirements and implement them in real time.
We destroy ourselves
We destroy ourselves
  • Using this table, you can easily analyze the discovered disease, as well as to investigate the general mental and emotional state of your own body.
  • With the assistance of positive phrases-installations independently affect the causes of the disease. It is enough to regularly pronounce positive mental forms and strengthen faith in the effectiveness of treatment.

Video: Solving your problems using Louise Hei

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