Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "o" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

The theory of psychosomatic study of malaise, developed by the world -famous psychologist Louise Hay, allows us to study the causes of the disease in terms of psychology. You will learn more about some ailments and their interpretation from Louise Hay from the article.

It is known that patients who used this technique in the treatment recovered faster and had no manifestations of relapse. This gave the development of the popularity of this methodology, and formed a number of followers among psychology and non -traditional medicine.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "o" - from a tumor to acute conjunctivitis

The compiled table considers the options for diseases for the letter “o”: psychosomatic study of the disease, the cause of development and the transformation of mental attitudes. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLM, N Follow the active link.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and violations in the internal organs and parts of the body Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Unwillingness to forget past troubles and grief. A large accumulation of negative thoughts.


In this life, everything goes as it should. Old grievances - I let go into the past. On a new day, I take only good thoughts.



Loss of vital stability or support.


The whole world supports me. I have enough opportunities to survive in the struggle for myself.


Sadly facial features Disappointment in life. The influence of destructive negative thoughts on human lifestyle. I feel a surge of vigor and energy. I launch a stream of joy in my life and thoughts.
Lack of appetite The failure of their existence. Hatred of oneself. Fear of expressing personal feelings. I enjoy my individuality. I like to express emotions of joy. I'm a happy person.
Baldness Loss of confidence in the preference of life. A sense of fear and overstrain. Desire, keep everything under control. I live in a safe period. I like my life. I love everything I do and live.
Bodding Excessive insatitude to existence. Fear and horror. I do actions only at the necessary time. The Universe gives me as much as necessary. I feel safe.
Fainting Memory loss. The inability to cope with the circumstances. Fright, difficulty. I have a rich life experience that allows me to manage my condition on my own. I have strength to control the processes of life.
Otite: inflammation of the auricle, inner and middle ear. Refusal of unintentional participation in the conflict of parents. Unwillingness to hear anything. Noisy surrounding atmosphere. Rage. I like to hear about pleasant events. I am concentrated, only on the manifestation of love and kindness. There are good actions around me.
Obesity Increased emotionality and vulnerability. Behind the fearfulness hides a feeling of anger and resentment. Inability to let go of resentment. Thirst, get more attention and protection. I am constantly under the guardianship of universal forces. The Universe gives my fate the most prosperous options for events. I thank the world for understanding and accepting me what I am. I am a responsible and compassionate person.
Swelling: fluid retention Unwillingness to part with the events or someone. I am free from everything that has become obsolete, without difficulty. I feel freedom and lightness in myself.
Obesity: lower thigh A long -standing conflict with the father. Not forgiven childish resentment, reborn into a sense of anger. I represent the difficult childhood of my father and treat him with understanding and care. I forgive and let go, my childhood fears and resentment. I allow myself and my father, to show freedom of action.
Osteomyelitis: bone disease Painful perception of life principles. Disappointment in people. Lack of mutual understanding and help. I will not quarrel with anyone. Harmony and understanding reigns in my life. I believe in the decisions of the universe.
Obesity: upper thigh Assertiveness and feeling of anger. Inability to forgive parents. The accumulation of resentment and anger. I do not keep evil for past actions and freely say goodbye to them. I do not depend on the one -sided opinion of my parents.
Swelling The torture of oneself with negative mental attitudes. Inability to move away from obsessive bad suggestions. My thoughts are pure and peaceful. I radiate harmony. I freely direct the stream of thoughts in a positive direction.
Obesity of the abdomen Fury due to dissatisfaction. Inability to get the desired result. Lack of interest and emotional discharge. I get enough, internal development. I freely express my emotions. I have approval and recognition from others.
Numbness: tingling or burning Indifference, suppression of the feelings of respect and gratitude. I am happy to respond to the shown feelings of love towards me. I am the owner of mutual love.
Obesity of hands Fury and resentment from unrequited love. I am fully acquiring love. I can accept love as much as I want.
Chills The inability to act in defense of yourself. Detachment, hermit. Desire, to close in yourself. Serving behavior. I'm alright. The world protects me. In my environment there is an atmosphere of well -being.
Burns Excessive inner rage. Desire, erupt with emotions. Aggressiveness. My health is in perfect order. My world, I fill in the energy of goodness and harmony. I am a generator of happiness.
Acute inflammation of the tonsils Fear of voicing your desires. Conviction of the weakness of one’s own power. Suppression of voting rights. My existence gives me the basis for expressing and voicing personal desires. I can demand what I want. My requests are the result of love.
Acute conjunctivitis: infection Anger and irritability. Refusal to see reality. I approve of myself. I am satisfied with my current situation and what I see around me.

When engaged in independent healing using psychosomatic attitudes, it is worth paying attention to some important points:

  1. Regularly monitor the appearance of negative thoughts and eliminate them as they arise.
  2. The emotional state of the patient should be predisposed to this treatment method.
  3. During classes with positive mental forms, all the elements distracting attention should be eliminated, to fully focus on achieving the result of healing.

Video: Healing your life in your hands

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