Recipe for homemade black bread for the oven and bread makers. What can be made from black rye bread?

Recipe for homemade black bread for the oven and bread makers. What can be made from black rye bread?

Recipes for making black bread. Black bread dishes.

Black bread was the most popular in Russia. At that time, white wheat flour products could afford exclusively nobles. This was due to the low stability of wheat to the cold.

But later the breeders brought white wheat varieties, which is resistant to harsh climate. Accordingly, this made white bread more popular.

Benefits, composition of black bread and vitamins

But nutritionists recommend eating rye baking. This is due to the benefits of dark flour products.

The beneficial properties of black bread:

  • Low calorie content. Compared to white, rye pastries are less high -calorie. In 100 g of products 200 calories
  • Saturated vitamin composition. There are more vitamins in rye flour than in wheat
  • High content of amino acids, because of this, the black crust has a characteristic sour taste
  • Beneficial affects the intestines. Due to the high content of dietary fibers, it contributes to the rapid removal of feces. Simply put, in rye bread there is more fiber, which does not allow toxins in the body to accumulate in the body
  • Reduces cholesterol. White pastries, on the contrary, contributes to weight gain and increase cholesterol
The composition of black bread
the composition of black bread

What flour is baked from black bread?

Carefully read the composition of the product. Now rye is planted in small quantities. You can purchase black bread in which there is no rye. Typically, white sugar production is added to white varieties - molasses.

Dark color is obtained due to burnt sugar. In addition, caraway seeds, raisins and sourdoughs are added to brown bread instead of yeast. Rye flour add to some varieties.

It is very difficult to meet purely rye bread, this is due to the high density and a poor rye lift. The products are hard and not airy.

What flour is baked from black bread
What flour is baked from black bread

Black bread yeast: recipe in the oven and bread maker

There are quite a lot of recipes. Often add honey, black molasses and bitter chocolate. This gives the product a dark color and a pleasant aroma.


  • 300 g of rye flour mix with 100 g of wheat
  • Add 11 g of dry yeast to the flour mass
  • Add 220 ml of warm water and 10 g of sugar
  • Pour salt and knead the dough. At the very end, enter 25 ml of oil. It is best to take olive, but the non -refilled sunflower
  • Cook in rye bread mode. It cooks longer than wheat, since the mass rises longer
Black bread yeast
Black bread yeast

Black bread on the sourdough: recipe in the oven and bread maker

To prepare baking, you need leaven, you can purchase or cook it yourself.

Source recipe:

  • Pour a tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water and let stand for a day. Strain the broth and pour rye flour to the consistency of sour cream. Leave in a warm place for 24 hours
  • Pour the flour to a state of sour cream. Add a spoonful of burnt sugar or 25 ml of honey. During the day of fermentation, the mixture will become more liquid. Leave again for a day and add flour
  • On the third day of fermentation, add 1/3 of the water from the total volume of the can and flour
  • Leave for 24 hours, again "feed" the starter
  • On the 6th day, the sourdough is ready. You can bake bread. From the rest of the sourdough in the bank, continue to “grow” a new one. Again feed it with water and flour

There is a mixture in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days.

Bread recipe on the sourdough:

  • Measure 500 ml of leaven from the can, feed the rest
  • In a glass of warm water, dissolve a spoonful of salt and mix with a sourdough
  • Lubricate the shape and interfere with oil, add a liquid mixture to it and pour 500 ml of wheat flour
  • Add 25 ml of oil and mix again
  • Cook in rye bread
  • If you bake in the oven, after the dough knead it needs to be covered three times with a cloth and leave for 60 minutes after the next batch
  • Bake 1 hour in a furnace at a temperature of 220 ° C
Black bread on the sourdough
Black bread on the sourdough

How to make homemade kvass of black bread

This is a delicious drink with a characteristic aroma and taste. For cooking, crackers are used, the stronger you fry them, the darker the kvass will turn out.


  • Cut 500 g of black bread with cubes and dry in the oven
  • Add 5 liters of water to the crackers and leave for 48 hours
  • Add 5 g of yeast and a glass of sugar, leave to infuse for a day
  • Strain through gauze, add 50 g of sugar and leave for 12 hours
  • You can put several highlights in the finished drink and put in the refrigerator
Home kvass made of black bread
home kvass made of black bread

Black bread croutons with garlic

This is a delicious addition to beer or first dishes. The croutons are fragrant and crispy.


  • Melt 100 g of butter in a pan and add 3 teeth of grated garlic, salt and garlic powder to the liquid
  • Pour rye bread chopped into cubes with a mixture
  • Put on a baking sheet covered with foil, and leave in a hot oven for 15 minutes
Black bread croutons with garlic
Black bread croutons with garlic

Curric of black bread to beer with garlic recipe in the oven

Of course, now you can buy any snack for beer in the store. But there are many preservatives and flavors.


  • Buy a loaf of rye bread and put it in the freezer on a dry freeze, for 2 hours. This will allow baking to weathe
  • Cut into cubes and leave
  • Pour 70 ml of olive oil into the pan. Press the five cloves of garlic with a knife and fry in oil. Remove the garlic
  • Pour the cubes with oil and put in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 100 ° C
Curric of black bread to beer with garlic
Curric of black bread to beer with garlic

How to fry black bread with garlic in a pan?

  • Pick in a mortar 3 garlic teeth with salt, drip vinegar and add a little sugar
  • Cut the fresh rye or Borodin bread with slices and grease with gas
  • Fry in a pan with butter until rosy crust
How to fry black bread with garlic in a pan
How to fry black bread with garlic in a pan

Black bread with garlic cheese

Very delicious breakfast or an addition to the soup.


  • Fry pieces of black bread in a pan with butter
  • While the pieces are hot, rub with garlic and sprinkle with salt
  • Rub the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle hot pieces
Black bread with garlic cheese
Black bread with garlic cheese

Black bread with egg

This is a simple breakfast option. It can be prepared in two ways. Just whisk 2 eggs with salt and spices in a bowl. Watch the slices in the egg mixture and fry in a pan.

If you love the eggs very much, you can do it differently. Cut the middle from the slice and fry this frame on two sides in oil. Pour the egg and hold a little more on fire. If desired, you can cover with a lid.

Black bread with egg
Black bread with egg

Sandwiches and canapes with herring and black bread

This is a great snack on the festive table. To prepare it, take callous bread, it is better cut.


  • Cut the crust from the loaf and cut into thin slices of the same size. The form can be any. Rhombics and circles look great
  • In a separate vessel, mix softened oil with chopped dill and coriander
  • Lubricate with aromatic oil pieces
  • Place a piece of fresh cucumber on top
  • Put on the cucumbers on a piece of spicy herring, stab with skewers
Sandwiches and canapes with herring and black bread
Sandwiches and canapes with herring and black bread

Black bread sandwich, sprats and cucumber

This is a delicious and very cheap appetizer for the festive table.


  • Dry bread in a toaster or in a dry pan and cut diagonally
  • Lubricate the pieces until you cooled down with cut garlic
  • Lubricate the surface with oil and put pieces of cucumber, you can take fresh or salty
  • Put on the cucumbers in the fish. Buy sprats in oil
Black bread sandwich, sprats and cucumber
Black bread sandwich, sprats and cucumber

Black bread and red fish sandwiches

This is a great addition to the festive table. You can cook for the New Year.


  • Cut the bread with thin slices and grease with oil. If desired, you can fry the pieces to a crunchy crust
  • Put cream cheese on top, dill branch
  • Put the pieces of salt or cunning pink salmon or salmon on top
Black bread and red fish sandwiches
Black bread and red fish sandwiches

Salad with black bread and tomatoes

This is a cheap salad that will quench hunger in the summer. The taste is very unusual.


  • Cut rye callous bread with small cubes and pour with unrefined oil
  • Chop the onion in half rings
  • Cut the tomatoes in half rings and add to bread and onions
  • Salt, add a clove of grated garlic and greens. Pour oil and mix
Salad with black bread and tomatoes
Salad with black bread and tomatoes

Charlotte made of black bread with apples

If you track your figure, prepare a dessert of rye bread.


  • Take three pieces of sour apples and cut them with slices
  • Add sugar, cinnamon and zest of lemon, pour 2 tablespoons of dry white wine and put out the apples a little. It is impossible to fall apart
  • Put rye bread in the freezer for 2 hours and grate on a coarse grater, sprinkle with sugar
  • Lubricate the mold and sprinkle with crackers
  • Put half the black crumbs, and on them apples, sprinkle again with grated crumbs
  • Bake in the oven for 20 minutes
Charlotte made of black bread with apples
Charlotte made of black bread with apples

Is it possible to add brown bread to the cutlets?

If you want to cook cutlets, but there is no white bread at home, feel free to use rye, black or Borodinsky. Just soak the slice in milk and add it to minced meat and other ingredients. Cutlets are prepared as usual.

The benefits of black bread with butter and honey

Patriotic oil is not the most useful product, but in combination with black bread and honey you will get a delicious and healthy breakfast.

The beneficial properties of black bread with butter and honey:

  • Increases immunity
  • Helps to set up the intestines for proper work during the day
  • Nourishes the brain and improves its work
  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Removes toxins and slags
  • Helps reduce high pressure
  • Fights coughing and SARSI
The benefits of black bread with butter and honey
The benefits of black bread with butter and honey

Calorie content of black bread

The difference between the varieties of different black bread will be significant. This is due to the ingredients used.

  • "Borodinsky" - 264 calories
  • Darnitsky - 200 calories
  • Grain - 228 calories
  • bran - 266 calories

How many calories in a piece of black bread with butter

It all depends on the mass of bread and the thickness of the layer of oil. If you take a small piece of 30 g and 10 g oil, then get an average of 50 calories. If you take bran or Borodinsky bread, then the calorie content will be slightly higher - 70 calories.

How many calories in a piece of black bread with butter
How many calories in a piece of black bread with butter

If you eat bread, be sure to prefer varieties with bran or from rye flour. They have a lot of fiber and useful trace elements.

Video: The benefits of rye bread

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