Products that help get rid of intestinal parasites naturally

Products that help get rid of intestinal parasites naturally

This article describes products that help to remove intestinal parasites.

Parasites are of different shapes and sizes and can exist in any person. Recent studies conducted by the Center for Control of Diseases presented quite shocking assessments of how common parasitic organisms in the world are.

Intestinal parasites: what are dangerous, how to determine whether there are worms?

Intestinal parasites are dangerous for humans
Intestinal parasites are dangerous for humans

Parasites or as they are also called, worms are usually microscopic and often spread through food and water. Read the article on our website about how to determine if you have worms. It is simple to do it, and every person should know about such a diagnosis, since intestinal parasites live next to us everywhere.

Why are they dangerous? Here are a few facts:

  • The report says that several million Russians are infected with parasites.
  • Of which more than 300,000 are infected Trypanosoma Cruzi - the owner who calls shagas diseasewhich leads to complications in the work of the heart and brain.
  • In addition, about 1000 cases of strip worm are recorded annually in hospitals Taenia.
  • In other countries, the picture is even worse. For example, in the USA 60 million people are chronically infected Toxoplasma gondi.

These numbers are quite shocking, not taking into account the damage that worms can cause. Parasitic infections can lead to blindness, heart failure, convulsions and death. Nevertheless, there is no need to panic, because nature has provided natural and effective means to help fight these parasites. The inclusion of the following 14 products in the diet will save the body from many existing parasites. Read further.

Garlic: effectively fights the parasites of the intestinal tract

Garlic effectively fights the parasites of the intestinal tract
Garlic effectively fights the parasites of the intestinal tract

Garlic has a strong impact on parasites and is especially effective in combating such parasites of the intestinal tract as round worms and lamblia. This is one of the most popular means from worms. Read more in another article on our website.

Add it to dishes and consume in fresh form 1-2 cloves in a day. This product has contraindications - these are gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the period of exacerbation. In other cases, garlic can be eaten for prevention and treatment from parasites.

Luke: Medicine for intestinal parasites

The onion contains sulfur compounds that are fatal to parasites. Onion juice is especially effective when you need to get rid of intestinal worms, such as strip worms. A way to use such a cure for intestinal parasites:

  • Drink 2 tsp. onion juice twice a day for 2 weeks.

Such treatment is contraindicated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. But in other cases, it can be consumed only after eating.

Coconut oil: helps to remove eggs of intestinal parasites

Coconut oil helps to remove eggs of intestinal parasites
Coconut oil helps to remove eggs of intestinal parasites

Coconuts have nutritional properties due to their natural saturated fats. It is these fats that give coconut oil the ability to wash out internal parasites. It helps to remove the eggs of intestinal parasites.

Coconut oil removes toxins from the body and prevents the development of giardia. Many add oil to smoothies or other drinks. It can be used in other numerous recipes. Mode of application:

  • 1 teaspoon per day
  • Treatment period - 2 weeks
  • In a week the course needs to be repeated

This product has a milder effect compared to onions or garlic. In the list of contraindications only pancreatic disease in the aggravation stage.

Pumpkin seeds: treatment of intestinal parasites in children

Pumpkin seeds: treatment of intestinal parasites in children
Pumpkin seeds: treatment of intestinal parasites in children

Studies have proven that pumpkin seeds have a natural anthelmintic effect on the digestive system of the body. This means that they are able to cure the intestinal parasites, without having a negative effect on the digestive tract. Pumpkin seeds can be used to treat intestinal parasites even in children. In addition, they contain:

  • Large percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (80%)
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotene
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Selenium

It is worth noting that pumpkin seeds do not kill parasites directly, but help get rid of them. Parasites become paralyzed (thanks to a special substance that is part of their inner thin shell of greenish color), which makes them unable to cling to the mucous membrane of the intestine.

Advice: Add seeds to any dishes - 1 handful. It is better to give children chopped, especially small ones - up to 3 years.

Pineapple: for the treatment and prevention of intestinal parasites

Pineapple: for the treatment and prevention of intestinal parasites
Pineapple: for the treatment and prevention of intestinal parasites

This delicious fruit contains a digestive Broelene enzyme that helps to cure some parasitic infections, such as strip worms. Pineapple can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of intestinal parasites. But it is advisable to use it in fresh, and not in canned form. Use pineapple on several slices peeled from the peel and a hard middle as a dessert between meals.

Papaya seeds: How to get rid of intestinal parasites?

Papaya seeds perfectly cleanse the body of intestinal parasites. A recent study of scientists showed that the people who took them with the addition of honey got rid of parasites in 23 out of 30 cases. These seeds have a pronounced pepper taste - they can be eaten in a form as they are, or sprinkle salads and other dishes. Try, seasoning the seeds of papaya seeds, and they will “play” with new colors, and you can also get rid of intestinal parasites.

Almonds: from all types of intestinal parasites in people

The folk healers say, almonds have an antiparasitic effect that helps to calm intestinal irritation and prevents the growth of parasites. This is due to the high concentration of fatty acids in the almond. It helps from all types of intestinal parasites in people. It is enough to eat a handful of almonds a day between meals, and you will forever forget about the manifestations and symptoms of worms.

Wormwood: folk remedy for intestinal parasites

Wormwood: folk remedy for intestinal parasites
Wormwood: folk remedy for intestinal parasites

Another folk remedy for intestinal parasites is wormwood. This is a decorative plant that is a popular absinthe ingredient. This grass has many health benefits. In addition to the fact that it helps digestion, eliminates the problems of the gall bladder, restores appetite and much more, wormwood can fight round worms, pinworms and other parasites of this type.

Wormwood fights ascarides, pinworms and liver junkers
Wormwood fights ascarides, pinworms and liver junkers

Usually wormwood is used in the form of tea or tincture:

  • For tea, brew 1 teaspoon of dry wormwood in 200 ml of boiling water. When it cools down a little, you need to strain and you can drink.
  • To make a tincture, pour 100 grams of grass leaves with 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol in half with water. Keep the tincture in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and take 3 times a day 30 drops before meals.

Such drugs have contraindications: it is forbidden to use children up to 12 years (tincture can only from the age of 18), am also people with any allergic manifestations.

Aloe Vera: Safe treatment of intestinal parasites in an adult

This grass is well known to everyone without exception. Medicines are prepared from it for all kinds of ailments, from burns, and ending with frostbite, other skin pathologies, etc. It can also be used to get rid of intestinal parasites. This is a safe treatment of an adult from different types of worms.

Aloe Vera is available in many different forms, the most popular of which are:

  • Gel
  • Juice
  • Grass made of grass
  • Tablets

For the treatment of worms, tablets, juice and powder are used. The tablet form is sold in a pharmacy, powder can be made dry grass, and juice from fresh.

Remember: Pregnant women and little children up to 12 years They must consult a doctor before taking aloe.

Epasot: an effective remedy for intestinal worms

Epasot: an effective remedy for intestinal worms
Epasot: an effective remedy for intestinal worms

This grass comes from Central and South America and is useful not only in the kitchen, as well as in medicine. It is believed that the epazot helps to reduce flatulence and get rid of parasites, such as nematodes and strip worms. This effective remedy for intestinal worms is actively used in America. If you have the opportunity for one of your friends to bring such grass to you, then this is excellent.

Epasot - This is a tart, slightly astringent, very fragrant seasoning that kills intestinal parasites. In addition, it has giving, antispasmodic and mucolytic properties. Here's how such a medicine can be used:

  • Grind the leaves of this grass and brew like ordinary tea for oral administration.

Remember: It is forbidden to use seeds, as they are poisonous!

Male Fern: Helps to remove the abstract from the intestines

Male Fern: Helps to remove the abstract from the intestines
Male Fern: Helps to remove the abstract from the intestines

When using this plant, caution should be observed, as it can be toxic. But, if you use a male fern in the right quantities, it will be one of the most effective means from parasites in the world. It helps to derive the abscaris from the intestines.

Remember: In large dosages, a male fern can be deadly.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. The doctor will advise how much the grass can be used in what dosage and how much treatment should be.

Oregano oil: from intestinal parasites in the stomach and intestines

Oregano oil is a very effective remedy for intestinal parasites in the abdomen and intestines. It is only necessary to add a few drops to a glass of water. Take the mixture three times a day. Many people add more oregano oil with lemon juice to enrich the product with vitamins and make it unique to taste.

Pomegranate: helps if analyzes indicate intestinal parasites

Pomegranate: helps if analyzes indicate intestinal parasites
Pomegranate: helps if analyzes indicate intestinal parasites

A pomegranate tree bark is often used to treat diarrhea and dysentery, but it is also very effective when getting rid of parasites. You can use crusts from the fetus. To do this, brew a piece of peel size 2x2 cm in 0.5 liter of water. After insisting, such a tool is used during the day. If you boil the peel in water for 10 minutes, you get an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Therefore, do not make a very strong infusion, otherwise problems with the intestines will begin and can be constipated.

Important: You should consult a doctor and carefully observe the dosage before taking inside to avoid vomiting.

Black nut tincture: the best remedy for intestinal parasites

The laxative effect of black nut tincture helps the body get rid of intestinal parasites. Grows in North America. The beneficial substances contained in the mixture kill parasites, enriching the blood with oxygen. It is recommended to avoid the use of the core of black nut, and it is contraindicated in pregnant women in general. Since this is a powerful medicine, you need to use it under the guidance of a medical worker.

The “partitions” of our walnut have a similar property. They can be insisted on vodka and then consumed from worms. You need to prepare such a tincture like this:

  • 60 grams Pour the partitions 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • Insist during 2 weeks In the pantry, constantly shaking.
  • Then strain and take 10-20 drops 3 times a day.

Before filling the partitions with vodka, wash them under running water in sieve, and then scald with boiling water. Such a medicine was also used by our grandmothers to treat various intestinal infections and to combat worms. Good luck!

Video: worms cannot stand these products! TOP-20 products of cleaning parasites

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