Nemozole: Instructions for use, reviews of parasitologists

Nemozole: Instructions for use, reviews of parasitologists

In the presence of parasites in the body, it is important to take measures in time. In this will help non -hemozol.

Each person is faced with parasitic diseases. Increased hygiene does not exclude the possibility of infection. Raw foods, tap water, animals, etc. can be a source of worms. It is advisable to periodically carry out prevention. If parasites are detected, it is necessary to immediately take the appropriate measures, without postponing for later. Before taking the first drug that comes across, it is necessary to study the safety and effectiveness of the drug.

The principle of operation of the drug is nonmozol

For cleansing the body of parasites, non -burden is perfect. The functionality of the drug is aimed at eliminating parasitic diseases and does not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

  • The tablet form of the drug is popular. The active substances are hidden behind the protective layer. The main composition of the drug includes albendazole. Georgine, corn starch, cleansed talc, sodium lauryl soda, propylparaben, methylparaben, stearic acid, etc. act as auxiliary components.
  • A potent drug is non -hemozol performs anthelmintic functions. The process in the body occurs under the influence of the main substance of albendazole. The drug has a destructive effect on the structure of helminth cells.
  • Violations of a biochemical nature have an inhibitory effect on the cellular division of eggs and parasite larvae. Albendazole blocks the muscle activity of helminths, which leads to their death.
  • Due to the high concentration of the drug in plasma and tissues, high effectiveness of the drug is achieved. Nemozole has a wide range of action and effectively copes with most pathogens of invasive diseases.
We take inward
We take inward
  • When taking the medicine, the active component is poorly absorbed into the stomach and intestines. The transformed substance albendazole sulfaxide enters plasma. The bioavailability of the drug in the body is low.
  • The effect of the drug will increase under the influence of fatty dishes. The concentration of the active substance is increased several times. Therefore, it is advisable to take the drug while eating.
  • Using the liver operation, Albendazole is converted into the active substance albendazole sulfaxide. The maximum percentage of the concentration of the drug occurs a few hours after consumption. The substance acts through blood, urine, bile, spinal fluid.
  • The secondary substance is excreted from the body for ten or more hours. Metabolism products go through the kidneys. Deviations in the work of the kidneys on the process of breeding the drug do not affect. With liver diseases, the duration of cleansing the body lengthens. In this case, the concentration of the substance in the blood increases sharply.

The functioning of Albendazole increases the transformation of the composition of other drugs.

The scope of the non -hemozole

A potent drug is not taken without a doctor’s prescription. The tool is prescribed when the common parasitic diseases are detected.

  • Round parasites of ascarides. Acaridosis leads to the disease.
  • Round worm of the Vlasov. Leads to trichocephalosis.
  • Round helminths of pinworms. Enterobiosis leads to the disease.
  • Round worms of Krivolovka. Anquilostomitosis is leading to disease.
  • Ovaloid nematode trichin. Leads to trichinellosis.
  • The helminth parasite of toxocar. Toxcariasis leads to disease.
  • Burning intestinal giardia. Leads to Lambiosis.
  • Round intestinal eel. It leads to strictic disease.

The drug is effective at the stage of the emergence of pork tapeworm and strip worm. Active against tissue cestosis.

The drug is not suitable for patients with sensitive perception to Albendazole and a secondary component of the drug. Contraindications are deviations in the work of visual organs, age under three years, the process of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rules for taking nonmozols

For the drug, instructions for use requires careful compliance with the established standards.

The drug shows an active effect when taking it during food. Food is used in the usual mode, without restrictions. The type of dosage form is selected depending on the type of infection and the characteristics of the patient. The maximum daily dose of the drug should not exceed 800 mg. Young children cannot be used by albendazole for a long period.

From parasites
From parasites

For each type of disease, specific dosages of the drug are spelled out.

In diseases belonging to the Nematodosis group:

  • with body weight more than 60 kg, the daily norm of one administration of the drug is 400 mg.
  • with body weight up to 60 kg, the medicine is taken at the rate of 15 mg/kg per dose.

With Enterobiosis:

  • the category of children with age for more than three years and adults take the drug in the amount of 400 mg per day per dose.
  • to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment in two weeks.

In case of diseasestrongiloidosis and ankylostomidosis:

  • the category of children with age for more than three years and adults take the drug in the amount of 400 mg per day for three days.
  • to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment in a week.

In case of disease trichinosis:

  • recommended dose of the drug 800 mg/day in two doses.
  • in difficult cases, additional drugs must be taken. The course of treatment is two weeks.

In case of disease, toxocarosis:

  • with body weight more than 60 kg, the daily rate of 800 mg in two doses.
  • with body weight of less than 60 kg, the daily norm is 400 mg in two doses.
  • the course of treatment in both cases is 10 days. After two weeks, the course is repeated.

In case of diseaselambiosis:

  • an adult category takes 400 mg/day for 3 days;
  • children with a body weight of less than 10 kg take 200 mg/day for 5 days.

With mixed diseases:

  • the drug is taken 800 mg/day for two doses for 3 days. After a month, the course of treatment is repeated.
Help from parasites to adults and children
Help from parasites to adults and children

The drug is prescribed only according to the results of blood tests. Treatment is carried out in the absence of inflammatory processes in the body and normal blood indicators. With a long course of treatment after 5-7, it is necessary to re-take the analysis. With significant deviations from the norm, the course of treatment is interrupted to improving the condition. With some invasions, Albendazole acts as an auxiliary drug.

The norms for taking the drug and the duration of treatment must be adjusted based on the characteristics of the patient.

Side The actions of the drug

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the treatment process may be accompanied by side effects.

  • In the work of the food digestion system, diarrhea, constipation, tires in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, heartburn can appear.
  • Changes in the composition of the blood are possible. Decrease in the indicator of leukocytes, platelets, white blood cells and other important indicators.
  • In the work of the cardiovascular system, an increase in blood pressure indicators is observed.
  • The work of the nervous system can be accompanied by headaches, severe weakness, and other indicators.
  • The removal of the drug through the kidneys can affect the change in the normal indicators of their work.
  • It is possible to occur allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching.
  • With supersensitivity of the body, edema of subcutaneous tissues occurs to the drug.
There may be side effects
There may be side effects

Deviations can be temporary superficial in nature, and can worsen over time. In such cases, an urgent consultation of a doctor is required.

When using the drug in excess of the norm, it is urgent to contact the hospital to wash the stomach. At home, be sure to drink activated charcoal.

Nemozole: precautions

The simultaneous use of non -sea and several drugs can increase the concentration of the active substance in the blood. In parallel, it is not recommended to take other anthelmintic drugs.

Treatment, in which the non -cheating acts as an auxiliary drug, is an exception. Some drugs can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug. In order to avoid such situations, a consultation of a qualified specialist is needed.

How to increase the efficiency of the non -cheese?

Compliance with simple recommendations provides better treatment.

  • When infecting one family member, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.
  • During a long course of treatment, it is important to track blood tests.
  • In case of deviations in normal vision, before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct additional eye studies.
  • During the course of treatment, it is necessary to exclude a possible pregnancy.
  • Simultaneously with the course of treatment, increased household hygiene is observed - washing, ironing, timely change of dirty linen.
It is important to increase efficiency
It is important to increase efficiency
  • Grapefruit must be excluded from the diet, since its components in combination with the drug provoke side effects.
  • In case of adverse symptoms, it is necessary to temporarily refuse to drive a vehicle.
  • Nemozole is ineffective after the end of the storage period and violation of the rules for storage of the medicine.
  • A quality drug should be released in a recipe pharmacy.

Nemozole: Reviews of parasitologists

If you doubt the effectiveness of the drug, then real reviews of specialists will help you make the right choice.

  • Infectious disease physician - Thanks to the wide range of action of the drug, the treatment process allows you to get rid of invasion that are not detected during the analysis. Detailed instructions for use allows you to achieve an effective result. Subject to medical recommendations, the side effect is minimized.
  • Gastroenterologist- In my practice, among young children, the diagnosis of ascaridosis and enterobiosis is often found. In the treatment with the drug, the non -cheese in patients disappears uncomfortable sensations. The form of the medicine in the form of a suspension simplifies the task of taking the medicine for younger age.
  • Parasitologist -in the modern world, the number of sources of infection with invasions has increased significantly. For prevention, I recommend that my patients with non -burial patients. In time, the diagnosis allows you to get rid of worms in just one session. In my practice, the drug has never failed.
Reviews of doctors
Reviews of doctors

Parasitologist -Nemozole is a potent means, which makes it indispensable in difficult cases. Young children sometimes prescribe less toxic drugs.

Pluses and minuses of the drug Nemozol

The drug is non -hemozol has several analogues. Its main difference from other drugs in the main active substance. The preference of Albendazole is given on the basis of its advantages:

  • High bioavailability of albendazole sulfaxide.
  • Effective treatment of different age categories.
  • A variety of drug release - chewing sweets, tablets, suspension.
  • Available price category.

The disadvantages include the following qualities:

  • The slow effect of the drug does not justify the expectation of some patients.
  • Intolerance to allergies and supersensitive patients.
  • The drug is contraindicated in patients with kidney deviations.
  • You can not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to avoid worms after using a non -bur - prevention

Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of an invasive disease.

  • Increased hand hygiene, especially before eating food. Thorough control of children's hygiene.
  • High -quality washed fruits and vegetables. Running of raw foods with boiling water.
  • The diet should have only boiled and purified water.
  • High -quality heat treatment of meat and fish.
  • You can not carry out water procedures in reservoirs of a dubious nature.
  • Minimizing contact with midges and mosquitoes using special means.
  • Prevention of worms in pets.

Video: Instructions for taking the drug non -cheap

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