Worms in children: types of worms, symptoms, signs and treatment. Medicines and drugs for worms in children

Worms in children: types of worms, symptoms, signs and treatment. Medicines and drugs for worms in children

Ways to treat worms in children with tablets and folk remedies.

Worms are one of the most common diseases in children. This is due to the behavior and habitat of babies. Most often, infection occurs in a children's team.

Typically, crumbs pick up the worms in the sandbox, because it is in the sand that all yard cats go to defecate. Accordingly, eggs or parasite larvae fall into the child’s mouth through dirty hands. There are species that infection is possible through air.

How to find out if the child has worms? Symptoms and signs

Signs of infection as with ordinary SARS, respectively, many parents cannot recognize infection with parasites. The child has weakness, drowsiness, absence, or overhappet. Perhaps a slight increase in temperature.

But most often, worms are found in feces in a child (pinworms) or on palpation of the abdominal cavity (ascariasis). Often, children have a strange rash, diarrhea and dark circles under the eyes.

Symptoms and signs of worms in a child
Symptoms and signs of worms in a child

Types of worms in a child, photo

The most common in our climatic zone are such parasites:

  • Nematodes: ascaridosis, enterobiosis, trichocephalosis, trichinellosis of Anquillestomidosis
  • Cestodosis: Hymenolepidosis, tusias, tusirinchosis, diphyllobotriosis, echinococcosis.
  • Tremadodoses: opisthorchiasis, fasciolosis
Types of worms in a child
Types of worms in a child
Types of worms in a child
Types of worms in a child

How to take tests for worms to a child?

It is worth noting that the most common analysis of feces is considered. To do this, it is necessary to take the first portion of feces into a sterile container per day. Biomaterial must be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours. This is a simple type of analysis, such studies are carried out in any district clinic. The direction can be taken from the pediatrician.

Common ways to take analysis for worms:

  • Blood. This type of analysis is the most accurate, in 95% of cases it gives a reliable result. With it, helminthiasis can be determined, even if there are no obvious signs and symptoms of infection
  • Scraping. You can make a fence with tape or cotton wool. It is necessary in the morning after waking up to take a cotton swab around the anus. You can apply adhesive tape to the child’s anus with a sticky side. This piece of adhesive tape is placed in a sterile container. The child does not need to wash the ass before taking the analysis
Analyzes for worms to a child
analyzes for worms to a child

How to get rid of worms to children at home with folk remedies?

There are many ways to overcome worms. Adults can safely use alcohol tinctures, but children can not be given.

Recipes from worms:

  • Walnut partitions. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of dry partitions with boiling water and leave for an hour. After that, the decoction merges. It is necessary to give the child 100 ml of decoction on an empty stomach and in the evening
  • Birch buds. It is necessary to pour a spoonful of raw materials with cold water and boil for 3 minutes. Next, you need to drink a decoction in the morning and evening
  • Nuts of nuts. It is necessary to boil the green peel in honey or with the addition of sugar. Give the obtained syrup on a teaspoon twice a day. You can dissolve the medicine in tea or water
  • Enema. If the infection has only occurred, it is necessary to put an enema in the evening with cool water
How to get rid of worms to children
How to get rid of worms to children

Herbs from worms for children

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for worms with medicinal herbs.

Grass recipes:

  • Celandine. A tablespoon of dry grass must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left in the thermos for 60 minutes. After that, the decoction is filtered and taken 80 ml three times a day. Need to be taken in a quarter of an hour before eating
  • Ginger. It is necessary to grate 500 g of fresh ginger root and pour chips of 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. This mixture is left for 2 weeks, and then filtered. Take a potion of 10 ml three times a day before meals
  • Sagebrush. It is necessary to pour a handful of grass with 500 ml of milk and boil. The decoction is filtered and given to the baby 100 ml three times a day
Herbs from worms for children
Herbs from worms for children

Pumpkin seeds from worms for children, how to take?

  • It is necessary to grind 500 g of seeds with husk in a meat grinder and pour the powder with boiled water to make porridge. Sugar or jam can be added to this mixture. Now you need to eat as much composition as possible. Next, a laxative should be taken. You can make an enema
  • Effective are the green shells in pumpkin seeds. To cure the baby’s cuts, just feed him a handful of seeds. You need to do this within 2 weeks
  • But with ascaridosis, this tool is ineffective. The substance in the green membranes of pumpkin seeds paralyzes the muscles of worms, and they die
  • Since the ascarides are thick and their shell is dense, it is necessary to drink tincture. It is necessary to pour 4 tablespoons of peeled seeds with 200 ml of vodka and insist for 3 days. Give a child a teaspoon three times a day
Pumpkin seeds from worms for children
Pumpkin seeds from worms for children

Garlic from worms for children

The easiest way to cook garlic in milk. To do this, the spices head are cleaned of husk, boiled in a glass of milk for 10 minutes. The decoction gives the child 80 ml three times a day. You can eat fresh garlic.

Recipes with garlic from worms:

  • Enema. It is necessary to rub 2 cloves into porridge and pour a glass of boiled water. To conduct an enema, 80-100 ml of fluid is enough for the child. The enema is placed overnight for a week
  • Enema with garlic on milk. To prepare the liquid, pour 5 teeth 240 ml of milk and cook for 10 minutes. Next, 100 ml of solution are introduced into the child's ass. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The enema is done once a day
Garlic from worms for children
Garlic from worms for children

What drugs and tablets to give the child to worms?

Now the pharmacy has many drugs for the treatment of worms. All of them are relatively safe, if you adhere to the instructions.

Worm tablets:

  • Purezin. This drug affects the muscles of pinworms and ascaride. At the same time, larvae and eggs do not die. The drug is completely safe for babies, it has minimal toxicity
  • Pirantel. One of the most common and effective means. It is enough to accept it only once. You need to drink a tablet after 2-3 weeks. Ideal medicine for children from 6 months to 3 years
  • Vermox.The drug helps not only with pinworms, but also lamblia and ascaridosis. You can not take children under 2 years old
  • Levamisole. An effective drug for mixed invasion. Forbidden to children under 3 years old. Causes many side effects
Drugs and tablets for a child from worms
drugs and tablets for a child from worms

What can you give a child to prevent worms?

In general, it is better to accustom a child to cleanliness. Remind the child to wash his hands after the toilet and the street, as well as before eat. It is necessary to thoroughly boil meat, offal. Vegetables and fruits need to be carried away with boiling water.

Preparations for the prevention of worms:

  • Pirantel. It is necessary to give in the fall, after the season is closed in the sandbox. It is worth giving the child a tablet, and after 2 weeks to give another
  • Worsmin. Allowed children from 2 years old. It has a wide range of action. With proper dosage, there are no side effects
  • Albendazole. Allowed to babies from 2 years old. Effective in the migration of parasites on the skin
Worm prevention
Worm prevention

The child has worms: reviews

Most often, kids are infected with pinworms. These are small, thin worms of white color. Found in feces. Most often they can be detected in excrement, children infected with these parasites often touch the ass, itch it.

With a slight infection, when there are few pinworms in feces, you can try to get rid of them with garlic or other folk methods. According to mothers, one of the inexpensive and effective can be considered pirantel tablets. In addition, they are allowed to babies up to 2 years old.

The child has worms
The child has worms

As you can see, any child can become infected with worms, regardless of the environment and financial situation. Follow the condition of the child, let's prevent prevention drugs. 2 times a year, hand over the feces on the egg of the Glist.

Video: worms in children

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