Antiparasitic tea: properties and composition for cooking at home with your own hands. How to take antiparasitic tea? Contraindications and side effects

Antiparasitic tea: properties and composition for cooking at home with your own hands. How to take antiparasitic tea? Contraindications and side effects
  • The benefits of medicinal herbs from parasites have a source of deep knowledge coming from our distant ancestors
  • Modern methods of treatment of herbal medicine offer a variety of ready -made traverse collections to combat this problem
  • One of these funds is antiparasitic tea

Beneficial properties of antiparasitic tea

Beneficial properties of antiparasitic tea
Recently, in the media and on the Internet, most often, monastic tea is offered to get rid of parasites.
Since parasites have a negative effect on the entire human organism, and the composition of tea helps to get rid of them, the effect of such tea has a positive effect on the healing of the body.
Antiparasitic tea is recommended in the presence of:

  • It is difficult to empty the intestine. The large presence of worms can clog the intestines and bile ducts, which leads to constipation
  • Pain in the joints. This can happen, also due to the presence of worms in the body
  • Allergy. As worms emit toxic substances, the protective reaction of the body in response to this reacts with symptoms of allergies
  • Cracks on the heels, red spots on the skin, brittle bones. Often talk about the presence of parasites in the body
  • Blood loss. Suffling to the walls of the intestine, the worms suck blood along with nutrients
  • Harmony, nervousness, excessive fatigue. All this can be provoked by the presence of worms in the body

Based on this, using antiparasitic tea, you can get a positive effect contributing:

  • stimulation of immunity
  • confrontation between the body from infection with fungi, viruses and bacteria
  • restoration of the body of normal activity
  • reduction of an allergic reaction
  • the struggle of the body with inflammatory processes
  • destruction of the results of decay in the gastrointestinal tract
  • increase the action of drugs to combat parasites

What is its composition?

The composition of antiparasitic tea
  • The composition of antiparasitic tea can be diverse, but most often the main components are distinguished:
  • Tansy. It has long been used to get rid of worms
  • Chamomile. Helps to increase immunity, has an anti -inflammatory effect
  • Wormwood. Promotes the liver cleansing
  • Yarrow. Increases immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes cell regeneration
  • Sage. Natural antibiotic, destroys fungi and bacteria
  • Oak bark. Improves the digestive tract
  • Leaves and kidneys of birch. Removes toxins and toxins, normalize pressure
  • Peppermint. Fights with bacteria and inflamed. Helps relieve nervous tension and stress

Calendula. Acts as an antiseptic, analgesic and anti -inflammatory agent. Has a beneficial effect on stressful and emotional states

How to prepare antiparasitic tea at home: Herbs proportions?

Antiparasitic tea at home

  • The alternative to finished tea can be a phyto tea cooked at home
  • This process is tempting for those who are used to cooking infusions or harvesting herbs themselves. Since the infusion should be fresh every day
  • For measuring dry grass for cooking tea, it is very convenient to use a matchbox

Methods of brewing tea:

1 method

  • We insist in a warm place for half an hour, half of the matchbox of the bark of the grenade tree, filled with half a glass of water

Important: has a negative effect on vision with excessive use/

2 method

We take:

  • One matchbox of wormwood and buckthorn
  • On the floor of a matchbox of chamomile flowers and tansy
  • Boil with boiling water in the ratio: one matchbox of the mixture per glass of boiling water
  • Insist in a warm place or thermos all night
  • Prepare 1 box of dry wormwood grass, one and a half box dry cloves, 3 boxes of tansy flowers
  • Connect
  • Pour a full glass of boiling water
  • We hold out for about half an hour

3 method

  • Mix 3 matchboxes of cloves, 2 boxes of knotweed, dandelion root, thyme and wormwood, one peppermint gearbox and tansy
  • Pour boiling water in a liter
  • We insist on warmth for about 30 minutes 4 method
  • On the matchbox, the golden -powered and wormwood is mixed
  • Pour the incomplete germole of grass with water
  • Passing in a water bath for 15 minutes

We filter the finished infusions, after which we use

How to drink tea from parasites?

How to drink tea from parasites?

Basic requirements for the correct treatment of worms:

  • Before the use of anthelmintic tea, we completely clean the intestines. Washing it a week before treatment, daily twice a day
  • To reduce colitis and prevent ulcers that can occur when using antiparasitic tea, we take additionly general strengthening and healing herbs.
  • For example, nettle infusion prepared from one matchbox of grass of boiling water flooded with a glass. We take this broth for half a glass three times a day.
  • To prevent irritation of the stomach before using the main infusion, we drink a glass of sweet juice for treatment. This contributes to the accelerated promotion of anthelmintic tea from the gastric tract to the intestines
  • After taking antiparasitic tea, after 2-2.5 hours, drink a laxative water-salt solution
  • After that, having waited another 30 minutes we make cleansing enemas

The process of using tea cooked at home:

  • Cooked the night before, the infusion of deworms is taken three times a day in a tablespoon
  • The first reception is carried out for Toshchak
  • We continue for 15-30 days
  • We are taking a break for a month. We repeat again
    Important: infection with parasites most often has a neglected form, and therefore, general cleansing from worms is done many times
    For prevention, antiparasitic tea is drank in spring and autumn for the same doses without re-use for 30-40 days

Monastry Tea It is recommended to use by brewing boiling water on a teaspoon of the mixture in half an hour. One twice a day.

For complete getting rid of parasites by monastic tea, according to the information presented by the deistabuters, treatment should be carried out within 21-31 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications and side effects of tea from parasites
Given the multifaceted composition of herbal tea, it is not recommended to use:

  • pregnant women
  • with hypertension
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

With proper, the use of side effects does not appear.

Can I buy antiparasitic tea in a pharmacy?

Can I buy antiparasitic tea in a pharmacy?
  • Ready -made fees monastery antiparasitic tea, in order to avoid fakes, it is better to purchase on official sites
  • Sales in direct sales and pharmacies.
  • Diverse antiparasitic phito fees can be bought at any pharmacy

How much tea do you need for a course of treatment?

How much tea do you need for a course of treatment?
According to the manufacturer for the course of treatment, one pack of monastery tea is enough.

Does antiparasitic tea help?

Does antiparasitic tea help
Judging by the reviews of forum users, the monastery antiparasitic tea has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and successfully fights parasites.

But it is doubtful that advertising is using popular names that deny whether involvement in this would be.

Video: Health. The exposure of monastic tea

You can achieve effective getting rid of parasites using phito fees. Our ancestors did this with great success.

But to achieve the goal is important:

  • Observe all stages of treatment
  • Take the infusion correctly and for a long time

If you are configured to get a sparing but protracted effective treatment for this tea for you.

If you want a quick result, you will have to refer to drug treatment.

It is important to trust only the proven sources of acquiring any herbal fees. An incorrectly selected composition or unscrupulous manufacturer can bring irreparable harm to health.

Video: antiparasitic tea (phytosbor) E.V. Korsun

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