Blood and feces for worms in adults and children. Calais analysis for eggs Glist: how to collect it correctly, how to take, how much analysis of feces is done on worm eggs?

Blood and feces for worms in adults and children. Calais analysis for eggs Glist: how to collect it correctly, how to take, how much analysis of feces is done on worm eggs?

Our body can belong not only to us, because it can become a habitat for other organisms. One of these dangerous parasites is worms or helminths. We will tell you in detail how to diagnose their presence and what tests need to be taken.

Worms - The problem that everyone can face. A person of absolutely any age can become infected with them, both the smallest child and an adult. Worms are scientific helminths - The most frequent persons of man. According to various studies, in some period of life, every second resident of the planet was infected with worms.

Infection with worms

Most often, people become infected speakers (small white worms 1-2 mm in length) and ascarides (long round worms up to 10-15 cm). Anyone can become infected with parasites, because they surround us everywhere - our favorite pets, sandboxes on playgrounds, as well as incorrectly cooked meat, fish, vegetables and fruits - all this can become a source of worms.

Sources of worms around us
Sources of worms around us

Therefore, you always need to be on the check and know how to act In case of suspicion that your body has become a home to such an unpleasant parasite as a worm.

To find out if a person has worms, exists many methods. Almost everything, at least once in their lives, did a fecal analysis on worm eggs. It always needs to be handed over to the children before admitting to the kindergarten, schoolchildren, students, on medical examinations When registering. Therefore, the appointment of this analysis will not surprise anyone.

Do this for the purpose of prevention, because worms can live in us without guessing signs. But if, nevertheless, for some reason you think that you are infected, then, of course, you need to consult a doctor for a complete examination. There are many other methods that can detect worms in the human body.

What tests need to be handed over for worms?

Now let's consider in detail the tests that are handed over to worms. To find out if a person has worms it is enough to pass:

  • blood
  • feces
  • anal passage
There are several types of tests that can identify worms
There are several types of tests that can identify worms

These are the simplest and cheapest ways. They are widely accessible and made anywhere - in any clinic or hospital. To begin with, the doctor will have enough results of these examinations. If infection is discovered, then more serious examination methods:

  • Ultrasound
  • X -ray
  • additional blood tests
  • analysis of urine
  • analysis of bile

It depends on what disease is suspected. In most cases, there is enough analysis of feces and blood.
What are they called and what the analyzes of feces and blood on the eggs are shown?

The analysis of the feces for worms is called simply and is familiar to us - feces for eggs. It shows the presence of eggs in the feces that the worms are debugged, living and propagating in our body. Each helminth has their own eggs type, shape and characteristic featuresTherefore, by analyzing the feces on the eggs, the geobil can immediately find out what kind of person is infected.

Depending on the type of worms, their diagnosis can be difficult
The diagnosis of worms can be difficult, since many of their species have their own

But this method is not very reliable. Firstly, worms have their own “daily routine” and if the collection of biomaterial is produced in the “sleep phase”, then worms simply will not get into the container and the analysis will be falsely negative. Secondly, in order to find eggs in the feces of helminths in the body should be a lot. To clarify and reliability of the results, this analysis you need to repeat 2-3 times With an interval of a few days.

General blood test will help indirectly suspect the presence of parasites in the body. With the lesions of worms in the general blood test, an increase in such an indicator as eosinophils. But this indicator is not specific, it increases with other diseases (for example, with allergies).

A blood test that is passed with helminthiasis (the scientific name of diseases caused by worms) is called ELISA(linked immunosorbent assay). With it, you can detect antibodies to helminths - substances that our body produces when it fights parasites. The result of this analysis more accurate, Because it shows the presence of even a very small number of worms.

Scraping or imprint on enterobiosis It is made from the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal passage and helps to detect pinworms and their eggs.
It is also possible to use additional examinations for worms such as:

  • ultrasound (ultrasound)
  • x -ray
  • cT scan
  • biopsy

Video: Dr. Komarovsky: What tests detect worms?

Where can I take tests for worms?

Calais tests for eggs, blood tests, and a fingerprint for enterobiosis passes in the laboratories of the clinic Or hospitals in any village. It is advisable to turn to the therapist in advance and get a display form for tests. The doctor will tell in detail how to prepare for the analysis procedure, how to store and deliver collected tests to the laboratory and other important information.

Blood analysis (ELISA) Gathered in the laboratories of hospitals for worms. Usually, they are paid and it is better to get the direction of the therapist.

How much is the analysis of feces on the eggs of the Glist?  

Calais analysis for eggs is on average, on average it is done for 2-5 days. That is, in the morning you hand over the material to the laboratory, and the next day you take a conclusion. But it depends on the work schedule and the load of the laboratory. In some cases, having passed the analysis in the morning, you can pick up the result in the afternoon.

In different laboratories there are different periods of biomaterial processing
In different laboratories there are different periods of biomaterial processing

Do not be surprised if you are forced to wait 2 days and more. Each laboratory works according to its regime, as for city laboratories, they are usually very loaded and sometimes the results are necessary wait a few days.

How much is the analysis of feces for eggs of the Glist?  

The shelf life of the fecal analysis for eggs is gene - 10 days. But as a rule, a negative analysis should not be interpreted as an unambiguous absence of parasites - it is recommended to take several tests over certain intervals. Only a repeated negative result can be reliable.

The shelf life of the print on enterobiosis is also 10 days.

How to pass the analysis of feces for worms?

In order to pass the analysis of feces on the eggs of the Glist, first of all, you need to prepare a container for the material. It can be like a special disposable containerwith a spoon, so any clean glass or plastic jar with a tightly screwed lid. The container can be bought at any pharmacy.

Calamin container
Calamin container

First of all, you need to clearly write at the container:

  • Full name of the material
  • the date of birth
  • date and exact time to collect analysis

Collecting analysis cannot be allowed to get impurities of urine or in the container or discharge from the genitals. The collected feces must be delivered to the laboratory on the same day. Store the material before delivery to the laboratory is mandatory at temperature 5-8C no more than 8 hours, otherwise you can get false results. In conclusion, they may indicate that the analysis:

  • positive (found helminth eggs and indicate which ones)
  • negative (no helminth eggs in feces)

Video: How to take a child to analyze worms?

Enterobiosis analysis (scraping/imprint on enterobiosis)

In order to collect the material for this analysis, it is necessary to prepare in advance plastic tube with a lid and a cotton swab, soaked in glycerin. They can be bought at any pharmacy. In the morning before going to the toilet and washing, putting on gloves in advance, pushing the buttocks and do it scraping a cotton swab. You need to process the folds near the anus.

Then the cotton wool is carefully inserted into the test tube, trying not to touch the walls, and tightly close the tube with a lid. Next, you need to send the material to the laboratory as soon as possible. Normally, there are no pinworms and their eggs.

A one -time study of feces cannot give a reliable result
A one -time study of feces cannot give a reliable result, because worms can be detected with a repeated fence of biomaterial

There is another version of this analysis called enterobiosis imprint. For him, in a pharmacy you should purchase a special object glass with adhesive tape. Before defecation In the morning you should put on gloves, remove the adhesive tape from the glass and attach to the anal hole for a few seconds, after pushing the buttocks. Then adhesive tape glued back to the subject glass.

Very important Do not touch the adhesive tape with your fingers, as this can give the wrong result. Subject glass needs to be delivered as soon as possible to the laboratory.

How to store fecal analysis for worms?

Having collected the analysis of feces for eggs, the material is better immediately send to the laboratory. If necessary, it can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 8 ocloc'k, storage temperature 5-8C.

You need to store in a cool place
Store an analysis for worms in a cool place

In the same way, a scraping or an imprint on enterobiosis is stored. The faster you take the material, the more truthful the results will be.

How to take a blood test for worms?

In order to pass a blood test for worms, you must first prepare. Per 7-10 days Before the analysis, you need to stop taking any medicine. If you can’t cancel the use of drugs, then be sure to inform the doctor About what medicines you take and in what doses.

School analysis is also effective in the diagnosis of worms
School analysis is also effective in the diagnosis of worms

24 hours before the analysis: It is forbidden to eat fatty, acute, it is recommended to prevent overwork, the use of alcohol is contraindicated.

The last meal should be no later than in 8 hours before the analysis. At the same time, it is imperative to donate blood in the morning and strictly on an empty stomach. Before passing the analysis, it is only allowed to drink water.

How to find out without analysis, are there worms?

Sometimes to understand whether there are worms in the body tests are not necessary. There are many signs that indicate infection with helminths. After analyzing them, you can decide whether to immediately consult a doctor and take tests.

Grinding teeth and abundant salivation at night -one of the signs of helminthic invasion
Grinding teeth and abundant salivation at night is one of the signs of helminthic invasion

And so, if you notice that you or your child have these signs, then the infection with worms is possible:

  • Weight loss or excess body weight
    • itching in the anus
    • Children have a frequent symptom - grinding teeth at night and an increased saliva department (symptom of “wet pillows”)
    • Bad appetite
    • Pallor, bruises under the eyes
    • Frequent digestive disorders - constipation or diarrhea
    • abdominal pain, nausea in the morning
    • acne on the skin of the face, neck
    • rash across the body, as with allergies, only for no apparent reason
    • constant bad mood or rapid fatigue, lethargy
    • cough that is not treated with conventional coughing products

Availability five or more of these symptoms indicates that, most likely, a person is infected with worms and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, because he potentially dangerous First of all for your family.

How many worms live in a person?

If the worms have been started in the body, it is important to know how long they can linger there. It is definitely difficult to answer this question, because there are many types of worms and each of them has its own development cycle.

Worms can live in your body for several decades
Worms can live in your body for several decades, increasing in size and number

On average, worms can live in people, live and eat at their expense from several weeks to decades. If you suspect their invasion in time and start treatment, then this period can be reduced up to a week. The course of treatment against worms usually lasts 7-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Do not think that worms infection is a disease that will pass by itself And it will not affect your body. Relate with all seriousness to the diagnosis and treatment of helminths, because this is the key to your health and prosperity.

Video: Home diagnostics. Scotch test for the presence of worms

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  1. I have a short conversation with worms - I buy a pharmacy and a triplet) but it’s difficult to diagnose them itself, but I don’t like to go to doctors (and even more so)

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