Proper planting peas in the spring for seedlings, in open ground: terms, schemes, preparation. Peas - varieties for landing: List of the best

Proper planting peas in the spring for seedlings, in open ground: terms, schemes, preparation. Peas - varieties for landing: List of the best

In this article, we will talk about how to properly plant peas, take care of it and what are the features of this procedure.

Peas are a culture that is resistant to cold. So, they ate to plant it in time, then already at the beginning of summer you can enjoy the first harvest. However, in order for it to be good, it is important to prepare the seeds correctly, choose a place for them and provide care. We will talk about each of the stages, as well as the features of culture in our article.

Peas - varieties for landing: List of the best

The best varieties of peas for landing
The best varieties of peas for landing

Planting peas in the gardens is extremely popular. This is due to excellent taste and ease of growing. To date, there are a huge number of varieties of this representative of the bean family. Let's look at what varieties are, and also call the best.

  • Tall. For these varieties, supports are necessarily placed when growing, as the stems can reach three meters in height. However, the complexity of their cultivation is compensated by the abundance of the crop. However, it will be of high quality. The representatives of this group include the following varieties: Velik, Zhegalova 112, blue pod, phone, mustachioed nannies, miracle lobes, Shugar Snap.
  • Nit -growing. For these varieties, special designs are not needed. It is enough for them to make garter for normal growth. Despite the fact that these varieties grow up to 70 cm height, they are not inferior in productivity tall. Among them, the following varieties stand out: Grandmother's surprise, vatan, slider, Gribovsky, Miracle of Kelvedon, Shustrik.
  • Sugar. These varieties are highly popular and precinizing. You can eat not only the peas themselves, but also the spatula in general. Despite all the sweetness, grains are very few in sugar. This category includes Children's, honey pod, sugar girlfriend, sugar oregon, sugar prince.
  • Brain. The name of the variety was obtained due to the shape of the peas. In the process of maturation, they are covered with something like "convincing". As a result, they become similar to the corresponding organ. The brain varieties contain the least starch and they have the best taste. They are the sweetest. These include: Arfa, monogram, Voronezh green, gloriosis, Dakota, ding, hitch, premium, tropar.
  • Early. They differ in time until the fruits are fully maturated. Varieties are very early when they need only 50-55 days for growth and early ripe. The latter are growing for about 56-60 days. These include: Aria, Virtush, Bartes, handsome.
  • For conservation. Unripe peas are best suited for this. White -flowering lushchille varieties are used as raw materials. Varieties with smooth rounded grains are also ideal. This category includes: Faith, first early, primrose, salute.
  • For open ground. In fact, peas can be planted freely immediately on the bed, bypassing the stage of breeding seedlings, since it, in principle, is stable to the cold, and does not require much care. Any varieties of culture can be planted immediately on the bed, but the best of them are: Alpha, Ambrosia, Oscar, Troika, Pharaoh.
  • Grand -forage. Peas can be grown as animal feed. Basically, fine -grained and coarse grades are used for them. They are also gone to dry. In this form, the product can last up to 10 years. This category includes such varieties as: Angel, astronaut, velvet, gothic, modus, rocket, salaman, stabil.

When is it better to plant peas: landing time

Planting peas in terms will differ. It all depends on what kind of variety you choose. The most popular sugar varieties are today. After 45 days, they give the first crop. So already according to this information you can independently calculate the right time when you plant a culture. However, usually gardeners begin to sow peas from the moment when the soil warms up a little and the beds can be formed on it.

Depending on the region, the deadlines may be different. For example, in the central part of Russia, landing is possible at the end of April. By the way, the crop can be obtained several times if you sow the early and medium early variety. It is important to understand that until the middle-end of May there is no point in tightening with plantings, because peas grow poorly on the heat. This is due to the fact that he does not love her. The extreme period when peas can still be planted is mid -June.

As we have already said, peas sufferly endure the cold. At the same time, smooth -grain varieties germinate even at a +1 degree soil temperature. But the cerebral weather requires a warmer weather. The optimum temperature for culture growth is 12-22 degrees of heat.

How to prepare peas for landing: instructions, recommendations

Preparation of peas for landing
Preparation of peas for landing

Planting peas is often carried out from the remaining seeds from last year. This is a good option, unless you have grown hybrids like F1. The fact is that it makes no sense to collect seeds from them, because in the second year they are already losing their properties.

Some gardeners plant seeds in dry form. However, before sowing, they still need to be treated to protect plantings from diseases.

Before carrying out this procedure, make sure the quality of the material. To do this, first view the seeds for damage. It may be holes for pests.

If you have a lot of material, then dilute a tablespoon of salt into a liter of water and lower the peas there. Good seeds will drop to the bottom, and those that are bad will come up. The latter can be safely thrown away, since they are unlikely to be able to germinate. Well, the those that are suitable for planting rinse and dry.

After that, it is important to conduct a germination check. For this, the seeds are soaked in water for two days. Then wrap them in gauze and check the germination every day. If 9 out of 10 seeds will turn off, then feel free to plant such a culture.

Do I need to soak peas before landing?

When we are talking about such a procedure as planting peas, then you can do without germination and soaking of seeds. This is especially important for cerebral peas. The fact is that when germinating, the shell of the seed is disturbed, which protects it from frosts. Peas himself feels the weather and only when he heats up, he begins to germinate. Accordingly, having placed the sprouted seeds into the cold land, it will not work to achieve any crop. Not even the fact that there will be seedlings. The seeds will simply rot, and the roots will die.

It makes sense to sow soaked peas only when the landing periods have already been missed, but I want to get a crop as quickly as possible. The time of soaking the material is approximately 12 hours. During this period, it is necessary to change water several times. The peas will bring some water and swell into themselves. So the seedlings will appear faster.

How to prepare beds for landing peas: recommendations

Since peas are able to endure the cold, and sow it immediately after thawing the Earth, it is important to prepare the bed since the fall. The fact is that to dig a plot in early spring, when the earth has not yet been filed, it is almost impossible. So take care of this in advance. Moreover, for peas you can choose very small beds or even do several. Usually gardeners choose the most unnecessary places. However, there should be many sunlight on them.

Peas, as a rule, grows densely, but also plant it close to each other. In addition, his stems wrap weeds and it will not work to hide the beds. It is recommended to make a place in advance for landing from all superfluous, so that later you do not have to suffer.

Peas prefers loamy and sandy soil. It should contain enough fertilizers, but not nitrogen. The latest substance produces the plant for itself.

It is recommended to make a bucket of manure on one square meter of beds, and in the fall, dig a bed with the addition of 20-40 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium fertilizer. Another option is to use a liter can of wood ash. If the manure is introduced immediately before landing, then you will get a lot of greenery and little crop, and there is also a risk that the plant will get sick. Also note that the soil should not be too acidic. If this is, then be sure to lime.

How to plant peas for seedlings, transplant: instructions, recommendations

The seedlings of peas
The seedlings of peas

Many gardeners prefer to plant peas on seedlings, so that then get a good harvest, however, in the apartment it will take a lot of space for him. Therefore, pea planting is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses. For this, any containers in which the seeds are sown after 2-3 cm are suitable. In this case, the soil composition does not even matter.

For sowing, it is better to choose early varieties, and before planting, peas are soaked for 10-12 hours. Remember that he needs to periodically change water.

The sowing process is not directly difficult. Sweep small grooves and bury the seeds there to a depth of 3-4 cm. Wait for the first shoots in about a week. The most important thing in the care of the sprouts is to maintain the importance of the soil and monitor light and temperature. The latter should not exceed 20 degrees.

The most difficult in this process is the picking of seedlings. So it is recommended to plant peas on separate cups so that you do not have to unravel the roots intertwined with each other.

Seeds, as a rule, requires 3-4 weeks to gain strength and be ready to move on the bed. Gently remove it from the seedling and land it in the beds prepared in advance. In the Middle Strip Russia, this is done in the first half of May, and in the south - at the end of April. Seedlings are planted in deep grooves, well watered with water. The distance between the rows should be 10-12 cm, and between the landings-30-40 cm. The seedlings are better taken root if it is planted in cloudy weather.

How to put peas in open ground: tips, recommendations

Planting peas in the early stages is the usual method. Since the beds are ready in the fall, it remains to make grooves at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other before sowing. If the variety is chosen, then the distance will be smaller, and for tall, on the contrary, more.

If by the time of landing the earth managed to dry, then the grooves are first watered and only then peas are sown.

Planting peas in a greenhouse: Features

Sometimes I want to harvest the first crop in the shortest possible time. In this case, such an option as planting peas in a greenhouse is perfect. If it is not heated, then in March you can do landing. Keep in mind that this cultivation method is suitable only for sugar brain varieties that grow quickly and give a very sweet harvest. Of course, there will be little space in the greenhouse because of the overgrown bushes, but the gardeners often sacrifice it.

In fact, the greenhouse cultivation of culture is carried out as well as in the garden. But just keep in mind that you will have to water the culture more often, since the rains will not do this for you.

The planting process itself is carried out in the same way as in open ground. However, in this case, culture will have to be watered manually.

What can you and not plant peas on one bed?

A bed with peas
A bed with peas

Planting peas is possible not only in a separate bed, but also in conjunction with other cultures. However, the crop yield depends on what exactly will be chosen.

Not bad on one bed the peas coexist with:

  • Strawberry. Its roots are located in the upper soil layer. At the same time, the root system is so small that it will not harm the nearby peas, the roots of which penetrate much deeper. If you plant both crops on one bed, you get a great crop.
  • Zucchini, Patissons, pumpkin and cucumbers. All these crops are active nitrogen consumers. And to provide them with a correctly selected “neighbor”. Which is just peas. At the same time, insects fly well on the smell from the flowers of legumes, and at the same time pollinated and pumpkin.
  • Cabbage. For her, such a neighborhood will also be good. Peas loosen the soil with roots and will not let the neighbor rot. Gardeners recommend planting Peking cabbage near peas. Her taste will become more pleasant and sweet.
  • Potato. Many experienced gardeners know that their neighborhood is simply perfect, because the potato harvest is improving from this. In addition, culture scares away potato pests, the same Colorado beetle. This allows you to save time on processing, as well as the purchase of drugs.
  • Carrot. Essential oils in the tops of carrots are able to drive off pests. If peas are also planted nearby, then they will help each other with growth, which will allow you to get a good harvest.
  • Beet. She also gets along well with peas. The latter does not take the food from the root crop, but gets a support. In this case, there is no need to tie the stalks of the plant.
  • Radish, Daikon. Also a good option. The gardeners note that with such a neighborhood not only yields are improved, but also the taste of root crops.
  • Corn. It is saturated with nitrogen due to peas, and also receives protection for the roots from overheating. As for corn, she not only receives a lot of useful things from peas, but also protects it, becoming a support for the stems.
  • Mustard. She also actively absorbs nitrogen important for growth. At the same time, peas themselves receives useful substances that are important for good yield.
  • Spices. Mint, sage, rosemary and other similar herbs contain essential oils. They scare off pests.

Despite the fact that plants are really capable of becoming a support for peas. It is better not to refuse to tie it.

At the same time, not the best neighbors for peas are: garlic, onions, tomatoes, fennel, sunflower, basil and wormwood. It is also not recommended to plant peas too close to the alfalfa and clover, as well as in the shadow of shrubs and trees.

How to care for peas in open ground: Recommendations

When the landing of the peas is completed, it is important to immediately start preparing structures for the future garter, so that later you do not have to do it urgently. To do this, it is enough to place several pegs around the bed and pull the rope between them. Some pull a special mesh made of metal. This is a very important process, since without support your shoots will simply blow off the wind or dump it. This will significantly affect the future crop.

The most important thing in the care of the peas is timely watering. The fact is that when it is hot and the weather is dry on the street, the plant needs moisture more than ever. But every day, too, you should not get carried away with a subtract. It is enough to wet the earth well every five days. After each watering, be sure to loosen the earth and weed out from all superfluous.

Video: Peas - Planting step by step\u003dhlei0rjxe3c

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