Planting hydrangeas in the spring in open ground: instructions, reviews. How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the spring, summer, autumn?

Planting hydrangeas in the spring in open ground: instructions, reviews. How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the spring, summer, autumn?

From the article you will learn how to properly grow a garden flower.

Hydrangea is a shrub that pleases gardeners throughout the summer with its colors. A very unusual and interesting culture that needs frequent watering, and is ideal for central Russia. In this article, we will tell you how the landing of hydrangea is carried out in open ground. 

Gardenia Gardenia: Planting in open ground

Before you engage in the landing of culture, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons, as well as analyze the climatic conditions, the quality of the soil. The shrub grows well only in certain conditions, and does not please its owners with flowers in dry, sunny latitudes. The rhizome of this plant grows widely, and requires space.

Gardenia, landing in open ground:

  • You can not plant a shrub near the bushes and plants, the roots of which require a lot of space. Keep in mind that this is a moisture -loving culture, so it must often be watered. It is best to have a culture in places where there is an opportunity to control the level of humidity. That is why such plants are planted near reservoirs, or constantly bring mulch, which helps to retain moisture near the roots.
  • Stagnation of water cannot be allowed, this will contribute to rotting of the roots. It is necessary that the place on which hydrangea grows is well illuminated, but there is no access of direct sunlight. It is best to place in areas where multiple sunlight, or slightly shabby terrain. It is worth placing a plant nearby near the house or gazebo, which is located near the river.

When can I plant hydrangea in open ground?

The time of the year, when it is necessary to plant hydrangea into the soil depends on the climatic conditions of the terrain.

When you can plant hydrangea in open ground:

  • It is best to land in early spring, but it is appropriate in regions with a temperate climate, where the soil warms up very quickly. In April, in the middle strip of Russia, hydrangea can be safely planted.
  • If you live in the northern regions, then it is best to wait a bit, to do the landing of culture in May to avoid frosts. At the initial stage, immediately after landing, the culture is sensitive to temperature extremes, and frosts.
  • Some gardeners recommend landing in the fall, which is only appropriate if the region has a soft climate and a fairly warm winter. Experts recommend planting hydrangea in the fall in the southern regions, nearby near the sea. That is, it is the Krasnodar Territory. In the remaining regions, in the middle lane, it is best to land in May or in early June, when the threat of frosts completely passes. 

How to plant hydrangea in open ground?

Gardeners recommend planting a culture in the eastern sides, where the sun is observed early in the morning, and after lunch and noon - partial shade. These are ideal conditions for growing culture. It is necessary that the soil be drained, with acidity no higher than 6. The level is idealp soils from 5.2 to 6.0. This is a slightly acidic environment in which culture grows best. On alkaline soils, the plant turns yellow and falls quickly, gives a very weak color and does not please the owner. 

How to properly plant hydrangea in open ground:

  • For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole, the size of which should be approximately 50 by 50 cm. The depth of the pit should correspond to its width and length. If these are large varieties, then the pit should be more. Its dimensions are 80 by 80 centimeters.
  • Please note that before planting it is necessary to add top dressing to the pit. It is necessary to fill the fertilizer into the prepared pit and pour three water buckets. The recess is left all night. Thus, the soil is well saturated with moisture, and the fertilizer is absorbed into it.
  • In the morning, add a nutrient mixture in the recess, which consists of soil, peat, humus and sand. The ratio should be 2: 2: 1: 1. Sometimes it is recommended to add organic fertilizers with mineral. An ideal option will be a mixture of 25 g of urea, potassium sulfate and 65 g of superphosphate. Often, pine needles are used to increase soil acidity that fall asleep inside the pit. 

Hydrangea landing: distance between bushes

Many gardeners are interested in the question of what distance it is necessary to leave between the hydrangea bushes during planting.

Planting hydrangea, distance between the bushes:

  • If it is a large -leaf culture, then the distance should be approximately 1.5 m.
  • If this is a blizzard, then it is worth increasing the distance to 2.5 m.
  • The bushes grow strongly, give a lush color.
  • Remember, if you decorate the flowerbed, then it is best to observe a distance of 3 m to plantings of other crops. 
Near the house
Near the house

How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the summer?

You can plant hydrangea and in the summer, which is recommended for plants with a closed root system. The main disadvantage is a plant planted in summer, requires more care than that which was planted in spring or autumn.

How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the summer:

  • An ideal time for landing is the first half of June. Do not expect the appearance of flowers in the first year. The first flowering will begin for about the third year. If peduncles are formed ahead of time, they must be cut off.
  • This is necessary in order to strengthen the root system, stimulate the growth of the green part, and also improve the condition of the plant as a whole. After all, flowers significantly weaken the culture, and can make it weak, which will lead to its death. In the summer, it is necessary to dig a hole with parameters of 50 by 50 cm.
  • It is better to make a recess in advance, about three weeks before landing. Make peat, soil, humus, sand in a proportion of 2: 2: 1: 1 in the recess. It is necessary to install seedlings in the recess, straighten the roots so as not to damage them. Pour the roots with the soil and slightly compact.
  • Be sure to pour three buckets of water and mulch the soil. This will retain moisture inside. In no case should he be planted hydrangea during flowering, such crops are not taking root well. If there is such a need, you need to cut the peduncles, only after that to plant. Then the bush will take root well, will not spend energy on flowers. 
Beautiful flowers
Beautiful flowers

How is hydrangea planting in the spring in open ground?

Spring is considered the ideal time for planting hydrangea. This time of the year is most suitable for central Russia, and its northern part. The best time is the end of April or early May. The sequence of landing is slightly different. It is necessary to dig a hole with dimensions of 50 x 50 cm, add a mixture of soil, humus, peat and sand. During this period, a culture with an open root system is planted. 

How the hydrangea is planted in the spring in open ground:

  • It is worth planting a plant with an open root system not in a recess, but forming a hill from a nutrient mixture. The mixture is prepared from soil, peat, humus, sand. It is necessary to form a small hill from the mass, put the plant on top, straighten the root system and sprinkle with the soil.
  • This must be done in such a way that the root neck is visible from under the ground, about 4 cm. The hill and partial exposure of the neck prevents the occurrence of decay. In order for the plant to hold well, it is necessary to compact it and pour it with three buckets of water.
Near the house
Near the house

How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the fall?

In autumn, hydrangea is planted only if it has a well -developed root system.The maturity of the roots will protect the plant fromfreezing, and accelerate its adaptation in a new place.

How to plant hydrangea in open ground in the fall:

  • For the regions of the middle lane, it is better to choose September. If this is the southern part of Russia, you can perform manipulations in October. A hole is dug in size 50 by 50 cm, into which the soil mixture is introduced. It is necessary to pour about 20 liters of water into the hole.
  • During this period, it is best to plant plants by transshipment, so as not to damage the roots even slightly. To do this, the soil is previously moistened in the pot and the bush is neatly extracted along with the lump of soil.
  • Next, it is necessary to plant the plant and fill it with a nutritious soil mixture. You need to leave about 3-4 cm so that the root neck does not rot. Pour abundantly, and only after that perform laying mulch. It can be peat, or coniferous needles. Please note that for care it is necessary to constantly moisturize the soil and mulch the soil in a timely manner.
Beautiful flowers
Beautiful flowers

Planting hydrangea seedlings in open ground in the spring: reviews

The plant needs pruning, and preparation for the winter. This is a moisture -loving culture that does not tolerate heat. Hot areas with bright sunlight are not suitable for plants. You need to spend about 25 liters of water on one watering. In the hot season, watering is carried out every week. The amount of liquid should be at least 20 liters. 

Planting hydrangea seedlings in open ground in the spring, reviews

Elena. I purchased a private house 5 years ago. It was not a very successful acquisition, since the budget was limited. As a result, I had to work hard to put the house in order, and a small area around it. Three years ago, I was engaged in ennolation of the territory, acquired several bushes. The neighbor decided to help me, and gave a small seedlings of hydrangea. I live in a middle lane, I was engaged in landing in May. It was quite hot, so the plant began to fade and the leaves drooped. I had to install a small awning at this place, as well as equip a recreation area. This made it possible to create a shadow, and hydrangea quickly came to her senses. To speed up the adaptation in a new place, watered every week, and made fertilizers. My soil is alkaline on my site, it is constantly necessary to increase its acidity. For this I use spruce andgoal, and fertilizers. 

Veronica. I am not a big fan of gardening, but in order for a shadow to appear in the country, it lands hydrangea. It was not the best choice on my part, the plant does not like heat and it must be often watered. There are no problems with water in the country partnership, I have my own well, but I am not in the country often. That is why it was necessary to install drip irrigation in order to constantly moisturize the soil. Mully the plot near Hydrangea by straw. It grows well, but gives small flowers. I think that the place for her is not the most suitable. I plan to purchase several more shrubs, but not hydrangea, but hardy crops that perceive direct sunlight well. 

Victor. He landed in the dacha near our house a hydrangea 3 years ago. It grows well, I don’t feel any problems with it. I did everything according to the rules, specially prepared a mixture for good drainage. I often water, last year it gave a lot of flowers and grew in width. 

Near the house
Near the house

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It is worth using nutritious soil, with high acidity. Therefore, if cultures grow on the site that love alkaline soil, in no case do not rush to fertilize hydrangea ash, or dolomite flour. After all, these fertilizers contribute to a decrease in acidity, and increase the alkalinity of the soil. The roots are located near the surface, and grow to the side. 

Video: How to plant hydrangea in open ground?


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